OPERATING IN THE SUPERNATURAL 2A || Bishop David Oyedepo at Enough Is Enough Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 8th September 2024 || First Sunday Service ||

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on OPERATING IN THE SUPERNATURAL 2A at Enough Is Enough Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 8th September 2024 || First Sunday Service ||

God has something very special for you in this service. There is nothing on your enough is enough list that will not be delivered. Yes, we serve a covenant keeping God, are you a covenant practicing child? He is only a covenant keeper to covenant practitioners. If you won’t hear Him, He won’t hear you. May you hear Him today. God is only a covenant keeper to His covenant keeping sons and daughters. Church Gist. We have been singing all our lives that God is a covenant keeper. That’s okay. Are you a covenant keeping child? Zechariah 7:13. 1 Samuel . God is a covenant keeper, it is where you break it that God turns His back. May you be awake to take responsibility for what it takes to operate in the supernatural.

God has just spoken to someone right now. You have been hanging on that God is a covenant keeper, now ask yourself the question, am I a covenant keeping believer? God said I have this provision for you but this is what you need to do to access it. Salvation is free for all men but you have to repent before you can be saved. ‘I am your strength and your refuge but you appear before me to go from strength to strength. You don’t come before me and go from weakness to weakness.’ Church Gist. ‘You want to have my approval? Study. Then I will approve you and you will command proofs’. Acts 2:22. ‘You don’t study, don’t wait for my approval. You won’t get it. You want to prosper? Give. If you don’t give, forget it. If you want to see the windows of heaven open over your life, be a tither.’ Don’t mind the kind of stuff you hear in town, they have never heard from God. I heard from God 42 years ago and I am flowing in it. Somebody asked me what is the secret of the prosperity of the ministry, I said we teach people to be responsible. My prayer for you this morning is grace to take responsibility, receive that right now in the name of Jesus.

Jesus breath upon your Word this morning. Let it turn things around for all of us. Let every hold of the wicked come to an end and thank you for this.

Again, the prophetic word for the month is I AM REDEEMED A WONDER TO MY WORLD. We have been looking at UNLOCKING THE SUPERNATURAL which implies you carry the supernatural, you just need to learn how to unlock it. I believe that you had a great time last Sunday. Church Gist. Over the weekend we had a wonderful time in our Spiritual Week of Emphasis. I will advise and admonish you to get those materials and connect, it is for your good. Proverbs 9:12. Everything we hear from God is to our advantage and for our blessings.

Please note that the supernatural is ordained as the hallmark of the end time Church. Joel 2:28-30. Acts 2:17-19. Signs and wonders are the hallmarks of the end time Church. For anyone not to be left behind, we need to train up to gain command and continue to improve on our Word skill to retain command. Hebrews 5:12-13. We don’t develop capacity by potential but by potential utilization. You use to grow. You put it to work to grow. Every Word from the Lord is a seed. Luke 8:11. The Word is the seed. But it will abide alone until it is sown. It is tiny but when it is sown, it grows. Mark 4:30-32. People collect seeds and hang it on their shelves, put it in their bags, zip it in their notes. Church Gist. The seed won’t grow in your bag, the seed won’t grow on your shelf, it will only grow as you sow it. As you put it to work. Just imagine that you have put to work 10 per cent of what you have heard, where your life will be today? You have so much unsown seed and waiting for harvest.

By grace I developed capacity to believe that whatever God wants to do, He has a budget for it. It is not in your pocket, in case you run away. I have never asked God “How do we pay for this project” in my life. I have found out that the silver and the gold are His to build the latter house. Haggai 2:8. Developing capacity is by reason of use. Putting to work whatever He says. I was seeing Frederick K.C Price of blessed memory off in Kaduna Airport and the Lord said to me, “Get back home and start that building now.” I said Sir, I won’t be able to follow you to Lagos. I just heard from the Lord that I should get back home. Church Gist. I went back. Two weeks! we finished Frederick K.C. Price Hall. Not grass church, building. If you haven’t seen it before, you better go and see it. It is still standing. We dedicated it two weeks exactly. I said say after two weeks. There was no time. I put four people at the four edges.

