- Pastor E. A. Adeboye on “WONDERFUL (Part 1)” || RCCG JANUARY 2023 HOLY GHOST SERVICE || January 6th 2023
To start with, when yesterday at the Holy Communion I was telling those who were here that one of the powers of Double portion anointing is ability to make decrees and see them come to pass, I didn’t know how far God wanted to take that. Church Gist. I explained to those of you who were here yesterday that prophecies are good particularly if they come from God. There are some funny people in Nigeria who call themselves prophets; they don’t even know the meaning of prophecy. I am not a prophet but I know the way God speaks because He talks to me once in a while. I am a pastor; I am satisfied with that office.
But when somebody says he is prophesying and he says, “3 people are contesting for a post. If the first one wins there will be plenty of food. If the second one wins, there will be plenty to drink. If the 3rd wins, there will be plenty to wear.” Church Gist. That’s not prophecy; that’s conjecture. If God is the one speaking ehn, he will tell you, “there are 3 people contesting and this is the one who will win.” That’s the way God talks; there is no “if” or “may be.”
I explained that prophecy could come and then something could happen along the way that could cause God to change his mind. He is the Almighty. He said, “tell Eli I said indeed that you and your father’s house will serve me forever but now, be it far from me; I change my mind. If you don’t like it, go and sue me.” He is the Almighty. He does as he pleases in Heaven and nobody can query him. He is the original majesty. Church Gist. But when it comes to a decree, when he said to Abraham, ” tell your wife 9 months from now she will be carrying a son,” Sarah laughed. He said, “you’re laughing; well, go ahead and keep laughing. But I have decreed.” That’s why when the baby was born they called him laughter. When God decrees, nobody can change it. Believe it or not, he himself can’t change it. When he decrees so, it is done.
So when I was praying for this evening and Daddy says the first thing I should do is to issue certain decrees, I knew something is about to happen. Church Gist. So I said, “what do I decree?” Fortunately, he had given me the song that you sang. He said, look at the song I gave you – the decrees are there.
So I hereby decree:
- This will be your year!
- This year you will succeed!
- This year you will rejoice!
- This year you will be glad!
- God will move you from one success to a greater one
- On a daily basis, this year God will move you from glory to glory!
If you receive it shout halleluyah!
The devil fought since morning that I won’t be here this evening. You say, “what happened?” I’ve been in my prayer room for days; I didn’t go out. So you can’t say that I went out and I ate something bad yesterday. No! Then I woke up this morning with terrible stomach disorder, pain the kind that I’ve never experienced for a long time. Church Gist. I went to the toilet expecting that I will ease myself and everything will go. I began to ask myself, “What did I eat? What did I drink?” I ate nothing. It started like a joke.
I had to go and pray with the senior pastors at 6pm. I am telling you the one hour I spent with them was a little hell on Earth. Church Gist. They didn’t notice though, I hid it from them because I didn’t want them to panic. So I managed to get back to my prayer room after I left them and the service started and the pain grew worse.
Little by little, I was listening to the preacher (Thank God for the preacher), even though I was in agony. Then all of a sudden, he said something: Say Amen somebody! Church Gist. He said there was a brother who said Amen and what was troubling him got out of him. So I said Amen, loud and clear! He said that before the end of his message.
By now I should be getting dressed but the stomach was still misbehaving. But few minutes after I said, ‘Amen,’ I just felt something saying run to the toilet. Church Gist. I ran to the toilet and what was troubling me got out.
- Whatever is troubling you, stand on your feet and shout, “Amen.”
Tonight we want to begin to discuss a series called, “WONDERFUL.” So we are discussing, “WONDERFUL (Part 1).” 2 Kings 2:8-15.
- This will be your year of double portions!
