– Pastor David Ibiyeomie on STAY BLESSED at 2024 Glory Reign: Stay Up || Day One || Salvation Ministries – Home Of Success || 22nd January 2024.
While preparing for Glory Reign, God gave me the topic: ‘STAY UP’. The theme is: Stay Up. So, you are not permitted to come down. And you will never come down. Church Gist. Stay Up! That’s the Word given to me. And He gave it to me from Deuteronomy 28:13. Thou shall be above only! No option, above only!
Say: That’s my place.
And then He gave me the Word for each day in a very humbling way but I will be telling you each day as it unfolds. And today is: STAY BLESSED. Church Gist. Please I want your heart to be open because incredible things will happen in someone’s life.
-After today, God will rewrite your story.
Some years back I was ministering, and I came on a Thursday Service I said: ‘Be blessed’! I didn’t pray for anybody, two children with sickle cell turned from SS to AA. Church Gist. I didn’t say: ‘Be healed’! I said: ‘Be blessed’! And SS turned; with medical proof, they shared their testimonies. I’m not preaching something I just read, I’m preaching something I have deep insight of.
-This is the last day you will struggle in your life.
Genesis 1. Don’t say you know it because I’m going to physically demonstrate what I’m teaching by the power of the Holy Ghost. In Genesis 1:26-28. So the Woman and the Man was created the same day; she was not an afterthought. Male and female, she was created before she was made. He created the two people the same day but the two were in Adam, He only brought her out when the time came. It was not an afterthought in God’s agenda. God from the beginning created Eve inside Adam. He said: ‘Male and female’. You create a building before you build the building. Church Gist. ‘Create’ is invisible, ‘making’ is visible. He created the woman from the beginning and then the first thing God told the people He created, ‘And God blessed them’. He pronounced blessing on them. The first Word Adam ever had was: ‘You are blessed’. Genesis 1:28. It was the blessing that provoked everything God said: ‘Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the Earth, subdue it, have dominion’. The first thing God did to man was to bless him, the first words Adam ever had, God spoke was: ‘Be blessed’. The words pronounced on him empowered him to prosper and succeed. Whatever made Adam, Adam was those words. Those words were not only for Adam but for all of human race including you and I. You were created to be blessed and to succeed.
Before Adam fell, hear this, he never knew anything about failure. Adam was not created to fail, the blessing is a divine endowment placed on man like a coat. It is God’s ability and glory on you. It is the blessing that brings the blessings. Church Gist. Hear this and hear me well, when God blesses a man, he attracts blessings. I have not prayed for car, I have cars. A blessed man does not pray for houses, those are by-products of the blessings. When you are blessed, everything you are just looking for comes to you.
-This day, I pronounce you blessed in the name of Jesus!
The leaf shaking is not the wind, is an effect of the wind. So, that a man buys cars is only showing that the man is a blessed man. Just like when you see a cursed man, you say: This man, the effect of this issue is curses. So also when they see a blessed man, you can see the effects. So, don’t go for the by-products, go for the products. Church Gist. When Noah came on earth in Genesis 12:1, the first thing God said to Noah after man fell. ‘And God blessed Noah’. I was studying and I discovered that every new beginning, God will use that word. If God wants to start a new beginning for anybody, He will say: ‘And God blessed this person’. Then the chapter of that person will be rewritten.
-Today, God will rewrite someone’s story
Genesis 9:1. The same thing He said to Adam that Adam lost. ‘Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the Earth’. He repeated it exactly in Noah’s life. He came to Abraham in Genesis 12:2. Anywhere you see anybody’s story is about to be rewritten, God must use the word, ‘Blessed’. Church Gist. In the Kingdom of God, it’s the blessing that makes us. Abraham was blessed like Adam and Noah, he was empowered to succeed. Blessing is when you are empowered to prosper and succeed. All he had to do was to walk in obedience. Genesis 24:1. So, when you are a carrier of the blessing, things just work for you. Am I talking to someone here?
-And on this first day, I’m speaking on someone’s life, the blessing will speak in your life in the name of Jesus.
And then He said: If we be Abraham’s seed, whatever God said to Abraham, then He is saying to you and I true? Galatians 3:29. Church Gist. So everything God said to Abraham He is saying to you.
-So, today, somebody is walking in that same steps in the name of Jesus.
Hear this, a man and woman blessed of God can never fail. Church Gist. I’m not failing because I’m the most powerful, I’m not failing because I carry the blessing.
-From today, nobody will identify you with failure. The last failure of your life before this day, will be the last in the name of Jesus.
Say: I can never fail again, I have the blessing
Psalms 115:12-13. Can’t you see Israel, the natural Israel? Are you getting what I’m talking about? With everything happening, you will know something is spectacular about those people. He said: ‘He will bless Israel’, that is unfathomable. He will bless us, not He may bless us, He will. Church Gist. Whatever God says to one He says to all. How many of you know that God will bless you? You know? We have commonized the word ‘blessing’. Because when somebody wakes up in the morning, he says: ‘God bless you’. ‘Bless you, bless you’. So, it carries no more power. I’m not speaking just without in-depth of insight.
-Somebody is blessed now!
A blessed man will live a life without limitations.
