Redeemed Christian Church of God November 6th 2022 Sunday Service.
Our Father and our God we bless your name. We worship you the Alpha and the Omega. Accept our thanks in Jesus’ name. Thank you for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and for November. Thank you for survival, provision, protection, your mercy. Accept our thanks in Jesus’ name. Church Gist. Father, all I am asking this morning is that all your children will receive a special touch from you. Those who are rich, make them richer. Those who are poor put an end to their poverty. From now on, let your children operate under open Heaven. As your word will go forth, the power that is in your Word let it bring healings, joy and deliverance.
Let someone shout halleluyah!
Genesis 12:1-3. Don’t be disturbed if once in a while you find some demonic manifestations. The best hospital in the world is where you see the worst of cases of sicknesses and diseases. Church Gist. If you don’t once in a while see demon manifesting, it could only mean one thing: the Church itself has gone dead. So they come where they know that the fire of God is burning. By the grace of God, the fire of God is burning here and is going to burn hotter still.
We are talking about OVERFLOWING BLESSINGS. And since today has been specially set aside for finance people, I am sure the people who dreamt up the topic are talking about overflowing blessings financially. Church Gist. I have already decreed in the name that is above every other name:
- All of you will prosper!
Money is important. Bible says quite a lot of wonderful things about money. I know many people will want to quote only one and that’s, ‘Love of money is the root of all evil.’ That passage didn’t say money is evil; it said the ‘love of money.’ Church Gist. You need money to survive as a matter of fact, Ecclesiastes 7:12, and that can’t be truer than a time like this. If you have money to hire a lot of body guards, you will feel safer. Well, you don’t even know whether the fellow walking behind you is a kidnapper or not. Church Gist. And the Bible says in Proverbs 22:7, that tells you poverty is not a good thing at all. Proverbs 10:15 is the worst thing that can ever be said about poverty; that means poverty is a destroyer.
- I decree in the name that is above every other name that you will not die poor!
- Those of you who are already rich you will become richer
- Those of you who are poor, there will be a dramatic change for the better.
However, when we are talking about blessings, money is probably the smallest of all the blessings. The ability to eat is a blessing. Ecclesiastes 3:13, Ecclesiastes 5:19, Ecclesiastes 6:12, Ecclesiastes 5:11. Thank God for those of us who are not rich yet but we can eat. How many people are here who it doesn’t matter what they put in front of you, you can go. Church Gist. If you can really eat, shout halleluyah! Me, I don’t have money but if you don’t want me to eat, don’t invite me to your house because I can eat. You know one of the problems with some people who are very very rich is that they have a problem choosing what to eat. They have to think, ‘What did I eat yesterday?” You now hear some people begin to tell you things you can’t eat. You have the money to buy them but, ‘You can’t eat beef, red meat, …’ what are we going to eat? Don’t mind them; one was talking the other day and he was talking about all the things you shouldn’t eat. Some of the things she said (Usually it is a woman), they made sense.
‘Don’t eat too much sugar’ I said I agree; even the Word of God says, ‘even though honey is good, don’t eat too much of it or else you will vomit.’ If it is too sweet, your body will say I don’t want. She said, ‘Don’t eat too much salt.’ I said I agree; my mouth is there to be the controller. My mouth will tell me this thing is too salty. And she went on and on and all of a sudden she said, ‘Don’t eat too much pounded yam.’ Church Gist. I said, ‘Na lie!’ My mother ate pounded yam at least twice a day all her life and she lived to be over a hundred. Do you want me to live here forever? Fortunately she didn’t mention ‘bole (boli)’ that would have led to a quarrel; because boli is a food prepared by God – all ingredients are in. It just said, ‘remove the wrapping and put in the oven’ and the best of all foods will come. Don’t mind those people who said, ‘Don’t eat don’t eat that!’ Enjoy yourself! I said, Enjoy yourself. Those of you who can eat let me hear you shout halleluyah!
