- Bishop David Oyedepo on WALKING THE HIGHWAY OF HOLINESS PART 4A at Covenant Day Of Fruitfulness Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || First Sunday Service|| 23rd February 2025.
Nothing flies like favour in the journey of life. One encounter with favour is worth much more than a lifetime of efforts and struggles.

- In the name of Jesus, no one here will miss out of God’s favour the remaining days of his life.
There’s something here the Lord is asking me to share with us. Behind the siege of sin is satan the man of sin. That’s what the Bible calls him. 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3. Church Gist. If you go through that Scripture, it calls him the wicked one. It’s just describing the devil. His name is called the man of sin, the fountain of sin. All unclean spirits are dispatched by him. 1 John 3:7-8. So, it’s the foundation, the beginning of sin. Church Gist. That’s where sin emanates from and I can tell us this, no strength or skill or experience can handle the devil. Ephesians 6:16.
By way of reminder, we have tried to examine a lot of those foul spirits that are there to defile the Believer like unclean spirits, the source of all uncleanliness. Matthew 12:43-45. Church Gist. He goes about, He dispatches those defiling forces all around. The spirit of bondage. Romans 8:15. The spirit of bondage, the spirit of addiction, addiction to non-profitable things, addiction to evil, drugs, all kinds of addictions – they are spirits and they are out to rob people of their glorious destiny in Christ. Church Gist. The spirit of covetousness, the spirit of whoredom, sexual perversion. 1 Thessalonians 4:3. Hosea 5:4. Then, we have the spirit of rebellion, it always terminates and frustrates destiny. Seducing spirits and doctrines of the devil all over town. “Don’t bother about anything, God has taken care of it”. Church Gist. When you get before the Judgment Throne, no witness is required. “This is the man who misled me”, that won’t happen. We appear there, one by one, to the right or to the left.
- May we make it to the right.
1 Timothy 4:1-2. Doctrines of the devil that want to water down the truth, most of the time for their personal gain. Church Gist. Somebody was teaching hard on what he used to oppose before and they asked him, “what’s going on?” He said, “If I don’t do that, they won’t come”. So, he wants them to come, “let’s deceive them, let them come, let’s collect their money”. That’s how adulterated life has become in many people. Church Gist. Seducing spirits, doctrines of the devil. And the spirit of the world which has invaded the Church. Sir, in those days, you can differentiate between a Christian and a non-christian, but today, there’s a mix.
Abraham was a highly prosperous man but a friend of God. He had a business empire but he was a friend of God. He was no cheat. Genesis 14:23. Church Gist. He wasn’t playing big boy all over town. A friend of God, who could hear from God per second per second. Those are the kind of giants that God is raising here. Church Gist. Men and women that to the peak of life by grace, they’re still God’s darling. You’re one of them.

God is not against our advancement and enlargement provided we don’t make a god of them. Church Gist. You make a god of it, He turns His back on you.
- May God never turn His back on any of us.
- may we never get to point where we start boasting that we did what God did. May we not be there stealing His glory.
Very simple question, remember where you were when Jesus picked you. See where grace has brought you to and acknowledge the source of that grace, Jesus and render unto Him according to the benefit He’s done for you. Church Gist. I saw something recently in my studies from 2 Chronicles 32:25. Now, there was this clean triumph that God gave Hezekiah over the King of Assyria, who was a terrorist king of the earth. 2 Chronicles 32:25. I mean, He prepared several shields, weapons of war but he never needed to use one. God sent an Angel and He cut off all the mighty men of Assyria. Church Gist. Read that story from verse 1. He was sick and God healed him and he became the big King in the earth. Everybody was finding out what method he used to destroy the Kingdom of Assyria, he was telling story that didn’t know anything about. Church Gist. He never shot an arrow but he rendered not unto God according to the benefit done unto him and wrath came from Heaven.
- You won’t suffer wrath in your life!
But He quickly repented and God received him back.
Nothing flies like favour in the journey of life. One encounter with favour is worth much more than a lifetime of efforts and struggles.
