Bishop David Oyedepo

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo at Special Midweek Communion Service || Canaanland

The grace that engenders His glory will come upon everyone’s life afresh tonight. Psalm 84:11. His grace always facilitates His glory, if you carry His grace you can’t miss His glory. 1 Corinthians 15:10. Nothing makes great in the kingdom like the grace of God – the backing of God, the enablement of God, the hand of God. In the name of Jesus, the grace upon this Commission that enabled us to operate in financial fortune over the years without having to beg and borrow and hassle comes upon each one of us tonight. God never calls any meeting for fun. Every meeting called of God is for someone’s change of story. May tonight’s change of story culminate in your own change of story.

Father, thank you for answering our prayers. Thank you for those humbling testimonies we have heard again. Church Gist. Thank you for the validation of your word come next Sunday. Thank you for establishing your four level growth agenda for this Church. Take all the praise.

There is the grace of God that brings salvation which has appeared to all, we call it the common grace. Titus 2:12. We are called to grow in grace (2 Peter 3:18) so grace grows. Grace grows and multiplies by knowledge (2 Peter 2:1-2). Grace grows and grace can be multiplied. We all carry graces on our lives but we serve the God of all grace. So His grace is multifaceted. Among the graces evident on this Commission is the grace for financial fortune. That grace stems from giving grace. It is impossible to taste financial fortune without flowing in the giving grace. Job 22:21-25. There is a law of giving and receiving that launches people and systems into realms of financial fortune. That is the law. It is referred to as the law of giving and receiving (Philippians 4:15) and the law of sowing and reaping (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). Philippians 4:19. It culminates in the Lord supplying all your needs according to the economy of heaven. 2 Corinthians 9:8. That’s fortune. There is no way to get there without the giving grace at work in a man’s life. Never mind it is one of the most abused laws on earth.

There is no currency on the earth without counterfeit. Church Gist. So institutions and governments have developed technology to identify counterfeit. As they are developing it, counterfeit manufacturers are still manifesting their own to beat the discoveries of their machines. Never mind that the law of giving and receiving has been grossly abused by many. That is the activity of the god of good to corrupt the world so as to keep people away from the blessing. So it is not strange that people abuse this for their own personal benefit. The presence of counterfeit is a validity of the original. You can’t counterfeit what does not exist. So the original fortune is still intact, the counterfeit notwithstanding and you know the difference between the counterfeit from the original with time. I hope that is making some sense. The fact that someone abuses the validity of the covenant of giving and receiving does not nullify the effect of it. It is just the way the god of gold operates. He can lay hold on priests, he can lay hold on members, he can lay hold on anointed founders and they just go wide taking advantage of what they think is spiritual. Hosea 6:3. It always shows at the end. It is not a hit and run thing. Church Gist. This has worked consistently for 41 years without break. We know that this grace is real, without begging, without borrowing, with games. It is not strange. We have churches in scripture that carried definite giving grace, among them was the Macedonian Church. 2 Corinthians 8:1,9. Look for that grace and you enjoy the blessings that the Macedonian Church enjoys. 2 Corinthians 8:5-7. Faith is not a substitute for giving, you can have faith that will move mountains. It won’t move financial blessing. This grace has no substitute. Church Gist. Your preaching heavy, people clapping and rolling on the floor is not a substitute. If you are not a giver you cannot prosper. It looks strange but that is the truth. One can be in an anointed Church, a faith-based Church, if he is not a giver, he can’t step into that realm.

Philippians 4:15-19. A sacrificial giving life was upon the Philippian Church. So it is not new. We have not always been this number so it is not a function of numbers. We were not borrowing when we were 5, it’s not new. We were not borrowing when we were 10, it’s not new. We were not borrowing when we were 100, it’s not new. It is not a function of debt. We didn’t come out of debt, we were never in it. In the precious name of Jesus, this thing is so simple. If we gave you #5 as a ministry in those days, you must testify. It is out of the plenty that we have we gave to you. Church Gist. Start now, start from where you are. If you are in need and this Church gives you #25,000 to take care of your house. It is an insult to God who knew how much we have the capacity to give. We can tell them, “go and get houses for this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7” at a time. We couldn’t dare that before. We too needed houses. You better start from where you are and stop being entertained by these revelations. When we had an income of #18,000+ in 1984, my tithe and offering were there. Church Gist. That was our level, everybody. That you are a founder doesn’t mean that is not your level, that is the level of everybody. You can’t be a finisher without being a beginner. You better get up and begin. This Church carries evident grace of financial fortune through the enablement of the giving grace. We have plenty of stories to tell as we see them today and we are going to see more tomorrow in the name of Jesus Christ.