Everything that happened on that day (Elijah taken up to Heaven) can only be described by one word, “Wonderful.” Elijah took his mantle, smote River Jordan. River Jordan parted ways – wonderful! Himself and Elisha got to the other side, Elijah said to Elisha, “what do you want?” “I want a double portion of your spirit.” Boy, can’t you see what I have done with one portion? Church Gist. I mean with one portion I raised the dead, shut the heavens, multiplied the food of a widow, did some marvelous things and you are asking for double? Wonderful boy! While they were still talking, the heavens opened. Horses of fire, chariots of fire, the special chariot of the Almighty God came down, grabbed Elijah, pushed Elisha to some side. Before you knew it, Elijah was gone. Wonderful.
Elisha grabbed the mantle that fell, went back to the River Jordan and said, “where is the Lord God of Elijah?” The God of Elijah said, “I am here.” Wonderful! Church Gist. Everything that happened that day, there is only one way to describe it – wonderful! I have a feeling that something is about to happen here tonight that can only be called wonderful!
What is a wonder? A wonder is something that happens that is so big, your mouth opens involuntarily. When my pastor was testifying and he said about these killers that waylaid them and then the one who was pointing the gun at them suddenly began to dance, who is beating the drum? Church Gist. Church Gist. Which music was he hearing? He danced away from them, danced to their back, so that they can continue on their journey. What do you call that one? Wonderful.
- This year, all your enemies will be confused!
Acts 3:1-11. The miracle of the lame man was a wonder.
- In the name of the one who sent me, by the time God finishes with you, people will wonder at you!
Let’s go to the very beginning. John 1:1-3, 14. If you want to know the meaning of wonderful you need to say, “what was the name that the Father of Jesus gave him?” Isaiah 9:6. Church Gist. The first name was wonderful. Wonderful means full of wonders. 2 words combined – wonder and full.
- I decree in the name of the one who sent me, the wonders that will happen in your life this year will be many!
Jesus and God, they are the same. (John 1:1). Church Gist. Let us consider tonight a little bit about the wonders of God. Let us consider the size of God – how big is God?
1 Kings 8:27. May be we should start by considering the size of his leg. How big is his leg? Isaiah 66:1. We don’t know exactly how far away heaven is but we know that it is at least far beyond the sun. Science has shown us even the sun is very far away. Heaven is his throne, the Earth is his footstool. Church Gist. That must be one very big leg. What is the implication of that kind of leg? It means when God is seated in heaven, He is controlling everything that is going on here on Earth because the Earth is his footstool. When you read Psalms 2:1-4, you know what it means? When somebody is threatening you, God is laughing. If anybody says you are not going to be promoted, he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh.
When the doctors told that young lady (referring to Testimony), “take your mother home there is nothing more we can do for her, she is going to die; no way she can live.” He that sitteth in the Heavens shall laugh. If somebody tells you that there is no way you can have your own children, he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh. Church Gist. If anybody tells you that there is no way you are going to make it, that you’re going to die poor, he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh. Isaiah 54:15. Isaiah 54:16-17. For the rest of your life you should walk around victorious because he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh. Even when he is sitting down, you are secured.what happens when he stands? Psalm 68:1-3.
I’ve told my children: when the fire of God fell on Samson and the ropes binding him were burnt by fire and he took the jaw bone of an ass and began to fight, the reason he killed only 1,000 was because the rest were wise. They ran.
- Any enemy against you this year that fails to run, the fire of God will consume.
Psalm 104:32. When the one that tall begins to move on Earth, the Earth begins to shake. Church Gist. Every step he takes, the Earth trembles so that by the time he arrives at any place, the trembling will be so much there will be an earthquake. Acts 16:25-40. Take note of certain things that will happen:
- The foundations of prison will begin to shake.
- All prison doors will open
- Every yoke will be loosed
- Enemies will become servants
- Captors will come to beg
Do you know that is what God is about to do for you tonight? Church Gist. The reason you will find Halleluyah in all my songs is because whenever you shout halleluyah, God draws near.
