WHAT MAKES THIS MINISTRY A MYSTERY TO MANY || Bishop David Oyedepo at September 2024 Leadership Empowerment Summit || 7th September 2024.

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on WHAT MAKES THIS MINISTRY A MYSTERY TO MANY at September 2024 Leadership Empowerment Summit || 7th September 2024.

Empowerment is in degrees, we have the ankle deep empowerment, the knee deep empowerment, waist deep empowerment and the empowerment that is like rivers that cannot be crossed. This is in degrees. Ezekiel 47:1-5. People think that they don’t need to be empowered because they are already empowered. Church Gist. Agreed. We saw power in Acts 2, we saw great power in Acts 4. Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit in chapter 4 of Luke and they say mighty power in Chapter 9. So it is in degrees. Moves! So crave for empowerment into next levels. You have gone round that mountain long enough. Crave for empowerment into next levels.

The Apostles saw great power in Acts 2, they saw great power in Acts 4. It is always on the move. There is what we call exceeding great power and that comes by revelation. Ephesians 2:7. That is empowerment that comes through revelation. That you may know. Please crave next level empowerment. We need to move forward. Church Gist. We are here to seek empowerment into next levels. Some folks thought that because they are baptized in the Holy Ghost, they are empowered. That is registering in 100 Level at the School Of Power. Can you convocate at that? In this school, there is no end. You go from level to level until you come to the point of a river that cannot be crossed over. That is you are almost a spirit. That’s where we are going. The world is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God.

I am touching on something very sensitive today and I want you to please listen. WHAT MAKES THIS MINISTRY A MYSTERY TO MANY. What is about this ministry that makes it a mystery to many.

The first part we look at for the few minutes we have is I am sent. Not by merit, but I am sent. God will ever back up the sent when he goes about on the mission he is sent. He sent the seventy to places where He Himself will come. He will always back up the sent when they are on a mission for which they are sent. There are many on the go according to scriptures that are not sent. Jeremiah 23:21. Being sent is an election of grace. Romans 11:5. Just like our salvation has been predetermined before the foundation of the world, there is an election of grace. 2 Peter 1:10. It is not your skill, your calling an election. It is not your experience but your calling, an election. Church Gist. A call to ministry is an election of grace, it has nothing to do with your geography, your chemistry, your engineering, your I.T., it is an election of grace. Are you saying you are the only one sent? Never! Capital no! The great commission requires a great company of people. There is no great organization without a great company of people. So there are many other people sent. Many may not be going about what they are sent to do, that is between them and who sent them. Many are sent but are ill equipped. 2 Peter 1:5-8.


The Lord gave the Word and great is the company that publish it. Many may not be concerned about what they are sent to publish but they are concerned about what others are doing so they lose out in the race. I may therefore not know who is sent and who is not sent, all I know: By grace that I’m sent. But where are the proofs you were sent? 1 Thessalonians 5:24. I’ve been watching the film of the happenings in this Ministry. I get surprised what He does, the same way an outsider would do. That talks about the backing of the Caller. Church Gist. 1 Thessalonians 5:24. The undeniable hand of God has been evident in my life and over this Commission for well over 4 decades. Every supposed discovery begins as an hypothesis. We’ve tasted over a period of time, it’s called a theory. When it’s now considered proven, it becomes a law. We have seen God graduate us from hypotheses where people mock: “What are they talking about? These folks are off their mind. We have moved to the point of exclamation. Can you see what is happening?

-That’s where you are moving to.

Jesus said: “My Father Who dwelleth in Me, He doeth the works.” You are sent. He only used you as a front for what He does. John 14:10. Philippians 2:13. So no merit. You studied, He stirred you to and helps you to. So the Glory goes to Him. In the month of May 2011, an evil wind blew; came through Faith Tabernacle. Church Gist. Those who were there on Sunday that time, they were busy closing the windows. It was the strongest wind, it has never repeated itself. Went straight to Goshen, same wind! Sunday morning. Matthew 16:18. The wind was strong enough to lift the roof but can’t. The Builder is on duty!

-That’s the place you are!

The battle against this Church was fierce from the beginning. So fierce but the victory is so evident.

-The good news is, we are going forward!

There was a bomb attempt in Owerri Church in 2014. Foiled. Bomb scare in Garden of Faith on 8th January 2012, foiled. Sabo Church had one wired-up suicide bomber. Foiled! “I will build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Long and short, God never leaves the saints alone. God never backs out on an assignment He has given. Church Gist. 4 May 1998, we were about 6 or 8 of us on board; our flight to Kano and suddenly the plane was slowing down in the air and I said: “Look! Let me talk to the captain, what’s going on?” He said: “We have just lost one engine. I said: “Can you make your way back to Lagos?” We had gone 30 minutes in the air. Whatever went with the first engine, we don’t know. Whether it was already running to knock the second engine but we landed. Come on, give the Lord praise!

God has also continued to confirm His Word amongst us in signs and wonders and diverse miracles over the years. I have a witness in the house? Miracles no dey finish here. And who is at work? God. Mark 16:20. The reason I cry a number of times is: What they testify of I didn’t know when it happened. It’s not you, it’s not me, it’s God. I’ve never had virtue left me once since I came into ministry. Church Gist. But Jesus, somebody touched Him, He said: “Virtue left Him.” If all the ones touching me, virtue loses me, I will be dead. So, I’m simply a pipe through which His virtue flows. If it’s in my virtue, I will get tired. What am I saying? The sent will always enjoy the backing of the one that sent. The backing of the Sender. And what happens is by the virtue of the Sender that flows through him not him. If you think your qualification is why God called you, you have missed it.