Say with me: It is time for me to walk in the fullness of the blessings. Not half measure, fullness of the blessing. Romans 15:29. Church Gist. Now, I have come in the fullness of this same blessing and I’m speaking to anyone at the reach of my voice globally, it will speak in your life. Please value the blessing more than the blessings. Adam did not value it, so he committed treason with Eve against God.
Say: The blessing is on me.
2 Corinthians 4:18. The blessing is not seen but it’s permanent. When it’s on you, it is visible, if it puts you anywhere you will prosper. Let your shop be at the most remote area, you will succeed. Church Gist. When you carry the blessing, anywhere you go things will just work. I don’t know who has been frustrated before Glory Reign, it is ending as I’m talking in the name of Jesus.
Say: I’m a carrier of the blessing.
You may not look like it now, but I declare, the blessings will show in your life from today.
Now, look at the man Joseph, Joseph they removed the Coat of many colors but the could not remove the blessing. They stripped him of everything he had, dropped him into the Pit, blessing took him. There was one thing they could not remove from Joseph that was the blessing. Church Gist
They can sack a man, humiliate a man but if he carries the blessing, he will still succeed. The brothers threw him to prison, he said, ‘The blessing is on me’. He prospered in prison.
-I decree this day, no matter where you are now, the blessing will begin to show in your life!
It is not luck, it is the blessing. And the nature of God is to bless. Now, hear this, in Number 6:23, I’m going to read a Scripture that people know from when we were in the other side. I know the Scriptures before I become born again. When we want to close service, they will raise their hand and pray for you with this Scripture. Church Gist. But, reading Scripture is different from understanding Scripture, depth of revelation is different. When I read this Scripture to you now, you will see there will be visible proof in your life after this Service. Numbers 6:22-27. I know you know it oo: ‘The Lord bless thee and keep thee’. That means, bless you and preserve you’ because every blessed man is an envy of hell. God will bless you and preserve you. I will be very practical so that you don’t think I’m teaching theory. (Illustrating).
-Now I’m going to pray for you, the same you, I decree: ‘The Lord bless you! The Lord cause His face to shine on you in the name of Jesus’. Church Gist. From this day, everywhere you go, it will be visible you are blessed. His glory will shine on you in the name of Jesus. If you believe it say: I receive it! You will never appear anywhere in the World and not be celebrated. Anywhere you go, you will be celebrated in the name of Jesus.
I’ve gone to countries, I went to United States years back. And stood on the line as a visitor – They have citizens and visitors (lines). And I was inside the crowd in a very long line. And the most powerful woman – You will know this is the most… the top person at the airport because the way she commanded, you will know she is the most senior. She did like this (Pointed to my direction). Everybody was doing like this (Pointing to themselves). When I did like this: (Raise my hand), she said: ‘Yes! You! Church Gist. So I brought out my passport to let her know that I’m not an American, I’m a Nigerian, it’s a green passport. She said: (Beckoning me to come). ‘Allow him, come’! I was not at this level to say, Okay, maybe she saw me on television. She didn’t know me but His glory was on me. The Lord caused His face to shine (on me). She said: ‘Come, go to the citizens’ side, number one’. A visitor is not permitted to go there, but because of her position, nobody could ask me questions, she said: ‘Go there’. Go to the front, the man asked me: ‘When are you going’? I said: ‘Friday’. ‘It’s okay’! When I got to Church and I asked them and said: Is it possible for a visitor to go to (the citizens’ line), they said: ‘No’. I said: ‘See you, you don’t even have faith, I went through the citizens’ line’. So even Church people don’t believe Bible, they don’t believe Bible. And no question, I just entered. You know? The dignity was… People were frowning their faces. It was not my business, both citizens were standing, everybody. When God bless you anybody can frown, I didn’t queue, I didn’t waste time. All the line, I was the first to go out.
-This day, anywhere you go, the blessing will distinguish you. No matter where you are from, the blessing of God will take you to the front. Church Gist. No matter where you are now you will be found in the front. If you believe it, say Amen like a believer. In the name of Jesus!
-Numbers 6:26. The days of crisis they are over. From this day you are indestructible because of the blessing.
-Isaiah 55:11. Isaiah 65:8. Now I decree, the words I have declared, work on your life. If you believe it say Amen like a believer
The blessing is an impartation of the supernatural power of God, into another as spoken by a delegated authority of God. I said, the blessing is an impartation of the supernatural power of God into another as spoken by a delegated authority of God. Words are powerful, God created things by words. Now, hear this many think you get rich by how you struggle. Proverbs 10:22. So it is not how many work you do, He said what makes you rich is the blessing. Proverbs 10:22. He said, ‘the blessing of the Lord, not the job, not where you are working – the blessing of the Lord maketh rich, so what will make you rich is the Blessing! Not the country where you dwell, not where you work, not who you know; the blessing!
-From this day, your next breakthrough will come through the blessing.
Proverbs 10:22. It is His blessing that guarantees abundance not our struggles. True riches are as a result of the blessing of God. Shout Hallelujah. Genesis 27:33. He said: I’ve blessed him (Jacob), it’s too late. In my deep meditation, why couldn’t Isaac reverse it? He said: I’ve blessed Jacob and he is blessed. Church Gist. Do you know in the lineage of that generation, Isaac was the only one who was blind? I’m going to use it to speak to you. Isaac was the only person – Abraham was not blind. Abraham was not blind, Jacob was not blind, Joseph was not blind but Isaac was blind. This is the reason, God knows that if it is left for Isaac it is Esau he will pray for. God said I have ordained Jacob to be blessed. So I will make sure that you don’t see.
