While still standing, help me celebrate Pastor Yemi Davids and his adorable wife. Let’s celebrate also all Men of God here Hallelujah.
I have a few minutes this morning to just charge our hearts, it’s truly an honor to be here, amazed to see what God can do,
Song: Creator of the universe, what can’t you do, what can’t you do Jesus
Jeremiah 30:19 just a quick charge to bless our hearts.
Hallelujah, Multiplication is part of God’s Commission as far as the Dominion mandate is concerned. In the details of the Dominion mandate as we have in Genesis 1:28, The Bible said and God blessed them and mandated them to have Dominion and he described the entire scope of Man’s influence, the character and the nature of that Dominion. So multiplication is part of the mandate for Dominion. It requires that everything God gives you multiply. It is consistent In God’s character that whatever God gives to man comes as a seed. You will seldom have God give people harvest as the first instance of his giving. he would give a seed alongside the Grace and wisdom for multiplication. Church gist. It is a seed and then the grace and wisdom for multiplication. Every time God blesses men with seed, it can come as wisdom, Grace, creativity, it doesn’t matter what expression. Seed just means the beginning and the foundation, are we together, the life-giving factor or anything is the seed.
Now he doesn’t expect that seed to remain at that level. In Mathew 25 for the sake of time, remember he speaks of the parable of the talents. He gave unto one 5, he gave unto one 2 talents and he gave unto one 1 talent. Remember the bible said the one with five went and traded it and brought back five additional talents. The one with two traded it and gained two more talents, and then the one who had a single talent, you can see that the giver was just in his allocation, because the end of the story shows his wisdom., The one with the one talent full of offense, laziness, and complacency, when stewardship was demanded look at what he said, I know you are a hard man, reaping from where you did not sow, and so I buried your talent and here is your talent. The owner of the talent called him number 1, a wicked, and number,2, an unprofitable servant.
Something is wrong every time God blesses us and then we remain at that level, by not multiplying what he gave us. He gives us seeds as wisdom as grace as power, he expects that we multiply it. That means nothing should remain at the same level In your hands, and whatever makes it remain at that same level in the name of Jesus we command it to leave your life now. I should not come and find you at the same level any time of your life. The Bible said the part of the just is as a shining light, shining brighter and brighter unto the perfect day. You should never be found at the same level, spiritually, intellectually, financially, in your influence to expand, you should never be at the same level. Church Gist.
The grace and instinct for multiplication, to multiply means to increase exponentially. Greater levels of the same results, are we blessed. Scripture is full of God’s promises as far as multiplication is concerned. Genesis 22:17, the Lord there was speaking to Abraham, about multiplication, Genesis 22:17, we just run through it because of time, and then Genesis 26:4, this is God speaking to Isaac now about multiplication, In Genesis 28’6, Isaac was speaking to Jacob, and then in the message, multiplication was captured. Am just showing you instances in scripture, I apologize am rushing just to maximize time. In Genesis 35:11, also an Expression of the blessings. And lastly, Gen is 48:4 all of these scriptures communicating their blessings, have in them dimensions of multiplication. If blessings are really upon you, one of the evidence it should produce is multiplication, exponential increase at every level. But then my charge this morning is not really about the Subject of multiplication, but a word of caution. In Deuteronomy 18, there seems to be a weakness a limitation in men, when we experience increase, abundance, experience notable achievement and all that, that Everevery time men seems to advance notably in their life , there is a weakness which that state of prosperity creates. Genesis 18:1, Be Patient whilst we read, inasmuch as our mandate is to multiply, to increase, to advance, to move from one level of triumph to another, like we are gathered here to celebrate this massive work of faith, there is of caution, that comes to us from scriptures, Deuteronomy 8:2
You know what it’s saying here, do not waste your pain and do not waste your history, that your history is an anchor that will keep you when you rise, no matter what you have gone through in life, God is saying it is economy, not a waste, that your pain your disappointment, your frustrations become that which sustains you in the time of greatness. There is a side effect to greatness without a history, it doesn’t bring sustainability of that result.