- Bishop Thomas Aremu at Shiloh 2021
Day Two, Hour of Visitation.
Let’s assume that all of us come with some level of wisdom which is still common and God who knows us and knows what next before the end of Shiloh 2021, He will bless us with strange order of wisdom in the name of Jesus Christ!
There is this scripture that will make you to crave for wisdom all the days of your life – Proverbs 2:1-7. Can you see all the packages there? The fear of the Lord is there, knowledge is there, understanding… They are just in the same family. Church Gist. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and it is what you know that you can apply. So, they are all in a package. Most of the time when we ask for butter and bread, those requests are not in wisdom. Do you know what we should ask daily, because we need it daily? Wisdom is relevant everywhere and in everything. What we need to ask daily is knowledge, that’s revelation. Then understanding and what again? Wisdom. Thank God, the three of them work hand in hand and all of them are embedded in the same Holy Spirit. It is a seven-fold spirit. Seven in one spirit (Isaiah 11:2). They move as a team. There is always a team work between all these virtues before you can be made More Than A Conqueror.
Let me give this incidence; in the day of revival, there was a man called Evan Roberts. He was a fire brand indeed; fire everywhere, miracles everywhere. The power dimension was too much but Evan Roberts did not go for wisdom. He fasted and prayed until he was like a vegetable and so, minus wisdom, his power dimension becomes irrelevant. Even in fasting, there is a limit. Church Gist. Otherwise, you may not live to enjoy the dividends of the fasting. So, Evan Roberts kept on building on fire until the fire consumed him and look at it, one of the people that has benefited from his crusades, when they say he was a vegetable; he couldn’t do anything again, medical help couldn’t help me; they took him to their house and were taking care of him until the day of his death.
- You will not be that kind of a man of God!
It wasn’t demons, it was foolishness. The time you are to rest, if you don’t rest, you will soon become a medical case. With God on the throne and the Holy Ghost all around you, wisdom. So, let me say this that wisdom is relevant everywhere and in everything. Wisdom is relevant every day, in fact, every second – wisdom. Church Gist. That’s why Solomon said, I don’t need anything, give me wisdom. God said that is the principal thing, wisdom alone doesn’t go like that, it goes with so many other things. In case you don’t have anything to ask and you don’t even know what to ask, just ask for wisdom (James 1:5). So, we need wisdom.
The wisdom of yesterday may not cope with the challenges of today. So, who told you; no matter how wise you are today, you must build on it again before tomorrow. Otherwise, a success today may become a failure tomorrow because of lack of wisdom.
Wisdom is the know how about any matter of interest (Ecclesiastes 10:15). So, wisdom is divine know how with proofs. Because if you say you have the know how, well let’s see. Because wisdom is justified of her children. Where there is wisdom, there are proofs to vindicate it. Through wisdom, believers reign as kings. That is, through wisdom, we emerge as more than a conqueror (Proverbs 8:15-18). With wisdom, you will not become an ex-big man. Don’t you see many that have been so rich, their names spread abroad and they crashed down in bankruptcy. Why? Foolishness takes over where wisdom has reigned before.
- I want to pray for everyone under the sound of my voice, ever increasing wisdom shall be your portion even until you get to the gate of Heaven!
- The last foolishness you demonstrated shall be the last one forever in the name of Jesus Christ.
You can check the account of Joseph, Joseph with all that he faced from his family, Potiphar’s house and the prison. He still emerged more than a conqueror. He became the prime minister in the land where he entered as a slave. That is the transforming power of wisdom. You may be down and below today, but go after wisdom. Very soon, everyone that you are responsible to, they will soon begin to be responsible to you!
- Those that you are serving today, they will soon be serving you in the name of Jesus Christ!
The same Joseph, Pharaoh said, well as much as there is no one like you, you are very discreet and full of wisdom, then come and take over. A man of wisdom is the man that will take over tomorrow. Church Gist. Don’t go after sentiment; wherever you are, go after wisdom. Go after God, run after the fear of God and very soon, all your contemporaries will be subdued under the sole of your feet in the name of Jesus Christ!
- Those that are far ahead of you today by nepotism, criticism, man know man. Very soon the level will change in the name of Jesus Christ!
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