We are going to harvest testimonies of Salvation, deliverance, breakthroughs in all areas attesting to the validation of the Liberation Mandate. John 10:37. Supernatural supplies have continued to answer to us since inception. How? Luke 22:35. He has a running budget for all His Kingdom agenda on the Earth. Can I just say this? This is one ministry where you will never be under pressure till Jesus comes in your giving. Church Gist. No! Someone came into our Church in 1990 in Kaduna and was raising an enforced offering – A friend, a respected friend and then he was calling people out to come and give what they don’t have because I know them, they are my people; I know what they have. So after the service, I called them to my office and I said: “I release you from that pledge.” He wasn’t taking the offering away, no!

God told me longest time, “don’t raise money, raise men and you’ll have more money than you’ll ever need for ministry”. 1996, we took an offering for an aircraft, you’d think we were going to buy a bicycle. Church Gist. “Hello. God just told me this morning it’s time to get the aircraft. 2 Corinthians 8:12. God is not in need. So if you want to give, why not? Let’s go ahead”. Mentioned only once. He knows we didn’t say we want aircraft, He’s the one who said He got the aircraft we should go and collect it. Can I hear your Amen? Till tomorrow, I didn’t ask what did they get. I didn’t ask the question, “what did you get in the offering”. Church Gist. There’s no way that offering can buy the tyre of the aircraft. That was our level, all of us. Did they buy it or not? Nine months time, the plane landed. Church Gist. And not just going around Nigeria, going everywhere around the world. Come on, give the Lord the praise. Without borrowing, without pressure.

  • something great is happening to you.

Jacob said when he awoke from sleep, “So, God has been here and I knew it not”. You need to know that behind the happenings in this ministry is God. Church Gist. Behind the great stories of this Church is Jesus, the Master Builder. We also are witnesses that God has come to send His Word in our midst, the sent Word, the Word in season, the right Word. There’s no month that God does not confirm the prophetic focus for the month. Church Gist. They come fresh and they impart fresh grace on people. And the Lord gave the Word, He gave. The secret things belong to Him, only what He releases can belong to us. Church Gist. He gives, He reveals. So, behind those revelations, He’s the giver. Praise God.

Too many stories to tell. A friend of mine came to our convention at Shiloh and was taking an offering and I was a bit disturbed. So, I made my regular sound, “shh. Let’s stop it there”. Church Gist. Amen? It’s an offering for this place but no. Exodus 35:5. What he has and is willing to give, let him give. These are tangible evidence, we can relate to it as to whether a man is sent or not. No sent prophet depends on people for supplies. No sent Apostle counts on people for the ministry to work. Church Gist. He causes men and women to stand by such individuals in their respective callings to fulfill the assignment.

  • can I hear your Amen.

The purpose of this first segment is to let you know, you are not in a man-made place. Church Gist. This place is ordained for your decoration, your elevation, your expansion and your breakthroughs. Lamentations 3:37. Deuteronomy 18:21-22. We have unusual access to the future by the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We are here today, this was spoken of 17 years before it came to be – Faith Tabernacle. Awesome God. Now that you know that God is here, it should inform our response to any responsibility that we have. We are not serving a man, we are not serving a system, we are serving Christ. Church Gist. So, eye service should stop. Ephesians 6:6. It’s God saying and God is in the centre of it, God is watching over everybody’s input. 2 Chronicles 16:9. You may come to Church some day and you find a Word coming to address your issue, maybe you fought with your spouse and the word came and said, “why are you fighting with your spouse?” “Maybe he text him that we’re fighting”. Church Gist. We had a case in Kaduna years ago, there was no mobile phone, so, nobody can text anybody. The land phone has to ring forever before it answers, even from the next door. And they fought on suya the previous night and then, I was speaking and the Holy Ghost said, “how can a family be fighting over suya?” The two came to Church same time, no one saw me before the service but the Holy Ghost saw them and that little thing can lead to divorce but Jesus dealt with it. Church Gist. They smiled at each other and departed home smiling. God found us and helped us out. So, when you come carnal, anything spoken, “somebody has told somebody somewhere”. You’re in a prophetic place and is out to help. Church Gist. Prophets are helpers. Ezra 5:2. Prophets are primarily helpers, they help us out of crisis.

  • it’s your turn.

The good news is, you’re in the right place, so make the most of it by your positive responses to whatever God commands to do. Church Gist. You’re a cell minister, carry out your job with passion, “I’m doing as unto God. I’m not serving a Church. I’m not serving a Leader, I’m serving Jesus who is a rewarder of them that diligently serve Him. Church Gist. I thank you for the privilege, Jesus” and that is it. He tests us with small before He moves us forward.

  • May we keep passing the test from phase to phase in our stewardship.
  • Stand to your feet.

Now, everytime the Word truly enters, it stirs joy. When you find a man (grumbling), nothing has entered. Has anything entered you this morning? Church Gist. The same way has never placed pressure on your life, you won’t know pressure again in your business, family, career and vacation. You will not know pressure again. They said we keep smiling triumphantly over every attack of the wicked, from today on, you keep smiling. Church Gist. He that sitteth in Heaven shall laugh, now, where are you seated? What do they do there? Now, laugh the devil off your life. Thank you Jesus and blessed be your name.

  • Give the Lord a big hand of praise everybody.
  • we are in for the best of time.
    A spiritual environment to which one is genuinely connected can be highly contagious. Any spiritual environment that you are genuinely connected to naturally impacts on your life. Church Gist. Saul came into the midst of the prophets, he began to prophesy. 1 Samuel 10:10.