Alright, so that I don’t offend the doctors: You can obey them till you are 70. As soon as you are 70 years old, eat anything you like. You want to stay in the world forever? Enjoy yourself my friend!
I don’t know if we heard the story of 2 people: husband and wife. I think the husband died at about 120; the wife died about 110. I think they died of accident; I can’t remember. But when they go to Heaven and Angel Gabriel or Michael, anyway one of the angels was showing them Heaven and then he took them to the restaurant. Over there in the restaurant, there were all manner of cakes and ice creams of all flavours. Church Gist. So they asked the angel, ‘How often can we come here?’ and the angel said, ‘As often as you want. There is no night here.’ ‘How much of this can we eat?’ The angel said, ‘As much as you want.’ The husband asked the angel, ‘How can that be?’ The Angel said, “In Heaven, we don’t count calories; but when you are in the Earth you are there.” The husband looked at the wife and said, ‘You see yourself? Church Gist. When we were on Earth you won’t allow us enjoy – don’t eat this, don’t eat that. If you had allowed us to enjoy ourselves, we would have arrived here early.’
Let someone shout halleluyah!
Ability to eat is a blessing. The ability to sleep is a blessing. Ecclesiastes 5:12. The man who woke up in Mushin at 5am so as to get to the wharf on time and then was offloading cement from morning to evening. By the time he gets home, whatever little food he can find, he eats and as soon as he hits the ground, he is asleep. Church Gist. That’s a blessing; unlike lots of rich people who cannot sleep. I mean, those who manufacture drugs for sleep are making a lot of money. But the Bible says in Psalms 127:2, if God loves you, He will give you the ability to fall asleep. That’s a blessing!
You might not be rich but at least you can sleep. There are some people like me, we can sleep sitting down, kneeling on a wall. Is anybody like that here? Because the Bible says count your blessings; name them one by one. Church Gist. I am not a billionaire yet but look, when I hit the ground I sleep. It is because I can fall asleep anytime that’s why when I want to pray, I don’t just kneel down; I walk around. Because if I kneel down … (exclaims)
You say, ‘Daddy are you sure I am telling you the truth?’ I have told you the story of a man who had 14 houses in Ibadan; who came and said ‘daddy pray for me; I learnt that if you pray, things will happen.’ I said what’s the problem? Church Gist. He said, ‘I have 14 houses but I can’t sleep. Pray that I can sleep and I will give you the 14 houses.’ I said, ‘Ah! I will pray for you and God will heal you; I don’t want 14 houses.’ I take 14 houses and then I won’t be able to sleep? Everybody who can sleep anytime they want to let me hear you shout halleluyah!
Another blessing is good health. Some of us don’t appreciate some of the things that God has done for us. That’s why when we are asked to praise God, we don’t do it with all our heart. You can be rich and sick. Of what use is money then? In 2 Kings 5:1-15, Naaman was rich but was a leper. Church Gist. Of what use were all the things that he had when he cannot even embrace his own children because of leprosy? In 1 Samuel 16:14, King Saul was a King and a King is a rich man by any standard; but he was mad. So what is the use of being a mad king? To have good health is an extremely great blessing.
I’ve told you the story of one great man who had a stroke…
- I decree in the name that is above every other name, those of you who have stroke God will heal you! Those of you who do not have it, you will never have it.
He had a type of stroke that takes away the voice. They took him to the very best of hospitals for treating stroke in London. I was visiting London and this man and I we have a common friend who asked me to come and pray for him. Church Gist. When we got to the hospital, he had a large room alone to himself because the money is there. As we were entering, the wife who was sitting next to him after we prayed, the wife left. And the husband wanted to make conversation and he looked at us, patted the place where the wife was sitting and made a move with his hand. My friend asked if he wanted him to come and sit next to him but he said no. He patted the place again and we asked if he wanted us to go and call his wife. Church Gist. He still said no. 30 minutes later and he was sweating profusely now. We understood that all he wanted to say is that ‘my wife who just left is coming back.’ 30 minutes!
