ACCESSING YOUR INHERITANCE Part 2 || Pastor David Ibiyeomie at Provoking God’s Blessings Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 21st July 2024 || Second Service.

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-Pastor David Ibiyeomie on ACCESSING YOUR INHERITANCE – PART 2 || Provoking God’s Blessings Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 21st July 2024 || Second Service.

Revelation 21:4.

-Today will mark the beginning of better things in your life! Church Gist. Whatever has made you to shed tears, to put your hand on your jaw shall be averted.

Revelation 21:5.

Say with me: Everything about my life and destiny will turn. Church Gist. I believe in Revelation 21:4-5.


-There shall be no more untimely death around us in our lives. Former things are what? Passed away. Whatever evil any of us saw will be the last. Church Gist. Today will mark the beginning of great things in our lives and those who believe the Word of God, your Amen confirms it!
-In the precious name of Jesus, your story has changed. And your story will change.

We’re still in the Month of “Let’s Exalt Him”. ACCESSING YOUR INHERITANCE – PART 2. Acts 20:32. Your inheritance is in this Book. Where is it? In the Word of God. It’s able to build you up. Whatever will make you go up is in this Book. You don’t need something else, this Book has all it takes to build you up. Church Gist. Your inheritance in Christ is already settled in God’s Word but to take practical delivery of your inheritance in Christ, you have to be committed at two levels. I’ll be taking just two. I don’t mean that’s the only way but for this Service. If you want to take a delivery of your inheritance in Christ, you have to be committed at what? Two levels. A life without commitment will be full of frustration. It will end in frustration.

-That will not be your portion.

Your impact is a function of your commitment to God and to your assignment. Commitment is your willingness to give your time and energy to something you believe in or a promise of a firm decision to do something. Church Gist. That’s what commitment is. First Service, I dwelt more on dedication. This Second Service, I will dwell more on commitment.

I said, commitment is your willingness to give your time and energy to something you believe in or a promise of a firm decision to do something. People want their inheritance but they don’t want to be committed. Church Gist. They want access to their inheritance but don’t want to do anything about it. Looking at the life of Jesus and Paul, they were committed to God and their assignment and it distinguished them.

-You will be the next to be distinguished.

There is no shortcut to success. Somebody was asking me, he said: “Tell me in a nutshell, why are you this successful?” I said: “It’s not a nutshell, it’s a ‘wholeshell’.” He said: “Tell me how in one sentence.” I said: “There’s no how I can define success in one sentence, a lot of factors are combined together.” John 9:4. Church Gist. He said: “I must work.” Look at the Word “must”, He didn’t say: “I may work.” He said: “I must work.” There are 3 “must” I saw in the Bible: “You must be born again.” “You must have faith.” And “You must work.” These are the 3 (places) “must” was used. “You must be born again.” “must work.” “must have faith.”

John 9:4. I must be committed to what I’m here for because without commitment you will commit crime. He said: “I must be committed, I’m here on assignment.” And then another man who took after Jesus took the World by storm that even the devil said: “Jesus I know, Paul I know.” He never called Peter. Peter was with Jesus face to face but Peter wrote 1 Peter and 2 Peter, am I correct? That’s all. Paul wrote more than half of the New Testament. His level of commitment was something else. He never met Jesus face to face. He was so committed that it shows; that it is still speaking till today. Church Gist. That even the devil said: “Jesus I know, Paul I know.” He didn’t say: “Peter I know.” I don’t mean that Peter was not powerful but the level of Paul’s commitment was something else. Many want access to their inheritance but don’t want to be committed in life. 1 Corinthians 9:16-27. Paul brought himself under the law of necessity. Paul said: “I bring my body into subjection.” That means even when I don’t want to write, I write. Do you understand now? Even when I don’t want to read, I read – Permit me to put it. Even when I don’t want to go for evangelism, I go for evangelism. Are you getting what Paul is saying? That I don’t look like a man who will just be beating the air. That I’m a man in a race, I put everything it takes to make it happen.

