-Pastor David Ibiyeomie on ‘WISDOM FOR ATTENTION AND ATTRACTION PART 2’. Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 6th August, 2023 || Second Service.
This month is declared our month of ‘Winning With Wisdom’ but the Message today is: ‘WISDOM FOR ATTENTION AND ATTRACTION PART 2’. In the First Service, we talked about the inspiration and I will go further in the Second Service. Church Gist. What is Wisdom? Wisdom is laying hold and applying God’s ways in your approach to every issue of life. It is following Scriptural principles to have uncommon results, that’s what I’m saying. In Proverbs 4:7, it (Wisdom) is the principal thing therefore get it. It is what will distinguish you in the race of life – Wisdom. Hear this and hear me well, wisdom is so important but many don’t go for it.
-May you be amongst those who go for wisdom.
The Bible declaring in 1 Corinthians 2:16 says we have the mind of Christ if we are born again. John 1:3, if you have the mind of Christ then you should take charge in the affairs of life. Church Gist. I can’t have the mind of Christ and the world will not mind me. Let me say this to every one of us, be angry with failure! Until you are angry with failure you will never succeed. Be angry with stupidity, somebody is not stupid just because you are in Church many are stupid because they don’t know what to do.
-You will not be amongst the stupid.
But if you are not angry with failure, there is no way you can succeed. Anything you are not angry with will remain, even sickness if you are not angry with sickness you can never get healed. Church Gist. Holy anger is the end of any situation.
Now, what is it that is required to command attention and attraction:
In the first Service, I said that the first requirement is inspiration of the Holy Spirit. How many want it that any way you go people will be giving you attention? Don’t be deceived, temporary attention is different from permanent attention. Many struggle for political power but don’t struggle for wisdom. Can I humble you? I won’t call names! Can the Former President of some nations including this nation now pass and you look at them? You will look at them? They just left some months ago, if they are passing now in Port-Harcourt will you come out? In fact, you will hiss but when they were in office were they commanding attention? So it’s a temporary attention. Can you hear Adeboye passing now and you will not run out? Can you hear Oyedepo passing and you will not run out? He said whatever the Lord doeth, whatever political thing you doeth it shall be for only political terms. So when we say ‘attention’ – If I can get Local Government Chairman, no! Those are temporary attention. I’m talking about commanding permanent attention, it takes wisdom. In the First Service, I have told you what I said, in the Second Service – What is required to command attention and attraction?
If you want to command attention you must solve problems. We are created to solve problems, you are a solution to a specific problem on the earth. Everything created by God is a solution to a problem, the eyes see, the ears hear, the mind thinks and the mouth speaks. Church Gist. Mothers solve emotional problems, doctors solve health problems, lawyers solve legal problems, Ministers of the Gospel solve spiritual problems, mechanics solve car problems. So the problem you solve is what determines how many will know you. When you discover what you are created for and solve problems with it, you will be announced to your world without sweat. So problems are opportunities to be announced.
-And God will announce you in the name of Jesus.
Nobody will know you if you are not solving problems. Church Gist. In life, you are either solving problems or creating problems – No neutral ground!
How to recognize the problem you are created to solve?
A. What you are passionate about
That is what you love the most. Anything you are passionate about is a problem God has created you to solve John 2:17. He was talking with a woman at the well of Jacob and they came to Him and said: ‘Master, have you any need’? Church Gist. He said: ‘No, I just love what I’m doing, I am passionate talking about the Gospel John 4:32-34 – That was the problem He (Jesus) was created to solve 1 John 3:8. When you see anything you love, that’s what you are created to solve.
-May you locate it in the name of Jesus!
B. A dominant gift in you Matthew 25:15
There is no ungifted person, discover it and that is the problem you are created to solve Proverbs 18:16. There is something inside you that you do with ease, that’s the problem you are created to solve.
-May you find it.
C. A problem that infuriates you
Something that grieves your heart continually. Have you stayed like this, you hate people to be molested? You are created to solve such problem. You know Moses in Exodus 2:10-12, he was somebody who was angry, he wanted to kill Egyptians, you know the story. That means he was created to be a leader. Are you getting what I’m saying? The problem he was called was to solve the problem of Israel coming out of Egypt. From childhood it was inside him! Look at, he was very angry and he had to kill an Egyptian for a Jew as a young man. Millions of problems exist everywhere on the earth, solving them is what will bring attention and attraction!