How real is the supernatural? Faith Tabernacle, is it a debate or a reality? Are you not sitting down inside? Built one year without a budget. Wake up my friend, I am saying you need to train up. Church Gist. Training is not by collecting seed, it is by sowing the seed. It is now in your hands. The potentials are within, it is now to unlock it by building capacity through access to the rod and engagement of the rod and you grow.

Very true, there are many false prophets in the world. The Bible says so. There are also very many true prophets sent by God in the world today. No prophet has ever risen in Israel like Moses. God raised him up. Genesis 18:15. Acts 3:22. God has prophets. The presence of the counterfeit is proof of the genuine. There can’t be counterfeit currency without a genuine one. It is the genuine one they try to copy so they can deceive people. How much access a prophet has to God’s agenda is what validates his prophetic office. Amos 3:7. Church Gist. Things are going to go wrong for the world according to Biblical prophecies. You better take position in the supernatural. The earth will burn like an oven, all the proud “Forget about it”, they will be chaff. Malachi 4:1, 3:18. That’s the way it works, this thing is real. A time is coming you will hold money in your hand and you won’t find food to buy. It happened before. But you still find people that won’t know it. That is why the earlier you take a position in the supernatural, the better for you. There is no single human hand behind this ministry. Not even my own hand. That is how real the hand of God can be. I have not tried to see prophecies fulfilled in my life. That I organized.

When you hold the rod and engage the Word, you are in command. Keep engaging the Word, you keep changing level of authority. That’s the way it works. My prayer is that everyone here will take responsibility. Our parents can send us to school, can they go to class for us? Can they study for an exam for us? They can’t change class for us. I can’t change your class, you have to take responsibility. Lectures won’t change our class, it is our understanding of the lecture and the current application of it that does. It is time to take responsibility. One of the things I will never forget that God told me, “My son, you are absolutely responsible for the outcome of your life.” Church Gist. 43 years ago. That changed the trajectory of my life. You don’t have anyone to blame. He said not even the devil. Therefore it is your turn to come awake and take responsibility for the changes you desire, among which is to train up in the supernatural so that you can be up and standing in the evil day. Ephesians 6:10. There is an evil day that God has given us an idea how to handle it. Build up! Be strong in the Lord. Be strong in the Word and in the power of His might and then you will be able to be in command when those things show up. It is your turn.

There are false teachers speaking lies and hypocrisy. 1 Timothy 4:1-2, Titus 2:3, 2 Peter 2:1. There are true teachers who feed us with knowledge and understanding that leads to our establishment. Jeremiah 3:15-16, Ephesians 4:8-11. Every truth confirmed into signs and wonders is a validation from heaven. Mark 16:20. Sir, I have not had to withdraw any of my writings till date. They are not written out of the quest to write, they are inspired by the Holy Ghost and with proofs. I have done some little work on success. Am I now a failure? Do you know how many people have made success with what I wrote? I have written a few volumes on prosperity. Am I now a pauper? You know many people who are sitting down here that are beneficiaries of it? That’s how false it is. “I believe in tithing”. “I don’t believe in tithing.” It is your cup of tea. Church Gist. I heard from God. We prospered not by manipulation, pure prosperity. Unfabricated prosperity. Open accountable prosperity. I am an avowed tither, taught by the Holy Ghost. I have the heavens opened over my life. I have never had to beg or borrow, before ministry began. Before we had church, we had no connection to church. Over to you! This church came under open heaven through tithing, no stress, no strain. Any truth you have not proved will never have proofs in your life. Malachi 3:10. He said prove me now. They are not there to prove.

My people are trying to go to orphanages because they are doing my birthday, I said we do it every month not for birthday. Every month, year in year out by grace and by understanding of the covenant of prosperity that is not ceremonial. Church Gist. My family has been giving scholarships since ’92. 1992 that is the meaning, I am not saying ₦92. I knew where we were but I knew how to change level. My prayer is that you will wake up to take responsibility.

