Have you ever wondered that there are somethings you have read at home or read at a time in your life, but life just got ignited while you are in Church.
You know the reason why? Psalm 73:17
The gathering of God’s people is the gathering of illumination, so watch out for light, striking forth in your life and opening new chapters in your life.
Bringing the first Word this morning, is one of my very precious sons in the gospel. He has been there with me here since 1983 and he demonstrates the practicality of the Word of faith; he has got quite some experience with God
He is one of those sons of Issachar in this Ministry who can tell what is coming on. I was in South Africa at a time when I said, “hey, you will be going to Ghana.” He said, “I already told my wife.”
The wife said, “how? we can’t go from Foreign Mission to Foreign Mission.” Then I came and said, “you are going to Ghana.”
He said, “but I told you before.”
That is how much he works in the Spirit. When he stepped into the full time Ministry and he told his wife, “we will be going to Ibadan.” She said, “we don’t have any Mission in Ibadan.”
He said: I said we will be going to Ibadan; he came and I said, “hey you will be going to Ibadan.”
There are many people in Church who are just there, they don’t walk in the Spirit, but you can’t maximise your journey in Christ without being a man and woman that walks in the Spirit. Church Gist. People just follow what others are doing. Very few are following what God is saying.
-May you be there to catch the discipline it takes to hear from Heaven.
Join me this morning, welcome Bishop Thomas Aremu as he brings the Word.