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-Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr at Covenant Hour of Prayer || 13th October, 2022

Our Father this morning we have come with a voice of thanksgiving to appreciate You for the awesome testimonies You are doing in our midst. We give You all the praise and all the glory for it. Lord for the answers You are giving to our prayers including our prayers this morning, we say we are grateful. Lord our eyes are on You yet again, asking that You would speak to us, that Your word will transform each and every one of our lives. Church Gist. We give You all the praise and glory in Jesus precious name we have prayed. If somebody believes can they say a loud amen? Give Jesus a big hand and please you may be seated in His presence.

Praise the Lord I am more than a conqueror. Congratulations and amen and amen.

Our line of exhortation for this week has been EVERY COMMANDMENT OF SCRIPTURES IS FOR OUR PROFITING. Church Gist.

Every commandment of Scripture is for our profiting. 2Timothy 3:16. All scripture is given by inspiration and is profitable. Isaiah 48:17. every instruction, every commandment, every direction of God’s word is ordained for our profit. That means there is nothing to lose following God’s commandment but everything to gain following His commandment. Church Gist. It also means that God has nothing to gain giving you His commandment, it is you that has everything to gain following His commandment.

Infact, you can put it this way, that every commandment of God is an excuse for God to bless you, because in obeying that commandment we secure access to His blessing. Deuteronomy 28:1. So every commandment of God is an excuse or an opportunity for God to bless you. Church Gist. It means when God is seeking to reach you with a blessing, He first reaches you with a commandment. The commandment of God is a pathway to the blessing of God. And we have been looking all through this week at certain specific commandments that position us for profiting. Church Gist.
And this morning, we are going to go further as we look at SANCTIFICATION COMMANDMENT.

Say it louder with faith, THE SANCTIFICATION COMMANDMENT. 2 Corinthians 6:17. Come out from among them. Be separate. Stand out in your cleanliness. Touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you. Sanctification actually refers to a separation from uncleanliness. Church Gist. A separation from uncleanliness, whatever displeases God. When a man, a woman, a boy, a girl separates themselves from such things, they are sanctifying themselves. So sanctification is a separation from uncleanliness. Its also important that we establish the fact that sanctification is the will of God for believers.Church Gist. 1 Thessalonians 4:3. God’s will is for us to be sanctified. God’s will is for us to be sanctified. But it is also important we recognize the instrument or the principal force behind our sanctification and that is the Word of God. John 17: 17-19. Church Gist. So the word of God, the truth of God is the instrument of sanctification. Ephesians 5:26.

So it takes the Word of God to be sanctified or separated. Why is that so? God’s word is God’s instrument of reorientation. It is what reprograms man for sanctification. Romans 12: 2. You see, every computer device even your phone operates by the programming behind the scene. Church Gist. What you see taking place on that phone is because of how the phone was programmed. In other words, the nature of the phone is determined by the programming of the phone. In the same vein, the nature of your life is determined by the program that runs your life. And the program that runs your life can only be altered by the instrumentation of the Word of God. 2 Corinthians 3:18.

So we have seen this morning that when it comes to sanctification, it means separation from sin. Or separation from whatever displeases God. We have seen this morning that sanctification is the will of God and the instrument for sanctification is the Word of God. But sanctification like every other commandment of Scripture is ordained for our profiting. Church Gist. And the profiting of sanctification is both in the now and in the hereafter. That means both Temporal and Eternal. There are advantages and blessings that accrue to us in our walk of sanctification. Well, lets look at 2 of them very quickly this morning.

Number one blessing or profit of sanctification is Favour. Somebody say with me Favour, say it louder, Favour. All this is so important particularly in this week where God has released blessings of favour. Psalms 5:12 Who is the him there? The righteous! He said You will encompass him with favour as with a shield. So the righteous is entitled to favour. Church Gist. Now it is also important that we recognize that unrighteousness corrupts our favour. Ecclesiastes 10:11. Dead flies represent dead works, sin, the things that are displeasing to God.

When they come, they corrupt the ointment of the apothecary. That is the favour that has come upon a person’s life can be destroyed by sin. So if you want to enjoy favour, you must sustain as it were your righteous standard, your righteous stand. You must sustain your righteous stand.

The second blessing we see that accrues to us as a result of sanctification is Access to all of our inheritances. Please hear this, you can’t gain access to any inheritance without sanctification. Acts 20:32 So the inheritances of God are the portion of those that are classified as sanctified. Church Gist. Until God sees the Sanctified , He does not apportion an inheritance. So what determines our access to our inheritance is Sanctification. 2 Corinthians 7:1. Let us cleanse ourselves, don’t just dance about the promises. Cleanse yourself for the promises. You must sanctify yourself in order to gain access to these promises. Let us take note therefore that Sanctification is primarily a choice, not a gift. You make the choice for sanctification. 1 John 3:3. Everyone that has this hope purifies himself even as he is pure. So you must take responsibility for your sanctification. 2 Timothy 2: 19-21

If a man WILL purge himself from this…So, it is his own decision. It is his choice, It is his decision. Ultimately that means that each one of us are personally responsible for the state of our sanctification. So you must make a choice. If you want favour, you must be sanctified. If you want your inheritance, you must be sanctified. If you want a place with God here on the earth and also eternally in Heaven, you must be sanctified. Church Gist. That means that the choice is to you and to me.

I pray that none of us here will make the wrong choices. The capacity to make the right choices, may it be granted unto each one of us.

Somebody has said wisely, you make decisions and decisions make you. You make decisions and decisions make you.

Rise on your feet with me. If you have decided for Sanctification, now call for help. Lord, I receive your help! I receive your help! I receive your help!
The decision is yours, but the help is from Him. I receive your help to be separate from all that corrupts. I receive your help to be separate from all that defiles. I receive your help to be separate from all that derails. Pray for yourself this morning and take help from God. He said follow Holiness, and follow Peace, without which no man will see God. Lord, I receive your help to be separate from all that corrupts, from all that defiles, from all that derails. Grant it unto me! Grant it unto me! Grant it unto me! Lord, I receive your help this morning. Let it be granted unto me. Father, thank you! Blessed be your Holy name. You are worthy of all the praise. In Jesus precious name we have prayed!

We have called for His help today, that help will be made available unto you. And as you keep walking in sanctification, all the blessings that should accrue to those who walk in it will begin to manifest in your own life. Somebody say a big amen!






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