*In the Kingdom, we get married by Favour while in the world, they get married by struggling.
*Favour can be provoked.
*Including examples on ‘How To Get Married In 6 Months (Or Less)’ shared at the Youth Arise Conference, Salvation Ministries (Home of Success)
1. Receive The Word (Isaiah 34:16, Hebrews 4:2, Proverbs 18:22) Your wife is a good thing: if you find a wife, you enter into favour. People in the Kingdom of God believe that you have to marry the way the people in the world marry: in the world they struggle to marry, in the Kingdom, we marry by favour. We’ve heard the testimony of Papa and Mama (David Ibiyeomie), when Papa met Mama what they had was about 23, 000 Naira, they took money from the money that wasn’t enough and sowed and the moment they sowed, favour came. Young men: most times what you are thinking of is how will I marry? Forget about that one, it is by favour, money is the last thing you think of when it comes to marriage. A brother in this Church was working in Flour Mills and his salary was not more than 30,000 Naira when he found his life partner but before they got married because marriage is a good thing and comes with favour, he got a job at AGIP, everything they used for their wedding was imported from Italy because when you find a wife you step into favour. So young men stop been afraid, the first thing is to find the woman. When you find the woman you have entered into the atmosphere of favour.
2. Prepare Yourself (2 Chronicles 23:6)If you want to get married you have to be prepared for marriage. Things To Do To Be Prepared For Marriage:
a) Study (Mathew 19:4)
…Most people want to marry but they don’t know their responsibilities, the man doesn’t know his responsibilities, the woman doesn’t know her responsibilities, when the children start coming they don’t know how to raise up children in the fear of God, they don’t know how to deal with in-laws and all that. These are the things to know so that when you get married, you won’t have problems.
b) Separate Yourself; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 “…
You can’t have a boyfriend or a girlfriend by your side and you are expecting God to give you a husband or a wife, you have to let go of what is ungodly and God said,” then I will receive you. God said come out and be separate. “Some sisters will say “let the husband come first then I will let go” No, you have to let go for God to visit you and as you return today I see God return to you in Jesus name.
c) Be Mr./Miss Right Proverbs 27:18 “As in water face answereth to face…”You want a man that fears God, you too have to fear God. Don’t be the type that God will be afraid of you and you are looking for someone that fears God. Whatever you want to see in your life partner, become it first then that person will be attracted to you. Can two walk together except they be agreed? You have to be the right person, don’t look for the right person, be the right person and the right person will locate you. May the right person locate you and may you be the right person in Jesus name.
3. Renew Your Mind And Embrace Change; Romans 12:2 “… Papa shared with me that the reason why some people are not ready is because they have attitude problem, not necessarily sin. It could be the way you talk, you are always shouting, the man is saying,” I’m the man, stop shouting like that”, but you are saying in a loud voice, “I am not shouting, ask my parents, ask everyone that knows me this is how I talk, this is my voice” The man will just run. Some people nag a lot and the Bible says it is better to stay on the roof than to be in the house with a woman that nags. So some people the attitude they put up just drives people away not the devil. Some people their own is that they don’t take correction, if you correct them they will never take it, they don’t take advice, when you advice them, they see you as the enemy. Some people are stubborn to a fault, you keep talking and talking but they won’t change, the other person will now say, “if you can’t change, I leave you alone.” Some brothers they have “wakaed” (walked) to the point that they have now become confused, they have moved here and there, seen the tall one, the short one, the round one and the slim one, they have moved and moved to the point that they are very confused as to which one to choose such a person has to renew their mind and say ‘no I’ll just have one and settle for one’, go to God’s word, renew your mind and God will help you in Jesus name. Some ladies they’ve hung around sugar daddies that they don’t know how to relate with young men within their age bracket, the sugar daddy will just give you money and take what he wants, he won’t marry you, because almost every sugar daddies have their families and she will be expecting the sugar daddy to marry her. It doesn’t work that way, you have to renew your mind so someone within your age bracket can now settle down with you. There are some that also have unrealistic and frivolous expectations. You are waiting for a man that has a car, “how many cars did your father buy?” Why some men are looking for a woman that works in a bank, there was a man that told me “Pastor I have suffered in the hands of women, I have trained several ones and I didn’t marry them, this one that came I thought she was the one that God had sent to help me” The way she was living he thought she had heavy money, he didn’t know she was living on past glory, when he saw that the money was not there like he was expecting he became disappointed and said “Pastor, I have gone far, I would have come out of it. I told him, “come out of it, you’ve not wedded, make a U-turn and leave because you went into it for the money.
4. Sensitivity And Wisdom (Habakkuk 2:1): One sister told me that after she prayed, the man that came had a big head, the man was working, was spiritual, had everything but she didn’t marry him because of his head, the man got married to another person and she is still single today. The other one, her father demanded for a Mac Truck as bride price and I advised her, I told her “talk to your father, how can he be demanding for a truck as bride price, does he wants to use the young man to start a business?” She said “no, if he loves me whatever my family tells him, he will do it” I said “are you the only sister in this church or you think you are the only sister that has Holy Ghost? The young man left her and married someone else but she is still single till today, that was lack of wisdom.
5. Sacrificial Giving: Sacrifice is a tearful or precious seed laid on the altar of God or given to your prophet for a a definite turnaround. In Genesis 22:10-14 Abraham laid Isaac as a sacrifice and the ram for the sacrifice was brought to him. Is it a wife you are looking for? When you lay a sacrifice, God will show you the person and will bring her to you. If you are a sister wherever the man is, God will draw the man to you. Sacrifice opens your eyes and brings what you want to you. Mama(Pastor Peace Ibiyeomie) has shared her testimony of how she laid all her expensive wrappers as sacrifice and that was when Papa came and proposed to her. Papa had been there, he had been seeing her but he didn’t propose but as she dropped the sacrifice, Papa came forth and proposed. You have been wearing that gold, drop it as a sacrifice.
6. Call Forth Your Desire By Faith: You have seen who you want to marry but favour has not come, you can call it forth, favour can be provoked, make sacrifices, sow seeds of favour… You are a sister and you want a man to come now, he can come even after this service in Jesus name. Genesis 2:24 “For this purpose shall a man leave…” Wherever the man is, call him forth now and he will leave and locate you in Jesus mighty name. Because we said ‘how to marry in less than six months’, does not mean that anybody that comes you will just accept, no you have to know the person well enough before you say I do. – Pastor Samson Michael at YOUTH ARISECONFERENCE (Last Day).