*A revival is about building people’s destinies, not building of churches.
* There will be a major spiritual party on Sunday
A revival is a spiritual platform for the restoration of our redemptive dignity. Very simple illustration from Ezekiel 37:1-3, 8-10; dignity restored on the platform of a revival.
A revival simply means an awakening, a quickening. What we saw in that picture is a quickening of a revival and there arose from that open valley of very dry bones an exceeding great army: men and women of valour.
We saw that picture in Habakkuk 3. Although nothing might be happening when you began on that journey but keep at it (Habakkuk 3:17-19).
A revival is a spiritual platform for the restoration of the redemptive dignity of God’s people.
This should come into our minds. If you see how that has played out in this Commission, you don’t need anybody to begin to explain. Many destinies have been dramatically transformed.
Somebody’s oesophagus (documented testimony) would not allow food to pass in and was on drip all her life; 10 tablets to relieve pain in the afternoon and 6 tablets in the night; that’s 16 and that continued for 4 years. Then came into the midst of a revival and connected with it. She said, “I eat anything now, I can run.” Her redemptive dignity was restored.
I was broke, nothing worked for 20 years, then I found my self in the midst of a revival (documented testimony): got myself connected; bank said, “forget about the interest”, paid all my debts. Free at last: I got a car, I got a house, everything sorted. 20 years of open dry valley experience terminated.
That’s a revival. It’s not about let’s build a Church; it’s about let’s build a destiny. Everybody engaging is building his/her destiny.
I needed to say that because we must maintain the fire on our prayer altar.
(Response): “For What? Am I a Pastor, what’s my problem?”
Every revival thrives on the altar of prayer
(Response): So, what’s my concern?
Your concern is that it’s a platform for the restoration of your redemptive dignity and prayer is one of the vital ways we serve God and the interest of His Kingdom.
You are rewarded for service; it’s not that He will answer you (Matthew 6:6). He will reward You for advancing His Kingdom on the prayer altar.
When you fast, don’t frown your face…”I’ve been in a fast now for 30 days, Hallelujah”- that’s advert.
He said, “God who sees your fasting in secret, in advancing His Kingdom He will reward you openly (Matthew 6:17-18)
1 Corinthians 3:6-8
The planter is the sower of seed that goes to witness Jesus.
The waterer is the Prayer man/woman.
Everyone shall be rewarded according to his own labour whether in planting or in watering.
Anna was serving God in prayer and fasting, so it is one way we serve God (Luke 2:37).
Nobody has any excuse, anybody that can eat can pray.
I’m amazed at my daughter (documented testimony) who could not eat and was going for evangelism. She could not eat, she was living on water, pains in the afternoon, pains in the night, was praying Kingdom advancement prayers, Jesus said, “No, Oesophagus come back to shape. I need her to serve me…”
Nobody has an excuse. You have no excuse sir. Everybody has a place in the Vineyard to serve if he chooses to (Joshua 24:15).
Every revival thrives on the altar of prayer and the ‘Prayer’ man enjoys redemptive dignity in return for his/her engagement:
– Restoration of beauty and colour
– Restoration of honour and glory
That’s where you come in, that’s where I come in.
Ask the Lord, “let the prayer fire be ever burning on the altar of my heart. Let the prayer fire be ever burning: revival order of prayer, Kingdom advancement order of prayer (Leviticus 6:12-13).
The disciples were in prayers: they were having favour with all men (Acts 2:46-47). God was decorating them with the favour that pertains to the Redeemed.
Their blessings came first and God was adding to the Church last. So, it is first adding to you. That’s why every commandment of scripture is absolutely for your profiting, our profiting.
We must keep praying to keep the Revival fire burning. We are appointed Watchmen over Jerusalem who shall not keep quiet day or night until Jerusalem becomes the praise in the earth (Isaiah 62:6-7, Isaiah 66:7-8). The revival will keep producing as long as we keep travailing in prayer. Let God see that your heart is panting after Him and the interest of His Kingdom, you won’t beg Him to decorate you; He will just keep decorating you in colour.
It’s the sequence, that’s the way it works. We give ourselves wholly to prayers and then the number of disciples multiplied greatly (Acts 6:7). Commit yourself to it, it is for the restoration of your redemptive colour.
Prayer and fasting does not only change things, it changes people. The altar of prayer is the altar of transfiguration: 🎼Nearer my God to thee, nearer to thee 🎼. The nearer you are, the more of Him you reflect and one of the ways you get close to Him is on the prayer altar. We are communing with Him, we are communicating with Him, we are in a conference with Him and as we behold Him, we are changed from glory to glory into the same image of the One we are beholding (2 Corinthians 3:18).
Moses went to Mount Sinai and he returned; he didn’t know he has been transfigured (Exodus 34:27-35).
As Jesus prayed, the fashion of His countenance was altered (Luke 9:29).
It’s so interesting that this what one can do until he draws his last breath.
At 120: my Father and my God, I thank You for what You did last Sunday Service and I thank You for what You have in store for this Sunday. Let everyone ever invited to be in Church appear on Sunday in your presence. As they appear, save them. Let your Word come powerfully in this coming service, let it bring convictions and result in conversions. Let it bring transformations to the life of every worshipper.
You are just breathing prayer and as long as you are in service, you are on God’s payroll. The unmatchable payback, the one that includes sound health, sound mind, long life, freedom from curses. Money can’t buy that. I pray that God will rain upon every one of us the anointing for addiction in praying Kingdom advancement prayers.
If you have access to the videos of our early services, you will find that the prayer we are praying now is what we have been praying.
In case you don’t have access (to the videos), since you came to this Church; the prayer pattern has not changed.
“Oh God, let the outreach be effectual. Convict and convert. Oh God, bring them in. Oh God establish them.”
That has been the pattern, it will be 40 years next May.
You too, see the decoration!
Today, 592 inductees are finishing this morning at the Impartation Service and will be deployed to their Stations today. So that tells you how many new Churches are going to start on Sunday!
Those are the things we celebrate, not that we have finished a building: those are all secondary issues but that some fellows who never heard the gospel will be gathered on Sunday.
The Soldiers are arriving there today and they are taking on the streets, nooks and cranny of those villages and their various locations tomorrow. They are doing that all day, then they come in to anoint the Sanctuary, the place of fellowship, then ready to fire on Sunday morning.
Be part of this, it’s for your good.
Be part of this revival, it’s for the restoration of your redemptive dignity.
People saw you in the open valley, very dry, but God said, “there is an exceeding great potential inside you that when you connect with the breadth of the Spirit, the might in you, the giant in you will come alive.”
Receive grace to serve God effectively on the prayer altar.
Grace to pray effectively for every service.
Grace to pray for every new convert.
Grace to pray for members’ needs to be met.
Please ensure that we are all available on Saturday Morning, there will be major announcement on the new things God is doing in our midst.
We are also telling everybody, this coming Sunday is a prophetic home coming service. When that young man (prodigal son) returned home, he had a change of raiment; the father threw a party for him.
There will be a major spiritual party on Sunday. Thank You Jesus.
It’s our Covenant Family Day: whatever represents a siege on anyone’s family shall be averted in the name of Jesus; being an Anointing Service, whatever represents a yoke around anyone’s life shall be destroyed. You are walking into liberty by the power of God.
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