- In the name of Jesus, no one here will miss out of God’s favour the remaining days of his life.
There’s something here the Lord is asking me to share with us. Behind the siege of sin is satan the man of sin. That’s what the Bible calls him. 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3. Church Gist. If you go through that Scripture, it calls him the wicked one. It’s just describing the devil. His name is called the man of sin, the fountain of sin. All unclean spirits are dispatched by him. 1 John 3:7-8. So, it’s the foundation, the beginning of sin. Church Gist. That’s where sin emanates from and I can tell us this, no strength or skill or experience can handle the devil. Ephesians 6:16.
By way of reminder, we have tried to examine a lot of those foul spirits that are there to defile the Believer like unclean spirits, the source of all uncleanliness. Matthew 12:43-45. Church Gist. He goes about, He dispatches those defiling forces all around. The spirit of bondage. Romans 8:15. The spirit of bondage, the spirit of addiction, addiction to non-profitable things, addiction to evil, drugs, all kinds of addictions – they are spirits and they are out to rob people of their glorious destiny in Christ. Church Gist. The spirit of covetousness, the spirit of whoredom, sexual perversion. 1 Thessalonians 4:3. Hosea 5:4. Then, we have the spirit of rebellion, it always terminates and frustrates destiny. Seducing spirits and doctrines of the devil all over town. “Don’t bother about anything, God has taken care of it”. Church Gist. When you get before the Judgment Throne, no witness is required. “This is the man who misled me”, that won’t happen. We appear there, one by one, to the right or to the left.
- May we make it to the right.
1 Timothy 4:1-2. Doctrines of the devil that want to water down the truth, most of the time for their personal gain. Church Gist. Somebody was teaching hard on what he used to oppose before and they asked him, “what’s going on?” He said, “If I don’t do that, they won’t come”. So, he wants them to come, “let’s deceive them, let them come, let’s collect their money”. That’s how adulterated life has become in many people. Church Gist. Seducing spirits, doctrines of the devil. And the spirit of the world which has invaded the Church. Sir, in those days, you can differentiate between a Christian and a non-christian, but today, there’s a mix.
Abraham was a highly prosperous man but a friend of God. He had a business empire but he was a friend of God. He was no cheat. Genesis 14:23. Church Gist. He wasn’t playing big boy all over town. A friend of God, who could hear from God per second per second. Those are the kind of giants that God is raising here. Church Gist. Men and women that to the peak of life by grace, they’re still God’s darling. You’re one of them.
God is not against our advancement and enlargement provided we don’t make a god of them. Church Gist. You make a god of it, He turns His back on you.
- May God never turn His back on any of us.
- may we never get to point where we start boasting that we did what God did. May we not be there stealing His glory.
Very simple question, remember where you were when Jesus picked you. See where grace has brought you to and acknowledge the source of that grace, Jesus and render unto Him according to the benefit He’s done for you. Church Gist. I saw something recently in my studies from 2 Chronicles 32:25. Now, there was this clean triumph that God gave Hezekiah over the King of Assyria, who was a terrorist king of the earth. 2 Chronicles 32:25. I mean, He prepared several shields, weapons of war but he never needed to use one. God sent an Angel and He cut off all the mighty men of Assyria. Church Gist. Read that story from verse 1. He was sick and God healed him and he became the big King in the earth. Everybody was finding out what method he used to destroy the Kingdom of Assyria, he was telling story that didn’t know anything about. Church Gist. He never shot an arrow but he rendered not unto God according to the benefit done unto him and wrath came from Heaven.
- You won’t suffer wrath in your life!
But He quickly repented and God received him back.
We are in the days of great exploits, the greatest temptation of this age is pride and it is a destroyer.
-No one here shall be destroyed.
So behind all those forces, all those defiling forces is the devil. Church Gist. There are agents, he dispatches them to go after the redeemed and see how many they can bring down.

-You shall not be brought down.