The purpose of this is, while it may look like a mystery to others, we on the inside should have a genuine understanding, a true understanding of what is going on. That’s the purpose. Church Gist. Heaven’s signature for approved truth is in signs and wonders. Acts 2:22. God’s validation, God’s authentication of any mandate is manifested in signs, wonders and diverse miracles. 2 Timothy 2:15.

Therefore, any truth that keeps resulting in signs and wonders is an approved truth of Scriptures. Church Gist. Please, understand that we are in for the best of time.


In this Impartation Session, I will go through these three lines.

  1. Access and adherence to the ways of God as contained in Scriptures. This includes: Kingdom principles, instructions, corrections and warnings. 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Access and adherence to the ways of God. Church Gist. From the onset, He told me “I will only build my Church not your Church” and so, it has never come out of my mouth “my Church” because He won’t build it. “I will only build my Church not your Church.”

“You are not sent by the people, you are sent by me. You are sent to the people, you are not sent by the people. Don’t let their looks scare you.” I kept it. Otherwise, there was no way to get out of Kaduna when we did if I didn’t understand that “that I am sent to the people not by the people.” We had an eviction notice in our property (the Church facility). Church Gist. We had not relocated, we had not found the way to relocate to and God said, “arise, get down to Lagos.” “You are not sent by the people, you are sent to the people but you are sent by me.”

Matthew 6:22…and He painted the picture to me in 1 Kings 20:39-40 (a prophetic proverb). That kept me on duty, untiringly without feeling weary or bored. 1 Thessalonians 4:11. You won’t have commentaries on ministries or Churches here. No! Church Gist. On this altar! Never! How? A soccer player and a fan, they are not in the same realm. The fan can be jesting, making jests of the players. The player is busy playing, busy playing.

It’s never late to be right – He taught me. So when I say, you are wrong, turn! It’s never late to make a u-turn. Church Gist. 2 Chronicles 25:9. It’s never late to be right. A u-turn is never late when you are on a wrong road.
The ways of God are higher than the ways of men. Church Gist. You can’t walk the ways of God and not experience the higher hand of God on your life. The ways of God are the highways of life.

I was asking the Lord when we were coming to go into full time ministry, “who pays me?” Because, to beg, I am ashamed and He came through. Luke 10:1. “Go on your assignment, you are in my appointment (He said). I am responsible – stay on duty.” Luke 10:7. I have never branched anyone, anywhere till date, “can you help?” The ways of God are the highways of life. Deuteronomy 15:6. Proverbs 22:7. Church Gist. Matthew 6:24. I said, “Jesus, I choose you. I despise the lender. I enter into a vow against borrowing” 1981 till date, free and free indeed. Not owing any man, never asked for a bank overdraft in my life. He keeps His Word when we choose to keep it. He keeps His Word. It may look strange to some people, no, that’s what I found. Why am I saying this? Acts 4:13. There must be evidence that you belong to this Commission, Sir. Every where I belong to, I found out they’re operating the same realm without any discussion and they were ahead of me, far ahead of me. “I don’t believe that” It’s your cup of tea. Church Gist. No one can make anybody believe what he doesn’t want to believe. The brethren of Jesus did not believe Him. John 7:1-4. Matthew 9:29. What a joy to be free! For your ministry to be free, for your Church to be free from indebtedness with all the magnitude of the acts of God that we see. I entered into a vow when I saw it and by grace, He has helped me.

When my time comes in my old age, I will write it down, “Anyone who borrows for this Ministry has turned his back on God” Church Gist. That is, you are borrowing for Church. That is, God, we know you need help, we want to help you.

  • In the same vein, I see every Winner free from indebtedness.
  • I see those who are weighed down by debt today set free supernaturally.
  • By believing that you cannot serve two masters, your God is more than enough. Can I hear your Amen?

Every instruction of Scriptures received and believed empowers us to realize its content. Then He came down to me and spoke to me about the blessedness of persecution. Luke 6:26 and He took me through a journey to show that persecution must come. It is the lot of frontliners. You can only backbite, you can’t ‘frontbite’. It’s those behind you that backbite you because they are at your back. Church Gist. Same year, a wave of persecution rose. I couldn’t feel it, I’ve heard from the Lord without knowing it was coming and He told me “This will come. It will come from people that are close to you” and all that. He said, “If you don’t want to be persecuted, then get behind. Persecution is a proof of your strong position, keep pushing”. So, as the persecution was going tough, the Church was growing greater and greater and greater until persecution silenced itself. Please, the mystery behind this Ministry among others is access and adherence to the ways of God.

I don’t know what God told anybody else, but He told me, “My son, my prosperity plan is not a promise” It’s not by preaching grammar all around, “it’s a covenant. Until your part is played, I’m not committed”. Church Gist. “What’s your covenant, Lord?” Genesis 8:22. “How reliable is this covenant?” Jeremiah 33:20. When that light dawned, I stood up and spurned like a cocoon, “Yea! I can never be poor!” No game here oh!

Every truth that delivers unfabricated is approved of God, every truth. That was 1982, Church was not in place. It was not calculated on Church or offerings. You find people talking chaff all over town. In our fellowship, we were not taking offering. We were not taking offering in our fellowship 1981, 1982, 1983. “Brethren, if you brought an offering to the Lord, drop it in the box on your way out. God bless you. Amen.” Church Gist. The ways of God are the highways of life. “I don’t belive in tithing”. Your cup of tea. Believe in suffering, believe in games. Jesus said “This ought ye to have done and not to leave the other undone. This ought ye to have done.” Clean, clear. Hebrews 7:8. You better plug in and enjoy the beauty of life ordained for us in this Commission.