-May you solve them.
Now, look at the man Joseph, he solved problem for the Butler in prison. Is that true? Church Gist. And that granted him access to Pharaoh which took him to the palace.
-Your own palace will soon be announced.
He solved problem for who? For the Butler. You know? It was the problem he solved for the Butler that took him to the palace. It was the Butler who now remembered that there was a person in the prison who can interpret this dream. You remember? Now! Every time you solve problems for someone it leads you to another place. Are you getting me, Sir? Life story! A politician long ago, God used me to solve a problem for him, he was the one who now told another Senator who is late now and said: ‘Look, let me tell you something! I’m not in your party oo’. Church Gist. Funny enough that Governor was in PDP and this Senator was in the other opposite party. He said: ‘O boy! If you want this problem to be solved go to Port-Harcourt because when my own came that was where I ran to, go there’. So the man came, the man was a troublesome man. The whole Nigeria knew him – I won’t call his name, he’s late now. So the man came! Long ago not this past regime so that you don’t rack your brain. He came again and said: ‘Sir, I’m so so so person’. I said: ‘Ehee! I’ve heard your name’! He said: ‘Look! As I came here now oo see who told me that I should come here now! He’s not in our party oo but he whispered to me that I should go there’! We laughed over it and I prayed for him and he won the case in their Tribunal or whatever. Church Gist. Now, Joseph in Genesis 41:38-41, Pharaoh said there is no one as wise and as discrete as thou art because he solved problems for him. Did he (Joseph) lobby? He was just appointed!
-Somebody without lobbying will take an office you never bargained for!
Now, how to solve problems?
Problems are everywhere! Even if you look at your back now, you have a problem. You don’t need prayer, problem is everywhere! As you are leaving Church now there is problem. How to solve problem? Problems exist everywhere in fact as you are getting out of Church now you will meet problems. How do you solve them? But many people don’t know how to solve problems. Let me tell you something, school cannot solve problems oo, it will solve it to a limit. Okay! How do you solve Nigeria problem? Which Economics School will solve that? The problem of Nigeria! The more you want to solve it the more the corruption is increasing! How do you solve Nigeria problem? Okay with school! You have to go beyond school to solve the problem of Nigeria. You have to sit down and say: ‘Oh God! Help me’! Nigeria problem? It’s so complicated, they have organized way of corruption, the corruption is organized. I came down! You know in Nigeria there is a rule that you should not take photographs at the Airport, if you are coming they will tell you: ‘Don’t take any pictures at the Airport’! Which Airport? Nigeria Airport! How beautiful is the Airport that we will not take pictures? (Laughing). You know the reason? Is it from me you want to hear so you don’t go and put on social media, you don’t know the reason why you should not take picture? (Laughing). Church Gist. You don’t know the reason? It’s from me you want to hear (Laughing). So that when you are doing like this, nobody can take photograph! Wetin you carry? Open am! If you take photograph, when they say wetin you carry, they fit take… They say: ‘There is a rule here, don’t take photograph’! So even if you are doing it you don’t have to take photograph. So it’s organized, you need the wisdom of God (Laughing). Nigeria has organized corruption! So you need the wisdom of God to be able to solve Nigeria problems.
i. Consult the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 2:10
If you want to solve problems, consult who? The Holy Spirit Job 32:8. So when you ask the Holy Spirit He will tell you what to do to solve problems. The Cathedral I have said it, I won’t go over it again. I have stood over and over and when the problem of the Cathedral came, who did I consult? The Holy Spirit! I have told you over and over when the pillar of the Cathedral and they designed pillars everywhere, I never read Structure Engineering, I never read Architecture but the problem was beyond the Structure Engineers, beyond the Architects and I went to the Holy Spirit and I said: ‘What do we do? Church Gist. How can all these pillars be in the Church? That means if we go to worship pillars are so massive nobody will see the next person and the Holy Ghost said to me: ‘Tell them to take the pillars outside’. You can’t read that in school! No school can teach you that! The Structure Engineers told me: ‘Sir, nobody! Not one person thought of such! This must be from the Spirit of God! When problems come, who do you consult? The Holy Spirit!
