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How many times have you read a book and thought to yourself these ideas are great and I will implement it but never get round to doing it?
Yes, I know and I have been there too. We have to move past inertia or dreaming or planning and my favourite TALKING!!! OH MY, WE CAN DISCUSS, ANALYSE AND TALK ABOUT EVERYTHING WE INTEND TO DO. Intentions don’t matter, only actions.
We know the saying: “actions speaks louder than words”, that is very true!

We have only one motivation for you as we end 2020, TAKE ACTION!!! Become Kinetic!
Don’t waste potential on reading books and going to conferences and webinars.
Do something with what you have learnt.
Stop talking about it, do it now!!!
Become kinetic today. Move.
When you move everything else moves. Wherever you are right now is a result of your direct action. Your own choices! No one else’s.

We have less than 4 days to go in 2020. Start now and you will never regret it my friends. Have a great week.
“Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to action.” – Jim Rohn.

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