He said to me, “Son, you don’t need to know any man to scale the utmost height. Just know me” 1981. Daniel 11:32. Thank you, Jesus. (x5) Maybe I need to mention here. My family started giving scholarships to people since 1992. Church Gist. We are not consumers, we are distributors of God’s grace. That’s why He’s suppling more and more forever. I’m a die hard tither, I heard from God, I don’t know where you heard your own from, but I heard from God and it hasn’t failed once.

The ways of God are the highways of life. Put that down. You see me almost running bunker about Matthew 6:33, that was the enormity of its impact on me 48 years ago. Church Gist. Matthew 6:32-33. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, make it a priority and all these things others are dying to get shall be added unto you. It has not been edited till now. Impact! Impact on my life which has been imparted to many in this Commission and beyond. Who are driving Kingdom matters with all zeal and zest and are having proofs to show that they are on the right path. My prayer is that the fact that you belong here, you won’t need to say it, people will see it.

  1. Access And Compliance With The Dictates Of The Spirit
    Romans 8:14. God has been guiding the steps of this Commission and myself as the setman since inception. When God leads, he goes with the led. If God be for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31. When God leads He goes before the led to make the crooked paths straight. Church Gist. When God leads, He works with the led to deliver the assignment. Mark 16:20. When God leads, He works through the led to deliver the task. Philippians 2:13. When God leads He works the work that He sent the led. Mysterious God! That has been the secret behind our sweatless triumph as a ministry.

Some backdrop. Everything was set with excitement to go and train in America, not to run away. To go and train the fire. That was the centre of the fire. I knew I didn’t know what this thing was all about. Let me get under those who know and get equipped. Church Gist. Then while thanking God for all the miracles in that direction, “My son, the thing you seek does not come from abroad but from above. You are going to no America.” Yes sir. Plan dashed.

I thought the base of the ministry would be in Jos. I was convinced. Till the point of the Commissioning Service, we wrote Jos and our P.O.S box on that program. I want to say thank you Father for the wonderful impartation today. “It was not me you heard, that you are going to Jos. You heard yourself.” My God, we had done a public service. “Yes, you heard yourself.” I didn’t argue. I have never argued with the Spirit once in my life. What do I do? “Stay here!” I can’t remember anybody asking me “Have you not gone to Jos?” He began doing His work. Church Gist. Then the Church ministry began and I was feeling a spiritual pull towards Kaduna but I didn’t want to mistake a feeling for His direction. Jesus what are you saying? Are we to move to Kaduna or to stay in Ilorin here? My wife and I were praying and He said “Stand up, take your Bible” and He opened it. That is what I can say because I didn’t flip. I saw Acts 22:10. Direct response. I said Lord, what shall I do? He said “Arise and go down to Damascus. Get down from here to the city of persecution.” Yes Sir! We left. Behind the workings here is the God that goes before us, that goes with us, that works with us, that works through us and works for us. So the cloud shifted to Kaduna.

In 1989, after we thought oh my God, this is grace. Thank God for grace. “Arise! Get down to Lagos and raise me a people.” Not raise me money, raise me a people. We came to Lagos in response to that mandate “Go raise me a people.” Are people raised or not? Are people being raised? Are you one of the raised? Church Gist. Without any consideration for what was on ground in Kaduna we were busy looking for a relocation. Arise, get down to Lagos! Same day! Same day a staff was dispatched to come down to Lagos. Same day by night bus. Here we are today.

Access and compliance with the dictates of the Spirit is one of the secrets behind the doings of God in this Commission. No assumptions! The Lord once told me “Never mistake my silence for a go ahead. If you ask me a question and I am mute, it means stay where you are. Church Gist. I am not deaf and not dumb.” Lord shall we go? Now that you are not talking we have gone. Don’t go into trouble. From this day and by this anointing, you won’t miss God anymore. No more steps of regret in your life.

Without premeditation, coming in from Zaria to Kaduna from a church meeting there, the Lord said to me “The harvest of Africa is now overripe. Rush in and preserve it from decadence.” What? It was so loud in the car. I arrived here the following day and I remember I dictated that by the pool around our home. The following Friday we dedicated the Mission to Africa. Adherence, compliance with the dictates of the Spirit. It was not in the budget but that is what God said. That was May 6th or thereabout. By June 14th we opened the office African Gospel Invasion Project. By January the following year, we invaded Africa. Here we are today.

He goes before the led. We had a very humbling experience in one of the French speaking foreign nations, the Lord spoke to a family that two missionaries are coming from Nigeria, you will host them in your home. So she called the airport and asked if there was any flight coming from Nigeria the next day, they said Yes. So she went to the airport and asked “are there missionaries from Nigeria here?” “Yes, we are” “You are staying in our home.” Husband and wife took them into their home, eating for free, living for free. He went before. When God leads He goes before the led. Isaiah 45:1-3.

Concerning Covenant University, “Lord, if it is not your university tell me, so I can tear the certificate now.” “It is I” So let’s start. He built that first phase at a speed unimaginable. Church Gist. Construction began March 6th, dedication and occupation of facilities October 21. Same year, seven months. 1500 students resident. Not bungalows, four-storey building. College building, everything, roads, gutters, sewage, power, all within seven months. Awesome God. Now, here is the mystery, whatever He says, He creates when you receive and believe it. Church Gist. Whatever this God says, He creates. That’s why this ministry is a mystery to many. No assumptions. Following the dictates of the spirit with all pure motive, no games.

