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-Pastor Dr. W. F. Kumuyi at the Calabar Crusade on ‘POWERFUL DELIVERANCE THROUGH SIGNS AND WONDERS’
Day Two.

  1. The possibilities in God and the surety of His word.
  • Tonight, the Word will be sure. Wonders will be sure. Signs will be sure, miracles will be sure in your life in Jesus.

Number one is the power of God for signs and wonders. We are coming back to Jeremiah 32:17. You need to understand that as you are here tonight, as you have come before the Lord, anything you are asking, you are asking for salvation, you are asking for the forgiveness of your sin, you are asking that the Lord will give you a soft heart, a tender heart, a yielding heart, a willing heart. Church Gist. You are saying, my heart is hard, my heart is like a stone, I do bad things, I don’t even feel they are bad. But I want a soft heart, a tender heart, a changed heart, a transformed heart, the Lord will do it for you tonight. All you need to do, all you need to understand is that, He created the whole world, the whole universe and then He can recreate you. He has the power, He can refashion you, He can reform you, He will turn your life around and tonight, He will do it in Jesus name.

He created the world, the earth by His great power and He is going to recreate you. He is going to transform you, He is going to save you by His great power and by His stretched out arm and there is nothing too hard for Him. His love is so wide, so deep, it will cover your pains. Even though you feel you are rejected and you feel you are so bad, nobody will love you, God loves you and He loves you enough to say I created you first and then you deformed yourself and you spoilt your life but today, I am going to take hold of your life, I am going to recreate you again.

  • The creative power of the Almighty God is coming upon you right now.
  • That cruelty, that animal nature, the Lord will take it away from your life, from your heart in Jesus name.
  • You say, when I steal, I don’t understand myself. The things I steal, I don’t even need them and then, when they discover me, they punish me and yet, I go back again to steal. That nature that makes you steal compulsorily, the Lord is going to do it, He will refashion your life, He will recreate your life and that stealing habit, everything tonight is cancelled in Jesus name.
  • Everyone that have said, my flesh is my problem. Remember, He is the God of all flesh and if your flesh has been dragging you to do evil, fornication, adultery, evil things and then you say, I want to be free. The Lord will cleanse your heart tonight. The blood of Jesus will make you whole and make you clean tonight.

As you surrender to the Lord and you understand that He is the God of all flesh and there is nothing too hard for Him to do, then He will hold you. Church Gist. But you know, if a child is going to be held up, that child has to also stretch the hand and as you stretch your hand to the Lord today and you say, ‘Lord, here am I, I come to you, I want a change, I want a transformation, I want your salvation’. It will come and then the power of the creative God will work in your life, He will release you to become a new man, a new woman, a different person and the power that used to force you to do evil, all that power will be cancelled tonight.

  • There is nothing too hard for God.

The first time I went to Russia, the people there at that time did not understand that there is nothing too hard for God. I announced to the people, I said God is still the same, the God of power and the God of creation and the God of all possibilities and somebody thought, he will prove to us that God cannot do what I was saying He will do.

There was a woman that was paralyzed 25 years, hands paralyzed, feet paralyzed and then, as we gathered together and I was preaching, I told the people, with God, all things are possible. That the great power of God has not changed and will never change. So this man brought somebody who had been paralyzed for 25 years, hands could not work, legs could not walk and put her at the door, at the gate where everybody will come out and they will see the paralyzed woman there and then they will say, ‘oh, look at this woman, what Pastor Kumuyi said is not true, God cannot do it’. What I’m telling you is true. Church Gist. It will be done in your life and then we prayed and then many things happened, but that woman was still there and as we said, in Jesus’ name, the final amen, they were passing like this, without anybody touching that woman, that woman got up. Hands alright, legs alright and then she began to walk. Nobody touched her.

-That same God that did that in Russia, many years ago is coming to your place today and the power of the Lord will turn your life around, He will save you and He will heal you, you will never be the same again in Jesus name.

Because of the miracles that tool place at that time in Moscow, Russia, the Pentecostal Union in Moscow invited me back, four months after that and then as I was preaching, I was holding a microphone and then I saw one woman, left the congregation and she was coming towards my direction. I kept on speaking but I was wondering, why didn’t they stop this woman and then she got to me on the stage and she got the microphone from me, so I kept quiet and then she said, ‘here am I, when the Pastor came four months ago, I was totally paralyzed, I had been paralyzed for 25 years, I am the woman, I am okay.’

  • You will be okay tonight in Jesus name.

Signs and wonders, if the Lord could do that at that time, our God has not changed, He will come your way tonight, He will set you free and there is nothing too hard for Him. In your life, nothing too hard, in your family, nothing too hard. For that son, for that daughter, nothing too hard.