There are lying wonders, they manipulate and stage manage miracles but there are undeniable wonders. Titus 1:9 talks about lying wonders. Acts 3:16. So there are true wonders and that is why there are lying wonders to counterfeit the true wonders. Covenant University is a wonder not just because of the grace that is on it that is working and lifting it but the grace that built it. March 6th construction began, October 21st we dedicated the place. Seven months! From barren land. You ask me what was your budget? ask God. Church Gist. God what was your budget for it? Did He delay in supplying it? Old Church, I got the Word from the Lord in February, we started building in March. April 16th, Children moved to the L shaped structure, four floors. No crack. You better relax. The supernatural is real, it is relevant to living. No skill on earth can match it. Please train up! A time is here where the strength of men will fail them, where the skill of men will not sell. Where only those who are in touch with God will have meaning.

There are lying wonders but there are undeniable signs and wonders everywhere. Brain cancer communion. What? Delivish plantings on the inside which are causing cancer on the head came out. It is a lie. Okay, what is the truth? Somebody said he couldn’t eat. Pain in the mouth, unbearable pain in the head. Now the devils came out by this mystery. You say it is not true. Only fools doubt proofs. Whether Jesus heals or not, ask me. He delivered me from tuberculosis. Life! 55 years ago. If you say it is not true, that’s okay. Miracles are no accident, they are the deliberate acts of God provoked by the faith of men. Luke 8:43-45. Church Gist. The woman said in her heart, if I may but touch him I shall be made whole. By that faith, because faith is of the heart. It is only manifested in action. Faith is essentially of the heart. Romans 10:10. James 2:18. Our faith is made manifest by our actions. Noah believed God and he moved. Hebrews 11:7. Faith always moves the believer in the direction of what they claim to believe. What you believe, moves you. I saw Matthew 6:33, it moved me into selfless pursuit of God and His purpose. That was long before I was called into ministry. It is not about ministry, it is about God’s agenda for our fulfillment in life. Matthew 6:33. It is not ministry. Church Gist. I got that five years before I was called to ministry. It is not part of ministry. Exodus 23:25-26. It is all about discoveries in the Word that puts you in command of the supernatural. I had no single doubt about the future when I saw it. This is one thing to seek to gain command of all other things. I have not had the first regret on it.

Proverbs 14:23. God has no space for explanation and excuses, you either obey or disobey. It is only the Word we put to work that will be turned into testimonies in our lives. Spiritual authority is only entrusted to mature believers, to spiritually developed believers. Galatians 4:1-2. Under tutors he has to be trained until the time appointed to the father. He trains to be qualified to be conferred with authority. Luke 1:80. He grew, he waxed strong in spirit until he was conferred with authority to turn Israel back to God. He grew and waxed strong in spirit. You know what? The whole of Israel went out to Jordan to be baptized by John. Authority responded to growth and maturity. So it will not be abused. Church Gist. It is time to grow, if you don’t want to continue to groan. It is time to grow. Jesus trained the twelve. After all that he said, he expanded the parables to them. Mark 4:32-35. They were adequately trained in readiness to manifest the power of God. It is time to subscribe to this training, through personal responsibility and discipline. It is time.

You will never come across anyone that operates and sustains his walk in the supernatural without being a student of the Word. You will never come across one. All the ones that I have been privileged to hang around, I saw them as lifelong students of the Word. Till the ones who have gone to heaven went. In the precious name of Jesus, no one among us shall be a victim in the tough time. Please note that spiritual maturity is not about age but it is about depth in spiritual things. It is not about age. Job 32:7-8. It is not a function of age, it is a function of one’s spiritual disposition in spiritual things! 2 Timothy 3:15. It is about one’s spiritual disposition. The demand for spiritual growth. Not this 30 minutes lecture in church and then you walk away for one week. You are battling life like that. By His grace, I read daily and I write daily. There are things in my note that cannot be taught now lest I be stoned. Just be disposed to learn, God is ever available. Every child of God is a candidate for spiritual growth, for development of spiritual capacity. Unto us is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. Mark 4:11. Church Gist. I heard it is good for a young man that he bears his yoke in his youth. I was 16. I went to pray, “Jesus whatever yoke I will bear when I am old, let me bear it now.” Disposition! You are disposed, you are not reading for fun or entertainment. I went under a little tree and I knelt and prayed. I was 16. Be disposed. You have been redeemed as a priest and a king. So I will tell myself, will a king go out like this? No! Go and change. Be disposed to it. Will a king shout on the street? No! People are reading the Bible as newspaper, be disposed to spiritual growth.