Remember we serve the God of all grace and there is the giving grace. Grace is transferable from wherever it exists to others who truly desire it. When this grace comes, it makes giving a delight your level at that time notwithstanding. That Macedonian Church demonstrated grace in their abject poverty. 2 Corinthians 8:2. Joy amid lack, liberality amid want. One day we had a service that we had #10 offering and we gave it to someone who was in need. Account closed the same day. Grace. Church Gist. We were jumping in a grass cathedral, we were in heaven. We had some missionaries that came in from the US, they stayed in my house because there was no place for them to stay. We got to Church and water was flowing from the altar, I mean the water of life. We still had a good time. People saw it as poverty, we saw prosperity. I mean if you stay on course, the future is sure. All those days I never called anyone on the phone, phones were not even popular. Neither did I visit anybody for one that we need to floor our Church. When we danced the dust was also praising God. You go from that service with grey hair because of dust. There was no feeling of “God what is it”. It gives you joy amid lack. You need that grace. They don’t pay your salary for 1 week and your temperature has gone up. Your pressure has blown up. What is the matter? Church Gist. When you give mournfully, it is lost. God only accepts cheerful giving and it takes grace to give in the midst of lack cheerfully. If you give and get to the gate and start complaining, it is better to go back and collect it because it is wasted. Complete waste. Joel 1:12. The giving grace keeps you going; it is a spiritual lubricant. You are just enjoying yourself. You are not feeling awkward. There is not one single humanitarian service needed in this country without this church playing a frontline row. I know hundreds of millions that went into coro propaganda. The fear of it was killing people so let’s see how we can rescue them from dying. Your Church bought ambulances, food across the nation. We didn’t get here by chance, the covenant brought us here. There is no short man or light-complexioned woman in your family that can break the covenant. All these somebody is pursuing me, when you are pursuing the covenant nobody can pursue you. Whosoever is pursuing you must first pursue the sun and the moon. Church Gist. There are a thousand times more pursuing me. Why can’t they catch me? Covenant. It is not anointing, it is the covenant. The devil wants you stranded, go for the covenant. You can’t break God’s covenant because you are a witch. No devil can break it. Please sign up that is the fountain for grace of accessing the realm of financial fortune – the giving grace.

  1. No excuse is tenable for violating the law of sowing and reaping, your level notwithstanding.

Elisha told that poor widow “what hast thou in thy house?” You can’t access material intervention without material seed. 2 Kings 4:1-10, 1 Kings 17:8-15. At that height of the widow’s poverty, there was no excuse tenable for intervention. All these “when I have I am going to give” you can’t have. You give first before you have. Oh, when I reap then I shall sow, you can’t reap until you sow. It looks interesting. Church Gist. Not even deep poverty as it was for the Macedonian Church is an excuse for not giving. In Luke 21:1-4, Jesus saw a widow casting her two mites and said she gave the greatest. That is the last she got and that implies great returns on the way. Let’s stop wishing, let’s open up to this grace and begin the journey into realms of financial fortune.

  1. Only honourable seeds count with God.

Don’t insult God, just like your parents will count it an insult if you send some kind of amount to them now. If you sent it ten years ago, they would celebrate. Now you sleep on a golden bed, you drive a fleet of cars, you travel for anything anywhere and you now send #5 to your parents. They will take the money and spit a curse. It is humiliation. What that means is that is not your level. Honour the Lord with your substance not leftover. Proverbs 3:9-10. Why is your mother not driving? If she can’t drive then go and teach her or get a driver. You are blessed enough, get a driver for her. Church Gist. How can your mother at that age be cooking when you have 3 cooks in your house, get a cook for her. You better learn what honour means. If you wanted to teach my mother how to drive she wouldn’t learn how to drive for life. We had to get a driver for her. Learn honour, don’t throw any offering that will bring a curse. Malachi 1:6. There are givers who are not recorded because they are not giving according to the blessing of God upon their lives. I didn’t write it, don’t say “stop harassing us”. I am not harassing you. You can blame Malachi for that. I would rather keep my money in my pocket than give you what will bring me insult from you. Please learn honour. 1 Samuel 2:30. Let’s learn to give honourable seeds to whosoever may be involved and whatever opportunity we have at our level.