-May you go that way in the name of Jesus.

If you read you see that Paul brought himself under the law of what? Necessity. You don’t do what you like, you do what is commanded. There’s no first-class student that you will say that he will read like others. Even when you were in school, all the first-class students, they read above others, true? Is there anybody who likes to read? Eh? Church Gist. Say the truth, do you like to read? But you must read if you must pass. True? You can’t have a first-class brain and not be committed to a first-class lifestyle. Commitment is a must. Now, what is the number one level of commitment?

  1. Commitment to God.
    Matthew 6:33. Mark 12:30. Until you make that first commandment your own commandment, you can’t be a commander. Seek God first!

-May your inheritance be added to you.

Have you not heard (that) those that seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing? Psalm 24:10.

  1. Be committed to the expansion of His Kingdom by winning souls and praying for the advancement of His Kingdom.
    I tell you, no devil can stop you. The devil can’t stop you! The devils that can stop you have not been born. Church Gist. Be so committed to God’s Kingdom by winning souls and be committed to expansion of His advancement in prayers. Now, in commitment! Hear this, you can’t say I’m committed to God, I will tell you where you are (to be) committed.
    1a. Soul winning.
    A soul in the sight of God! There’s joy in Heaven over what? A soul. Now let me say this to you, there’s no joy in Heaven over miracles that happen. If blind eyes open? No joy in Heaven. Deaf ears (open)? No joy in Heaven. You won a contract? No joy in Heaven. Church Gist. But there’s joy in Heaven over what? A soul. So all the miracles that happen on earth are to draw sinners to Christ. They are for this Earth but the only thing that makes Heaven rejoice is what? Soul winning. That’s why it is of greater value than anything else on earth to God. Mark 16:15. “Go ye.” Everybody! Not pastors, not evangelists! All of us! Say I hear! Go ye!

2 Corinthians 5:20. How many are ambassadors? An ambassador is a representative. He said, you are now representatives of Christ. Reconcile the World back to God. Say I hear! You have to be a fruit-bearing Christian. Church Gist. You can’t be sitting down in Church (and) no soul is identified with you. One year not one soul! Since this year started, they cannot point out one soul that you brought to Christ. Boy! You are a disappointment to God. There’s no one soul you can turn and say: “This soul came to Jesus through me.” Haba! What are you living for? Just for yourself? That’s not the essence of Christianity.

We are not serving God to satisfy self, we serve God to please Him. People are now so self-centered that they are self-destroyed. Everything, “God give me this.” I ask you: “What will you give God?” He said: “Go ye into the World and preach the Gospel to every creature.” You have not gone. If you have 2 children and one keeps obeying, the other one does not obey you. Which one will you love most? Church Gist. The one who dey obey you? Okay! That’s why you see some who I love more in Church; you say: “God!” No God! Na lie! God loves some of us more than others. I have found David My servant.” Why didn’t God love David’s brothers? If you think all of us God loves us equally, it’s a lie! Even you, will you love your children equally? “I love my children equally, it’s a lie!” The one that don’t use to obey you, you won’t love him like that. You say: “This boy does not obey me, let him go.” The one that obeys you, every… Check if in your office, your boss keeps calling you, don’t get angry. Why He doesn’t call you? The people He calls are the ones who God loves. Are you hearing me now?

John 15:2, 8 and 16. We are the branches. Is that true? God says “Bear fruit”. Bear fruit does not mean mango oo before you think that it is fruit. He says: “Anyone that win soul, I will make sure you don’t get sick. I will purge away sickness from you.” Church Gist. Say I hear! The way God will be glorified is if you bring forth more souls. You are not a disciple if you’re not a soul winner. Go and win souls and make sure the souls abide, then anything you ask as a request, I will (do it).

-May God answer your request.

Say: We are all ordained to be soul winners.

