- Bishop David Oyedepo at Liberation Mandate @41 Celebration Service || Canaanland.
Simple faith brought us here; non analytical faith, raw faith, Bible faith brought us here because, everything happens by grace through faith. Every event of your life is by grace, but delivers through faith. We are saved by grace through faith. No faith, no grace. No grace; disgrace (Ephesians 2:4).
We are saved by grace through faith; no faith, no access to grace. No access to grace; a victim of disgrace. You want to know what’s behind what they are doing? – Faith.
What’s the effect of the Faith? It provokes the hand of God. Church Gist. So, whatever the hand of God can do, faith will deliver. Whatever the hand of God can deliver, faith will make happen (Isaiah 53:1).
“I don’t believe that?” Sorry for you! You keep suffering; you choose to.
I believe Matthew 6:33 hook, line and sinker. I was not a pastor, my heart kept panting after God and the interest of His Kingdom to see souls saved. Sir, I was holding Crusade, I wasn’t called into ministry, I just want people saved desperately. He said, “all these things that others are dying to get, it shall be added to you.” Are they not added now?
I’ve never had to struggle for one thing, they are just simply added while I’m going my way. When I’m due, You add; until I’m due, don’t add I beg. Don’t add to me what will trouble my life.
Unbelief is evil; it steals, it kills, it destroys. Behind the evil of this unbelief is the devil, who has blinded the minds of them that believe not, lest the light of the Gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them (2 Corinthians 4:4). Sir, you don’t believe the Word; I have no other instrument of liberation than only that. No, that’s the only one He gave me and it is the rod that He has given me, I will walk with. He said, thou shalt take this rod, the one I gave you (Exodus 4:17), any other one won’t work. Church Gist. So, only those who care to believe; there’s no new generation scripture. You can do twenty translations, “thus saith the Lord” is the one I read and it is very clear to me by the Holy Spirit. I knew I’ll so prosper, it was too real to me than my flesh, by believing the raw Word of God. I shouted; “yeeeee, I can never be poor.” Forty years ago, March 22nd, 1982; practicing raw. Am I a pauper?
You better believe.
“All these things shall be added to you…” I’ve never prayed for sons and daughters while they were in school, that they should pass. They went there to pass. Church Gist. They should do what makes for success. I don’t even have their timetable, so when will I be praying for them to pass? Where will they return to if they don’t pass? You are filled with the Holy Ghost, you are speaking in tongues, you have the mind of Christ. I’ve come to you as a prophet of God this morning, as a teacher to see how God can penetrate your heart by your permission. I stand at the door and knock, if you open, I’ll come in (Revelation 3:20).
Have you ever heard in your life that a church will be embarking on this kind of building without one day offering raised and you are just moving on? The smile is not fake; it is genuine, real deep seated in. Not one day stop of work, not one dime, owing anybody. Global companies are happy for the jobs and jumping up and down and thanking God for the privilege.
- In the name of Jesus, I decree a raw fresh baptism of this non-analytical faith!
“…by their fruits, we shall know their roots…” (Matthew 7:20).
Now, no mistake; we need to understand the covenant dimension of faith that works. Show me your faith without your corresponding work and I’ll sure you my faith by works (James 2:18). Show me your faith without your moves; I’ll show you my faith by the moves I’m making (James 2:18). Church Gist. Anything that seeks to make God absolutely responsible for the outcome of your life is an irresponsible faith. Faith is not just believing God, faith is obeying God to prove and to believe Him, so as to commit Him to make good His promise. Faith is obeying God to prove that you believe Him, so as to commit Him to make good His promise.
“Why are you calling me Lord, Lord, Lord without doing what I tell you to do?” (Luke 6:46). Faith is not sitting down there and waiting for things to happen. Faith is about working out your salvation by your obedient of faith to make them happen. Church Gist. The Charismatics need to wake up to this reality. Revelation does not deliver by confession; it delivers by profession – the profession of your faith. Whatever is not coming from the abundance of your heart is fake. If it’s in your heart, it will show in your moves. Please wake up.
God is no respecter of persons. Every testimony is a pointer to our heritage in Christ. That means, if you are interested, He will give it to you (Hebrews 6:12). You receive, you believe; you are empowered to experience it. So, faith is not just believing God; faith is obeying God. There’s nobody in this church who does not know about tithing, except you came here yesterday and even yesterday, you must have heard. No, is everybody tithing?
How do I know?
The proofs are not there. Sir, I have never begged for what to eat, I’ve never prayed for it. “Oh God, it’s time to eat. Arise, prove that You have called me.” But ask God when next you meet, whether He has missed my tithe once. You better wake up. “Papa, pray for me, the business is not moving.” It won’t move. Papa’s prayer can’t break scripture. Your calling is not equal to obedience. “Are there no founders who are beggars? Are there no archbishops and serious bishops, who are in lack and in want because they have turned themselves to Melchizedek who collects; it is not about your tithe but your obedience. It is obedience of faith that guarantees victory in every of interest in our lives.
Let me tell you why the devil weakens people in this area of unbelieve; because that’s the only authority he cannot resist. He said, take the shield of faith and you quench all the fiery darts of the devil. You can’t take a strong position in the covenant of abundance and be stranded. We are delightsome giving ministry; we are an addicted tithing ministry. Some hate to hear me say that; “you tithe the income of your business, God forbid bad things.” Church Gist.
He visited me and said, the tithe that Abraham paid was not his personal tithe. It was the tithe of his company that went to war and returned with the spoils. I know when He told me and I know where we were and God has been catapulting us. We’ve never need to buy a dime from any Mallam or begged anybody for it. I know what I’m talking about. Don’t get angry with the Word, you have no other way out. We have about 38,000 on our payroll, we are not afraid and I’ve not gotten ten kobo; in Nigeria only. My friend, you better listen.
Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. No matter the issues on this earth, faith in the Word, proven faith, action faith, enduring faith. We didn’t build this place that we are in; faith brought the hand of God in to build it. You can’t see his hand without your faith (Isaiah 53:1). For all the things that the Lord told my Father David, he has with His hands fulfilled it (1 Kings 8:15). Is there any battle that the hand of God cannot win? Hello young lady, submit yourself to your husband.
Response: me, my husband, never! No, no, no. I’ve got a PhD in Harvard on women liberation.
What are you talking about?
Response: “I know what it takes to submit to a man, it’s dangerous.”
Ask her, who said it?
Response: Jackson, he said so in 2001.
Does Jackson have a good family?
If you want to know women liberation, ask my wife. She’s my new convert.
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