* You are a member to take fire from the altar and run with it. If you don’t run with it, it adds no value to your life.
* Whatever God tells you to do, do it!
* Today is your day of rising. God is changing your story today
Receive grace to buy into the Truth that God is showing us this whole week. These are hidden treasures and as you buy into it you begin to manifest the hidden treasures thereof:
“I receive grace to buy into this hidden treasure of soul winning.”
Pray from the depth of your hearts. It’s not a game, it is the unveiling of the Truth of scriptures.
It’s one thing for one to be present. It’s another thing for him to be a partaker. Somebody said he has been in Church for 8 years, but he has never really committed himself to whatever was going on. Then he heard the word one day and awoke from his sleep; he said what happened 3 months did not happen in 8-year membership. It is not membership that changes stories, it’s stewardship.
What changes anybody’s story? Stewardship.
You are a member to take fire from the altar and run with it. If you don’t run with it, it adds no value to your life. Membership does not change stories; it is stewardship that does (Matthew 25:21).
Story changed on the basis of profitable stewardship, value adding stewardship not membership.
Whatever He tells you to do, do it! (John 2:5)
Not write it.
Not quote it.
Not preach it.
You want a change of story, whatever He tells you to do, do it.
We want wine: whatever He tells you to do, do it.
I want my husband to return after 24 years of divorce: whatever He tells you to do, do it.
I want a job, oh my God for 10 years: stop explaining, whatever He tells you to do, do it. You will get a job.
Say with me: Membership does not change anybody’s story, only stewardship does. Help me Jesus to come awake from my slumber and engage with the Truth that changes believer’s stories.
God who sees your prayer stewardship in secret, He will reward you openly (Matthew 6:6).
Why stand ye idle all day long? I am not a Father Christmas, I have money here, but I won’t give you, go to the Vineyard and work. Whatever you are due will be paid you (Matthew 20:7). He doesn’t pay members, He pays workers.
God does not pay members, He pays workers! May you catch this fire today and may you be determined to run with it. May you make a choice to run with it.
Membership does not change anyone’s story; it is stewardship that changes the believer’s story. Help me Jesus to buy into the truth of soul winning; to buy into the truth of praying Kingdom Advancement prayers; to buy into the blessing of seeing souls established in the faith; to buy into the truth of turning many to righteousness; so help me Jesus.
Lift up your two hands and pray in the Spirit everybody. It’s not how much we have heard; it is what we do with what we have heard that makes the difference. What I have heard is one thing, what we do with it is what makes the difference.
God is changing people’s stories. The giants in the Kingdom are rising, God has ordained for you to be enlisted among them, so take responsibility. Receive grace to take responsibility for your desired change of story in the name of Jesus Christ.
Today is the third day of our ‘Spiritual Week of Emphasis’, the final day, the grand finale. On the third day, He will raise us up (Hosea 6:2). He has started doing that this morning. Can I hear your Amen!
The Lord shall count when He shall write of His people, ‘this man was born there and that man was born in her’, the Almighty shall establish her (Psalm 87:5). God has ordained the Church as the platform for the rise of end time giants that will change the story of the world. May you engage to be listed among them. So shall it be.
On the third day, He will raise us up:
– Today is your day of rising.
– God is changing your story today.
– You are changing levels today.
– It has started this morning; it will conclude tonight and the name of the Lord shall be glorified in your life.
Don’t forget this Sunday is our ‘Turnaround Banquet Service’. Just do that with a smile, go round everywhere: “God has a turnaround package for you this coming Sunday. Join me as we go. I will even take you along as I am going, will you like to have a ride with me.”
You market Jesus as someone who believes in what he is doing. You believe in what you are doing and He will manifest Himself.
The grace that saw you through the first day and the second day, will see you through today.
Be reminded of tomorrow’s Leadership Summit. All those that are concerned should endeavour to be part of it.
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