Now, if you are online, you say: “Oh! I’m not in Church.” Win soul to join you online, tell one soul to join you. Say I hear! That is when you can say: “I am committed to the Kingdom of God.” If you are not a soul winner you are not committed. Let me say this to you before you mistake something. Coming to Church is not commitment. Ask me why? When you have a car, listen carefully! When you have a car you take your car to the mechanic, are you servicing the car or the car is serving you? Church Gist. Let me ask you a question, when you take your car for repairs, are you servicing the car or the car is serving you? You call it service, true? You are the one spending. At that time you say: “I’m taking my car for service.” Is that true? Because you are the one, what? (Spending). But when the car, you are using it. You say this car is what? Serving me. When you come to Church, God is servicing you, He is blessing you; there’s nothing you are doing. It is when you go for soul winning you can say, God can say: “This guy is serving me.” Coming to Church is not service.

Okay! You came now, are you not the one getting blessed? What are you doing for God? So that you came to Church does not mean you’re serving God. God is the one servicing you. I will pray: “Be blessed!” You say: “Amen!” He’s servicing you because now, he’s the one spending on you, true? It is when you go for soul winning you can say: “I am serving God.” Your car that you are spending money (on), is it serving you? Church Gist. That’s why they call it service because you are the one spending. God is now spending on you. How many understand the illustration? So now coming to Church is not ‘service’, God is blessing you. True? It is when you do something to expand His Kingdom, you can say I am doing what? (Service). So many of you are not serving God. Many (people) are not serving God. God is servicing them.

Say: God has been servicing me. Tell your neighbour, are you serving God or God servicing you?

Listen! Now, from January till now. Oya! Look at your back. I don’t mean physical back, look back. No soul January, no soul February, no soul… “Hey! I’m very useless oo! No soul!” He said: “The branch in Me that beareth not fruit is a very useless branch.” Let me use it in a very simplified language, verse 2, (John) 15:2. Every branch! “Every” including you that beareth not souls. Church Gist. That fruit! Don’t think it’s orange. So some of you are very useless in the sight of God. Infact! You know? if you are a lecturer; he just looks at your paper, he just gets angry and say: “Nonsense!” You just say: “Nonsense, zero!” Some of you have what? Zero. No soul! This is the seventh month. Not one soul! For the Kingdom of God and you say you’re a child of God? Boy! You’re a disappointment to God.

Say: I will refuse to be a disappointment. I will change my lifestyle.

1b. Praying for the advancement of His Kingdom.
This is how you will know that you are committed. When you pray for the advancement of His Kingdom. Matthew 6:9-10. You pray for His Kingdom to come down on earth. Is that clear? You pray for Salvation! Now, Kingdom prayer, this is how it is: You pray for Salvation of souls, you pray for their establishment, you pray for the Church to grow, you pray for impactful services, you pray for successful soul winning programs like outreaches, you pray for life transforming Word, you pray for the man God is using. Church Gist. That is what we mean by Kingdom advancement prayer. So you don’t know why? You pray: “Oh God! This Service must be an outstanding service. Lord! Send the right word through Your servant. Let the word bless Your people, everyone coming to speak let them speak the right word. Oh God! Let souls be saved as they come. Everyone we had preached to bring them to Church.” Are you getting what I’m talking about? Let Your Kingdom keep growing from one level to another. Let the Service be impactful and make it a life transforming service. Psalm 2:8. Lord! The souls we have invited, they must come! Their lives must be transformed! Say I hear! Are you getting me sir? That is what we mean by Kingdom advancement prayers.

