Praise the Lord!
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. It’s a beautiful day, it’s an awesome day. It is a great day in the presence of the Lord. The day God ordained to make life beautiful for you, to make life awesome for you, to make life glorious for you, to make life powerful for you.
Healing will be done today. Deliverance will be done today. The blessing of the Lord will rest on someone. Church Gist. The joy of the Lord will increase for you. Welcome to Morning Glow. We bless the Lord this morning.
Heavenly Father we make great Your name. We celebrate Your name. We ask that You will be with us in Morning Glow this morning. We receive Your favour, we receive Your blessing, we receive Your power, we receive Your outstretched hand. Let people be blessed. Let Your name be glorified. Father let Your name be glorified. Let the Heavens open to the glory of Your name. We thank You in Jesus name.
Wherever you are around the world, welcome to Morning Glow. Trusting the Lord to bless you today and to impact your life and to truly make it a time of refreshing in His presence.
I am excited because somebody is going to experience supernatural increase.
We’ve been prophesying increase into our lives. This is KICC’s period of waiting on the Lord in prayer and fasting, middle of the year for 29 years now, since 1992. Church Gist. God has led us faithfully for 29 years to wait on the Lord in fasting and prayer.
God wants you to increase. He wants to bless you. The Bible makes us to understand that God truly want to bless us and there are several ways. There are keys to increase, there are certain keys that open the door of increase for you.
First one is education, to educate your mind, to educate your spirit, to know what God is doing and what He want to do. The Bible says in Isaiah 54:11-15, we tend to quote verse 15 alot but verses 11-15 is very juicy, full of blessings. Church Gist. So you got to learn number one, in other to work in increase, you need to first of all educate your mind to know your right, to know the truth, to know what God has for you and to work in the supernatural knowledge.
Don’t be fooled, don’t be lied to, don’t be carried away by the inferior, the unnecessary. Proverbs 23:6-8
So the first thing to do in other to increase is to be taught of the Lord, to know the Lord, that’s why we are having a Bible challenge. Church Gist. So you know this book, you have a walking knowledge. We are not saying you memorize everything, you have a walking knowledge.
I can not forget that statement when I was in Bible College. It said the reason we are taking you through all the book is to have a walking knowledge of the book. Praise God! So you have a walking knowledge of the Word.
So number one, education. Once you have an education of what the Word says to you, then the enemy cannot deny you of your blessings, cannot deny you your favour and cannot deny you your glory.
Number two is application. You’ve got to learn how to apply the Word. Apply the Word in other to experience increase.
How do you apply the Word?
- You apply it to live right.
- You apply it to think right.
- You apply it to speak right.
- You apply it to give right.
- You apply it to worship God in the right way so that you are doing it inside palace.
If you don’t know the Word, other things will carry you away, the unnecessary or the non-essential will become the essential to you. So number one is education of your mind. Church Gist. You need to know the truth. Number two is application of the Word.
Number three is impartation. In other words we want to see God impart your life and we want to see increase coming into your life, blessings coming to your life, favours coming into your life, increasing coming into your life. When God brings increase into your life, things change. Your testimony becomes such that the world wants to hear. So application therefore means we must begin to see you apply the Word.
Impartation therefore means we must begin to see you walking in the Word and this morning I believe the Lord that you will walk in the Word and you will walk in victory in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and you will never be put down in Jesus name but rather the Word will work mightily in your life.
So please increase is your portion:
- Increase is what God desire for you.
- Increase is a dimension in which you should walk.
- Increase is a grace which you should carry.
- Increase is what you must experience.
Know the Word, know your right, stay in your right. If God and the Word says something belong to you, don’t let anybody, anyone reduce what God’s Word says concerning you. Church Gist. God says I will increase you, increase will follow you, there shall be showers of blessing. So the Bible didn’t leave room for debate and says there could be showers of blessing. It says there shall be showers of blessing and once you believed what God says, it becomes the reality of your life, it becomes the Word that manifest in your life.
- Increase is your portion and nothing less than that will come to pass in your life in the name of Jesus.
