Happy 175th Independence Day Anniversary to Liberia. It is another anniversary for Liberia that will usher in great joy in the land,
We pray that this new year will be a great year of change, that every National problem will receive a supernatural intervention, they shall be a shift wave from crises to Joy, from pain to gains. There shall be a new move of righteousness all across your land.
We Pray that God will move across the 15 counties of Liberia, from Bong County to Montserrado county down to Grand Kru county such that there will be a sporadic eradication of poverty in the land.
We pray that your politicians will receive divine wisdom to navigate the economy of Liberia to her CannanLand. We pray that in the land will receive a divine solution from Heaven.
We pray that God will open more doors for the penetration of the gospel into the country.
A special shout out to our esteemed ChurchGist followers in Liberia. Congratulations.
God bless Liberia!
Congratulations and God’s Multiplied Blessings.
From all of us at Church Gist