Here you are! You want to phone London, America, you want to sing. You won’t say, ‘Thank you God.’ the fact that you can talk, shout halleluyah!
It is a blessing to be able to pray. Why? Because the Almighty God says in James 4:2. You say, ‘But I have prayed.’ Read John 16:24. And no matter how great you think you are, if only you can ask, God can enlarge your coast. Church Gist. Wealthy people are those who put their money in fixed deposit. If you haven’t reached that stage yet, in the name that is above every name, very soon you will get there. But there is a level higher than wealthy – the Bible calls it prosperous.
A man went on a walk one morning with about half a dozen body guards following him. And as he was walking, he turned; he wasn’t breathing. He saw a factory that was very dirty. He asked what factory is that? They said that’s the place where they manufacture Rolls Royce. He was amazed at how dirty the factory was and decided to branch to the factory. Church Gist. He said, ‘I want to see the owner.’ He told the owner that he wants to buy his factory. The owner laughed and asked who told you I want to sell my factory? The man said, “Name your price. I must buy this factory today.” True story!
When the owner was still getting upset, he asked him how much profit he makes in 10 years. ‘Add it to the cost of the factory. And if that’s not enough, double it.’ Church Gist. He went for a walk and came back the owner of a factory. How many of you have that kind of money? But in the name that’s above every other name, you will surpass that.
But there is still something above prosperous; that’s why you must learn to pray. The Bible says if my people will humble themselves and pray… by the time you feel you don’t have to pray anymore you are a proud fellow. You don’t even know how far God can take you. Church Gist. There’s this level the Bible calls flourishing; it is more than prosperous. I have given you an illustration before: the wife of one Emir (I won’t tell you the nation; not in Nigeria.) came to London to shop and went to Harrods. Me, I went to Harrods only once to drink tea because at least my money can buy tea. A cup of tea in those days used to be about 7pounds… she went to Harrods and shopped for 3 days. When she finished, she called one of the servants, ‘Go and get a 747 to take my goods home.’ That one said, ‘Yes Ma; I will go and get a cargo plane.’ She said, ‘What? Cargo plane? I asked you to go and buy a brand new 747. Church Gist. Remove the seats; dash the seats to whoever sells it to you and come and take my goods home.’ They took her goods home in a brand new plane, she stored them and didn’t open any of them for 3 years.
Let me ask you: which one do you want? Rich? wealthy? prosperous? Flourishing? God says, ‘Ask till your joy be full.’
There is something even more interesting than the ability to pray. I would have taught you how I learnt to pray. When I joined this Church, I was coming from one of the traditional churches and in those days when they finish the service, they just ask you to pray. You can pray from morning service to evening service. Church Gist. And I came, everybody was praying and I didn’t want to be the first to get up. I just knelt down and prayed shortly but didn’t want to be the first to stand because that will be embarrassing. But there was a man who kept going. So I said I will sit close to him and hear what it is that he is saying. For the first one hour, he was still praising God. I began to copy him; little by little, that’s the way I began to learn. Now, things are different.
Ability to pray is wonderful but there is something more interesting: The ability to laugh. That’s why I have been trying to be funny so as to let you see that it is not everybody who can laugh. The Bible said even the Almighty God in Heaven laughs. Psalm 16:11. But some people come to the presence of God and they can’t even laugh. Church Gist. You might think it is everybody who came this morning has been laughing. Some of them have been looking at me saying, “What’s wrong with this pastor? We thought he was going to say something serious.” Something serious is the ability to laugh is a blessing.
Years ago I used to say, ‘laugh at the devil.’ But then I discovered that when I ask people to laugh at the devil it is not everybody laughing. So I will tell them that when I ask them to laugh at the devil, look to your right and to your left because anyone who is not laughing when we say laugh at the devil must be a devil. Church Gist. So, you might be sitting between 2 devils; if they are not laughing, relocate.
- You will always have something to laugh about!