Nothing will compare with the backing of the Almighty. No skill, no knowledge, no expertise will compare with the backing of the Almighty in life. Church Gist. There are no great men oh, it’s the backing of the great God that makes ordinary people appear great. He said to Abraham, “I will bless you and make thy name great. I’m the one who makes”. Genesis 12:2. There are no great people in the Kingdom, it’s the backing of the great God that makes ordinary people appear great. Church Gist. So, we are not where we are by strength, we are where we are by the backing of God which we call the grace of God in the new testament.

And now, we came into this realm of flourishing called wonder double era of the Church. It’s not a make up, May 2nd, 2015, we concluded our Liberation Service and I was in my room, I was so restlessly restless. “God, what’s going on here?” Prayed in the spirit, did everything. Church Gist. I had no concerns. And suddenly, “I, the God of wonder double is visiting you” what? I couldn’t hold it till the following morning. We used to have Pastors’ meeting here and we’re still having it, Saturday night. That day was a Saturday. So, I called a few Pastors and said, “hear what God told me and look what I understand by it. He will double this ministry at a speed no one knows”. Church Gist. Sunday night, I was checking on some materials on my bookshelf in the bedroom and then I laid hold on one, I wasn’t looking for it. By the time I got to page 67 of it, I saw wonder double defined. Yonggi Cho said he prayed and God turned the Church from 150 to 300 in one year. He prayed again and turned it to 600 from 300. He prayed again.. “ah, this is what he told me yesterday”. You’re all witnesses what happened within 8 weeks across the nation. Church Gist. That’s the secret behind our sweatless triumph. No competition. We have never done a thing in this ministry because somebody else does it. No. Nothing to copy, no need to, you have enough to do.

Some fellows thought we built a university, we didn’t, He did. “It is I” and now said, “hand it over to me now” and took it over. We are running like a primary school. Zero stress.

  • It’s your turn.

Because you’re a labourer in this vineyard sir, access to the dictates of the spirit is your right. And as a child of God, He said, “I know my sheep and they know my voice”. Church Gist. That’s what it takes to know His voice, all you need. Position yourself well. If you don’t tune your radio to the correct frequency, you won’t hear what they’re saying. Position yourself well to access the voice of the spirit. His voice is powerful, His voice is full of majesty, everybody testifies. Church Gist. You can run by His voice without a testimony. You can’t. Psalm 29:3-4. Access is simply, you be in the spirit. “I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day and I heard”. You can’t hear by carrying all these junks. Revelation 1:10. Some fellows are around your life and they lick you spiritually, they just lick you. Your spirit man just goes on suspension by dirty words, lifeless words. Revelations 1:10. Church Gist. Galatians 5:25. It’s time to start walking in the spirit, to pick the signals from Heaven from time to time. That’s been our story. And so, we saw the Church doubled. He told me, He said, “I’m going to be in your midst until you don’t want me again”. That’s why we’re doing the operations, we want Him here.

Back in ’84, He told me, we were praying, “why is this Church not growing”, “stand up and follow me” live. People lie a lot oh. I’ve been sharing it from that time till now, it hasn’t changed. “Stand up and follow me” and I did. Church Gist. I got to a point, He said, “now, turn back here” and I did. He said, “now, look up” and I saw a layer of thick darkness on the roof of the Church. He said, “that is the blindfolding weapon the devil uses to misinterpret what I, Jesus, is doing in this Church”. Sir, Jesus is at the centre of the affairs here. Live. We were 21 then, population in Church. “What I, Jesus, is doing”. Church Gist. He now stood and said, “now, deal with it”. I said, “you foul spirit, there’s a light that shines in darkness and darkness can’t stand it. I command you, get off that roof!” And I saw it rolled away like a carpet. Live. He said, “now, when I came to the world..” Jesus talking to me directly now, “..someone had to tell someone, ‘come and See’, go to town and tell people to come and see what I, Jesus, is doing in this Church”. Church Gist. Sir, we printed ‘Come and See’ at the spot. Come and See started by the dictates of the spirit. It’s still on now. Praise God! Can I hear your loudest Amen?

He said, now, number 3, “keep sowing the seed and as the grass grows, the sheep will come for it”. I said, “what’s the seed?” He said, “the seed is the Word of God”. Luke 8:11. He said, “I mean, life applicable teachings”. John 10:10. Not religion, life. Church Gist. While the others were talking about breakthrough, deliverance, rescue, forward movement, advancement, that’s the mandate, to liberate the world from all oppressions of the devil which includes all of those items. Relax.

He now said finally, “and keep the grass green and the sheep will lie down there”. Psalm 23:2. Dictates of the spirit. Will I ever go to teach in my life anywhere without digging with the help of the Holy Spirit, “what is your mind for this meeting?” “And the sheep will lie down there”. Church Gist. That’s how you’re here. The fresh Word of the Lord. Eagles don’t feed on dead kills, Eagles feed on fresh kills. What you gather around the dead thing are vultures. That’s what the dictates of the spirit can do.

