-Pastor David Ibiyeomie on ‘THE FORCE OF CHANGE’|| THE WONDERS OF HIS WORD (Part 1)
Week of Spiritual Empowerment, Salvation Ministries Home of Success.
Lift your hands to Heaven and worship the King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords. Let’s exalt Him because no one is like Him. Let’s lift up our voices wherever we are to give Him praise and glory. Let’s magnify His name forever, we exalt you mighty God, we give you praise and glory. Church Gist. In Jesus’ most wonderful name! I officially declare the June edition of WEEK OF SPIRITUAL EMPOWERMENT open in the name of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit that everything we will do will be to His own glory in the precious name of Jesus.
In Matthew 4:23-24. Hebrews 13:8, Acts 10:38
- In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, everyone all over the globe sick of any kind, I am not the healer but He heals, no matter the disease in your body, receive your healing right now!
Lord, speak to us through your Word, let your Word benefit us let the heart of your people be open to receive it, and let it transform and make us better in Jesus’ mighty name.
The theme is THE WONDERS OF HIS WORD (Part 1) – THE FORCE OF CHANGE. There is no impossibility with God; so also there is no impossibility with the Word of God because God is His Word. John 1:1-3. Everything was made by the Word. Church Gist. There’s no day the maker can have a problem with his own product. If all things were made by the Word, so the Word has power over all things. Mark 10:27. That Scripture did not say “to God,” it said, “with God.”
That means you have a part to play. If it was “to God,” God would have been left responsible. It said, “with God,” that means I have to cooperate with God. Mark 9:23. So, it’s a personal responsibility.
- After today there will be no impossibility in your life!
The Bible declares in Hebrews 1:3, that everything is controlled by the Word of God. Hebrews 11:3. By God’s Word we understand that everything we can see physically was framed from the Word of God; so the invisible controls the physical. Church Gist. God’s Word has power over everything on Earth, so with the Word of God you can create your own world. Hebrews 11:3. In the supernatural we have different worlds: the world of prosperity, the world of protection, the world of success, the world of healing. It says with the Word of God you can frame your own world depending on the world you want. That means you can create.
Hear this: in life, don’t wait for things to change on their own. Waiting for things to change on their own, you may never have any change in your life. Enforce the change you desire by the Word of God. I wanted a change in my health, I didn’t wait to say, God one day I will be healed. I enforced the change with the Word. Matthew 8:17. Church Gist. I sat with the Word and discovered that Jesus took my infirmities and bare my sicknesses. I enforced the change I desired by the Word of God and I am living in health. I saw poverty of the highest order and I wanted to enforce a change in my life and I sat with the Word of God and I discovered that prosperity does not come by prayer and fasting but by operating the covenant. So I sat down and began operating the covenant and know therefore that not even Nigerian economy can make me poor; it’s impossible. I enforced the change I desired. I saw how people marry and divorce, it was giving me concern so I said look, I don’t want divorce so I enforced the change by understanding what it takes to live a happy home without divorcing your wife not because my wife cannot offend me, that’s not true. If you think that, it’s a lie. Church Gist. There’s no way somebody living with you cannot offend you but I have come to know beyond that not to live in offence. You don’t wait for change; you enforce it by going for knowledge, the Word of God.
Everything you are looking for is in God’s Word but many people are waiting and keep waiting till their time on Earth is over. Just imagine me waiting to prosper, I will turn 90 in poverty. Church Gist. God forbid! I didn’t wait I had to go for the change that I desire. I enforced Church growth by understanding how to grow the Church of Jesus. Waiting without doing something is to waste in LIFE. The man at the pool did nothing about his life, he waited for 38 years.
2 Corinthians 3:18. Do you want change? Sit with this book (the Word of God) and the materials for the change you desire. So, change for the better is possible with the Word of God. People don’t like to accept responsibility for change; so they look for who to blame. Stop saying some people are lucky; understand this, there is nothing called luck in the race of life. Church Gist. When you are born again, you are the most fortunate person on Earth. Romans 8:29-30. Just as we are equally justified, we are equally glorified. Each one then begins to find his/her level in that glory. Every one of us is justified by His blood and every one of us is glorified by His blood, but to attain that glory, each one now accepts the responsibility to get to that level. Is that clear?
When everybody is admitted to school in year one, all of you are equal but each one determines who makes first class, second class and third class. It’s no longer the responsibility of the school. It’s no longer, they hate me that’s why I made third class, you didn’t study because the same first class student, it was the same lecture two of you had. Church Gist. The same blood bought everybody; now, we determine which level we attain in our Christian life. That is personal responsibility. Say I hear! The first class student is not lucky, he studied more than the third class student. There’s nothing called luck, there’s nothing called my destiny, we are people of equal placement, each one determines what happens to him from the Word of God.