The bottom line is as God has blessed everyone even so let him give. Deuteronomy 16:17. Don’t overgive your level, God knows your level. Don’t also under give your level it will be an insult. The Philippians were giving once and again the sacrifice of a sweet smell, well-pleasing and acceptable to God. Heavy honour is coming on your life. There is a story of a young chap that came down from Nasarawa to Lagos to find a job. Maybe his parents live here and heard me teach two Sundays ago “honour your father and your mother so that it may be well with you”. Church Gist. He went home and gave them what he had and they proclaimed a blessing on him and by Tuesday he got a job in a managerial position by the blessing of his parents. Many young people are just there with their trousers in the centre of their buttocks and with two ears plugged, not listening to anybody. Whether you run to Jamaica or Australia if you don’t honour your parents there is a limit to the way it can be well with you. Wake up. So you keep working and working and nothing is working, wasting and wasting because there is a violation of the covenant. Honourable seeds are the only kind of seeds acceptable to God.

The good news is that every grace you truly covet is accessible. Jude 1:3. 1 Corinthians 12:31. Every grace that you truly desire covet for it. When that coveting is in love, it flows freely. I saw how Kenneth Copeland gave a plane in his magazine many years ago and I said “Jesus, I want this kind of grace”. I pursued after the grace, I encountered scriptures that brought it my way. I saw a lady move forward in one of those meetings in America, she brought $80,000 for the Lord. I said Jesus that is the kind of thing I want to be doing, when you call for 50,000 let me have 80,000. I sat there. I sat a long way from the front but I genuinely coveted that grace. Giving is not a church game, it is a lifeline. Church Gist. You may hold on to it or let go of it. The choice is each one’s. You can’t pursue any grace of interest to you and miss it when you are pursuing it in love and what you want to do is use it to advance the kingdom of God. We also have this giving grace domiciled in some people like Abraham. Abraham gave Lot the choicest of land. Lot was his cousin, he took him along as a house help. Lot took all the plains of Jordan well watered for cattle and left the brown area for Abraham and he let him have it. Church Gist. When he was captured by the enemy, he pursued the captors to rescue his brother who cheated on him. Love! Liberality uncheckered. Ran after two men not knowing they were angels and then that is where Isaac came. That is the mystery behind Abraham’s generational greatness.

You have Job trading the secrets of looking after the needy then he became the greatest of all men in the East. (Job 29:4). Then you have David, he was a die-hard giver and it resulted in generational impact through an unusual giving life Mark 1027. Before the challenge of Solomon, he offered a thousand burnt offerings on the altar. God smelled a good savour and came down to ask him what he wanted, He gave him wisdom and what he didn’t even ask for. They don’t ask for financial fortune. Talk less of praying and fasting and knowing your head on the ground. The richest man in Bible history never asked for it. He just loved God into it. 1 Kings 3:12-13, 1 Kings 8:63. Church Gist. We saw another heavy offering that Solomon offered. See the increase between Chapter 3 and Chapter 8. 1 Kings 10:16-21. Everything about Solomon was gold, silver was not of value. God just confirmed His word concerning him. Job 22:21-25. How did he get there? Solomon loved the Lord.