There is also an increase beyond the ordinary. That Increase is when God opens the flood gates and shocks the system. When God shocks the system. Genesis 26, there was a famine in the land. Beside the first famine that was in the days of Abraham and Isaac went to Abimelech, the king of Egypt in Gerar. Then the Lord appeared to him and says; don’t go down to Egypt, live in the land that I shall tell you and after that, the Bible tells us from verse 12, then Isaac sowed in the same year. You know the Scripture, by now you know that passage so well. Then suddenly there was an increase that was beyond the ordinary. Why because he obeyed the Word of the Lord and the grace of the Lord became manifest.
So if you obey the voice of God and stay in the place of His purpose, remember what we say; education, application, then there will be impartation. Church Gist. If you learn to just take the Word as it is said, you just educate your spirit to realize that we walk not in the flesh but in the Spirit. The Bible says we walk by faith and not by sight. Once you learn that principle, things begin to change for you.
Then Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundred fold and the Lord blessed him. The man began to prosper, continuing prospering until he became very prosperous for he had possession of flock and possession of herds and a great number of servants.
When Isaac obeyed, he grew rich by the day. He had possessions, flock, herds, why because he took God at His Word and it become obvious that he had exposed himself to supernatural increase. Church Gist. This morning we are going to prophesy into your life again, something is going to shift for you.
- I declare and decree that the days of your increase are here.
- The season for your change has come. Nothing will stop it but rather the hand of the Lord will be mighty, the hand of the Lord will be great. The hand of the Lord will be awesome to execute, to bring to pass the word of your increase.
Get ready because God will increase you powerfully, increase your peace, increase your joy, increase your testimony. I want you to be ready because something is going to shift from today.
- I say again, something is going to shift from today in the mighty name of Jesus and God will fill your mouth with that kind of testimony like the kind of Isaac’s.
- God will fill your mouth with testimony like that of Jacob. Though he went to his father-in-law empty handed, they mis-used him, they paid him a bachelor’s salary, but the day he was leaving the place, Jehovah fought for him and God brought increase. Everything around him began to increase to the glory of God in a way that was beyond imagination in the name of Jesus. So get ready!
- Father we receive increase from this morning. I lay hands on everyone this morning as they come, as they go either to work, some of them are in their homes, some of them are just waking, some of them are in places where they are listening in the car; I release increase upon their lives right now!
- (Deuteronomy 32:13) Because of the covenant of Jehovah over Israel, Israel is traveling through the wilderness, yet the Bible says God made him to eat the increase of the fields. Abundance came to Israel and when he left the wilderness and came to Canaanland, abundance followed him. Yesterday I was watching a documentary online on what happened when the children of Israel began to come back to Philistine today which we see, I don’t know where you stand, I know you are angry why they are punishing the people in Philistine, why are they bombing Gaza. I don’t want to go into politics and you also have to be careful because you see, you have to learn how to sign with Jehovah. But the truth is this; I pray and hope that one day I will find the video. Infact it was by CBN, Christian Broadcasting Network, they showed videos of 1900, 1901, 1902, when the whole place was rocks and this people came back, with their hands began to carry rocks and remove. The land will not bare anything and the scientists among them who came back from Russia, from everywhere, as God has said He will bring them back, they began to research, how we can turn desert to a blooming ground. They began to plant. Suddenly the desert land bloom again according to the Word of God.
Today, Israel export fruits to Europe, 800 million pounds to Britain alone. They began to research. Mosquito was killing them, malaria, I didn’t even know that. They researched and found a way to change the water and stop malaria in their land. I said wow, I wish they were in my country.
- Today I declare and decree into your life, the God who blesses His people and turn the desert to a blooming ground, to feed people who have a good ground, He will turn your desert to a blooming ground in the name of Jesus.
- The Word of God says that the desert shall blossomom again, God uses these people to fulfill that word. Rivers will flow in dry places again. Isaiah 53:19-20, so you increase, dry places, dry area, desert area of your life shall begin to blossom and bring forth fruit.
- The area of your finances, the area of your finances that have dried up, not just little income in that area but exponential increase, a breaking forth that will change everything in your finances in the name of Jesus.
- We declare and decree this morning that there will be an outbreak of financial increase that will be exponential. Church Gist. Cancel all your debts, something leftover for you to invest and leave an inheritance not just for your children but your children’s children in Jesus name.
- I speak into your life today, the Lord is going to bring your increase in the supernatural way, He is going to bless you beyond measure in the name of Jesus.