Let us look at, “how long are his hands?”: Deuteronomy 33:27. There is no way you can measure his arms – very very long; everlastingly. You may want to perform a little experiment – this is scientific. That is you stretch your hands wide – the left as far as it can go and the right as far as it can go, and you measure from the tip of your fore finger on the right to the tip of your fore finger on the left, then you measure your height, the 2 will be the same. Church Gist. So if you want to know how tall you are, all you need to do is just go against the wall, get somebody to mark where the fore finger is here and there, measure the gap between the 2; that’s your height.
Now you say, “what has that got to do with God? You seem to be bringing Mathematics into this.” Psalm 90:2. When he stretches out his hands, he covers everything. Church Gist. From your far beginning to your far ending. From your beginning to your ending, he is in charge. Jeremiah 1:4-5.
When we are talking about your origin, question had always been, when is the origin of a house? Some people will say, “the beginning of a house is the foundation.” But no, anybody who knows anything about building will tell you, “no no, before we dig the foundation there must be a drawing.” So you may say the beginning of a house is the drawing. Church Gist. But no, before the architect began to draw, the owner of the house had a vision of what the house must be like. Whether it is a 3 bedroom bungalow or something. So you could say the beginning of the house started in the mind of the landlord. But no, the beginning of the house started (somebody will say) when the landlord was born.
- There are many of you who are here today, you have no idea of what God is going to achieve through you but they will begin to pop up now.
But no, the beginning of the house was not when the landlord was born. The beginning of the house was before the father met the mother. Jeremiah 1:4-5. But no, the beginning of the house was not when the father met the mother. Church Gist. The beginning of the house was before the father and the mother were born. You can go on tracing it and you discover the beginning of the house was in God. Before he made the Heavens and the Earth, He knew who is going to build a house.
When I was praying and I said, “Lord, pleases build me a boy’s quarter in Mushin,” He said son, don’t ask me for a boy’s quarter. I’ve decided to build you a city. This place was total jungle then but God had already seen a place where million scan gather to shout halleluyah to him. I wasn’t born here. Church Gist. That’s when one big officer of government years ago said that he was going to pull down the camp, I said, “ah, this is not my building. You can’t pull down what God is building.” He said, “I will cancel your certificate of occupancy.” I said, “ah, my father will cancel your certificate of occupancy on the Earth.” Somebody is bigger than somebody. Anybody threatening you tell them, “You are not my Alpha; you cannot be my Omega. You don’t behave, I will hand you over to the Alpha and the Omega.”
There is something very interesting about his arms and that is as we read it in Deuteronomy 33:27. “The everlasting arms are underneath…” You know what that means? You can never go so low that God cannot reach you. Church Gist. Your case can never be called hopeless if you are a child of God. The lower you go, you will just find out that his hands are still underneath. John 11:39-44, Ezekiel 37:1-10. “If I can raise dry bones, what’s the problem with someone who has been dead only 4 days?”
- Every sickness in your life that they attribute to old age, my father will pull them out!
“Underneath are the everlasting arms …” means no matter how low you are, he can pick you up from there and can then begin to promote you because his hands are underneath you. 1 Samuel 2:7-8.
The first preacher made a point: he said all the people he referred to in his sermon were in the book of Kings. Church Gist. When we talk about Kings we are talking about Royalty, wealth, influence, power.
There’s an illustration I want to remind you: we went to an African country and I felt led to see the Head of State. At first they told me it cannot be possible. After some time we met somebody (an old man who was an old Bishop) who said, “Well, I taught him in school. I will take you to see him because he will always see me.” When we got there they told me, “Monday morning, maximum time you can get from him is 15 minutes.” I said that’s more than enough. Church Gist. After 15 minutes, he rang a bell. The fellow who came in thought he was coming to take me out. He said, “bring me a pot of tea and 2 cups” because he asked me, “pastor will you like to drink tea?” Ah, who am I to refuse royal tea? For 2 hours, we were talking, enjoying ourselves. The cabinet was to meet, the cabinet was waiting because the President was seeing the son of a farmer whose name was not known before.