Acts 10:34-35. I think God loves some people more? He loves all of us? Okay. Romans 10:12. There’s no difference between any of us, we are all the same.
Whatever makes one rise higher than the other, is nothing but the extra light he or she has. And there’s nothing extraordinary but that which is extra added to the ordinary.
- I pray that you have access to the extra light that will make your light become extraordinary in the name of Jesus!
Sunday service we were all called here together, true? Now we said come and learn the Word and somebody is in his house and he is doing nothing, just in front of the television, watching television. Then after he says, “Pastor, I need you to pray for me.” You ask him, “were you in the week of spiritual empowerment?” He says, “no, but I know if you pray…” Church Gist. As if we are magicians. He has refused to accept responsibility. Even in school, if you don’t attend lectures not matter how brilliant you are, you will have a problem. True? So, midweek service is lectures. Sunday service is exam. Exam alone you can’t make first class except in Nigeria. Some schools, your lectures is what they use to assess you; exam has very little percent. True?
1) Accept and obey the Word: Luke 5:1-7. In verse 5, Peter was ready for a change; Peter forgot about his normal approach, normal approach was as long as he had fished all night and nothing worked, it’s enough for him to stop. But he made a statement and said, you know better because you are the Word. Church Gist. He renewed his mind with the Word he heard from Jesus. That’s why if you want things to change, (Romans 12:2). He had to say, I drop my own ideas, I drop my philosophy, I drop all I know, I agree with the Word. So no matter what you think you know, when you see the truth, you put your own into the trash. God’s Word must rule you if you want a change. If you’re not ready for the Word there cannot be change and it is those who are ready for change that take charge. Many remain at the same spot because they don’t like to change. Church Gist. No matter what you do and you see the Word of God, you have to accept it and obey it otherwise there would never be change.
For instance, you are used to borrowing, you don’t see borrowing as anything, and you see God’s Word that a borrower is servant to a lender, you will stop borrowing because that makes you perpetually remain a servant. Proverbs 22:7. But you say, “no, it’s not a sin to borrow.” You will remain a perpetual borrower. Are you getting what I am saying?
You saw in God’s Word, “Love your wives, submit to your husband.” You say no, I don’t believe in that, I believe in the philosophy of two of you equal. He never said that in marriage, he said that in success because any creature with two heads is a monster. Church Gist. “I don’t believe the man is my head, we are co-heads.” Then you would have answered your name without changing your name. changing your name to his name is the first indication that you submitted. God can’t be stupid, submission is not weakness and submission is not slavery. If a woman submits it does not mean that she is a weak woman. Submission means an administrative head is somewhere because in every structure, there is an administrator. God says, the man is the administrator of the family, if it fails, I will hold him responsible. That’s why he held Adam responsible even when Eve misbehaved. So as a man, you’re the administrator; take care of your family. If you’re submitting to the administrator, you will give him suggestions but you allow him to administer the family. You say, “I don’t believe in that.” Two of you will divorce. That’s why there is high level divorce rate in the Western world. It has also entered Nigeria hope you know? Church Gist. It is because we don’t want to agree with the truth so there cannot be change in the family. Is that clear? Simple!
2) Act on the Word: Luke 5:2-7, in verse 5, Peter did not just hear, he acted. The moment the Word spoke, he acted.
- May your acting today produce testimonies in your life!
James 1:22-25. The worst sin is to live in self deception. You know you can deceive yourself. Everybody says you are fine, even if you reduce your age, you know your true age. True? A time comes and you tell yourself the truth. Am I getting younger? Why am I deceiving myself? Even if everybody deceives you, don’t deceive yourself. Church Gist. Peter here, applied himself to change and he took charge. Peter said I am not used to this pattern, I’m used to fishing all night but the first time you have come, to tell me something contrary to what I believe. I am going to change my own ideology. Is that clear?
Before I became born again I hear people say, “if you have to be a preacher, rich people have to be in your Church. You know, big people” People do launching when they want money, they will do launching and invite big people, they raise offering. Then I became born again, tutored by a man who understands prosperity and I discovered that it is not the way to raise money. Church Gist. You first feed the people, when they are blessed, you don’t cajole them, they bring it willingly. It is because he said, “feed my lamb and my sheep.” I don’t have to call somebody who does not go to Church to come and sit in front of the Church, and then say this man is the chief launcher. Are you getting what I am saying? So, there’s a better way to do what you are doing and the day you discover it from God’s Word, drop your own philosophy and ideology. That way, life can get better.
