YOU CAN’T BE A SERVANT OF GOD AND DANCE TO THE TUNE OF MEN! -Bishop David Oyedepo on the Spirit of Love

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*No, you are the servant of men if you can’t say the truth
*They can occupy national positions in the Body of Christ, it doesn’t matter, but they are prophets of those leaders.
*There is no mortal man living that I can’t point my finger to when you tamper with Jesus

Possessing Your Promised Land: Day 7
Impartation Service

The next we will be dealing with this morning is the spirit of love and I will tell you why we need this.
2 Timothy 1:6-7, Romans 5:5
There is empowerment of the Spirit to stay in love with God. Peter thoroughly loved Christ, “I love thee. You know that I love you.”
Peter I know your choice is genuine but your love needs to be empowered to stand the test of time. Your choice to love God needs empowerment to stand the test of time. The same Peter who answered Jesus 3 times how much he loved Him, denied Him 3 times, but after the Holy Ghost came, the love of God was fired in his life.
“You judge whether to obey you or God. We cannot but speak to those things…”
Acts 4:19-20
His love had been empowered, he could not be shaken.
-Whatever shakes you off the love of God is over this morning.

Loving God is not just loving Him, it is loving Him above all else including yourself. That is not accessible without the anointing for love. Loving God above all else including yourself.

There are many, many people in the body of Christ today, under the slightest threat cower.
“Bow down to this idol”
Response: I don’t like it
“I will shoot you now”
Response: Okay, I bow
There are others, machine gun can’t threaten them.
Bomb blasters can’t threaten them.
They live above that realm by the empowerment of the spirit of love.
Those boys said, “you mean you and your graven idol, wants to separate us from God; you are wasting your time. Look, eat your furnace 100 times over. Nonsense. We will never bow to your graven image”
Daniel 3:17-18
You know kings, political leaders have their prophets, who prophesy to them what they like and they give some little money:
“The Lord is with you. Thus saith the Lord, the most High God”
He is with a wicked king? What a shame!!
They can occupy national positions in the Body of Christ, it doesn’t matter, but they are prophets of those leaders. You know what Elisha said, “go to those prophets of your father and your mother.” I am not that kind of prophet, Elisha was telling them
2 Kings 3:13
You don’t go far with God just dancing to the tune of men. Church Gist. No, you are not the servant of God, you are the servant of men.
There is no mortal man living that I can’t point my finger to when you tamper with Jesus.
You are too small to insult the Creator.
-You need that spirit this morning and you are going with that as your parting gift.
The love of God will be shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost.
Loving God unreservedly will become your new way of life.

It requires some divine empowerment to walk in the realm of that kind of love. Loving God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. So what do I have remaining?
Matthew 22:37
Like I said humourously, you said, “we should pay tithes, we should give offerings, we should give to parents, we should give to the poor”; what remains?
I said: blessing
What remains? Blessing.
I didn’t say so, the Bible says so
You give your tithes to open the windows of Heaven: Blessing
You give to the poor so that you will never lack: Blessing
You give to your parents so that it can be well with you: Blessing
So after obeying God, what do you have? Blessing
You won’t lack that in the name of Jesus.
That’s why we need empowerment. The great Peter couldn’t stand the test of time without such empowerment.

Loving God is the gateway to a world of all round rest.
Romans 8:28, Luke 10:10
The answer to that is the burning love of God in your life.
To sustain such love, we need the spirit of love, we need the anointing for love in our lives.

Solomon was God’s darling for 20 years, he loved God and suddenly the devil deceived him away from God; he shifted his passion for God to the love for strange women and God sent adversaries against him
1 Kings 3:3, 1 Kings 11:7, 14, 25
Grace to sustain the love for God is paramount, we need that

King Asa: King Asa had a heart for God. He removed his mother from being Queen, he was all out for God and that lasted for 20 years






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