- Bishop David Oyedepo at 1st Service, Faith Tabernacle
Breaking Invisible Barriers Service
*The power that kept you from smoking will keep you from drinking if you believe it
*”I tell you something, nobody can be perfect”: that is why you are imperfect and you remain so until you believe it. Whatever you don’t believe cannot be delivered.
*You are here, max (maximum) 120 years. You are there for eternity, which one should create more concern?
*Your healing keeps you here. Your righteousness secures eternity: which one is stronger?
*This Ministry is a mystery of grace, of all kinds that no skill can make happen and I want to let you know my hand is not in it.
Isaiah 59:8
You know the work of righteousness shall be peace and the effect of righteousness shall be quietness and assurance forever- Isaiah 32:17
So the way of righteousness they know not, so they are trying their various efforts to be right but it’s not working, because they don’t know the way to it.
Isaiah 48:17
If godliness must be profitable unto all things, He wants to teach us the way to it, so we can live a most profitable life on earth – 1 Timothy 4:8.
When God makes known His ways, He puts you in command of His acts – Psalm 103:7.
Lord, show me the way to your righteousness, so I can experience the confirmation of the same in my life, for by strength shall no man prevail – 1 Samuel 2:9
Show me to know the way to sanctification. Show me the way to sanctification because it is in your plan, “for this is the will of God” – 1 Thessalonians 4:3
Even your sanctification is God’s will. It is not you trying to be. Our sanctification which is the only way to take delivery of our inheritance – Acts 20:33.
It is not being here and there: go to Church in the morning, one native doctor in the evening and one professional prophet in the evening with a long rod, go to bath for you somewhere.
-You will not sell off your inheritance for a morsel of meat.
It is not unspiritual to be challenged: No. But it is unscriptural to be defeated. It is anti-covenant to be defeated. So (if) you know what to do, you will never get defeated.
-In the name of Jesus, the way to go will be made open to everyone of us today and no one will fall a victim of the scheming of the devil.
-Everyone single worshipper in this Church will make it through to Heaven.
-You will not need to struggle for survival on the earth because godliness is profitable unto all things.
1 Timothy 4:8.
Let me tell you how important this is. All spiritual virtues terminate here, only godliness is to eternity.
All: Faith terminates here, you don’t need faith in Heaven
Prophecy terminates here.
Revelation terminates here. But only the holy will walk on that highway. That is why the battle is fierce.
It is our absolute profit in living a godly life. Hell is made for him, he wants to take as many as possible.
-He won’t get you.
A Pastor was very upset with his leader and said to him, “I know I must go to hell but I must take you along.” This is real life, not a dream.
“Look, there is no point harassing me with hell. I know I am going to hell but I must take you along.”
Can you imagine, the devil’s place is hell, he wants to take as many people as he can.
-He won’t get you, he will not get you, he will not get me. He will not get your children.
Knowing the way is vital to knowing the will of God.
1 John 5:14, 1 Corinthians 15:19
Our most enviable inheritance is eternity with Christ.
1 Corinthians 6:9 – 11. You better know it.
That must become past tense for us to see the way forward.
-Every barrier that won’t let you step out of those rot, God will clear them off your way today.
We have discovered that every revelation of the Truth is revolutionary in nature, just catch it and see how it turns to your life – 2 Corinthians 3:18
There is always a supernatural change that takes place at every revelation received and believed.
Today, Church has produced copies of ‘Godliness is Profitable Unto All things’; it is not for you to keep in your album, it is for your enlightenment. When you receive and believe His Word, you have committed His integrity to confirm it.
How many want to live a profitable life? Let me see your hand: so why don’t you learn what it takes?
Isaiah 60:1-3; 8
-God is not looking for who to Punish, He is looking for who to POLISH.
His commandments are not grievous – 1 John 5:3
When He said, “be ye holy”, it means he made provision for you and I – 1 Peter 1:16, Matthew 5:48
Let me pause here to say every provision of redemption is only deliverable by faith.
Isaiah 53:1, Isaiah 53:5-6
By His stripes we are healed; by making Him a sin we are made righteous.
Stripes for healing: the carriage of our iniquity for our righteousness.
You can’t be healed without faith, so you can be free from sin without faith. I think that is where the problem is. Everyone Jesus healed, “thy faith has made thee whole.”
“Do you believe that I can do it? I can’t make you whole without you believing.”
You can’t be free from sin without believing in the finished work of Christ.
“No. Nobody can be holy”: That is why you are not. You cannot be until you believe it.
“I tell you something, nobody can be perfect”: that is why you are imperfect and you remain so until you believe it. Whatever you don’t believe cannot be delivered. Whatever a man cannot believe cannot be delivered.
The power that kept you from smoking will keep you from drinking if you believe it. Everything in the Kingdom delivers by faith – Habakkuk 2:4
Every revelation, every vision delivers by faith – Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 10:38
The just shall live by faith, but if any man turns back, he want to use strength, his energy, he is grounded; for the just shall live by faith.
Isaiah 53:5 – It is our great redemption story.
Isaiah 32:17
He paid the price for our righteousness, the same way He paid the price for our healing. If the Church will believe God for their righteousness the same way they believe God for their healing, we will be free. Church Gist. Your healing keeps you here. Your righteousness secures eternity: which one is stronger my friend?
You are here, max (maximum) 120 years. You are there for eternity, which one should create more concern?
🎶From earthly things to the heavenly 🎶
It is time to turn our affection to the things from above.
Healing, health and wholeness will keep us here, but godliness will secure eternity.
-You won’t miss it.
There is no breakthrough in Heaven, God has broken through for us.
There is no Landlord in Heaven: He owns all the land and he builds all the mansions.
Everything ends here but godliness is the only access to eternity.