-From today! As you consult Him, He will announce you to your world!
ii. Use the available to get the desirable
If you want to solve problems, use the available to get the desirable! David! There was a problem in Israel where a man called Goliath stood against Israel and the weapon Goliath had, David never had. David does not even know how to use the weapon of Goliath so he had to use the available (The stones) and they were his strength to bring down Goliath! Church Gist. Do you understand Sir? 1 Samuel 17. There is a problem now before you, you have a business of one billion but you have hundred million, then use what is available to get what you desire. Is that true? Because if you plan well what you have is enough to start with! There was a problem in Israel they came after Samson in thousands to kill him Judges 15 but the Bible says that what was available was the jawbone of an ass, he used the jawbone to kill all of them. So if five thousand is in your hand it’s enough to be millionaire if you know what to do.
You don’t go looking for where to borrow, you use what is what? Available to get what is desirable. Stop looking for: ‘Oh! If I do this…’ Now, with what you have, start! How many understand what I’m saying? Solve the problem with what you have, stop looking for what you don’t have. I wish I have this one! No, use what you have! You have one machine, use that one machine to solve the problem before you, don’t say I wish I have 50 machines! Are you getting me? Church Gist. Hello! If you notice very sound Architects they use what is available to create what is desirable, but a man who is not sound, he will say you have to import this one. When you hear an Architect every time you have to import this one, he’s not smart. Smart one will say: ‘Well what’s available? I’m going to do rail with that pipe’! It depends on what you have, he’s going to use the amount you have to build house. But on the other side? No!!! This design has to cost this amount but the smart one will say: ‘How much do you have? I will be able to get a fine house going with this amount’! So you will always use what is available! That’s how to solve your problems. Stop looking for what is not available.
iii. Be dynamic
In the fast-changing world, keep improving Proverbs 4:18. Always think multi-dimensional. Refuse to be fixed in your thinking, change your thinking to change your life! You want to solve problems? Church Gist. Your thinking should be smart, always be dynamic, your brain should make ‘Kap-kap’!! Be multi-dimensional in your thinking, don’t be fixed in your thinking. Give options to other things!
iv. Improve your skill
In solving problems, improve your skill. Don’t cling to the old otherwise you will be obsolete. In solving problems, a person not skilled in his or her assignment cannot excel no matter how hard he or she prays. You want to solve problems? Improve your skill! Ecclesiastes 10:10. Let me say this brother: Improve your skill through formal or informal training. Skill is improved through personal development. Improve your what? Skill. If you are solving a problem at a particular level and the problem is not being solved, improve your skill. A wise man said: ‘If you have to solve a problem then you must step above the problem’. I come again, let me explain to you what he said. You can never solve a problem at the same level the problem is. Do you know why Commerce all over the world find it difficult to solve problems? Because problems were created by humans, so a human cannot solve human problems. Church Gist. So if it has to be solved you have to step above the human level to the higher level to solve the human problems. Any problem solved at a level, you can’t solve it at the same level. Now, let me explain to you: Let me use natural things – If a problem is caused by secondary school students, a Secondary School cert holder cannot solve that problem because his mentality is the same with them, it has to take a graduate to solve that problem. Do you understand what I am saying? Every time you want to solve a problem you have to step above the level of the problem. So improve your skill to solve the problem!
– May the Lord give you understanding.
And skill is not a gift you improve it. Can you pray now: ‘Lord, give me gifts of how to make furniture. Is that possible’? You must learn how to make what? Furniture! A furniture man is different from a carpenter true? A carpenter can nail wood but he’s not the furniture maker. So not because he’s a carpenter he says: ‘I want to do furniture, he will give you furniture that nail will ‘chook’ you. So he has to improve his what? Skill. Are you getting me? Can I say because I know how to knack wood should I just… No!!!