Then, He came down, “you’re planting 5,000 Churches this year”. I won’t say that, He knows I won’t. I also know I won’t. 5,000 Churches? Did He do it or not? What He says, He creates. Church Gist. And I came down with my little head and I said, “look, let’s work towards the establishment of these 5,000 Churches, we are not planting Churches now”. January came, while we were in a fast, and He said, “you’re planting 10,000 Churches this year”. Church Gist. And you heard me, I said, “God said, He will plant 10,000 (Churches)”. He’s the only one who can say that.
🎵 Creator of the universe, what can’t you say? What can’t you say, Jesus?🎵
He’s the only one who can say that and He always goes beyond what He says. Ephesians 3:20. So, whatever He says, I will believe. He goes beyond it to say, “I’m the one who did it”. Church Gist. First year, we saw 5,082 Churches, second year, 10,400 Churches and then 1300 Churches across 35 other nations of the world in spite of COVID-19. That is the secret behind this ministry. It’s following the dictates of the Spirit so we keep manifesting as sons of God on the earth. Church Gist. As many as are led by the Spirit, they are the sons of God. Romans 8:14.

Now, He said He will double the number of Churches, the number of cells in one year and Lagos had mammoth number of cells. So what will happen? He did. 21,000 cells in one year! More than 27 years of labour in cell ministry. Church Gist. Come on now! Following the dictates. If we are asked to project, we project like 3000 per year. You’ll be going small, small. He didn’t let us project, He went ahead. We serve a great God! Can I hear your Amen!

Now, the biggest one! You are ending 75 nations this year. Eh? Seven what? Five? Nations? First think of the budget! No! When God speaks I don’t think. “Follow Me. I will make you.” “Okay! 75 nations! Thank You Jesus!” It’s not a dream! So when it came to pass, it’s not a dream come true. No! It’s Heaven’s plan coming through. Church Gist. People go about with dreams and they get doomed. You just see somebody is doing (Illustrating). I said humorously with one of my people, I said: “It’s only old people that dream, young men see visions. Or you don’t read that in your Bible?” Your old men shall dream dreams. Most of it hinges on what they would have done if they knew. Amen! It’s time to think up! God still speaks today, that’s the good news!

-From now! You won’t miss His voice. You won’t go into a wrong business, you won’t go into a wrong city, you won’t go into a wrong country in the name of Jesus! Church Gist. Let me hear your loudest Amen! Give the Lord a big hand of praise everybody!

In closing, we’ll look at the third part! Supernatural access to things to come. Nothing inputs confidence like knowing what lies ahead. Hebrews 12:1. He was talking to them: “You will sit around My table up there.” He already saw the table so he is not struggling to get there. Genesis 13:15. That’s the Abraham’s covenant! I was called to the prophetic office 1981 in a dramatic time which I called the Month of Transfiguration. My kind! Because God was just ministering to me and showing me things and things and things that are of lifetime value and then I heard Him proclaim that. Now, 10 April 1982, you have heard it again and severally; there were 7 Prophetic Pillars that came in that humble assembly. Church Gist. We were 63 altogether in that camp meeting and the Lord began to unveil His agenda for the Ministry. The most humbling one is: The destiny of this age has been committed into our hands. Somebody was there, he said: “Let’s stone him. Who are you?” We kept it! This Ministry is not limited to this Nation alone but to other nations of the Earth where vibrant Churches shall be planted. Eh? It was coming forth not that they were reading it. It was coming forth. The Spirit of the Prophet’s unction was on me. It was coming forth one by one, no premeditation, no arrangement. This Ministry shall not debate over doctrines. It’s not how to debate over doctrines but to prove the power of the Holy Ghost. That’s the word! That’s why you don’t see me in any argument. And the Holy Ghost has also proven Himself. I just went through His dictates now and how we followed and what came out of it.

Three, at the base of this Ministry, I called it a term because I couldn’t carry a building on it. It shall be a building and shall seat 50,000 people. What? In those days, 1,000 was luxurious in any meeting with the greatest speakers you can gather. 1,000? Where would they sit? 50,000! 10 April 1982! So while we were 21, I already knew 50,000 is coming! Come on now! One day I was crying, not crying; shouting on the microphone – Ahuja microphone sir. Like cricket! I said: “Don’t think I’m mad oo, I can see crowds outside that you cannot see. I’m speaking to the crowds outside you cannot see.” No matter what we build here sir, people will be outside. If we go from here now and He says: “Build 200,000; people will be outside!” Even as we are, we enter that Place, they will be outside. No! Now, can I tell you this? You can’t see a future and sell-off. People sell off so cheap because they can’t see it. Church Gist. And I heard Him say: “You will be speaking from one spot and it shall be seen on the screen across the nations.” What? Is that NTA? Internet technology was not on the market at all at all and suddenly by 1996, we were live across the nations and we are still live today. Here are 146 nations hooked on to this Service by what He said. You can’t see a future and be downcast. You can’t see a future in your future and be depressed and that is the Ministry of the Holy Spirit. John 16:13. He shows things to come to keep us in our feet, so we saw it. And I heard Him say: “You will soon see millions gather and we have crossed millions in Shiloh in terms of the spread!” Isn’t God awesome? They have been saying: “That Bro. David is mad, he is mad! There is no way he needs help.” I didn’t say so, He said so. I said: “God said.” We didn’t have a typewriter, He said: “The printing press in this Commission will operate at an industrial scale.” You know the meaning of industrial scale? Habawa! No typewriter! Is it there today or not?

-In the name of Jesus! I decree, your access to things to come!

