WINNING WEDNESDAY Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum

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“The crown is not given to the athlete at the beginning of the race but at the end. Those who accomplish their projects will receive their crowns from the Lord. Those who do not accomplish their God-given projects have laboured in vain.” Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum.

Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum was born in the flesh on 20th June 1945 and born of the Holy Spirit on 13th June 1956. He made an absolute surrender of himself to the Lord Jesus and to His service on 1st October 1966 and was filled with the Holy Spirit on 24th October 1970.
He was admitted to a first class in the Bachelor of Science degree and graduated as a prize-winning student from Fourah Bay College in the University of Sierra Leone in October 1969. His research in Organic Chemistry led to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) awarded by the University of Makerere, Kampala, in Uganda in October 1973. His published scientific works were recently evaluated by the University of Durham in Great Britain and found to be research of high distinction, for which he was awarded the Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) in October 2005. As a Professor of Organic Chemistry in the University of Yaounde in Cameroon, Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum supervised and co-supervised more than a 100 Master’s and Doctoral Degree theses and co-authored over 160 scientific articles in leading international journals. He considered scientific research as an act of obedience to God’s command to “subdue the earth” (Genesis 1:28). He also knew that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord of Science. “For by Him all things were created…” (Colossians 1:16). He made the Lord Jesus the Director of his research laboratory and he, Professor Fomum, took the place of deputy director. He attributed his scientific success to the revelational leadership of the Lord Jesus. In his passion to know Jesus and to make Him known, he read over 1350 books.

Professor Fomum considered prayer to be the most important work that can be done on earth for God and for man. He was a man of faith who believed that God answers prayers. He had over 50 000 recorded answers to written Prayer Topics. He strove more and more to know God and to move Him to answer prayer. With his team, they carried out over 57 Prayer Crusades (periods of 40 days and nights during which at least 8 hours were invested into prayer each day). They also carried out over 80 Prayer Sieges (times of near non-stop praying that range from 24 to 120 hours).

He considered fasting as one of the major weapons for Christian Spiritual Warfare. He carried out over 250 fasts ranging from 3 to 40 days, drinking water only. During some of his long fasts he also took vitamins. At a certain point, the Lord called the Professor to battle with the hosts of wickedness in heavenly places through supra-long fasts (between 52 and 80 days). In obedience to this call, he accomplished 3 of such supra-long fasts.

Professor Fomum saw the importance of redeeming money and investing it into reaching those without Christ with the glorious Gospel. He therefore chose a life-style of simplicity and “self-imposed poverty” in order that their income should be invested into the critical work of evangelism, soul-winning, church-planting and the perfecting of the saints. His wife and him grew to investing 92.5% of their earned income from all sources (salaries, allowances, royalties and cash gifts) into the Gospel. This was with the hope that, as they grew in the knowledge and the love of the Lord and the perishing souls of men, they would one day invest 99% of their income into the Gospel.

In his 40 years in ministry, 99 per cent of the time, he spent between 15 minutes and 6 hours daily with God alone in what he called Daily Dynamic Encounters with God (DDEWG). During these times, he read God’s Word, meditated on It, listened to God’s voice, heard God speak to him, recorded what God was saying to him and prayed it through. Therefore, he had 18,000 recorded Daily Dynamic Encounters with God. He considered these daily meetings with God around His Word, the determinant strength of his life.

These Daily Dynamic Encounters with God were coupled with over 60 periods of withdrawing to seek God alone for periods that ranged from 3 to 21 days (which he termed Retreats for Spiritual Progress). These slowly transformed Professor Zack T. Fomum into a man who hungered and thirsted for God; while hoping to become a man who hungered, thirsted and gasped after God. “Oh, that I would have more of God!” was his unceasing inner cry.

As a passionate Evangelist and Preacher of the Gospel, he travelled extensively. He went out of his base in Yaounde on over 700 missionary journeys in Cameroon that ranged from 1 day to 3 weeks. He also embarked on over 500 missionary journeys that ranged from 2 days to 6 weeks, to over 70 nations on all the six continents.
Professor Fomum was the Founding Team-Leader of Christian Missionary Fellowship International (CMFI) – an evangelism, soul-winning, church-planting and disciple making movement with missionaries and Churches in over 75 nations on all continents.

Along with his team, they saw over 10,000 recorded healing miracles performed by the Lord in answer to prayer in Jesus’ Name. These included headaches disappearing, cancers disappearing, HIV positive people becoming HIV negative, the blind seeing, the deaf hearing, the dumb speaking, the lame walking, demoniacs being set free, and new teeth and new organs received.
This family man was married to Prisca Zei Fomum and their 7 children are involved with them in the work of the Gospel. His wife, Prisca, is a national and international Minister to Children and specializes in winning children to the Lord Jesus and making them into His disciples. She is also involved in imparting the vision of the Ministry to Children, and in raising and building up Ministers from Children.

On the 14th of March 2009, while Professor Zach was on his way to Bambili, a small town in the Northwest Province of Cameroon, he was called home by the Lord. He was called while on the battlefield. His death was a pain to millions of Cameroonians and believers worldwide but it was indeed the fertiliser that multiplied the impact of His assignment.

He won! He conquered the shame of a death void of impact. Professor Fomum’s sacrifices in fastings, prayers, self impoverishment and evangelism where not in vain. He defeated the shame of a death void of impact. His works are blossoming.

Professor Zack is the Apostle and Founder of one of Cameroon’s most successful missionary work and movement work, an evangelism, soul-winning, church-planting and disciple making movement with missionaries sent and Churches planted in over 75 nations on all the continents. Amidst diverse storms, the CMFI is still standing.

Professor ZACHARIAS TANEE FOMUM is the bestselling author of over 150 books written to advance the gospel, with over 5 million copies in print.
Four million of his books are in circulation in 11 languages.

His books written on diverse topics as prayer, sanctification, purity, Evangelism, missionary work, marriage etc continue to impact billions of lives all over the world.

Sixteen million Gospel tracts authored by him are in circulation in 17 languages.

He carried out over 100 Prayer Walks of between 5 and 47 kilometers in towns and cities around the world.And today the inhabitants of those cities still bare testimonies of His prayer walks.
The thousands set free by His healing ministry are still alive and burning in the Lord.
Sons and daughters of Professor Fomum are spread all accross Cameroon replicating and building upon this foundation of impact.

Professor Fomum’s bones are in the grave, but the Spirit of his assignment lives on in millions of Cameroonians. The blueprints of his Ministry are on the soil of Cameroon and worldwide Revival.
His departure was the fertiliser that multiplied the impact of his Ministry in Cameroon and Worldwide. His death was indeed great gain and his labour was not in vain.

#Winning Wednesday
# Impact Beyond Death


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