-I don’t care who hates you I decree this day, you are blessed.
Genesis 27:1. God said if you see you will not allow Jacob to get it, you will give it to Esau so I will make sure you are blind.
-I don’t know who hates you in life I decree God will turn things just to bless you. I stand in my office and I declare you blessed in the name of Jesus.
When Jesus was about to depart, He blessed them. Luke 24:50-51. If you read the Bible every new chapter of a man, the next thing you will hear: ‘God blessed him’. Nobody can have a new story told, you can’t have the new chapter of your life open without the blessing. Many of us are looking for the wrong things, once God wants to rewrite your story the first thing he will say is that: ‘And God blessed Him’. Church Gist. I know this Glory Reign will open a new chapter in your life. You know why I know? I didn’t plan it, He gave me the Message Himself. He said the First Message you will preach is ‘the Blessing’, that’s why I told you: ‘Look if you miss today you miss a lot because every other thing will be building on this’. A blessed man’s life has changed, am I communicating with you? The blessing has the power to resurrect your dead business, your dead marriage, bring your joy, guarantee your peace and prosper you. And today! Jesus lifted His hands and did what? Bless them. Is that true? Luke 24:51. John 20:21. Now the Father sent Him, He sent me.
-The same way, I pronounce you blessed in the name of Jesus.
Now listen I am very deep in the blessing, I want somebody with physical pain in your body to come out. I have deep insight on the blessing somebody who has pain. Church Gist. Why I use pain? Because pain you will know. (Illustrating). Now listen I’m not going to say: ‘Be healed’, I will say: ‘Be blessed’, you will be shocked the pain will go. Now in the name of Jesus, be blessed in Jesus’ name! (Testimony of the healing from severe pain). You know why? When God said: ‘Be blessed’, Adam was not sick, the moment the blessing left, sickness came. Adam was not poor with the blessing, sickness was not there.
-I don’t care the disease, I pronounce every sick, ‘Be blessed in the name of Jesus’. The blessing will give you everything you are looking for in the name of Jesus. Church Gist. The blessing will give you husband, the blessing will give you children, the blessing will give you healing, the blessing will give you prosperity, whatever you are looking for: ‘Be blessed in the name of Jesus’.
Our children, most of them are in school so I will pray for them. Mark 10:16. What did He do? He blessed them, talking about children. He blessed the children. What did Jesus do? He empowered the children to succeed. Church Gist. John 20:21. So look at your children with your eye of faith, look at your children wherever they are, can you see your children? Grandchildren? Can you see them?
-Now I speak to all our children globally. (If they are close to you in the house put your hand on them, if they are not close just see your children and grandchildren). Now every child you see with your eyes, in the name of Jesus I pronounce our children grandchildren and every child connected to us blessed in the name of Jesus. I decree, any child connected to you and I is blessed in the name of Jesus.
Say, my children are blessed.
-No child from any of us will be a useless one.
Hear me, the blessing is not visible but the effects are visible. Blessings and curses are words charged with supernatural power, it’s from words people are cursed, it’s from words people are blessed. Church Gist. Now I’m going to tell you how to provoke the blessing. How many of you are getting blessed already? How many know their life can never be the same? Glory to God.
-You can never taste poverty in your life anymore.
A blessed man does not kill himself.
How to provoke the blessing?
1. Through spoken words.
Genesis 1:28.
2. Through tithing.
The Man, Abraham provoked the blessing when he paid tithe in Genesis 14:18-20. When Abraham paid tithe, what happened? It provoked the blessing. Malachi 3:10. He didn’t say I will pour out money, so tithing brings the blessing. Malachi 3:10. I will bless you when you are a tither. Say: I hear. Now, Adam tampered with the tithe that was why the blessing left him. Please, how do I know? There was no woman, so Adam did not commit adultery. So what did Adam do? Tithe is the untouchable thing that you’re not permitted (to touch). He said: ‘Take all of these fruits, this one is My own’, so what Adam committed as sin was tithe, he went and touched the untouchable, so God said: Take the fruit, I take my blessing. Church Gist. Genesis 2:16. That was all God did, He said: You, take. That’s why when a man does not pay tithe, God will allow you to take whatever you want to take, take the money, He will take His blessing. Check when you don’t pay tithe you will get money the way other people get money in the world – You will struggle, you will do kickback, you will kill people, you will steal but blessed people they don’t do that; anything they touch (moves smoothly). So if you tamper with the tithe God will not worry you, what He will do, He will take the blessing and then you will be struggling left and right. All of you who don’t pay tithe, you will find out that your money is not so clean, it will not be the blessing, it will be ‘gipiti’ kind of money. You understand what I’m talking about? Glory to God. No problem; take the tithe, He takes the blessing. What God did, God said: Eat the fruit, I take My blessing, continue! So the tithing is the restorer of the blessings.