As mentioned earlier, every vision or revelation in the Kingdom delivers by faith not by strength or skill or experience but by faith. Habakkuk 2:1-4. Whosoever thinks that he can deliver God’s agenda by his strength is wasting his life. It never happens. The just shall take delivery of God’s agenda in his life by his faith. Habakkuk 2:1-4. Church Gist. Every vision delivers by faith. In the same vein, every revelation of truth delivers by faith. Luke 1:45. Romans 10:7. So it takes faith to see any revelation come to pass in a man’s life. Now, what that means is this: Holiness is impossible in the energy of the flesh. Sanctification is impossible by the strength of a believer. Impossible! Because these are arrows from the devil. The answer to it is faith.
Ephesians 6:16. Isaiah 53:1-4. We must believe that report, that someone already paid the price so we can enjoy the goodies. “Sin shall no more have dominion over you” is a decree from the Father and without faith it can never be delivered. So I must believe, you must believe that sin has no more right of dominion over your life and my life. It takes faith to provoke divine manifestations. Hebrews 11:5-6. Faith is a must for anyone that must please God. Church Gist. Faith is a must! Sir, if you don’t get it by faith you’ll be proud and (being) proud will cut you down. It comes by faith. Faith is a must for anyone that must please God. I’d like us to know this so that you don’t get yourself wounded. Just let loose your faith. If God said so then He has made it possible and as I believe I’ll see it. God cannot say: “Be ye holy” if He has not made the provision required to be holy, His commandments are not grievous. So He has made provisions for it and it is faith that turns His provisions to manifestations. It is the individual’s faith that determines what truth comes to pass in his or her lives.
Jesus said unto those blind men, “according to your faith, be it unto you!” “According to your faith!” The reason why sanctification is out of many people’s vocabulary is that they have tried, they couldn’t deliver. “This cannot be true oo jare!” No! You are not called to try, you are called to trust. Psalm 125:1. Heaven is real and many must get there, therefore I must get there. Church Gist. So the reason why people now go about and say: ‘it’s grace and grace’ is because they have tried in their strength, they have engaged in resolutions every year and they break it before January is over. And they have done that year after year! – “This thing doesn’t work.” If believers will believe God for holiness just the same way they believe for healing. Habawa! We’ll be out! Many have been close to the grave but they came out by faith in the healing provision. So if we throw our faith like that to the holiness provision, it will become a reality.
Many at their downtrodden levels, they have believed the Word of Breakthroughs and they began to breakthrough. If they believed the Word of Holiness the same way, it would be with the same results. One of the books you may not find in the hand of any charismatics now is the book on Holiness. No! What are you doing with it? That’s the Old Testament and all those Scriptures you are confessing, are they New Testament? “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want” is that New Testament? It’s time to understand that your effort and my effort can’t fly. Church Gist. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. If you get it through any other means it will stir pride and pride will destroy. God is set to set a seal on this subject today. As our faith comes alive, in the reality of sanctification and holiness which are non-negotiable requirements for securing a place in eternity. Non-negotiable requirements! Jesus is busy building mansions, He won’t build what He won’t use. So people are ordained to be there. He said it becomes that some must enter and those who didn’t enter didn’t enter because of unbelief. So we must throw our faith loose to enter.
“I’ve tried, Jesus, to free myself and it hasn’t worked but I know You paid the price for my freedom from the boundage of trespass and iniquity and You came down with a verdict that sin shall no more have dominion over me. Church Gist. I believe You for freedom; from this assault of the enemy. Set me free Jesus according to Your Word.” Lay hold on His Word and walk yourself out and walk your way out.
(Without faith), it’s impossible to please God. If the Bible says it’s impossible, don’t try it! No truth of Scripture will ever come to pass in our lives without faith. Mark 9:23. Now, salient question. Is it possible to be holy? (Yes) Jesus even went further and this is very serious, Matthew 5:48 and Jesus is the Truth, He’s the Way, He’s the Life. Church Gist. That means there is a way to it and I can tell you this, the way to it is Faith. The way to it is faith. When faith comes alive on any subject matter, God’s hand is stretched forth to deliver. Isaiah 53:1. Whatever is not impossible for the hand of God to deliver is made possible by faith. Whatever God can do, faith will make happen. (x5) Ephesians 5:26,27. Whatever this God can do, your faith and my faith can make happen.