For a number of people around with me, you know I’ve said it severally. I don’t have a flicker of fear for tomorrow. You heard me say: “I’m not surprised at where we are.” Why? He showed me! That God for bringing us there, if not I would have been surprised if we were not here. He showed me. Not the details, I had the picture. Not the timing oo at His own time! Can you imagine? I saw wings flying E mi lo so be fun won oo. That me, I saw wings flying! And I said: “Lord! What are these? Lord!” He said: “These are aircrafts!” “Eh? With who inside?” “Ah! Bearing the everlasting Gospel to the heathen nations of the World.” 10 April 1982! Church Gist. They should stone me! I should have been stoned. That’s too off! That’s when you are thinking off your skull. Aircraft! The secretary wrote aircraft! They said: “No! He said: Aircrafts!” I saw wings flying. “What are these, my Lord?” He shows us things to come! Now, someday we were in Benin. We missed our flight and so somebody had a private plane. So I sent my P.A. I said: “Go to him and tell him if he has space in his plane, we are going to Lagos. And tell him that our own is coming!” My P.A. laughed. I said: “Go and tell him.” So he told the man, the man said: “Please, let them come!” You will enjoy unusual confidence, having been shown what lies ahead. We never prayed for aircraft once! No! We never confessed it! No! Ecclesiastes 3:11. You need patience my friend. He makes all things beautiful in His time. Don’t jump the queue. He makes all things beautiful in His time. Praise God!

-Well, it’s your turn! It’s your turn!

What I’m saying here is this. What we’re doing now is as directed. What we would do tomorrow as the Lord lives will be as directed. So, see yourself as in a train that’s heading towards a definite, well defined location, well defined destination. Church Gist. A destination of glory, going from glory to glory. So, take serious every stage of His agenda in this place. He never lies. There’s nothing He has said that didn’t come to pass and they’re coming to pass in increasing dimensions. No finish line in the school of excellence, we’re still going.

One of my precious people wrote some wonderful accolades and I said to him, I said, “You know my response? There’s nothing called best today. Best is tomorrow. Best is in quest. Best is in future.” If it’s best today, what will it be tomorrow? Bester? No. We’re on a journey from glory to what? Glory. There is nothing called best today. So I always smile when they say best practices. That means it can’t be improved. Church Gist. What’s best practices? Okay, why are we improving it? Was it not called best yesterday? So, is it now bester? There is nothing called best today. I don’t know what level you are in the realm of the Spirit. There’s nothing called best today, we are on a journey. Best is in tomorrow. Best is in future. Best is in quest. We would get there! Proverbs 4:18. So, we are on the journey that’s shinning more and more and from today, you won’t shine less and less anymore!

2 Timothy 2:6. Acts 4:13. Everybody should see the Winner’s mark on your life. Not winners sticker oh, winners life, the winning life. The ever winning life in all areas of your life.

  • That shall be your portion in the name of Jesus.

Is somebody blessed here? Are you sure you are? Now, anybody that has eyes to see, you know I have been with Hagin. How many can see that? Those who also have eyes to see, spiritual eyes to see, I have been with Kenneth Copeland. Church Gist. How many understand that? If you have eyes to see, I have been with E. A. Adeboye. You have that idea? Amen. When will they take knowledge of you that you have been here? When? When will they take knowledge of you that you have been here? Amen. I saw some things out there from the US, ‘This is Copeland, this is David’. When will they take knowledge of you that you have been here?


The reason you have to plug in. Genesis 1:25. By their fruits, we shall know where they belong. Every genuinely connected branch of a tree bears the fruit after the order of the tree because it is the root that defines the fruit. So when you engraft another branch of a tree into another, now because the root is the same, it keeps bearing fruits after the root. Church Gist. You have taken a guava branch and plugged it to a cashew branch, it will start bearing fruit after cashew. It have been grafted and now partaker of the root and the fatness of the olive. The question is, are you grafted or a passerby?

Concerning Hagin, the Lord told me, He said “Someone as close to you as your cloth is coming over” He knows where we’re grafted and where we are not grafted. He knows. We were in US, I said “Now, we need to check on T. L. Osborn. I perceive his time is coming” and we branched there. He knows. Engraftment is known by individuals. You can’t be engrafted and not know. When you start challenging the truth being spoken, people testify, you are angry, is that life? “It’s a lie. It’s a lie.” That’s why your own has not come. Church Gist. Please, understand these things. Nobody has a spare life to live. You have only one. As a partaker, you mustn’t labour in vain. You must not labour in vain (x2). So, come awake spiritually. It’s a risk for a driver to go asleep on the steering. Come awake spiritually. No matter the expertise, when you go asleep on the steering, you’re heading for an accident. Come awake from spiritual slumber. “I truly belong here. I must reflect my root. I must bear fruits after my root.”

Kenneth Hagin said the Lord told him, “Never reply your critics”. I never read that before, I never heard that before, but that’s what the Lord told me much later after his own. Much later because it’s far ahead. He told me 1992, but he heard that one long time, because he suffered so much buffeting. Church Gist. He would be preaching and people would just stand up and put (Cigarette) smoke on his face and now he’s speaking, though in Heaven. He’s still speaking today. You can’t be connected and not reflect. You reflect. You reflect your root if you are truly connected.

I’ll like us to go with this sober thought. It’s time for me to reflect the virtues of this Commission. It’s time to reflect the virtues of tirelessness in pursuit of God and His agenda. Church Gist. It’s time to connect with the supernatural supplies that follow men that are in the Covenant, it’s time, particularly in these hard times that’s coming to hit the Earth like never before.

  • No one here shall be a beggar.
  • Your children’s children will not be beggars.
  • No one will wear rags for living.
  • You won’t withdraw your children from school.