3. Through honouring your parents.
Ephesians 6:2. When Jacob honoured his father Isaac in Genesis 27:2-4, Genesis 27:25-29. What happened? The Father did what? The Father blessed him. Church Gist. Hope you know that? What did the Father do? All that Isaac pronounced on Jacob, was what? Was blessing. All that Isaac spoke on Jacob was what? Blessing. And that was what made Jacob.
-As a blessed man, people will serve you. From today people will serve you. Nations will bow to you. You will be lord over those whom you were looking up to. Your mother’s children will eat on your table. Church Gist. Anyone that curses you from today, I pronounce them cursed. Anyone that is happy with you just because you are blessed will also be blessed. If you’re a believer who receives it, say Amen like a believer.
It was the blessing that made Jacob. Galatians 4:28. Church Gist. So if Isaac pronounced blessing on Jacob, then it means if I pronounce it will work. Am I talking?
-So I pronounce you blessed. People you were begging from will beg from you. Before this year is over somebody at the reach of my voice, those who you were looking up to will look up to you. Church Gist. Those you were asking for transport money will ask you to buy them cars. If you believe it before the next Glory Reign it has happened in someone’s life. I’m speaking with authority in the name of Jesus.
It was a blessing of Isaac on Jacob that made him to prevail and likewise Jacob on Joseph. Is that true? Genesis 49:26. He just blessed Joseph, Joseph was so blessed. How can a man without credentials rule a nation? That Man had no credentials, he didn’t go to school. Is it that there was no school in Egypt? Church Gist. Egypt was a center of civilization. How come a man who was ‘illiterate’ an ex-convict whether you like it or not he was an ex-convict, he didn’t do it but he was convicted. So by law, he was not qualified, he didn’t have a voice. He was not qualified to register as a voter not even to be voted for but there was only one credential he had – the blessing.
-I don’t care how you are not qualified, the blessing will distinguish you in the name of Jesus!!! If you are the one let your Amen confirm it.
There are spiritual fathers when they speak on you. The King called Elisha ‘my father, my father’. 2 Kings 6:21. So, we are fathers; when you honor us you are blessed. Are you getting what I’m talking about?
4. By being a blessing.
Genesis 12:2. If you stop being a blessing the channel of blessings coming to you will also be closed. God will not bless you beyond the blessing on His Kingdom. So if you want to provoke the blessing, keep blessing the Kingdom of God. Psalm 102:13-14.
5. Through prayer.
Jacob saw his life that it was not going the way he wanted. Genesis 32:24-28. There are times in your life that you should be left alone, only you. You are looking at your life nothing is going. Genesis 32:24-27. He (Jacob) said: ‘The only thing that will change me is the blessing and if I get it my life will never be the same’. That is, with the blessing I’m going to change you from an individual to an institution. It changed him from a person to a nation with blessing.
-Somebody who today is looking for job, before this time next year you will be an employer of labor.
He (Jacob) changed with the blessing from a single man to a nation.
-The blessing is changing someone’s status who will say Amen in the name of Jesus.
Now a young man called Jabez, you all know the story 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. That they call you honorable does not mean you are honorable, if you don’t have blessing there’s no honor inside. I’ve seen many honorables who are trekking. They just say: ‘Honorable’, you say: Honorable, no’. (Laughing). It’s blessed people who are really honorable, if you’re not blessed you’re not honorable. Jabez said: ‘Look, all these big big titles you are giving me, it will not work. You know there’s a way family will suffer, they will now use it to name you. Have you not seen people? Where my parents came from they call a man ‘Ekwein’, Ekwein means poverty. This man, I grew up knowing him as a poor man till he died. Sometimes they look at you they say ‘Mere’, trouble. They look at you, the events of the family they now look at you oo ‘nothing go better for this house’. So they now put it in your language: ‘Nothing go better for this house’, can I give the name to you? ‘Nothing go better for this house’. So you just grow up, nothing is working for you.
-But today e go better for you.
Jabez understood that the first thing that would change him is the blessing. 1 Chronicles 4:10. Look, don’t ask for material things when you are praying, always ask: ‘Oh God, bless me’. If God blesses you, forget it, suffering has ended. Church Gist. Don’t say: ‘Oh God, give me car. Oh God give me house. Oh God give me husband’. Just say: Oh God bless me; when God blesses a man, wow his life will turn. If God blesses that ministry, it will never beg. If God blesses that company, it will never go down.
-And today, like Jabez the blessing will rest on you.
Hey! God is giving me a deep revelation but I will not remove my suit because I didn’t wear waistcoat. He’s giving me very deep insight. (Illustrating). Now how many of you want to wear the blessing?
-Now in the name of Jesus, the blessing now envelops you. God Himself clothe you with the blessing.
Say I have the blessing on me
-Now the blessing on you from today, makes the difference in your life. The louder your Amen, you have it done in the name of Jesus
That’s why Jabez said I want to be blessed. 2 Chronicles 4:10. He said: ‘…And enlarge my coast’, he was praying Genesis 1:28, ‘Be fruitful, multiply replenish’.
-May the three become your portion.
You know why I’m praying? Because every man blessed, people will hate you. Look, there is nobody blessed of God that people don’t make nwunwunwu (mumuring). So after this Service, even your neighbours will make nwunwunwu because when you are blessed the difference will show, it will show it doesn’t take time. Church Gist. They say we know this man who was living in the backyard, is he the owner of that estate? ‘He’s a thief’, they will soon call your names. So, God has to preserve you because if He blesses you, nwunwunwu will be many.