- Therefore, all the debris of sin blocking our access to the provisions of redemption, I curse them today.
John 8:36. Matthew 1:21. So, we can be free indeed from a life of sin. We can be free indeed from a life of filthiness. We can be free indeed from a life of pride, covetousness, greed and avarice. We can be free indeed. John 8:32. Church Gist. The truth of our freedom lies in faith. Faith must come alive for you and me to be free. Faith in the purity of redemption. Faith in the sacrifice that Jesus offered on the Cross must come alive and then we are free. Thank you, Jesus.
It’s just like somebody trying to be healed. You’ll be wasting your time. You can’t try to be healed, you believe to be healed. “Thy faith hath made thee whole” Not your effort. They were throwing somebody down from the roof, Jesus saw their faith, He didn’t see their efforts, He saw their faith. Church Gist. That man said “Look, even if I fall down in His presence, I’m okay. But if I can only get down there, I’ll be made whole.” He was made whole. Everyone that God healed in the Bible, God healed by faith. Anyone that will live to please God can’t succeed, except by faith.
- Somebody is free!
It is repeatedly stated in Scriptures, “The just shall live by faith” Romans 1:17. Galatians 3:11. Our justification that is triggered by righteousness is only a reality by faith. Church Gist. Hebrews 10:38. “Now, the just shall live be faith, but if any man draws back from faith and retrieves into efforts, I’ll leave him to try his best, I’ll turn my back.”

- In the precious name of Jesus, anything you disown today will not recapture you.
- Anything you disown by faith in the finished work of Christ, you are free from it forever.
- and so shall it be! Somebody’s story has just changed.
- Anything you hate to see in your life anymore and you trust in the finished work of Christ for it, you are free from it today.
Just like we draw virtue through faith to be healed, we must have to draw virtue by faith to live a sanctified life and get on the highway of holiness. That Woman touched the hem of His garment and Jesus said “Virtue has left me, somebody touched me” and she was made whole selfsame hour. Church Gist. So, when faith comes alive on the provision of holiness, we draw virtue from Jesus that sets us free. Every report of redemption is only realized by faith including healing, including salvation. We are saved by grace through faith, not of your own lest any man should boast, not of works. Every provision of Scripture including freedom from sin and unrighteousness delivers by faith and faith delivers by tapping into the virtue of Christ that sets free. Church Gist. So, put your faith on the line. Amen? Put your faith on the line. Take time on the Book of Holiness that provides Word solution. Why do we have to do what we do? Because faith is not just believing God, faith is obeying God to prove that we believe Him. Faith without works is dead, so we believe God by obeying what His Word says to do to deliver what He has provided. Can I hear your Amen? So, it’s not effort now, it’s faith.
For instance, who pays me? “You are in my appointment, just stay on duty” Now, my stay on duty is a proof that I believe Him and by staying on duty, He has never stopped paying me, no matter who is angry, He keeps paying me. Praise God. No matter who is insulting you, He keeps paying you. Church Gist. They can’t stop your payment in your office because bus driver insulted you, that doesn’t count, it’s not part of the deed, it’s not in the contract. Stay on duty, stay off wrong company, flee from every appearance of evil. They are all a demonstration of your faith, faith in God who has set you and I free by the gruesome price on the Cross
- Somebody’s story has changed.
Let me conclude by saying, holiness is a win-win virtue, you win here, you win there. Church Gist. Unholiness is a lose-lose game. You lose here and you lose there, make your choice.
- No one here will end up a loser in the name of Jesus. (x3)
Even our prayer line is rendered helpless because sin constitutes a barrier, no connectivity. Church Gist. “Whatever you ask in prayer, believe you will receive.” Now, God can’t hear, how will He answer?