  • He will set you free today in Jesus name.

Look at that verse 20 again, in verse 20, which hast set signs and wonders. Do you set your watch, do you ever set the clock on your phone and you set the time and then you say, at this time that I set, I want the alarm clock to ring out and then at the set time, it rings out.

The Lord has set the time for your signs and wonders tonight. The set time is the time of prayer and as that set time comes and we say, in Jesus name, catch it, your salvation has come, your miracle has come.

  1. Our pardon through grace for salvation and worthiness.

We are looking at Isaiah 55:6-7, the Lord is granting us a word of wisdom. There are people that are not wise and they say, ‘tomorrow, I will make it. Tomorrow, I will seek the Lord. Tomorrow, I will call on the Lord.’
The Lord is saying, today is what you have, you are not sure of tomorrow and you cannot predict all the signs and all the things that will happen tomorrow. Don’t let the devil cheat, don’t let the devil deceive you and make it another time. This is your time. Am I talking to somebody here? This is your time, it will happen in your life.

Seek ye the Lord while He may be found. How do you know where He may be found? You already heard testimonies of what the Lord did yesterday both here and in many other places. He can be found now and you are still alive now and you are still breathing now and there is a desire in your heart, you want the touch of the Lord and you want the transforming power of the Lord, this is the time. A time where everybody is expecting, when everybody is praying, when the mercy of God is flowing like a river and when the power of God is in great manifestation, this is your time.

Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, when the grace of the Lord is still available and when the Lord is calling and inviting you, come onto me, all ye that labour and are heavily laden and I will give you rest, this is the time. The time when the promise of God is still fresh and He says, whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

This is your time, a wise man will take the words of wisdom, a wise woman will take that word of wisdom that was given, that this is your time.

Look at verse 7, what the Lord is saying is, in seeking the Lord; He is holy, He is righteous, He is clean. You are seeking the Lord, you will forsake all those dirty things in your heart, mind, around your body, that waistband, you will loose them and you throw them away, you cannot keep that charm in your hand, on your neck and say, I am seeking the Lord, let the wicked forsake his way. You are coming to the Lord tonight.

Everything that will bring judgement from God, all those things, you pack aside, you throw away, you say ‘Lord, I come.’ The Lord will receive you and the Lord will pardon you and the Lord will cleanse your life. You will never be the same again in Jesus name.

  • The Lord will have mercy upon you. The mercy that brings forgiveness, freedom, salvation will come to you.
  • His pardon will cover every sin you’ve ever committed as you come before the Lord and say, Lord, here I am. I have no other plea except that Christ died for me on the cross of Calvary and then the salvation of God will come to you in Jesus name.

Let me tell you this, a few years ago, I went to America and it was in Minnesota and one of our members knew that we were talking about the love of God, the love of God that reaches everybody and then, as a member of the Church, she was a nurse working in the hospital and there was a woman in that hospital, a Korean woman, she was at the point of death, about to die and then the nurse approached the doctor and said doctor, our Pastor came from Nigeria and he is talking about the love of God. Can I take this Korean woman to the meeting? Oh the doctor said, ‘if she remains here, she will die. If you take her, she will die, she might die on the road, she might die over there and since she will die any moment from now, take her.’

The sister took her, that Korean woman in an ambulance and then they stretched her out in that ambulance. When the ambulance reached our Church, they gently brought her out of the stretcher and they laid her at the back of the Church. I didn’t even know she was there and she had never been in any Church because she was not even a nominal Christian, she was following the religion of Koreans and then I spoke like I’m speaking to you tonight, I assured everybody: I said even if you are here for the first time, the love of God is reaching out to you and I came here to announce to you that even though you are coming for the first time, the mercy and the pardon and the love and the grace of God is coming to you now in Jesus name.

Like we normally do, we prayed and then I said, in Jesus name, we prayed and the people gave a good amen. Church Gist. All of a sudden, as other people were giving testimonies, that Korean woman at the back of the Church on the stretcher, no usher went there, no one touched her, power came from heaven and made her to rise up. She got up, she took few steps and she walked and she came to the platform and she was crying and she was saying, ‘how did God heal me? I’ve never been to Church, I’ve never called the name of Jesus. For the first time, the power of Christ came upon me and look at me.’ She was totally made whole.

That same God that did that at that time, pardoned her sin, forgave her sin and set her free and brought revival and renewal and healing and deliverance to her, that power is here tonight. He will heal you, He will deliver you, He will pardon all your sins.

  • The grace of God will come to your life tonight in Jesus name.




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