God is Ripping Off Limitation From Your Life And He is Pushing You Into New Levels You Have Never Imagined In The Name of Jesus

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Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo at Morning Glow, KICC

*Every shame, every embarrassment will turn into testimony
*Someone this morning is stepping into their testimony and change and breakthrough in the name of Jesus.
*This day, favor is coming to your house in Jesus name.

This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Welcome to another day and another time in the Presence of the Lord!
This morning we want to take the time again to just speak into our life and we are canceling every plan of the enemy to bring shame, reproach and embarrassment. Anything that brings shame, reproach and embarrassment we are tearing them down and we are declaring our victory in the name of Jesus.

I want you to hold on to the word that is spoken at this place of prophetic prayer. I believe that your eyes will see it, your hands will handle it and your mouth will testify in the name of Jesus.
The remedy, the antidote to the spirit of shame, timidity Etc. is the boldness of the Lord. We saw a man who was full of shame but Jesus turned it around and this man was a tax collector. He was ashamed of his sin and the embarrassment that people have also brought to him because of the profession he carried out. We don’t know the nature and way he carried it out but people were just angry. But Jesus turned the ridicule to a miracle by ministering to Zacchaeus and bringing hope, healing, deliverance and blessing to his life. His bold step of climbing a tree to hide and at the same time see Jesus turned to become a blessing when the Lord himself invited him and his life was never the same anymore.
I am praying this morning that wherever you are as we possess the land together; your life will not be the same. God will turn things around and God will change your story in Jesus name.
The man wanted to see Jesus. There are times when people will want to hinder us. The crowd, people around you, the challenges of life and the world will put you on a treadmill of performance. They have expectations, they judge you, they condemn you but Jesus always turns things around. This morning, I believe in God that there will be a turnaround for somebody and there will be a word from Heaven and a major breakthrough for you today in the name of Jesus.

The man’s size was used against him. Don’t let anybody put you down because of how you look. Your race and face were fixed before you knew yourself. You are beautiful for your situation. What you have does not make you, it is who is inside that makes you. Success is not to be measured by other people’s standards, standards change every day. You must know that the world will change but you are who God says you are. A bold step of this man was that he climbed that tree. I mean, I like to imagine him. They didn’t wear shirts and trousers in Bible times, but they had long gowns and that’s what he probably wore. He was bold enough to take a step. Bold actions put God on the spot. Bold steps are the things God is waiting for. The more you delay, the farther you keep your Miracles.
Someone this morning is stepping into their testimony and change and breakthrough in the name of Jesus.

There are people who would try to keep you from taking bold steps. They will say: don’t do it, dont try it but listen if that is what honors the Lord, go ahead and do it and testimonies will follow. Friends, the flesh and the devil will try to stop you from taking bold steps but as you take it, favor will follow you, testimony will follow you and I pray for you that as you take that bold step, reproach, shame, embarrassment and limitation will be broken in your life. There are people who will show us the risk of our step, the shame of our step, the pain of our step, the difficulty, the ridicule but they will not show us the breakthrough that can follow.
Every time you want to take a step that is out of the regular and the natural there is someone somewhere who is trying to discourage you and saying: don’t do that!
I pray that God will lead you, God will guide you, God will bless you and prove himself mighty in your life.

  • Boldness will put a song in your mouth. Every attempt to help to bring shame to your house will be frustrated this morning.
  • Boldness will make you lion-hearted. The lion is not the biggest. The lion is not the tallest. The lion is not the fastest. The lion is not all those things yet it is ordained to rule.

Genesis 1:28.
You’ve been called to be blessed, fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue and have dominion. You can’t live in shame and live in Dominion. They are two opposite sides: shame and embarrassment, boldness and Dominion and the desire of the enemies is to keep you in shame and embarrassment. He always revises yesterday. He does not envision tomorrow. Revision is not yours, vision is yours and you’re gonna get out of revision of yesterday’s mistakes and shame and keep your vision of tomorrow. Glory to God!
It is that boldness that will make you cross the river Jordan like Elijah did and it is that boldness that will make you to see where Jesus is taking you to. Determination and Desperation made man to receive his Miracle. Zacchaeus was now only a short man, he was not only a sinner but he was a man who had boldness and he was ready for change. You’ve got to take some steps yourself because the enemy will try to discourage you out of your blessing.
1 Samuel 30:3
This morning, the word of the Lord is with you, the word of Conquest, the Word of victory, the Word of overcoming.
Go forth and take what belongs to you!
Go and fight with the Word!
1 Chronicles 14:10-14
Exodus 3:13