-I decree as you are blessed, God preserves your life. God preserves your children, God preserves all that concerns you. The enemy will not have access to you as a blessed person in the name of Jesus. If you believe it say Amen. Every blessed person is an envy to people and hell. When God blessed Isaac the whole Philistine envied him. You can’t be blessed and not be envied. Even people who know you before they will say: ‘Don’t mind him, he is a thief’, you’re not a thief, it is the blessing. Even Joseph’s brother hated him because of the blessing. In case after now, somebody say nwunwunwu don’t be surprised because there must be nwunwunwu for every blessed person.
-They expect you to be on the floor but you will be at the top. Even if you are on the top, you get to another topmost top. You say if all of us are up, will there be chance? The stars all of them shine, there’s no star not shining.
-So everybody who is hearing my voice will shine after today.
6. Through work.
He blessed Adam but Adam did not stay idle, he worked. Genesis 2:15. Genesis 28:8. He will bless the work of your hands, so blessed people are not permitted to remain idle. Idleness blocks the blessing because you are now closing the channel where the blessing will be flowing through. That’s why every blessed man must be busy doing something.
7. Through obedience.
Deuteronomy 28:1-2.
(Prayer for the sick with waist pain)
-Any medical condition that is giving you concern the blessing immediately bring back that your body. Immediately, not gradually, your body is free. Church Gist. Somebody who has high blood pressure you are healed. Everybody with medically complicated case is healed. Whether online, in Church; with the blessing in the name of Jesus, you are healed. It’s done.
When you obey, blessings just come to you. Is that clear sir? Look at the Man, Abraham in Genesis 22:16-18. When you obey his voice he blesses you. That’s through you… One man’s obedience (Jesus) brought all of us. When you obey, the blessing goes beyond you. Today Abraham’s obedience has brought all of us to enjoy the blessings.
-It will be with you. Shout a better Amen.
(Ministrations to the sick)
Obedience is doing whatever God has instructed you to do, obedience brings the blessing. It was through disobedience man lost the blessing. Also through obedience man can be restored to the blessing.
Then I close with channels through which God blesses before I minister. I’m going to minister in a very strange way. My God! I don’t say I have closed oo. I will come to my wife, she will say you behave like your father. You will say: ‘In conclusion’ but we have not concluded. Church Gist. She will say: ‘You and your father, when you say closing, we should wait again’. You say: ‘Finally’, then we hear again. She said: You have taken everything from your father, he will say: ‘Finally’, finally we will still be waiting, yet we still go on.
Channels through which God blesses.
A. From God directly.
Directly from God. He blessed directly by Himself. When He was to bless Abraham in Genesis 22:16-18, we saw that God Himself blessed him. Church Gist. 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, God Himself blessed Jabez. So God can bless you directly
-And today, He will bless you.
B. Through priestly pronouncements.
Numbers 6:22-27. Abraham the blessed, was a product of priestly blessings. Genesis 14:18-20. So when the priest says you are blessed, you are blessed. That one was practically demonstrated now. Is that true? You saw it. When the Priest will speak over your life, you are blessed. Please, I didn’t come here to just get you excited, I came here with life because I want somebody. Church Gist. It’s for us as children of God to remain blessed. So that when they see you, they say: ‘Brother’. Look, if you are blessed, even if you are selling water, it will be selling out fast. If you are selling, anything you touch (prospers). When you see a blessed man, there’s nothing you touch that will not prosper. Everybody can be doing that and did not succeed, when you do it you succeed.
C. Through divine ideas.
Malachi 3:10, I will open the windows of Heaven. That ‘open the windows of Heaven’ is to give you divine ideas. Don’t think God will open the windows and pour you money. He gives you ideas. The rain is talking about ideas. Genesis 7:11. Church Gist. Where God is talking about rain for the first time. Now, for instance Jacob built the First Cattle Ranch. Is that true? Through ideas. He was smarter than his competitors through inspired ideas. Genesis 30:37. So, when God wants to bless you, He blesses you through ideas.
-Today, beginning, you will have ideas.
And to succeed in business, what do you need? Ideas.
-So the blessing today will give you ideas. Say: I hear! Listen, if God wants to bless you, it’s ideas. Everything that is working with me is ideas, not that I’m the greatest preacher but ideas. Church Gist. You can’t pursue me and reach me, we started Nights of Glory, people said: Nights of Glory everywhere, I shifted, 5 Nights of Glory, from 5 Nights of Glory, I shifted now, Glory Reign. If you want to reign with me I shift again. It is not because I’m stronger but He keeps giving me what? Ideas.
-Now, today, in your business, in ministry, in your career, you will never lack ideas.
When God gives a man ideas, you are just there. They rated the best 100 secondary schools in Nigeria, our school is number one, our secondary school! Above the Kings Colleges, all the Latoya, whatever, above all. It’s a school that just started. The kind of things we are doing there is not found anywhere in the World. Church Gist. It’s not a school, not established by an educationist, established by a pastor. Say: Ideas. God gave me an inspiration that I wrote in a book so I can share it now because it’s already open, our inspiration, open to everybody. We have children from other countries in that School, people are taking their children abroad, people are from abroad taking their children to our school.