Today do you know that in our prayer point, not even one Kingdom advancement prayer, all is: “Oh Father! As I’m going out now, I need that contract signed. You know what I’m talking about now? Let that contract be signed. Lord! I need a Lamborghini. Oh God! My wife desire – short, tall, fine lady, is what I want to marry. God! I need the money for the wedding. Oh God!” Everything yourself, yourself. Many are so selfish that they are self-destroyed. Church Gist. All the prayer points, self!!! Not one is centered at the Kingdom of God. Say I hear! Even as you came this morning: “Father! As I’m going, bless me.” Nothing wrong, God will bless you but you what… No soul. Even as I’m talking (about) souls, they say: “Why must he be talking about soul winning, what is soul winning? I want to win my contract. Contract winning!” Let pastor forget soul winning, now what you want is contract winning. Contract appointment! “Pastor, leave soul winning, I beg you. Leave that soul winning for una wey be pastors.”

Now, let me say this to you, it will humble you when we get to Heaven there’s no pastor. No title in Heaven. There’s nowhere they said: “Bishops go here, pastors go here.” We will all stand as individuals.” He said: “Every man shall be brought into judgment.” He didn’t say: “Every pastor.” He said every one of us will stand. Each one! He will say: “You! Brother A, what did you do?” He will say: “Well! I’ve be working very seriously, I used to work and erm no time for God. Church Gist. I go from one country to another, travelling all over the World. Glory to God! Somebody shout: “Yeah!” God will say: “Are you done?” Pass here. He will say: “Sister! Come here!” What did you say you did for 96 years you were on earth? She will say: “For 60 years I was enjoying my life. For thirty something years I had no time. You know I retired and I was travelling from New York to…” He says: “Is that all?” Pass here. “You? You came when?” “72 years you came up. Okay! How many years?” “70 years I was drinking but two years I was in the Lord! (Laughing). For these two years I was in the Lord, I brought 200 souls.” He will say: “What? Go here! Go Heaven!” Some people will go to Heaven before many of you who are religious. Are you hearing me? God does not judge as man looks. Some people you call bad people today. Bad! You will be shocked they will make Heaven and some of you who say you’re good, sitting down everyday may not make Heaven. Say: God forbid!

Say with me: Anything that will make me not to make Heaven, Lord take it off. I must make Heaven at the end of my chapter in the name of Jesus.

If you’re afraid to pray that prayer then you’re already a candidate for hell. One prayer you and me should be praying is: “Lord! Whatever will not allow me make Heaven, take it off!” Not even money should stop you. Are you hearing me sir? But can I say I’m serving God and my resources are not involved? There’s no service that will be complete without resources. Church Gist. How can you preach to a new convert and you cannot pay ordinary transport for the convert? Yeah! Don’t say: “I don’t have.” It’s your stinginess! When God sees you that you can give somebody hundred naira at your level, He will move you to one thousand (naira). When He sees you can give one thousand, He will give you ten thousand (naira). At the small level you are, start using your money to promote the Kingdom of God. Say I hear! Zechariah 1:17.

One day, Moses went to Pharaoh he said: “Well! We have to go!” Pharaoh said: “You want to go? You go but don’t use anything to serve God. He says: “You and your children, go!” Moses said: “We use everything we have to serve the Lord. Exodus 10:24-26. satan will negotiate your service with your finance. Church Gist. He will allow you serve God oo but your money? He will not allow (it), you know why? He knows if you use your money to serve God, God will destroy everything stopping you from progressing. So he would rather tell you don’t serve God. Exodus 10:24-26. Any money you will not use to serve God will make you mourn. Any money you cannot use to serve God has become an idol to you. Are you hearing me sir? You can’t pay one hundred naira for a new convert to come to Church? Haa!

Let me say this to those who don’t understand this secret. Matthew 19:29. Mark 10:29-30. Luke 18:29-30. Why did God use persecutions? You know why God used persecutions? When you start using money to bless God, God will so bless you that people will begin to persecute you. Check everyone who uses their money to serve God, God lifts them like this (Illustrating). I said something in the First Service, if nobody is talking against you, you are not progressing. The first sign of progress is people will envy you. Church Gist. They will say: “Don’t mind them. He’s a thief.” If nobody envies you then you are not making any mark. If you are making mark people will envy you. It can be even your Church, that’s the first sign of people who are not going forward. They talk about everything because they are not making (progress). You know? God showed me long ago in an illustration that changed my life. When you are on a highway just try it next time and you are driving yourself. You will not know everybody is speeding. But do something, stop and stand on the highway, you will think they are all crazy. You will say: “See the way they are all speeding. Why are they speeding like this?” Why? You are stationary. But if you are driving yourself, you will not know you are speeding too.