v. Be well informed Joshua 1:8
You cannot solve problems if you are not adequately informed Romans 12:2. You have to have proper information Daniel 9:2. The brighter you see the faster you go. Being informed is to possess a working knowledge of something. When you say somebody is informed it means he has a working knowledge of what he’s talking about. You say that man is not well informed, he has no working knowledge. Any time you want to solve a problem you must be well informed. Life story! A ship had a problem and they flew people from all over to solve that ship problem for an oil company and they paid them. They came down and could not solve that problem then an Engineer went there and then under two minutes he just did ‘kakap’ tightened the nut and then he said: ‘Start the engine and then they started the engine on a rig and the thing started, ‘Wooom’. He said: ‘Well, you are going to pay me so so thousands of dollars’. They said you spent only two minutes, he smiled, he said you are not paying for the number of hours I spent you are paying for my knowledge. He said: ‘You flew people from Overseas they couldn’t repair it, I spent 2 minutes, it’s my knowledge you are paying for not the number of hours I spent, so pay me my money’. So they had to pay. So don’t go and do something you are not well informed about. Some of you have no information – ‘I want to be the Governor of the State’. They vote you in, you don’t know what to do, you just do one project till you retire. Do you know some Governors did only one project till they left? The man had no information! That’s how some of you is, you are looking for big offices, bigger than your neck. A one-time Ruler of Nigeria from the day he entered till he left, it’s only corruption he talked. He never said any other thing! From the day he was sworn in till the day he left, he said corruption till he left. That was the only information he had, he said corruption the day they swore him in, the day he left too corruption and yet the corruption was more in the regime than any regime in the world. So please stop vying for positions you have no information about. In this office they don’t want to promote me, if they promote you you go cause trouble oo. By the time you are a Manager and your Clerk knows more than you, there will be a crisis. In any organization, if the people under you know more than you there’s crisis. Check any Church where most of you left, you knew more than the Pastors so you were uncomfortable you say: ‘Every day I come here, nothing em go teach, the thing wey I don sabi don dey finish sef’. You find out that you started criticizing them up and down because you’ve read too much to the extent that what they are teaching looks so obsolete to you. You say: ‘Abeg I can’t stay here again! How will I be coming to Church you will be telling me something I’ve read since five years ago. So if you want to solve problem, be well-informed! Keep pace with current knowledge! No future without information! Let me say this to you: ‘Just know what others don’t know and you will be their leader! People with facts don’t fail and when solving problems, always set a deadline for that problem to be solved. Don’t say this problem will be solved anytime. If somebody comes to me and says: ‘I want to do this, I say when will you Submit it’. Problems must have what? Deadlines, it’s not a forever product. Some people they say: ‘Sir, we are looking into it, give me when you will submit this issue, don’t say anytime! Anytime is not any time.
Rewards for problem-solving:
The whole world is full of problems. Who is the richest Continent in the world? Africa is the richest yet who is the poorest Continent in the world? Africa. The richest Continent in the world is Africa, it’s a paradox yet the poorest country in the world is Africa. All this Niger Republic you are seeing, the mineral resources that they have can turn Niger Republic into another world-class nation. Are you aware that Zamfara State in Nigeria has gold that can shake the world? The mineral in Zamfara State is stronger than Bayelsa oil yet Nigeria is poor. Are you getting what I’m talking about? Nigeria is not supposed to borrow one dime from anywhere we are supposed to give money to the Western World by the kind of wealth Nigeria have. Now what we need is people to solve problems, not people to occupy offices including you, solve problems at your own level. Don’t say: ‘Only leaders’. Rewards for problem-solving:
a. You will be celebrated
Remember David and Goliath?
-They will celebrate you very soon.
b. It determines your income
Your income is happy. They pay Architects more than labourers. Who works physically more? But who does the real work? Church Gist. Architect! Labourer own na just to carry blocks, that’s why they pay the Architect more than the labourer because the Architect is the one who solves the problem. If there is any defect on the building, labourer does not know what to do. The Architect is the one who will tell you that to do.
c. It connects you to men in authority Examples Joseph and Pharaoh. Church Gist. That’s the benefit!