Get a word from Heaven before you move. Don’t take the wrong step.
Jesus said to the man Zacchaeus; this day is salvation entered your house!
I prophesied into your life: This day, favor is coming to your house, this day testimony is coming into your house. This day glory is coming into your house. This day is turn around coming to your house and everything trying to resist you must give way in the name of Jesus. This day, Friday the 5th of March. We are rejoicing we are celebrating. We’re giving God the glory because today is a great day, today is an awesome day, today is our day of victory, a day when we are totally going to possess what belongs to us. We are taking territory. We’re rejoicing in the goodness and the grace of the Lord this day.
Revelation 12:11 and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony. We come by the blood of the Lamb, the Word which says the blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel, every demonic entity, the spirit of hindrance that says you will not leave this embarrassment, you will not leave this shame, we bring the blood against them in Jesus name.

Examples of people that God turned their shame into Glory

  1. Mephibosheth, Jonathans son and Saul’s grandson who was crippled but his shame was turn into blessings because of the covenant David had with his father and he began to sit at the table to wine and dine with the king. 2 Samuel 9:1-13
  2. Esther. Esther went from the shame of being nobody to becoming the queen of an Empire. Esther chapter 2.
    God decided that the shame of her father’s house is about to be ripped off by the testimony of this young girl. God took Esther, made her the queen of an Empire and displaced Queen Vashti with a jewel hidden. You are a jewel to be discovered!
    You will occupy your calling in Jesus name. You are destined for the throne!
    You are destined for greatness!
    You are destined for Favour!
    You are destined for blessing!
    You are destined for abundance!
    You are destined for power!
    No limitations will stop, your challenges of life will not stop you!
    There is a destiny in you that will rise in the name of Jesus. Everything that God had written into your calling, into your DNA, everything pertaining to life and godliness receive it in the name of Jesus!
  • God is ripping off limitation from your life and He is pushing you into new levels you have never imagined in the name of Jesus
  1. The enemy brought shame and embarrassment against Esther’s uncle, Mr. Mordecai but God turned it around, God will turn your situations around in Jesus name.
    Esther 6:1-12
    Esther 8:1-2.


  • I prophecy you are coming out of your limitation into Favour, glory, blessing and testimony
  • Every shame, every embarrassment will turn into testimony. The Lord himself step into the matter, He would turn it to a testimony in Jesus name
  • Every shame of abandonment and neglect that you have been through, we take authority over them, we take authority over every shame, every abandonment, every rejection, every low self-esteem in Jesus name.
  • May the favor that tears the rag of shame come upon you, may the favor that cancel yesterday’s pain come upon you in Jesus name
  • Your story is changing from this morning.
  • We cancel rejection! Every feeling of rejection, abandonment, I’m not good enough. I’m not worthy. I am rubbish, we cancel with the blood of Jesus.
  • You’re coming out of everything that have ridiculed you and made you feel pain.
  • From today Heaven lifts you! There’s gonna be a lifting for you the kind that hell cannot stop in Jesus name.
  • As you have come to Mount Zion, as you have come to the city of God, what is called Shame, embarrassment is no longer your portion. God is turning things around and filling your life with testimony
  • They’ve said you are nobody but God said you are not! You’re somebody you’re a woman of Destiny. You’re a man of Destiny. You are a person of greatness in the name of Jesus.
  • I declare into your life this morning that everything that God has shown concerning you will manifest, they will become reality, they will become your testimony and heaven will Intervene in your life in Jesus name
  • You are coming into the fullness of the call of God for your life. The years you wasted, the years you lost, God will recover for you. God will redeem the years in the name of Jesus
  • This morning what Satan wants to use to embarrass you shall become the source of your testimony
  • Everyone who has raised their hand to make you irrelevant shall be ashamed for your sake.
  • Everyone who has raised a hand to humiliate you shall be humbled for your sake. Everyone that have risen against your destiny, your purpose, your call shall be humiliated for your sake.
  • I pour the oil of God upon you this morning and I declare that the God who did it for one will do it for you

Please get your communion, get your bread and the wine ready because change is about to happen, breakthrough is about to follow you, glory is about to be manifest and the testimony of Jesus is about to show up for you.
You will not take this communion for danger! You will not take it for destruction!
You will take it for life, for progress, for favor, for testimony and for healing. You will take this communion and your story will change, you will take this communion and glory will be revealed. The blessing of the Lord will be Mighty upon your life in Jesus name

This morning I speak your healing, I speak your favour, I speak your testimony, I speak Glory, I speak a Divine turn around and speed and the healing of your mind in Jesus name.





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