- It’s a new day for you!
- Whatever sin has robbed any of us, a new day is here!
- No more loss!
- I decree supernatural recovery of everything that anyone may have lost in the battle against sin in the name of Jesus Christ!
Today is our Covenant Day of Fruitfulness. When one is born again, he becomes a seed of Abraham and a partaker of the blessings of Abraham. Deuteronomy 7:14…that is God’s proclaimed blessing on the seed of Abraham. Church Gist. Galatians 3:13-14,29. So whatever God proclaimed on the seed of Abraham becomes your portion and my portion as a seed of Abraham.
- Therefore, every seed of Abraham in the house today, I declare you supernaturally fruitful in the name of Jesus!
As seeds of Abraham, we have been redeemed from the curse of barrenness. Deuteronomy 28:18…but Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law and brought us into the blessings of Abraham. Church Gist. So as a child of God, you are uncursable.
- Whether generational curses, diabolical curses, whatever curse is behind anyone’s barrenness, that curse is declared broken!
Here Are Some Covenant Terms For Fruitfulness:
- Be born again and remain so. Be born again with biblical evidence of salvation. That makes you and I a bonafide child or seed of Abraham and so you come under that Abrahamic covenant of fruitfulness. Let your life bring forth fruit of repentance not theoretical change of story. Church Gist. Let there be manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit in your life. Not “I’m born again, you are born again.” No! (It’s) vital, crucial (and) important. The covenant of fruitfulness demands new birth for access.
- For every child of God in the house, today is your day!
- Serving God as a way of life. Exodus 23:25-26. So serving God cancels out miscarriage and barrenness. Serving God and the interest of His Kingdom as a lifestyle exempts a believer from the siege of miscarriage and barrenness. Church Gist. The fruit of the womb is His reward for those who are serving Him. Psalm 127:3. “After 40 years of waiting, Jesus stepped in. After all medical efforts, Jesus came in.”
- Keep rejoicing. It’s a hard instruction for anyone called barren yet, it’s the covenant way out. Isaiah 54:1…there are more children inside you than you can ever imagine. His ways are everlasting. It’s the way out. Church Gist. First time Hannah returned home and ate bread and her countenance was no more sad and then God stepped in. Abraham was strong in faith giving glory to God and God stepped in.
- Therefore today, I curse the root of depression in everyone’s life who is called barren!
Let go (of) your mockers. Forgive them for all the insults. Write it off. I know Him whom I have believed and I am persuaded He is up to anything He says. So my case is settled today. Church Gist. That’s your portion! Joel 1:12. Don’t let go (of) your joy or you will destroy your harvest.
Here comes a prophetic word like Hannah received it and her countenance was no more sad and God remembered her;
- As the Lord lives whose I am and whom I serve, the One who sent me on this mission to wipe away tears from the face of all men, today is declared your day of visitation!
- No more waiting!
- You are bound to testify!
- Everyone called barren, every man called impotent, (they were for a prey and none delivereth – God sent me for your deliverance), in the name of Jesus, today is declared your day of liberty!
- It’s done!
No word from heaven or in scripture has ever come to pass without faith in the part of the recipient. Faith. Jesus prayed over them, they were not healed. He marveled at their unbelief. Let your faith come alive as a seed of Abraham, I am not permitted to be barren. Church Gist. Not even my livestock. I read that scripture to a woman in 1983, a Baptist woman who had been barren for 18 years. I asked the woman, “Do you know how to read?” Cause I had just come across it that time. I now saw faith all over her face. I said, it is done. Not even your cattle can be barren, so you are free. She delivered a bouncing baby boy. She delivered after 18 years.

By the response of faith to the world. You are here this morning, it is your turn. I met a woman in 1983 that had no womb. I don’t know if we have that kind of person here this morning. That woman had no womb. They had gone round the world by reason of their status, but nothing could be done. Womb, empty. Church Gist. No where to carry the child and I said, “Woman, John 10:10 says, the thief come to steal, to kill and to destroy. But I have come to replace in perfect form what the thief has stolen.