Listen, when we start university, you will see ideas that are not found in any book. If all you do about education is what you’re taught, you can’t make it. Ideas have to come beyond school, even in your office. Are you getting what I’m talking about? Have you started a Transformation Center before? That is not found anywhere in the World, it is from me now that people do it. Let me share with you because it’s good to share testimonies because most of you are into education. Now, when a child misbehaves in any school, they suspend him, it’s a normal thing, any university oo secondary school. Church Gist. Even the ones you attended, if you misbehave they suspend you, they expel you in some cases. And that is the normal practice in all schools. If a child is heady, they say: ‘Go home you have been suspended’, two weeks, some cases they expel you. Now, how come Christian schools will still suspend children? The reason parents bring children to Christian schools is so that Christian schools can mold them. And you must have bad children, there’s nowhere there are no bad children. So the bad ones how do you do? They brought them there for them, you don’t know what to do. So a single mother has a son and they expelled this boy from the school. This woman cried like somebody who has lost a child, deep compassion in me well up. She said: ‘I brought this boy so that he can change, if you take him out of here, I’m dead. I said: ‘Did anybody die’? No, but my son is expelled. Haa! The tears jumped into my system. I said: ‘God, what do I do’? She said if this boy goes!
So I walked round the School in a deep meditation. He inspired me, He said: ‘Now, establish a Transformation Center’. I said: What do you mean? He said: ‘Everybody’s character is molded through the Word. He said: ‘Separate the students who are misbehaving, put them in a separate place and feed them with the Word for 21 days and then bring them back. Their mind will be renewed, not to misbehave. So I called the Chaplain, I said: ‘Chaplain, come! Schedule every point, if you steal we give you Scriptures on how not to steal, if you’re a bully we give you Scriptures on how not to be a bully, if you are the type that lies, we tell you how not to lie. Church Gist. So we feed you, you will not do sports, you go to only class come back stay in one place, we transform’. And Ninety-something percent success. So, a particular boy was the most stubborn, he became the best before he graduated. That the parents had to testify that if they were to train him, nothing in this World would make them train him like this. That boy will slap everybody slappable, but when he was leaving, if you talk to him he will be doing like this. The same boy who was fighting everybody. Now, you can’t read that from any school, they don’t write in any school how to change children. There’s no Faculty of Wisdom in any school. So the blessing gives you what? Ideas.
-This day beginning, I speak to your mind, creative ideas will come to you in the name of Jesus.
D. Through divine favour.
Exodus 3:21. Psalm 45:12.
-May God favour you!
E. Through the work of your hands.
Psalm 1:3.
I’m going to minister connecting it with the blessing. Hebrews 10:14. Please follow because this one will put a seal on all the miracles. Miracles of all kinds have happened. Are you born again? That’s why I made that altar call first. Two words stand out: ‘Perfected and Forever’. Take note of those two words. Jesus died and rose for us to enjoy the fullness of God’s blessings. I’m about to minister in every area. He died and rose for you and I to enjoy the fullness. Church Gist. That’s why Paul said I come in the fullness. He was saying that because he said that, the reason why I came is because you can enjoy the blessing in what full, not half measure. You shouldn’t enjoy blessing half-half. If you get money and you are sick, the blessing is not working fully because the sickness will take the whole money, you have. So he said I came in the fullness so that everything that can make life sweet you will receive them.
How many want that kind of life? You like it? You know? When you are not blessed… Have you ever been broke? Church Gist. Say the truth have you been broke before? You know when you are broke this is how you count money (Illustrating). Has it been that bad?
– You will leave that realm
You know? Your saliva, you will use it to count money. And if your children carry 1,000 you carry big cane, you say line up all of you. This 1,000 that is missing in this house! Sometimes, they didn’t steal it, you didn’t know where you kept it. You now carry cane you say I will kill all of you, they say: ‘Why’? 1000. Church Gist. Your health is being challenged they say go for treatment, you say: God dey. He says: ‘Be treated na’! Because of this thing (Money). Even your neighbours will see you, they will say how now? Have you not seen when poverty hold you, your relations will not even remember they are your relations? They say are two of you related they say: ‘Eh! He’s my father’s brother.
-That will end today.
But have you been blessed where even those who are far they say: My great-grandfather and his own father with my father are one. Somebody came long ago, life story and came and said: Do you know me? I said Sir, I don’t know you. He said: Your grandmother, he now called my grandmother’s name. I said: I know but I didn’t meet her, my mother’s mother. He said: Their family and our family are one. He said if your mother was alive she would have told you that I am from the same lineage. Church Gist. I said: Eh! I said: Sir, sorry oh. But nobody ever said that some years back to me oo. One day my PA was there one man drew a genealogy like the way they did: That begat that’!!! And he gave me, begat about fourteen generations to thirteen I don’t know, till my own. That even me did not know the names, he said: This begat this one, this one begat this and begat this and that’s how we are. He now drew the arrow linked it. I said: PA, abeg! He traced the genealogy and said that is how two of us are connected, I said: Thank you Sir. This history is too loaded.
-After today, everybody will want to identify with you.