One of the greatest blessings you can thank God for is to be at peace with God. When you have peace with God, your mind will be at rest. A lot of people are already developing hypertension because they are considering all the problems they hear. Church Gist. But there are those of us who are 100 per cent at peace because we are at peace with God; and when you are at peace with God, you know your tomorrow is going to be alright. Isaiah 3:10.
It doesn’t matter what the reports may be saying. The big nations of the world may say, ‘we have seen something about to happen in Nigeria therefore we are running home.’ There are some of us, we have nowhere to run to; but we know tomorrow is going to be alright. I am not saying those people who said something is going to happen are lying. Church Gist. I don’t know; even though my Daddy didn’t tell me that. He didn’t have to tell me everything anyway, so I don’t know. But all I know is that it doesn’t matter what happens; as long as I belong to Jesus Christ, My tomorrow will be alright. Colossians 1:27. Be at peace with God and if you are not at peace with God then you have cause to be afraid. Psalm 112:7, Psalm 23
But if you don’t have Christ, if you have money – plenty of it, the Bible says riches can develop wings and fly away. As young as I am and I am just 80, I have seen a lot of ex-rich, ex-wealthy. I have seen money fly away. I’ve told you about a man that I saw in a town. Church Gist. The man was sitting in rags in the house that was half broken down. He had won lottery in 1957 for 70,000 pounds at a time when you could buy a house in London for 25 pounds. What happened? The wealth flew away and now he was sitting down in rags.
- Every good thing that God has already given you the devil will not come near them at all!
Don’t trust in money; don’t trust in wealth because if you trust in all these material things, they will vanish. I’ve told the story of a man – very wealthy man who had many houses here in Lagos. But he was a wicked man; he made the money by not so straight forward a way. Church Gist. Then he fell sick and because there was money, all the doctors tried to help him. But things got worse until he had spent all his money; then he began to sell the houses. When he got to the last house, somebody was ready to pay. One of the doctors said, ‘let’s open him up and do what they call exploratory operation.’ They opened him up and discovered that the liver had turned to stone. Church Gist. They just closed him up because there was nothing anybody could do about that. But all the money was gone and he died penniless. Don’t put trust in anything that can disappear. Put your trust in the God of blessings and not the blessings themselves. There are many blessings apart from money.
The conclusion, overflowing blessing can mean you allow your blessings to flow out to others. That the rich will allow his wealth to help the poor, The strong will use his strength to help the weak. Romans 15:1. Use your faith to help the one who is rich materially (The poor in faith). Church Gist. You are saved; you know the joy of the Lord, share with those who don’t know. So that they can come and taste and see that the Lord is good. Anybody can claim that his or her blessings are overflowing provided he is a blessing. Genesis 12:3. A house help was a blessing to Naaman.
I told you the story of a chief – extremely wealthy; there are 39 rooms in his house. He fell sick and was paralyzed from waist downwards. They took him to the best hospital in United Kingdom and he was there for months. One day the professor there said, ‘we better let this man go. Let’s stop taking his money.’ The professor took a very long pin; showed the chief and he acknowledged it was a pin. Church Gist. The professor told him to watch as he drove the pin through the chief’s thigh. He asked the chief if he felt anything and he said no. The professor said, ‘Don’t let us waste your time. Nobody can help you; go home.’ They brought the chief home and one of the little girls living in the house of the chief went and told the chief, ‘Sir, I know a pastor. If he prays for you, you will walk again.’ To cut the story short, they brought the old man to the camp. He was a big man; it took 4 hefty men to carry him from his car.
I shared with him: the Bible says if the spirit of the one who raised Jesus Christ from the dead …(Romans 8:11). Sir, will you please give your life to Jesus Christ? I didn’t have to preach long; he surrendered his life to Jesus; we prayed a simple prayer. He walked back to his car. Church Gist. My point is: if that girl had not told him, he would have died – unable to walk. That girl wasn’t rich in money, she was rich in faith. Those of you who know Jesus Christ, share! Tell those who don’t know him that Jesus Christ is who He says He is.
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