There is nowhere they sell womb in the market. Only Jesus has it. No manufacturer lacks spare parts for his products so he has womb in stock. The day she was giving her testimony very humorously, I was the one ministering at the full Gospel meeting when they were giving their testimony and it was awesome. Jesus is still doing miracles today. The good news is that you are packing your own.
In the same vain, any barren area of anyone’s life is turned to fruitfulness today. Last Wednesday made it 56 years that I met Jesus. Sir, no dry season. Church Gist. From this day, in your life and family, no more dry season. In the works of your hand, no more dry season.
Now, please stand. Those that came with their points of contact, lift them up before the Lord. Lift them up before the Lord right now, because God is turning them to children. For those who don’t understand the significance of prophetic instructions, please take it from now. Whatever you don’t believe never comes true in your life. Church Gist. A woman brought 3 items and delivered a set of triplets. “I don’t think I believe in that.” You better stop suffering yourself. Go to Jordan and deep yourself 7 times. No. You are not the one to determine what He does.
Today, for those who didn’t come along. Maybe you didn’t hear. Write it down. What number of children are you looking for? What sexes are you looking for? Church Gist. One of my daughters in Abuja said to me, “20 years ago, you asked me, daughter, how many children do you want?” I said 4. You said that is it, 4 only. They had 4 and that was it. In the Name of Jesus, whatever number of children you are trusting God for today is delivered for a testimony. It was everyone else’s day before, but today is your day.
One of the areas of grace we have seen in this commission since inception, is supernatural fruitfulness. Now, receive your own today. Would you do something. Give names to those children now where you are. I am welcoming you, your name is this. Whatever you do by faith today, it turns to a testimony in your life. You are standing in for a set of twins, receive them now. Church Gist. 2 boys, 1 boy, 1 girl, 2 girls. Whatever you are standing in for today, receive it now! Somebody is standing for a set of triplets. We saw 3 boys here the other time, 2 Sundays ago.
Now, in the Name of Jesus, your said desire is delivered. Every negative medical verdict is reverted. You have come to Jesus, the great physician. Your case is supernaturally settled. So shall it be. 9 months time, you are before the altar of the Lord. Your visitation is now.
A woman dealt with me somewhere in US. I was there for a meeting and she saw security here and there. She said today na today. She put her leg, I stumbled. She told the husband, “I am pregnant.” He said, “Eh! Just now?” She delivered in 9 months time. Faith was alive.
Therefore, for everyone whose faith is in place, today is declared your day. I see those children brought before the altar of the Lord. No still birth, no miscarriage in the Name of Jesus. So shall it be in Jesus Name. Church Gist. Remember we are in our season of supernatural turnaround. Please, don’t play down on this season. Seasons of life are irreversible. When dry season is gone, it is gone. Don’t let this year pass you by, without maximizing the blessings therein. Don’t be found doing nothing. There is space for everybody to engage at their various levels. Including the aged, nursing mothers, advanced pregnancies. Engaging on the prayer altar. Pray for souls to be saved and established in the faith.
Everybody, just be out for Jesus. The end result will be all round rest. There shall be no more concerns in any area of your life as you choose to make this season your season. Choose to make this season your season. Many people’s stories are already changing. You can’t afford to remain an onlooker. So, get on your feet and engage. Engage spiritually, engage faithfully, engage diligently, engage sacrificially. Your star will rise. Church Gist. This season will mark the end of dry seasons in your life.

Somebody said, it is not possible, every day cannot be Christmas. The Bible said, if you let me lead you, only goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life. God said, if you let me shepherd your life, only good ness and mercy will be following you all the days of your life and he daily loadeth us with his benefits. Daily means everyday. Everyday is your Christmas when you let God lead you. Allow Him to lead you. You are going to begin to experience a new dawn in your life in the Name of Jesus. So shall it be. Lift up your 2 hands and give God thanks, everybody.