Please don’t mind where you are I’m not speaking idle words, you can see the sick God is telling me they are healed, so don’t think I’m joking
-Somebody, they will use you as a reference.
That’s why God gave me this Message for you. This is a message He told me, He said: This should be the First Message. When My people are blessed, the difference will show. Do you know if all of us are blessed, no sinner who will not respect you? Because even if you are a gatekeeper, you will be the gatekeeper. That any day you are at the gate, the man will know that things are happening, any day you’re not at the gate things will happen upside down. You will say: Bring that man to be keeping my gate.
Now listen:
i. I said Jesus died and rose for us to enjoy the fullness of what? God’s blessings. Jesus was punished that you may be forgiven. That’s the reason for the blessing. 2 Corinthians 5:21. Isaiah 53:10. Now listen, if God wants to bless you, sin has to go and Jesus came for that purpose. I went to a place, Bayelsa State. Bayelsa is a State in Nigeria, it’s at the end of Nigeria. They are called the Ijaw tribe of Nigeria. These people had a problem that could not be solved physically. Everybody from the Ijaw tribe that gets into office will not serve two terms. From the history of Ijaw Tribe. Church Gist. From the Duoye Diri God took me down the lineage that is even if the person is serving in another state, the person will serve only once, the second term they will terminate the appointment. And then it got to a point, a man called Dickson was Governor. He said: I sent you to break this demonic force. So I went for a crusade, everybody from the Ijaw tribe whether Kalabari, Okrika, Bonny as long as the person has an Ijaw blood will not serve the second time. He won’t serve in this office. It was a satanic plague. And I told them I said: This day, because of this moment this curse is broken. Now Dickson was not liked by the people but he was the first and he came for that crusade and he was the first to serve two terms because of one word.
-I don’t know which sin has brought a plague on your family. By the blessing of God today, it will not repeat again. Church Gist. Jesus came to rescue you, I decree that thing occurring seasonally has ended today.
Now listen, I will speak in parable because I don’t want to be connected. I will speak in thick parable. There is a crisis in a State and I won’t call the name of the State, they can never solve it physically because it’s a spiritual crisis. I spoke to one of them, I said: It is not a physical crisis. From everybody who has been there till that time will always fight the next one. It has been four generations will be fighting each other, so it has to be broken. No physical beings, no president can solve it. It’s a spiritual problem and I’m privileged to know it. Are you getting it? But no doctor goes to a patient, there is no physical means they can solve that problem. It has been from one person to another to another …check them. All of them have been fighting each other. That fight can only be stopped if the Man of God says ‘End’! But because maybe I’m here:
-Today, I command that evil to stop!
It is not a physical fight, people think it’s physical no. No, I don’t want to call names. Each one was fighting each other. Just check, if I will take the years from ninety-something, I don’t know when Babangida was President and the civilians were ruling with him. Church Gist. Which year was that? Whatever year you know it. When Babangida was President, those who ruled with him! Rivers State, that’s where it started. That person, the other person fought the person, the next person fought the person. That’s how it has been, it’s a spiritual problem.
-But because He sent me, I command that plague to come to an end.
All these ones they are doing physically, I just laugh. I wish they know it’s a spiritual problem. You don’t use physical means to solve a spiritual problem. I don’t know what you are going through, maybe your grandfather was so wicked and then the whole brothers you have. Church Gist. You are born again, you are not affected. But your brother, you know? If you are the only rich man in your family, you know is problem. All your brothers no one, it is working for, but I decree today, mercy will precede over judgment. Mercy will precede over judgment.
-I decree mercy to answer to you in the name of Jesus. I speak mercy to answer to that family in the name of Jesus.
2 Corinthians 5:21.
ii. Jesus was wounded that we might be healed.
The blessing does not permit you to remain sick. Isaiah 53:4-5.
Say with me: I receive it by faith
Under the blessing of God, hear me. No matter the sickness, I pronounce you healed. Under the blessing of God, I don’t care the sickness, yes you saw that pastor he was healed. Church Gist. Now, every sick whether in the hospital, be healed in the name of Jesus. Just receive it by faith. Now you are pronounced healed in the name of Jesus.
iii. Jesus offered the gift of eternal life and delivered us from death by the blessing.
You know this Scripture oo, you quote it oo Romans 6:23. But I’m going to bring a deep insight. So eternal life is a gift. Eternal life is God’s kind of life, so if you are born again the blessing is that you should have… Can you have His kind of life? And be sick? Can you have His life and die? Can armed robbers terminate your life? Can any sickness kill you?
-Now, be blessed with the gift of life. Everybody, death is threatening, I decree the life of God go into you right now and be blessed with life in the name of Jesus. Church Gist. That child is blessed with life in the name of Jesus. If you believe it say I receive it!
iv. Jesus became poor that you might enjoy His riches. 2 Corinthians 8:9.
-In your lineage including you, there will be no poverty.
Do you know when you are blessed you can’t be poor? A blessed person can never be poor. Proverbs 10:22. Do you know poverty is not of God? It’s a curse. Church Gist. You believe Jesus died for your sins? How many believed Jesus died for your sins? He died also for you not to be poor. ‘You say: I’m poor because of our country, it’s a lie, you are poor because of ignorance’.
