-Pastor David Ibiyeomie on ‘PRAISE FOR SUPERNATURAL OPEN DOOR’ || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 3rd September 2023 || Second Service.
-Father, speak to us in this Second Service. Bless everyone in Jesus’ name.
Luke 1:57-58.
-Blessed be God forever, in Jesus mighty name! I decree, this 9th month! Each one will give birth to that which concerns you. God will deliver to you your blessings and no force can stop them. Church Gist. When the 9th month comes, everybody expects a woman to deliver. This month, your expectation shall be granted in the precious name of Jesus.
Today is a Special Service, ‘PRAISE FOR TOTAL DOMINION – PART 2’. I will give you a food for thought. While meditating in the early hours of this morning when I woke up, a word came to me about the prodigal son. It’s not my preaching, I’m just giving you a food for thought. You know the prodigal son? The Bible says he took all his substance and went on a riotous living. Is that true? Which means he had friends who enjoyed with him. Get it clear! That means there were some guys who followed him to enjoy the money. Luke 15:13. But how come when the money finished, he saw nobody to help him? Because he said when everything finished he was looking for food of swines to eat. Luke 15:16. Where were his friends? None of them could come back to say: ‘Oh boy! You used to bring money for us to enjoy’.
When you are a believer and God blesses you, be careful! If you think that you have friends when anything happens they will leave you. So better remain with God He is the only friend you have. It was when he returned to his father that God showed mercy on him. Some of you when you are blessed including those of you in politics you think that it’s everybody that is hailing you, ‘Hei, hei’! If you are broke today you will learn in a hard way. Don’t be carried away by people around you, if anything happens, God forbid! They will leave you alone. Think! They said: ‘On riotous living’, that means he was not doing it alone, his friends were there. Church Gist. When he bought beer, when he got pepper soup, they were there with him. That said: ‘O boy’!! But when he became broke all the ‘O boys’ left him, he was alone. Some of you now, you get money, Church you no go gree come, you say: ‘O boy! You know my friends dey, make we go party small’. If you broke, you go know say those friends dem go say: ‘No mind am e say em dey go Church na em e come dey drink with us yeye boy, you no see am? Make em suffer there’. It will not be your portion but that’s for you to think! It’s a word of wisdom!
PRAISE FOR TOTAL DOMINION – PART 2. Our God is a great God and He loves to be praised. Psalms 145:3. Those who praise Him as a lifestyle end up as celebrities. Church Gist. When we praise God we give Him what He cannot give Himself. And when we do this He gives us what we cannot give ourselves.
-God will give you something you cannot give yourself in the name of Jesus.
Praise is the hotline to God, He never stops picking it. Anytime you praise, God answers – It is His hotline. You know? Every top man has a hotline and they have ‘cherewere lines’. They have general line, they say: ‘Well, if you want to reach to me privately, call this line’. When big top people tell you: ‘This is my private line’, which means they have public lines and private lines. Praise is God’s private line.
What is Praise?
Praise is celebrating God for who He is. But our focus for this Service? In the First Service, we focused in a particular direction for restoration. In this Service, our focus will be ‘PRAISE FOR SUPERNATURAL OPEN DOORS’. This month is our month of Supernatural Living. Supernatural means something beyond the natural. Church Gist. So, Praise for supernatural open doors is appreciating God for the removal of everything that seems impossible for the achievement of our desires. Hear this and hear me well, God wants you and I to experience Supernatural open doors on a continual basis not open doors today and then tomorrow you are broke. On a continuous basis. Isaiah 60:11.
-I decree today, the door God will open for you will bring sinners to honour you. That means ‘who is who’ will begin to look for you! Church Gist. Somebody will leave this Service to meet the biggest breakthrough of your life.
Doors in this context is the route to the things God has prepared for you. It’s an access route! Something that God has given you, but how can you gain access to it? It could be route to your breakthroughs, it could be route to your blessings, route to your fruitfulness, route to your appointment letters. Are you getting what I’m saying now? That’s what I mean. To provoke the all-round acts of God, you must give God a sacrifice of praise. Sacrifice of praise secures God’s attention. Hebrews 13:15. So praise is not occasional. In addition to so many things in this Church, do you know we praise God every month? Every month! How many of you have been in this Church for at least one year? There is no month we don’t praise God in this Church. Are you aware of that? One of the things that made this Church to keep growing from one level to another is what? Praise in addition to other things. Until praise is sacrificial, it will never be beneficial. For the praise to be profitable it has to be sacrificial. Praise is God’s ordained instrument for a change of status and position.
-Today as you and I praise Him, God will change your status. He will change your position!
Praise took David from Keeper of sheep to Keeper of men. Church Gist. Praise can take you from the pit to the palace, it can take you from nonentity to God’s entity – To a noble entity.