1) Tradition: tradition is not playing masquerade; tradition is a belief system that contradicts the Word. Church Gist. Tradition is not somebody going to play masquerade, that’s idolatry. Mark 7:13. Have you heard people say, ‘we have been doing it like this or I met them doing it like this’? That’s tradition.
For instance, I was talking to some staff in the office, and they said this is the way I met it. I said if you met it like this, then, why did we employ you? We employed you to improve the system you are now saying this is how you met it. So the thing you met you now continue with it. That’s tradition. Tradition is not improving on what you met. Church Gist. Why did you come in if you have to continue with the bad thing? If what you are doing is not improving your life then accept to change. Tradition is an enemy of greatness, it wouldn’t let go its captive. Tradition is a psychological trap.
Peter would have said, “No sir Jesus; it is against our tradition to cast net in the day time. When I didn’t catch anything in the night, I won’t do it.” He said I forget my own tradition. If you’re from a fishing area, it’s easier to catch in the night than in the day because when you carry the net in the day, the fish will see a reflection that is why they run away. Church Gist. That’s why they catch in the night because the night is a blind spot. When Jesus gave the command, all the fishes obeyed His Word because He is the Word. So at the Word, everything turns and today as you obey God’s Word, things will obey you. Every time you obey God’s Word, things move in your own direction. Till tomorrow, many people still believe what is not in line with the Word of God even in Church now. Say I hear.
It is tradition that you have to taste before you marry. It’s not accepted in Church everywhere. So let me ask you, how will you know if the man is still potent? True? People say it but that’s tradition. “How can you say that somebody wants to marry cannot taste first? You have to taste before you marry because you have to know whether the man is strong or not.” Church Gist. Now listen, the man who is sincere to you must open up to you if he is impotent. If any man who is impotent marries a woman without telling her, that man has broken the law of truthfulness. So the woman has the right; go for counseling. Hebrews 13:4.
2) Excuses: refuse to give excuses. Luke 14:17-18. Stop looking for who to blame for your failures; accept responsibility for change with the Word. To move forward in life, you must make decisions and be committed to actions. Great men and women are decisive in their thinking and in their actions. They think in advance and take practical steps to actualize them. Listen, from age 20, whatever happens to you and I, we must not blame anybody. Church Gist. People don’t accept God’s Word for change because they are always pushing the blame to someone else. They say if not for the government, my parents, my Church. Not even your husband nor wife is responsible for your failures, whatever anybody does is his own. Nobody is lucky, accept the truth and go for the Word of God for that is the only way you can change. If things are not working, then sit down and settle with the Word, then begin to build yourself in that area.
When I was in school in my year one, I was among the first 5 best students. In my year 2, I started going to party every weekend, my GPA began to drop. I had no carryover in year 1, by year 2, I had carryovers. Now I am telling you the truth, will I now blame the lecturers? Will I blame the system? It was me.
Can I tell you something that will baffle you? Church Gist. If they are preaching and they say something that pinches you, that’s the area God wants you to change.
God’s Word brings positive change. 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Church Gist. There are 4 operational forces in God’s Word: Doctrine, Reproof, Correction, Instruction.
Many people the only part of the Bible they like is the Doctrine; doctrine means principles. But the other 3, they don’t like those ones. We only like 25%, many people don’t like 75% of the Bible. Please, you must respond to the reproofs, corrections, and instructions because they are greater than the principles. If you want your life to go forward, change is inevitable. Church Gist. Just change your attitude and begin to agree with the Word and your life will change for better. Every area, when your attitude changes in the direction of the Word, you life will also change for the better because attitude is 100% of who you are. The only permanent thing in life is change; to keep making progress is to keep changing with the Word of God for better living. 2 Corinthians 3:18. Change may be temporarily painful but permanently gainful.
- You will be the next wonder to your world.
When we came to Port Harcourt, it was not rosy at the beginning, it was very tough. There were days we had no food to eat. I grew up in Port Harcourt and went to the schools so I had the alternative to meet some of my old friends for assistance. I could walk to them and say, God has called me into ministry, find me something. Somehow they can find me something because some of them were already working. Church Gist. But I told myself that, look, pay the price once and for all. Whatever it will take you, prove that the covenant works. So I refused to beg any mortal man even when we had no food. I discovered that begging is not noble; you can’t beg from somebody and preach to the person. You have disgraced yourself.
Ask the Holy Spirit for grace to embrace change for a better Christian living.
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