-Today is the last day you will be broke. I say poverty has left your life, it has left your family.
-By the blessing of God you will never be amongst the poor.
John 12:8. You saw the First Message that Mr Samson taught? We have been engrafted into that family true? Listen the Holy Ghost gave me a very physical illustration: Can the Prince of the Family of… you know? The Queen is still the most popular, this one King now, we don’t even know what. The Queen Elizabeth and now King Charles, that Family can anybody born in that Family be poor? Church Gist. So they need to pray to be rich? By birth, they have owo (money). By birth, they have ego (money), by birth, they have kudi (money). By birth, they have dollars, pounds – Just born into that Family. Are you born into the Family of God? Are you born into that Family? You’re sure?
-I decree from today, poverty will never be your identity.
You know why? I hate poverty oo, I hate it with everything inside me. If you are poor, your language will not be strong. Have you been broke before? Even if when you can make case, you can’t make case. They say: In our family we don’t like trouble, it’s a lie! You say we don’t like trouble in our family, it’s a lie. Because you don’t have to like trouble, because you don’t have to like trouble. Church Gist. Trouble is part of… when people get money they say: Listen to me, if you deal with me I deal with you. Even when you park and they now say: ‘Who are you’? When you have money, so you know? Confidence comes when you are rich. Even when you are walking on the road you are confident, if anything happen money dey inside my hand. But when you are broke, you will say I don’t want trouble oo but if anything happens now, (Laughing).
-You will never be poor
I have been poor before oo so I know the thing. Wey your mother, when you are going, she will say: I dey draw your ear oo, don’t look for trouble oo, don’t look for trouble oo because if they arrest you. Nobody! They will draw your ear, draw your ear. Church Gist. Don’t look for trouble oo. Even when the person is looking for your trouble you have to keep quiet because if you go anywhere, no way. But when you have it: You say, my friend I will deal with you. Your language will change.
-From today, your language will be strong
-You will never be poor. Your lineage will never be poor, you will be out of the poverty realm.
Now listen, when I’m talking somebody will say, me I be poor man? If you have money for only you and your family you are a poor man. That you have money you buy car, build house, your children. You are only a wealthy man when you can touch other people’s lives. You and your family is poverty. Anybody who have money, my children are overseas I have car, you are a poor man. Church Gist. My friend you are a poor man! Those who want to be rich are the people I’m talking about. My last 60th birthday, I paid school fees for 1000 children. Are you getting what I’m saying now? It didn’t shake me. You cannot be poor and be paying school fees for 1000 people, no matter, even if it is not one, one naira. I pay schools in billions, my money. That is, but I have been broke before oo. I told you that in 1997, me and my wife it was 50 naira we had at home. So I know what I’m talking, I’m speaking, I’ve been there so I don’t want anybody to be there.
-By this time next year, you will be sharing testimony that will shake nations in the name of Jesus.
Finally and I close. This one is finally, I’m closing. No, it’s the final.
v. Jesus became a curse that we may receive the blessing
Galatians 3:13-14. Now listen, I don’t care, nobody should think of any deliverance. This is the last day, ‘all these curses following my family’, it has ended. Church Gist. So just have faith, in case you have passed through any, no sickness is a curse, poverty is a curse, untimely death is a curse, true?
-Anything curse, today is ending in your life.
Two things operate, curse operate by spoken words. Blessing operate by spoken words. Every curse operates by spoken words. Christ has brought you to a place where curses should go, blessings should come. Church Gist. Am I talking to you? That’s the purpose of this meeting. I don’t know, some of you, you know that this is not normal. Everybody will go there, when you go there they say no! You say, wetin dey happen na? You prepare for wedding, it’s on the day of wedding, the man will say, I will not marry you again. That is not of God.
-Every curse that has followed you before today, is completely wiped off
Christ has redeemed you to enjoy the blessing.
-Any part of your life where the blessing is not reflecting, I decree the blessing to show now in the name of Jesus.
He said Christ has redeemed you, so all I need to do is to accept it by faith. Just the way I accepted redemption by faith then why am I not getting blessed? You may not be conscious of the blessing. You know it by theory but you are not conscious of it. Now you are conscious, carry the blessing. Joseph was too conscious, he said I saw you people. Now listen, when you read, he said I saw other stars, that means all of them were stars, that means all of them were not small. Church Gist. The other ones too were stars but he said my own stood up right. Was it in any prophecy? No! There was no way to prophesy that Joseph would be their head, nowhere, he saw it. Prophecy said to Abraham, his great-grandfather, he appropriates it to himself. So two of us can be born again, it depends on what I see. Now you know that you’re a carrier of what? The blessing. So the way you will walk will be different from when you came before now. You’re so conscious that life cannot be like fore again. Galatians 3:13. The bills are heaped up, that’s a curse, He said He has redeemed you from the curse of such. And the blessing of God is upon me. It was Abraham’s sake that God blessed Lot.
-For your sake, your lineage will not operate under curses.
God gave me a word, do you know, your child giving you a problem is a curse, there are children that give you problems and you can’t concentrate.
-Such children are delivered now.
When a child becomes heady, it’s a problem to the parents. You say, what is this? It’s a curse.
-Whatever looked like a curse in our lives, today it is over. The blessing of the Lord rests on you.