Some examples of supernatural open doors from Scriptures.
1. The children of Israel and the wall of Jericho.
Joshua 6:1-5. Joshua 6:16-20. There was a wall! They created that wall so that Israel will not have access to come in. Even in your office, sometimes they create some policies because of you. Church Gist. They say: ‘Because of this Church man, we will make this policy so that they will never promote him’. You know? That’s a wall. How many understand what I’m talking about?
-That which belongs to you, gain access to it.
There was a thick wall. Your inheritance has been given but certain forces are against you as obstacles. Church Gist. It was just a singular act of obedience to the instruction of praise that brought the walls down.
-Your obedience to praise today will bring that obstacle down in the name of Jesus.
They may be invisible forces you can’t see. Just employ the supernatural instrument of praise and then those demons will clear. You’ve done things and it seems as if there is one force blocking you, praise God! Church Gist. Praise may be simple but very powerful. God is giving you only an instruction, obey His instruction and deliver yourself from destruction. It is very simple, God is saying: ‘Praise Me then I will go and clear that obstacle and then you get your access to your miracle’.
-Whatever wants to ridicule your life today will end up as a miracle.
2. Paul and Silas
Paul and Silas were in prison and then everywhere was shut, they had no access to be out. Church Gist. Acts 16:25-26. Some of you have been locked like that, no access, you can’t fly, you want to go abroad no way. You want to go and do business no way, no finance, no nothing in your hand everything shut!
-Today, God will open those doors.
How many know their doors will be opened?
-Every door that was shut against us will be opened right now. And everyone chained, the chains will be broken right now.
You know what happens? Praise puts God in front of you. And when God is in front of you what will happen? Doors will be open. Do you understand now? Now listen, what will praise do? I was studying and I saw something in Psalms 24:7-10. What praise does is that God goes ahead of you. Psalms 24:9. Church Gist. So when you praise God, He goes ahead of you, doors are opened. So you don’t need to fight, the mighty God goes ahead of you and says: ‘Doors be open’! He was the one that brought Jericho’s walls down, He was the one that opened the prison doors for Paul and Silas.
-Today, no matter how the doors have been shut against you, against any of us. The doors shall be opened right now.
How many know God will step in?
Declarations: I will praise God to be ahead of me. As I praise Him, doors will be open.
You know? When you praise God, you stir Him to manifest and He takes the lead. And if God is ahead of you what will happen?
-As you praise God today, God will open doors for you! As you praise God today, those doors that were shut against you will open today! Whatever door the enemy shut as you praise Him today, they will be opened.
Praise makes God to take the lead. So the doors that were shut against you when they see God, they just open. Church Gist. And then you don’t do any work again they just follow and you will be enjoying your blessings.
-Today, somebody will step into his inheritance!
How to praise God for supernatural open doors?
How? Because you must know how so you don’t do it carelessly. I will share a testimony with you because testimonies provoke themselves. When God gives you something you must contend for it. In Port-Harcourt, for those of you that are not in Port-Harcourt. Do you know that it started raining from morning in Port-Harcourt? The Pastors went out to pray, that rain was not of God. Every time we go for evangelism, satan will use rain to want to stop the people from coming. It happened last month, I noticed it. This month again! At a point, I was angry and so I called one of the members I said: ‘Go and call the Pastors, they should stop using anything to pray, they should use blood’. I said: ‘With anger, they should use the blood of Jesus against the devil’ that this rain is not normal – They should react to the blood. I said: ‘Go and tell them they should use the blood of Jesus at this point against the devil’. My friend! Every time blessing wants to come you must fight, in the third Service I will tell you that. He knows that we went for evangelism yesterday so, so many first-timers and souls will come. Since he can’t stop them physically, he was trying to use rain to discourage them which he can’t do, they will come. Do you understand it? So when you see resistance, don’t fold your hands.
Now, how many of you want the doors to be open? How to praise God for supernatural open doors.
1. Praise with expectation and confidence
Don’t just praise, praise with so much expectation and confidence. Romans 4:18-21. So as you are praising God, you are fully persuaded that this praise must produce. Praise with utmost confidence in God, that God must make something happen. Paul and Silas were expectant, they were not just praising God, they praised God that the gate must be open. Don’t praise God without expectation, are you hearing me now? Praising God without expectation is like playing football without goal post. Church Gist. Are you hearing me? Just imagine playing football without goal post, what kind of football is that? They say: ‘What are we playing? We are just playing, remove the post! That thing that looks like a small post, remove it from the field! Is there anything’? You will be running round the field with no aim. That thing that they called goal post is what makes the 22 players to be running around. Just remove that goal post you know it is useless – The football, what they call soccer in America and in Nigeria we call it football. Now, if you praise God without an expectation, you are playing football without goal post. Of what use? 90 minutes, no target. Don’t say: ‘We dey dance na, we dey dance for Church’. What’s your expectations for dancing? Proverbs 24:14b.