d. It will determine the quality of leaders that will look for you Proverbs 22:29
e. It will differentiate you from others Daniel 6:3
So what have I said in summary, change the kinds of problems you solve for your organization, go and solve the problems that will determine who you will become. Every problem has a different monetary reward and monetary value. Even in medicine, if a man goes for headache and a man goes for cancer and the doctor is able to solve headache problem and cancer problem, which one will they pay more? So the more difficult the problem, the more the value of the money. Do you understand now? Can you pay a man one million naira because he gave you paracetamol? You can go and buy yourself. Do things accurately without supervision. These are summary! If they have to keep supervising you, you will never grow in solving problems. Final statement! Be an uncommon problem solver by taking up what others refuse to do. I have some staff in the office and one of them noticed that the Cathedral is giving me some concern. And one of them said: ‘Sir, allow me to be there for about three months let me see what I can do. Can I pay that person the same with others? No way! Everybody is stopping from there and there are challenges and somebody said: ‘Give me! Let me see’. If that person is able to solve it, that problem has finished. True? What others cannot do, take it up in your organization. Stop dodging difficult things otherwise, you would never grow!
How many want to be imparted to be uncommon problem solvers? You want God to impart you with wisdom? It takes wisdom to solve problems. Problems are everywhere oo don’t think it’s only in Nigeria, everywhere! Even in your village there is problem! You turn like this, problem! You look up problem! Somebody is smoking that he doesn’t know how to stop cigarettes, what is that? Problem. Do you know there are some countries that the men are so rich and their children are in drugs, if you solve it today you will be a millionaire? They have taken the boys to Correctional Centers. The boys will come back, take more cocaine. Church Gist. There are some men who are so rich but their sons are in drugs, if you solve that problem and the boy stops drugs, the man can spend any million because all his problem is his first son into drugs. I know a very rich man in this country whose first and only son is in drugs and that’s the only problem he has. He’s so stinkingly rich but the son is a drug addict. He’s carried him for rehabilitation but the boy as he’s finishing two weeks he’s back again so that’s the man’s what? So if anyone can solve that problem for the man he can spend any money. So problems are everywhere! If you turn now there is problem, so be an uncommon problem solver, that’s where the answer is. How many want God to bless them? Say:
Declarations! Holy Spirit I want divine wisdom.
The Wisdom of God is above every other wisdom. God gave it to Joseph, he gave it to Solomon, he gave it to Daniel, he gave it to Paul, he gave it to Jesus Genesis 41, 1 Kings 4, Daniel 5, Daniel 6, Daniel 1 – these people operated in the wisdom of God Daniel 1:17, God gave them! And God has not changed. You see? They were 10 times better Daniel 1:20.
-Today after this impartation, I decree anywhere you are found, the minimum you will be is ten times brighter in Jesus’ name.
Jesus came, He took the world by storm. He said: “What wisdom is this which was given to Him”. So Jesus too, He had it as a gift Mark 6:2, Romans 10:29. And hear this! If He came as greater than Solomon. Solomon was the wisest in the Old Testament and Jesus said: ‘I am greater than him’.
-That means the kind of wisdom you and I will operate with will amaze the entire world in the name of Jesus.
This wisdom makes you of quick understanding Isaiah 11:1-3 and God channels it through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the channel through which we are imparted with wisdom, it is called the Spirit of Wisdom. When you hear impartation, impartation simply means the inflow of divine virtue and this divine virtue flows from the Holy Spirit that when He comes upon you He fires your system. You remember where we read in Job 32:8, He stirs your mind. When He comes inside here, your brain does ‘kiam’, the fullest becomes the best. We have testimonies in this Church! ‘A’s, best in class! – It’s an uncommon testimony for children and students, most of them were not like that! As I’m speaking right now, The brightest that will shake the world shall be you and I in the name of Jesus.
Then, how do you get it?
As I’m speaking now, it’s entering you Ezekiel 2:2, Acts 20:44
-The Holy Spirit Himself stirs up a new order of divine wisdom in you!
-From this day, every step you take will be guided by Him in the name of Jesus.
-May the impartation of this hour move you to a new level in the name of Jesus! Not just for today but for life!
-Every form of stupidity and foolishness is destroyed!
-Every step you and I take will be guided by Him and we will stand out anywhere!
-I decree, become a global phenomenon! You will take your world by storm!
-You will never have any reason to remain at the same spot in Jesus’ name!