When you see persons who are not making progress, they become a critic. “Don’t mind him, thief! She’s a prostitute. Nonsense.” Because you are not going anywhere but if you too you are driving will you see anybody? You know why? The earlier you start giving the better because if you don’t give after now you will criticize everybody. Some of us who are giving now, we are so prosperous that we have become the subject of people. Somebody like me, I’m a subject. I’m a big study case to many. Church Gist. True? A young man met me in London, he said: “Sir, daddy, did you know that they talk about you?” I say: “I don’t know and I don’t want to know I’m not interested, if they don’t talk about me, then what will they talk about?” I’m a very good subject. Me, the people talking about me I don’t know them and I don’t want to know them. It’s not important (Laughing). Can you be running in a race, on your marks they say: “Go!” You are coming out first. Somebody said: “Big head!! You turn back you say: ‘Na me you dey call big head’? You go your way, my friend. I’m making impact, I’m making what? (Impact).

If they’re talking about me that means I’m very important to you. I won’t talk about you, I don’t have that kind of time; to talk about what? I won’t talk about anybody. If any preacher talks about me, don’t bother yourself, I won’t talk about him. I’m going forward. Backbiters stay at the back. Start giving oo. Why I said: “Start giving” if you don’t give after now you will start backbiting everybody. You will start saying: “All these people are thieves for our Church.” Eh! Give oo. I discovered that when you are not a giver, very soon you will become very bitter. Bitterness starts with stinginess. Church Gist. When Cain did not give, was he bitter with Abel? Simple. Before you enter the camp of Cain and be bitter with everyone who is giving. Why was Cain bitter with Abel? Giving. What was the problem? You dey do like say you no know. Abel’s sacrifice was accepted, Cain’s sacrifice was not accepted. Was Cain angry? People who are angry in Church, everywhere, they are people who don’t give. True? Go and hire buses, pay transport for a new convert at your small level. Start with the fifty naira you have let God see you are sponsoring a new convert. He will move you, that’s how to grow. Be a blessing to somebody. Say I hear!

  1. Commitment to your purpose for living.
    Many of us are committed to God but we are doing nothing for a living. You can only be distinguished when you are dedicated to your assignment. Without commitment, your inheritance will not become a reality. Ecclesiastes 9:10. Anything you are doing, do it with everything inside of you. If you’re a minister of the Gospel, minister well. If you’re a career person, give all it takes to your career. If you’re a lecturer, lecture well. If you’re a medical practitioner, go as the best medical doctor. Church Gist. If you’re a furniture maker, stop doing work like a carpenter. If you’re a designer, stop cutting cloth like ‘obioma’. If you’re a student, read. Church Gist. You must be committed to your work. Say I hear! Nothing will work until you work it. Lack of commitment is the undoing of many. Many are not committed to their work. Am I communicating with you? Yet they want free money. Listen! First is commitment to God, second is commitment to your assignment. I will never come on this pulpit careless. You can never hear me careless. No day! Every day you come here, you copy notes, true? You think that I just come for you to copy note? You will never see me stand on this altar careless, I must prepare as I come, true? Go and do your work properly. They can’t give you something to sew you sew it as if you’re a carpenter.

Commitment to your assignment will make you to be creative. (It) will make you to be what? Creative and creativity will make you to be productive and productivity will guarantee success. Be committed to whatever you do because a man who is not committed to his assignment will look like a man in asylum. Church Gist. Now listen! I’ve taken a full-time study, do you know? If you’re not committed, your level of wastage will be very high. Check a married woman who is not working, she will spend the husband’s money like to shege. A young man made a statement he said: “Sir, I do a work and I’m paid one thousand dollars with some fraction. Now if I’m given any money I value it. I said: “Why?” He said: “Because I work for it.”