2. Praise with joy and gladness of heart
It is your gladness of heart that will make praise to be accepted by God. Don’t praise God as if you are mourning. ‘Eh! They say make we praise na, last month I no praise? I’ve been praising since January, okay oo! If I don’t dance now, Papa will say I’m the one who is not dancing’. No! Praise with gladness of heart. Psalms 67:3-4. Don’t sing as if you’re mourning. James 5:13. ‘I’ve not eaten this morning’. That you’ve not eaten; that you have appetite to eat, won’t you praise God? There are people who have money but no appetite. You, you have appetite; some of you ate heavy food before you came this early morning. Church Gist. Won’t you praise God that you even have stomach to open? There are people if they eat garri the way their stomach will bite them, you your own you eat it in different uniforms – Air force, Navy and Army. Cassava you take! Garri in the morning, ‘loiloi’ in the afternoon, starch in the evening. All is cassava with different uniforms – Navy, Air force, Army yet no side effects! Egusi soup in the morning, okra in the afternoon and afang in the evening. If you’re an Ikwerre man like me, you will eat garri, you will eat swallow. I’m a multidimensional person, I’m from Ikwerre, I’m from Igbo, I’m from everywhere, anywhere you like you call me. Paul said: If I’m in Rome I behave like a Roman. When you see me and I’m a Jew, I behave like a Jew so we don’t know where Paul came from.
Now, but praise with joy. Please when you are praising, don’t ever do like this: ‘God! What is happening now? This Pastor does not know what I’m going through and he says: Praise’. Then when they tap you and say: ‘You no dey praise? You say: ‘Okay’! Don’t do like that, God is ever faithful! You know why? Things will soon turn. You know why today you did not eat? So that when food will be plenty you will remember today. You say: ‘Do you know before I went for Service there was no food, see me now, o boy eat, don’t give up’. Sometimes God allows you to go through situations so that your testimonies will be very big. My wife and I, we had no food when we started this Ministry, can we be talking about food now? People eat food from our place! Food! They eat, our house is a hostel. It’s a community place! One professor came to our house after he was talking with me finish. Church Gist. He said: ‘Papa e bi like say your house na community house oo’. I said: ‘Prof., why you say so’? ‘Ah! Everybody come out, they hold toothpick’. He just sat with me for few minutes and everybody coming out from the kitchen was holding toothpick. He said: ‘Papa, this place look like community, everybody coming was holding toothpick’. That means as they entered kitchen they didn’t come out alone, they were holding toothpick. But before, for where? Was it like that? Do you know garri? Some of you abroad don’t know what garri is, it is cassava in a pounded form. We don’t eat the garri, with salt to sip (Laughing). One day my wife said: ‘My head is paining me’. I said: ‘My wife it’s not devil, garri to power 3’. You know garri to power 3? We sip garri in the morning, garri in the afternoon, no milk oo because milk is too expensive. If milk come I go tell am to take, me already man we don’t give breast milk so milk is already inside me (Laughing). I was not bothered, I didn’t say: ‘Oh! God why will I be a Pastor? No food to eat’! No! Till today if you give me jollof rice you need grace for me to eat. You know? We ate rice with palm oil to the point that jollof rice now, I will first pray, look at it very well (Laughing).
3. Praise in faith
Hebrews 11:6. Hebrews 11:30. So when you are praising, don’t doubt. We must recognize that it’s not just a shout but a shout of what? Church Gist. Faith that gave them victory. That’s why our praise must be faith-filled for it to be effectual.
4. Praise with a specific target
Be specific in your praise by targeting issues of concern. Don’t just praise, have issues of concern. Paul and Silas praised God for their freedom and God rescued them, they had a target. Their target is: ‘We must be free from this prison’. Now what is your own target? Church Gist. Three people have come to propose none of them marry you. You should know that something is wrong. “Lord! This must stop!” You put admission to schools, no school has admitted you then the door is shut, they must be open.
-Today, all closed doors must be open!
Now, for Salvation Ministries! This is what you will praise, supernatural open doors to cities, states, nations, physically and online. Doors of nations be opened to Salvation Ministries. To God’s Servant and his family, doors of nations be open. Church Gist. To genuine members, worshippers and our loved ones, doors must be open in all areas. For the Church, doors of nations be open to Salvation Ministries physically and online. For God’s Servant the same thing. You know what you want? Now, picture that illustrations and say: ‘My doors must be open as I give God Praise’.
In Jesus mighty name, the doors you have declared open they remain open. He said, the doors shall be opened continually. Church Gist. By this praise, those doors are opened in the precious name of Jesus.