We have a great life, Abraham had a great life here and still enthroned in Heaven.
We don’t have to live like Lazarus here. No.
He wants to give us a taste of heaven while we are here.
Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself, yet profiting, advancement, impact and they could not find anything amiss with Daniel – Daniel 1:8, Daniel 6:4.
Proverbs 14:34
-Every air of shame and reproach around anyone’s life shall clear off finally today.
Let’s examine some costs of ungodliness
- Ungodliness stirs unrest – Isaiah 48:22
Hebrews 4:6, 1 John 3:7
“He that doeth righteousness is righteous” – There is the doing.
Not he that teacheth righteousness: he that doeth righteousness
Not doing theology: he that doeth righteousness
Even the world hates wickedness so they create prison houses, to keep the wicked off the streets, so they don’t assault innocent people
They keep criminals in the prison. There is no Nation in the world that has no prison house.
Just go around and say you are the righteousness in Christ and go and steal somebody’s car: and He has an explosive inside. Then you are the righteousness indeed.
The righteous are bold as a lion – Proverbs 28:1
-You won’t miss your inheritance. - It blocks access to divine secrets.
We know that the secrets of the Lord are with them that fear Him and He will show them his covenant – Psalm 25:14
Ungodliness blocks our access to divine secrets which is behind the making of stars.
Access to divine secrets will make a star of any believer.
Job 29:4
He (Job) became the greatest of all men in the East by access to the secrets of God – Job 1:3
He (Job) was a man that feared God, so he had access to the secrets of God- Job 1:8
No one could have unveiled that in any school of learning: somebody dreamt a dream, he had forgotten and you must tell him the dream Or you are dead. What wickedness!
“And God revealed the secret to Daniel” – Daniel 2:19
O King, wait a minute. Let me start from the beginning. You slept: true or false?
Then you saw 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9… The king opened his mouth, saliva was coming out. After he unveiled, he brought him back to the dream and the king bowed down and worshipped Daniel. This is a god, not a man – Daniel 2:46
The secrets of God made the king to bow to a captive.
Access to divine secrets will make a star of any believer. But the fear of God is our access to it.
- Ungodliness blocks access to divine wisdom.
And it is by that wisdom that kings reign and princes decree justice – Proverbs 8:15
We saw it in Joseph, in the house of Potiphar – Genesis 39 :9
“But I fear God was his testimony” – Genesis 42:18
Genesis 41:39
Haven’t you heard that the fear of the Lord is the access to wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is the gateway to understanding – Proverbs 9:10, Psalm 111:10
The fear of the Lord!
There is no comparing the access to divine wisdom with any other wisdom in the land of the living. There is no comparing the wisdom from above with any other wisdom from any school of learning under Heaven.
This Ministry today is a mystery. Mystery of grace, of all kinds that no skill can make happen and I want to let you know my hand is not in it.
How do you secure the hand of the invisible God on the visible earth?
You have been struggling with your business like they struggle because you have not accessed the wisdom that is only available to the Redeemed in running your business.
If you go their way, you will suffer the way they suffer but if you access His way, it will make a difference.
We cannot access divine secrets without the fear of God at work in us. We cannot access divine wisdom without the fear of God in us.
To be free from crisis, unrest of all kinds, godliness is a requirement.
Interestingly, we have an open-ended platform for a U-turn at any point of our choice.
One of the most wicked kings in Bible Days was Ahab, his wife was the agent behind his wickedness and when the prophetic Word came, he walked softly before the Lord. God said, “see how he humbled himself before me, this evil will not happen in his day”
God changed His mind as the man changed his stand.
A U-turn is cheap with God, at any time of your choice.
Enough is enough, don’t rob me of the best that God has provided for me in Christ: satan enough.
“God have mercy: forgive me.” There is no unforgiveable sin with God but there is no sin God will forgive without our repentance. Our genuine repentance – Proverbs 28:13
At any point he chooses to, what a good news.
-Somebody is walking out of this place today completely free because of his choice to turn.
It is never late to be right.
1 Kings 21: 25-29
God will return to you when you return to Him at any point.
Somebody is returning violently today, enough is enough. Don’t cheat me out of eternity. Don’t rob me of my inheritance on the earth. Enough is Enough.
We are not serving an abracadabra God, He has laid down the terms very clearly in his Word.
-We are getting there in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Purpose to live a godly life with faith in the finished work of Christ
Christ had not died when purpose of heart caused Daniel to prevail – Daniel 1:8.
Now we saw his open testimony – Daniel 6:4-5
Before Christ died, his purpose of heart caused him to prevail. How much more now that Christ has carried our sins. Our purpose of heart will cause us to prevail much more than Daniel.
-Therefore, in the name of Jesus, may everyone’s purpose of heart today to cause each one of us to prevail in our quest for godliness in the name of Jesus Christ.
Just purpose in his heart and he prevailed till the end.
“This Daniel prospered” – Daniel 6:28
Change of Level, satisfactory progress, enthronement, everything answered to Daniel by that singular purpose of heart not to defile himself. Everything kept changing for him. He was a celebrity in his land of captivity.
- Many celebrities will rise from the encounters of this month.
- Stay on the Word: God’s cleansing power resides in His Word.
Psalm 119:9-11, John 15:3, Ephesians 5:26
God’s Word is spiritual water that cleanses us. So taking regular showers in the Word keeps us clean, the same way we clean up when we wake up in the morning. - Watch and Pray
The devil is hunting for every precious soul.
Matthew 26:41, 1 Peter 5:8
Be sober, be vigilant: you don’t hear the steps of a serpent on the rock. It glides. You don’t look well, it will bite – 1 Peter 5:8-9
-No one here shall be caught.
-The wickedness of the wicked shall not find you in the precious name of Jesus Christ.