- Pastor W.F Kumuyi at Divine Touch for Total Freedom, Enugu Global Crusade Day Two
When we shall see Him, we will be like Him. He doesn’t have cancer, you will not have cancer. He doesn’t have any infirmity, you will not have any infirmity too.
We are here for the divine touch, The Lord is going to touch your life, He will touch your spirit, soul and body. Every sickness, every infirmity, every plague once the Lord touches you it will vanish in Jesus name.
- I see the Lord touching you, I see the Lord lifting the problem out of your life in Jesus name
Tonight I am reading a story to you. The story I am reading to you has been written in the scriptures for you and I that we might have hope. These things were written for our admonition and instruction that we might receive the same miracles that they received. Every thing we read is for you, every good thing you are going to hear tonight will be transferred to your life.
Mark 5:25-34
Everybody has an issue, for her it is an issue of blood for twelve years. For someone it is the issue of depression, failure or problems in the family, every one has an issue and whatever is the issue tonight God will bring solution. The woman had gone to many physicians, Some people have gone to meet philosophers, psychologists, local healers for help. Church Gist. Wherever you have gone and have not found solution, Solution is available of you today. Her issue continued until she heard about Jesus. Anytime any one having disappointments, problems, issues, failures in life the moment you begin to hear about Jesus your solution is close by.
Many people hear but they do not make a decision. They just vanish into thin air and do not come. It is the people that hear and follow up what they heard and come. Church Gist. As you come today there will be no disappointments in your life anymore.
You here tonight, you are there and you have an issue, heaven is going to resolve your issue. Crowd or no crowd, pressure or no pressure as you come, the Lord will touch you.
She went with expectation, confidence and faith to touch the garment of Jesus. If that is your heart tonight, you are going to get it. When she touched the garment of Jesus, the fountain of her blood dried up. Every sickness comes from a fountain, every infirmity is from a fountain. The fountain is not seen, what we see is what is coming out of the fountain. The Lord knows your fountain and then He touches you and the fountain dries up. When the fountain dries up, blind eyes are opened, possibilities become possible. When the fountain of your life dries up after the divine touch, I will see the miracle in your life.
- The Worsening Condition Without Any Helpful Victory
- The Worthy Confession With A Hopeful Voice
- The Wonderful Cure Through His Healing Virtue
- The Worsening Condition Without Helpful Victory (Mark5:25-26, Isaiah 1:6, 2 Timothy 3:13, 2 Peter 2:20-22
This is the condition everyone finds themselves before they get to Christ. Check out everyone, we are born as babies with all parts of our body healthy but as we continue to grow older, parts of our body begins to depreciate and get worse and worse and by 40 some of us already have very bad eyesight. So we begin to look for solutions here and there and find none. Church Gist. It happens to us in the body, soul and spirit. The things we could stand against before, we can no longer stand against them anymore and we seek help. Some people will try pills, before they eat they need pills, before they sleep they need pills. But those pills only weaken you more and more.
The woman spent all she had and became penniless. No health, no dignity, no life because all the people that were supposed to help only make things worse. Church Gist. The Lord will pick you up tonight from that dungeon where you are and take you up and something new will happen in your life in Jesus name.
- The Worthy Confession with A Hopeful Voice (Mark 5:27-32)
The person that says “this issue will not end my life, my life cannot go on like this.”, God will confirm it in your life. Tonight is the night of your freedom.
This woman said “I heard about Jesus the deliverer and I must touch Him and people around will not take it from me, activities will not take it for me”. She heard that Jesus is a deliverer and she believed it. She got what she confessed, you will get what you confess.
I remember years ago in Onitsha here in the South East, this man was totally mad and there were chains and padlocks all over him and we spoke about Jesus the Deliverer and he heard even though he had mental problem. Church Gist. When we were praying, I said as I pray the hand of the Lord will touch you and he believed even though he had mental problem and when the people said Amen the man regained his sanity the padlocks were removed and he came to give his testimony.
This woman heard that Jesus is the Saviour and came. It is not everybody that hear that get saved only the people that hear and they come.
There are people that forget their request and forget why they came as they see the crowd. This woman said I have carried this issue for twelve years and I must touch the hem of Jesus’ garment and be made whole. Church Gist. Once the fountain is touched, every disease from that fountain will come out of your body.
The feeling in your body after you receive the touch is so small like when Elijah prayed, he sent his servant to check and all he saw was a small cloud yet it rained all over Israel.
- The rain of miracles will fall all over the nation in Jesus name.
What kind of eyes do you have? Eyes of tradition? Eyes of habits? Eyes of discouragement? Or eyes of faith.
All the time virtue was coming out of Jesus. Even when He was walking on the road, virtue was coming out of Him. Jesus is now at the right hand of the Father and right now His attention is on you, and virtue is going to come out of Him for you tonight.
If there is anybody wanting to touch Him now, the Lord is paying attention to you. That Divine touch is going to come your way in Jesus name. When the unclean touches Jesus all the uncleanness will vanish away. Church Gist. When the defiled touches Jesus all the defilement will vanish away. When a terrible sinner when he touches the Lord, the Saviour the sin vanishes away.
- The Wonderful Cure Through His healing virtue.
(Mark 5:34)
The smile of heaven is coming your way and that sin that holds you captive will vanish away, that sickness in your body will vanish away.
When we shall see Him, we will be like Him. He doesn’t have cancer, you will not have cancer. He doesn’t have brain problem, you will not have brain problem.
- God is no respecter of persons, if He did it for her, He will do it for you also. That fountain in your life will vanish tonight.
- You are made whole tonight in Jesus name
- No more sickness, no more plagues, no more pennilessness, no more injuries in your life.
- Someone there salvation is coming to you, the peace of God will settle in your health right now.