Give thanks to God and celebrate Him for the massive influx of souls into church tomorrow. Give Him thanks specifically for the mighty rushing wind tomorrow in our midst. Give Him thanks give him glory for all the converts you have made, in Jesus precious name we have given thanks.
Lord Jesus we want to celebrate you one more time, thank you for the massive wind of your spirit these past seven weeks, Father thank you for the breakthroughs, deliverance, healings ever since this operation began. Receive our thanks in the name of Jesus. This morning we look up to You to draw conclusions on all the engagements of this season and this time tomorrow let there be no room in the inn, all the overflows will overflow and the name of the Lord Jesus will be glorified.
After Jesus heard that Lazarus is sick, he waited two days more because He knew Lazarus was dead. At the end He said “Folks, let’s go to Bethany and wake Lazarus up for he is asleep” (John 11:41). Jesus got there and said “Father thank you for you have heard Me”.
“Heard me” means that He had prayed earlier. Thanksgiving is your spiritual conclusion of every prayer engagement. Thanksgiving is your spiritual conclusion of every prophecy that will come to pass (1 Thessalonians 5:18, Hebrews 10:36). The prophetic word of Lazarus came through at the end of the instance of Thanksgiving. (John11:44). At the instance of thanksgiving, death gave up.
Therefore we are going to thank Him and praise Him because He has heard us (1 John 5:14). How do I know He has heard us? Because we have prayed according to His will. God’s principal will on the earth is that all men be saved. God’s core will on the earth is that no soul goes to hell, for hell is not prepared for men but for the devil and his angels (Mathew 25:41). We have prayed the will of God, so we are asked to be confident that He has heard us.
Judah prayed and fasted to be rescued from the hands of those three kings of the Amorites and God said “Just praise Me and watch me take over”. As they began to sing and praise, God took over.
-God is taking over this morning. We are going to see the level of influx we have never known or seen before in this commission all over the world.
I am sure you are not aware that our cell replication agenda has gone up by 82 per cent in foreign countries from where we were last year.
Paul and Silas prayed, no sign, no voice. They sang praises, God came down. (Acts 16:25-30). Paul and Silas prayed and drew conclusion to their prayers by singing loud praises and then God came down. That is how to draw conclusions concerning answers to your promise and fulfillment of God’s prophetic word.
On the day of Pentecost, there was 250 per cent increase in the church. Every member bearing 25 souls in one day, tomorrow is our day of Pentecost. Lift up your hands and one more time give Him thanks and dance before the Lord.
Jesus will have another triumphant entry into this place tomorrow in the name of Jesus.
- Be filled with the joy of harvest. All through the day it shall be joy and rejoicing for you. Every one you contact will be with joy.
- Whoever you say “come” to tomorrow, will come.
- Get ready for your own bumper harvest.
So let us draw practical conclusion in reaching out to all our contacts to be available for service tomorrow, everyone is returning with their own all-round rest key and they will walk in it all the days of their life in Jesus name.
Remember tomorrow is our Special Harvest Thanksgiving, we are just going to be dancing before the Lord and He will visit us like never before in the name of Jesus Christ.
We serve a God of “this time tomorrow”. This time tomorrow Jesus is hosting the highest multitude ever gathered in this place and the same in all our centers all around the world.
God told me we are going to begin to experience flight order of testimonies. When you go to a meeting on foot, there is no noise that you have arrived, when you go with a car, the noise is heavier but when you go with an helicopter, everybody knows you have arrived.
- Your flight order of testimony is springing out of this operation. Testimony that you don’t have to share, that just speaks on its own.
You are stepping into your flight order of testimonies as a result of this operation, so what ever remains go ahead and do it today.
-For all your labours all through this season, be visited. With flight order of testimonies, be visited. With testimonies that cannot be denied, be visited.
-What ever manifests in the lives of those who serve God in spirit and truth begins to manifest in your lives.
Lift up those two hands and begin to give God praise from the depth of your heart.
CHoP is an acronym of Covenant Hour of Prayer