- I decree in the name that is above every other name, I will see you at the top!
Not only can He promote, he can promote everlastingly. My prayer is that everyone of you one way or the other, you will end up a pastor. I will explain. Governments come and go; Presidents come, president goes. The Pastor remains forever. Church Gist. There is nothing like the promotion that comes from God. If human beings promote you, they are the people who will bring you down.
(I don’t know whether I should say this) I’m sure you’ve been watching the campaign rallies. I watch it in the news. I don’t know if you have noticed that 2 different people don’t hold their campaign simultaneously in a town. Have you noticed that? You don’t know why? Because majority of the crowd are rented. So I come, I pay, you gather. Church Gist. After I have come, another man comes, he pays, you gather. Somebody said, “Daddy you keep on saying that you haven’t heard from God about who will win or who will not.” May be because there are several things occupying my mind and one of it is, when I see the crowd gathering and if you look at the crowd, majority of them are young. When I see the hundreds of thousands of youths, you have to jobless to be attending all these rallies. Church Gist. What’s going to happen when the campaigns are over and there’s nobody to rent any more? Don’t worry, God will have mercy.
When God is the one promoting you, he keeps on promoting you everlastingly; you just keep on going higher and higher.
- I decree once again, I will meet you at the top.
Let me take one example: David. The first promotion he got, he was a shepherd boy and he was anointed to be King among his brethren. He was anointed second time to be King over Judah. Church Gist. Then he was anointed the third time to be King over Israel but by the time you get to Mark 10:46-52, you discover that long after he was dead, he was referred to as the Father of the King of kings. Bartimaeus cried, “Jesus, thou son of David …” David was promoted everlastingly.
Consider Elisha because he is the one that we are dancing around for now. He became the son of the prophet in 1 Kings 19:19-21. A wealthy farmer needs promotion to become a son of the prophet. Church Gist. In 2 Kings 2:15, he became the Prophet because other sons of the Prophet came to bow down before him. But do you know that even when he died, his dead bone was still raising the dead. That was great mehn!
I’ll tell you this story: I went to America and one of my sons put a bit of pressure on me that I should come to his house to eat, so I said alright. I went and I sat on a chair before going to the dining table. After I left, he sat on the chair and discovered that the prayer he prayed was instantly answered. Church Gist. So he shared the testimony with his friends and they began to come to his house to sit on the same chair and pray. They were all getting their miracles. So the news spread and this my son happened to be a very funny fellow. He said, “What’s going on? These people want to turn my house to Mecca.” So he said, “I know what I will do.” He went and bought another chair, the same type. He took the one I sat on into his bedroom and put the new chair where the old one was. So when the people came, he will say, that’s the chair, that’s where he sat. They were still getting their miracles. Church Gist. Then he discovered that the anointing didn’t stop on the chair; it went right down into the ground.
- Tonight as I am sitting here, the anointing is flowing out to you!
- The Lord asked me to tell someone, get ready for hard work because many doors will open simultaneously.
There’s something about the hand of the Almighty – wonders of wonders is that: If he keeps you in the hollow of His hand, you’re forever secure. Church Gist. John 10:27-30. You know we used to sing a song when I was younger. 🎶In the hollow of his hands …🎶
- From today onwards, anybody who tried to harm you will come in contact with the hand of God.
When we talk about wonders, there is something called Wonder of Wonders. I am only talking about the size of God tonight. Church Gist. The wonders of wonders is that as big as God is, His hands from everlasting to everlasting, his leg reaching down right from Heaven to Earth, God can make Himself so small that He can dwell in the heart of a man. 1 John 4:4
- The biggest chapter of your life is about to open!
Tell the fellow next to you, “You have not seen anything yet; I am going to be very great.”