The covenant access to this realm is the uncheckered love for God and the interest of His kingdom as a way of life. Someone said I don’t need it. Good luck! When you need it, you will beg for it. What will I need it for? You don’t have a heart for God. Too many things. Your Church is building rural churches, they are even building one in your village, what did you do there? You are not there yet, that’s okay but get started. Can I tell you one cheap way into it? Have a genuine kingdom dream, not a balloon dream and watch the realm of boom you find yourself in when God is satisfied that that is a genuine dream. You have been dreaming all along, maybe God does not believe in your dream yet because it is not coming from the right side. Do you have a dream? If God places a million dollars in your hand today what will be God’s budget out of it? That is how to know whether you have a dream or not. What will be the part of the needy in it? What will be the part of the sick that needs health care in it? You can bamboozle everybody but not God. He knows your thoughts afar of. He knows what you will do. What you are thinking now will tell me what you will do. Solomon loved the Lord and all the drinking cups in His house were of gold before he opened up to the devil and the devil took him off course. You have more than enough to invest with God’s blessings coming on your life from phase to phase. More than enough. Let me tell you this to humble every one of us, since you have decided not to give, has anything stopped your church? Since you stopped giving tithe in your life has anything stopped in your church? That is how irrelevant your giving is to God’s agenda. Church Gist. It is of His own that we are giving Him so He can give to Himself by Himself. 1 Chronicles 29:14. What have you that you have not received? If you have received it then why are you posing like you didn’t receive it? 1 Chronicles 29:16. That is what releases people’s giving life. As God has blessed everyone even so let him give. Paul carried that grace, Abraham carried it, Solomon carried it, Job carried it. 2 Corinthians 12:14-15. That is proper priesthood, priesthood par excellence. The parents ought to lay down for the children, not children for the parents. It is not like I am your Pastor so come and give to me. Every pastor worth of his sort in the covenant is a blessing to the flock, not a burden. Any pastor who is a burden has missed the mark. Acts 20:33. That’s ministry. Acts 20:35. That was Paul’s lifestyle. It is not about crying, give me give me, what are you giving to show. That is why only a giving pastor will have a giving Church. People give in our church not because anyone is bamboozling them but because they have giving shepherds over them. If you think someone is deceiving you, it is your cup of tea. No way out. No shortcut. He sent me “go back home and make my people rich”. I have a mandate of it on my life. Many are already on it and may anyone still left behind join this chariot today. The chariot of liberality, the chariot of caring for the needy, the chariot of kingdom advancement investments, the chariot of caring for the sickly, the chariot of honouring your parents in the name of Jesus Christ.

My grandmother was a loving mother, a wise woman, insightful and wise, and a high-level philosopher. I learned a lot growing up before I met Jesus. I gave her a seed of honour just to honour my value for her upbringing in my life. She said you brought this for me? I said Yes ma. She said, “you shall be great”. You don’t know what giving carries until you do it. I put a seed of forex in one of my mentor’s hands as directed by the Lord. I have never had a mentor that asked me for a thing, not one in my life. I was led to put that seed in his hand. He put it back in my hand and said from today these hands will never know dryness – November 1987. I have never needed forex from any bank counter in my life to go on any journey. Understand that there is a treasure in this mystery and engage with it. Anybody that can’t see the grace of financial fortune in this ministry needs healing of his sight. Last week, I got to know that we need 833 pile foundations to hold the roof of the new project. Pile foundations 25 metres down the ground and nobody is stressed. Nobody is running helter-skelter. Every form of financial stress drops off your life today. The building is not yet completed but we are already trying to conclude on issues of air conditioning, escalators, what kind of life and yet no stress, no games, no backing of any bank. If you don’t believe the testimony of those around you, what about your church? You are here every day and nobody has put any pressure on your life. From today, I curse every air of financial pressure on anyone’s life. The days of financial fortune are over in your life.

Prayers: lift your two hands and tap into the grace for financial fortune in this Commission. This grace is real.

  • God will make you laugh and men shall laugh with you.
  • What others could not imagine about you shall become the order of the day.
  • Every single skeleton in the valley of these dry bones will come back to life.

As Solomon could not see the opportunity for giving again, he just went off. 1 Kings 11:1. When breathing stops life ceases. When giving stops evil takes over.

  • Evil will never take over in your life.

It is a lifelong course. Everything living gives to stay alive.

  • Nothing dies again in your hand anymore.

I am 53 years young in the faith and I have not had the first day of regret. Have you had challenges? Plenty of them and I have overcome them smiling, laughingly. Overcome them always. Challenges are common, they are what makes champions. You have to come to the ring to face the punches and then you get the belt.






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