So I now know how it takes that if somebody gives me one thousand dollars now, I will lie down on the floor because for twenty-something days I work, it’s all they paid me that’s one thousand dollars. So I value the money because I now know how it takes to work. He said: “Sir, before now. I don’t value such. “Now your head is correct!” Check anybody not working, they never value money, that’s why you must work. Church Gist. Tap your neighbour: Work! Wake up, work! Don’t be in this Church and be idle. Tell your neighbour: “Are you a member of this Church?” Then work! God works, Jesus works! Paul worked! David Ibiyeomie works, who you go resemble? (Laughing). What have I said in summary? Have a God-first lifestyle. Matthew 6:33. Second, commitment to your assignment. Don’t allow the second to become first. Some of us because I said: “Work.” God must come first. 1 Samuel 2:9. Romans 9:16. Psalm 127.

Don’t work and work the way they work in (the) Western World, you don’t have time for Church. Everybody wants to be a nurse. Everybody wants to be a caregiver, nurse. That’s what now is reigning. I was listening to an interview over a woman of 104 (years). I did not take one part of her interview but I learned something from her. She said one part, the other part I didn’t take it. They said: “Why is she strong and healthy?” Old woman (Laughing). She was involved in Second World War. This France celebration she said: “Well! Little alcohol!” (Laughing). I didn’t take that part because alcohol go destroy your body. Church Gist. But she said second thing she said: “When you enjoy what you’re doing.” I took that part! If you like what you’re doing you will never get old. Many people are going to nursing not because they like nursing because of money. Don’t do something for money, do something because you enjoy it. Why are you nursing? Okay! Sister in United States and United Kingdom. You’re in nursing for money, you won’t last. Some of them even can’t stand blood but they say there’s money. People read Economics and go and do nursing, this is in vogue. Alright! They pay well.

Don’t go to a place for money, go to a place because you love it. Fulfillment is more than money. I am fulfilled! With all humility before God, make me, tell me to be president of Nigeria I will never take it. Tell me today say: “Look! David! We want you to be president and we will pay you one million dollars.” I will not be tempted, I will never take it. I won’t because I don’t like politics. I love what I’m doing. I’m fulfilled here. Don’t do things because of money, do things because you enjoy what you do. Church Gist. Are you hearing me? You wake up Monday morning you don’t even want to go to work. You say: “Man tire oo. But they go pay me, make I get up.” That is punishment, that’s what? You don’t love it but you are deceiving yourself… Monday morning you wake you, you look yourself you say: “This work again.” That means you’re not in the right place. Get up in the morning! Monday! Sunday! No difference in my life. This is how I am. Wake me Friday, I don’t know. You say: Thank God (it’s) Friday, me I no know – “Thank God every day.” I enjoy what I do. I love this thing I’m doing.

Do what you love! When you meet lecturers. There used to be a lecturer in this Church before, this man I asked… they gave him political appointment, he said: “Papa, no matter the appointment he still go to lecture.” I said: “Why?” He said: “I Iove lecturing.” He said: “I just love to teach.” He said even as he’s appointed, “I want to go and teach.” There’s a professor in this Church they wanted to employ him in Shell as a chemical engineer. Church Gist. He said: “If I work with Shell I would end up as engineer. If I lecture I will raise up engineers.” He said: “I love to lecture because that’s what I love.” He said: “Shell can pay me but I don’t want to work with Shell because I will end up as engineer but as a lecturer, I will end up raising engineers.” He said: “I love to lecture.” God factor must not be ignored. Don’t ignore the God factor. You must not ignore it. Say I hear!


-In Jesus’ mighty name we have prayed!
God on a daily basis will be increasing us and every one of us will be enjoying favour from today.

Say with me: God will keep increasing us and I and others will enjoy favour.









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