Years ago, when the Almighty God provided us with a jet, there was a lot of noise. People were criticising me right, left and center. They sent EFCC to come and probe me, “Where did he get the money to buy a jet?” etc. The noise was much. Church Gist. Then one day, I was flying because I didn’t buy a jet for pleasure; the work has expanded to the level that there is no way I can do it by commercial traveling. If you want to travel by commercial, you have to wait for their timetable. If I have to wait for their timetable, I won’t be able to do what God wants me to do. I mean to give you an example: I finished in our European Convention in Spain one night, 33 nations gathered together; as soon as I dismissed the program around 12 midnight, I head straight to the Airport to travel over to Hong Kong. I arrived in Hong Kong the following day, did what I needed to do and then moved on to Singapore. I arrived in Singapore, did what I needed to do and then headed for Australia. Church Gist. I got to Australia, did what I needed to do, I headed to Papua New Guinea. I needed to touch all those places, minister to them, dedicate the Churches, ordain pastors and be back before the next Holy Ghost Service. There’s no way I can do that by the commercial plane. That’s what led to the jet. The noise was great and I was becoming a bit disturbed. “Father, what do I do now?”
One day I was flying; it was during the day, far above the cloud. I just felt the Holy Spirit saying, “Look out of the window.” I looked out of the window and said, Lord, I can’t see anything. He said, look down at the cloud and I saw a rainbow. Church Gist. Now normally a rainbow is an arc but this rainbow that I saw was a complete circle and it was extremely big. I looked down into the center of the rainbow and I saw the shape of a plane. It looks as if the rainbow was moving, always keeping the plane in the middle.
The Lord said to me, “Son, the shadow you see is the shadow of this your plane. I have you surrounded.”
- I decree to somebody here today, My Father who is a consuming fire will surround you!
He said to me, “Don’t answer them, I have you surrounded.”
- May the God who surrounds me, surround you!
1 John 4:4. Who is this greater one? God. As big as he is, he can make himself so small that he can enter into you! When he is in you, automatically you just keep on succeeding. Philippians 4:13. When he is dwelling in you, when anything comes from outside to attack you, He will answer the fellow who comes to knock at the door. Church Gist. Death comes knocking, he who is called the resurrection and the life will go and answer. Sorrow wants to come, the one who says ask till your joy be full will go and open the door.
- from this moment onward, no evil will come into your house.
Right now, he is asking for your permission to come in. Revelation 3:20. Somebody had said, “Daddy when you are ministering, how do you hear the voice in the midst of all the noise around?” He’s not out there, he is in me. When he comes in you, you will begin to hear his voice – small still voice. Church Gist. How many of you will love to prophesy? You want me to decree? Some of the things he will tell you may not be the kind of things you want to hear but it will be the truth. Are you sure you want me to decree?
- Before the end of this month, you will be hearing from him!
You know, the beauty about hearing from God is that no fake prophet can deceive you. Prophet will come and say, “I received this one from the Lord.” Church Gist. You say, “ehen, I didn’t receive it.” Church Gist. The Bible made it clear: my sheep hear my voice. You can never be deceived again when you begin to hear from God yourself.
Let me tell you one thing and this is for your ears only: Anyone who is prophesying now telling you, “this is the fellow who will win,” the fellow is deceiving you. You know why? Daddy has not spoken yet. Church Gist. Church Gist. He hasn’t said anything. So if you say somebody released a prophecy saying that somebody from this place is a … “Na lie o!” Who said so? Your Daddy. Daddy for one reason or the other, he has been very quiet on this one.
You will say, “ah, Daddy this is January …” I know. “… You should tell us so that we will know.” How can I tell you what he hasn’t told me? You want me to lie to you? “… What are we going to …” Church Gist. Church Gist. Get your PVC ready. If he doesn’t say anything, when it is time to vote, vote as the spirit of God will direct you. If he tells me, well, I may tell you, I may not.
That’s why you must let him come into you so you can hear from him directly and nobody will be able to deceive you any more.
Salvation Call
If you’re not a child of God, run to Him right now.
Invite Him into your life.
Ask Him to have mercy on you, wash you clean with His blood, and save your soul.