Happy Independence Day Anniversary to Lesotho. We thank God for the liberty He granted you on this day. We thank Him for blessings and rare privileges He has showered on this nation.
As you celebrate your independence today, we pray that the Lord continues to protect the nation of Lesotho. We pray that wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your leaders. We pray that the Lord continues to spare the nation of Lesotho from conflicts and tribulation, and grant her peace on all sides.
To the Saints, thank you for representing the light in the nation of Lesotho. We pray that the light of Christ continues to shine brighter and brighter, to bring progress to your nation.
A special shout-out to all our esteemed Church Gist followers in Lesotho. We love everyone of you.
Congratulations and Happy Independence.
From all of us at Church Gist.