So, connect with this supernatural wave and experience a change of story in your life. Church Gist. I love you with all my heart and I want you to know, no games here. No games. No games.

One of our very close individuals was given an assignment by God and I said, “Hey, all your years with me, have I ever told you something and I said, don’t tell anybody else?” Church Gist. He said, no. No games. Nothing to hide.

  • In the precious name of Jesus, we will not only work here, we will make Heaven together!
  • No one here shall be missing!
  • Everything that God hates will leave your life and my life alone!
  • Whatever provokes divine favour from Heaven will be what you are doing all the time in the name of Jesus! So shall it be!

We can’t connect with the same truth and not produce the same fruit. Anything you hear taught here that is not in the Bible, trash it. But I can say before the Lord and by His grace, I have not had to withdraw any message I ever preached or any book I ever wrote. No! Church Gist. They are not written on presumptions. They are discoveries that the Holy Ghost helped us to make.

  • It’s your turn!
  • There shall be no regret on your path anymore!
  • All of our children will grow in grace and in the fear of the Lord!
  • There shall be no distraction on your path!
  • No derailment from the faith!
  • No circumstance will disconnect you from God in the name of Jesus!


While divine instruction may be tough, divine correction is tougher. Divine correction is tougher. It’s tougher because of man’s self esteem. It’s tougher. He said, God said we should go and He said we shouldn’t go again. Haba! Again, He said we should go somewhere and He said, we shouldn’t go again. Church Gist. Didn’t He tell you before? It’s tougher. You will be mocked. You will be misunderstood but divine correction is to put you on the right path and put me on the right path.


Now, I will tell you one correction that is so costly and so senseless. We were in a project in Kaduna and we had laboured there (I mean) both in prayers and in working. We had planted 108 pillars. We were going to have a basement and then have the building. It was just a picture of The Ark in view ‘the time of the fig was not yet.’ Sir, when we were asked to leave (we had an eviction notice), it was normal to think of quickly making some place ready there and move in. Church Gist. Here is what the Lord said, “should this Church move to that place, that will be the end of this Ministry.” Haba! What a wild correction? That was the last day I stepped there. Last day! 1989! This is 2024. I will never step in that area in my life. “Should this Church move to that place, that will be the end of this Ministry.” Correction gave birth to what followed.

Please, allow Him to correct you. He knows the end from the beginning. Allow Him to correct you. It’s for your good and my good. That was the most costly correction we got. “Why is nothing happening in Kumasi?” “I am not there.” You are not there, what are we doing there? Everybody come home. “Why are the challenges in the Satellite Churches we had then in Kaduna?” Church Gist. He said, “did I send you?” Ah! I said, go and remove the podium. When they get there and they didn’t see the podium, they will know that we have stopped. Timely response to corrections is an asset.

  • I release that grace upon your life!

Anything He does is for our good. His instructions, His warnings, His corrections – they are for our good.

  • Grace to receive corrections with delight, receive it right now!
  • Grace to take warnings seriously, receive it right now!
  • Grace to embrace instructions as a lifestyle, receive it right now!

Now, with this new fire, can someone here believe God to double the attendance of the Cell before the month is over? Can you deliver without going through pregnancy? Church Gist. So go and conceive the way it will deliver and enter the labour room for delivery. It begins with conception. Go and conceive, pass through the labour room – you will deliver.

  • Now, in the name of the Lord Jesus, I decree the doubling of attendance of every single Cell in this Commission Worldwide!
  • I release the wisdom of God to make it happen!
  • I release upon everyone of us the consistency (the steadfastness) to deliver!
  • I release passion for souls in your neighbourhood to gather them into the Kingdom in the name of Jesus!
  • I decree that this year will deliver your balance of fortune package!
  • You are arriving at Shiloh with your fortune package speaking!
  • Misfortune shall not be mentioned around your life anymore!
  • Brand new day! Brand new moment! Church Gist. Brand new era!
  • In this month of the supernatural, I decree your change of position, your change of level!
  • I pray for grace that will put in your hand the rod required to begin to operate in the supernatural and so shall it be!
  • Now, be blessed!
  • Your family is blessed!
  • The work of your hand is blessed!
  • Be blessed in your health!
  • No more breakdown!
  • No emotional breakdown!
  • No spiritual breakdown!
  • No physical breakdown in the name of Jesus!
  • I come against every siege of deprëss1on!
  • It’s not your portion!
  • It’s not in this Commission, so it’s not your portion in the name of Jesus!

Have you ever heard any service opened up with sorry o? Or brethren, we are going through quite some challenges? Church Gist. Have you ever heard that?

  • Never again in your life!
  • I command an end to all murmurings and complaints!
  • Because your case is different, they are going through stress, you won’t go through stress!
  • They are going through strain, you won’t go through strain!
  • The God of exemption is your God, He’s your Father, so the seal of exemption is upon your life!
  • No matter the troubles on this Earth, it will not reach you!
  • Be blessed with all the blessings of God upon this Commission in the name of Jesus!
  • For every challenged family, I decree peace!
  • For everyone under any form of marital challenge like marital delay, the case is over!
  • Your testimony is here in the name of Jesus!
  • Every threat of divorce is cancelled!
  • Every threat of separation is over!
  • Every challenged child is delivered in the name of Jesus! Church Gist. So shall it be in Jesus name!
  • Now, to all workers across the nations, be blessed for your obedience!
  • You have honoured Jesus by being in this Forum today, be honoured back in return!
  • Your fortune package, no devil can stop it!
  • You will take the full delivery of it in the name of Jesus!








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