Why is this church not growing? I wasn’t trying to look for new strategies from Japan. I went to God who grows the church. Be disposed. He landed four instructions and we are still working in it till tomorrow. He showed me explosive church growth when we were 21 and he showed me how to get there. You better wake up! The lack of spiritual disposition is behind our frustrations. When anything happens we are looking for who will help us instead of going to God. There are young people here except they have somebody who can help them get a job, they can believe it. “My uncle is a useless man. Church Gist. My cousin is a bad person.” You? Child of God? Can I say this and it will help you? You have no one to blame wherever your life ends. When you point a finger at someone, you are pointing three at yourself. He is 25 per cent of my problem, I am 75 per cent. If I can solve my own part of the problem, I will be a success. If no one troubles you and you don’t take responsibility, you will still be a failure. If the whole world helps you and you won’t help yourself, you will still be a failure.

Can I tell you something about spiritual capacity? A senior minister said to me now you are going into full time ministry, how much savings have you got? I said nothing. If I have anything, I will finish it because He said carry no purse or scrip and greet no man on the way. I got it real! It was in my hand, I had handled it and yet I had not gone yet. He said okay. Is it not okay now? Spiritual disposition. I have never sat in anybody’s house for what I may get. I go to places to bless them. From onset, when your Church income was ₦18,000 per annum. Church Gist. There is NEPA bill inside it per annum, there is water bill inside it per annum and the man didn’t beg per annum. I didn’t take one dime from church money. Relax! You better wake up. Spiritual disposition will help you to gain command of life affairs. I decree grace for commitment to spiritual growth upon each one today.

We just understand that the Word of God is the principal resource for building spiritual capacity. The Word of God! This is it. Every believer that must be in command of the supernatural must be committed to building spiritual capacity. We go into the Word and we go into the book of Philips who help us to understand the Word. There are Philips who help us to enhance our understanding of the Word. Acts 8:32-32. Church Gist. We get those materials from people who have proofs of what they are saying. You can touch faith in this place. You can touch the validity of the Word in this place. You can touch the genuineness of the prophetic office in this place and there are many others. You locate materials that will help your understanding of the raw book by those who have proved it. It enhances your understanding when you see those who have proved what you are reading.

Why am I going this far? I want you not only to touch what I touch but to touch greater things than I touched. I want you to take responsibility the same way he helped me to take responsibility by self discipline and self engagement. Every circumstance on which you have been under, you are taking over today. No more under circumstances, you are riding high above them.

We have the example of Paul. Galatians 1:11-18. Self commitment to spiritual development was his story. The cost of accessing the truth is diligence, self discipline and sacrifice. Isaiah 55:1. You don’t need money for this. Lord, there must be a way out of here. Show me the way out of here. You take your Bible. You look for relevant resources around you, books, videos, to locate the rod you need to gain command of the situation. The result is that when Paul came out, “The gods have come down to us in the likeness of men.” They stoned him and dragged him out of town for dead, he came back by himself. That demon said “Jesus we know, Paul we know, who are you? Clear off”. We know those who have authority over us and we know those who don’t. It is time for your change of level. Church Gist. Devils know those who have authority over them and they know those who don’t have. Who are you? We know those who are over us, you are not one of them. Me come out? I will deal with you now. Somebody was casting out devils in those days and the possessed person just stood up and gave him a slap. “You think people like you should be talking to us?” devils know those who have authority over them and those who don’t have. Build capacity! There are those in the Body of Christ that such demons can’t wait for their arrival. Church Gist. They will just say “In Jesus name” and the devil is out. There are those who need to say it four times “In Jesus name. In Jesus name. in Jesus name. in Jesus name” before they hear because of their rank. You better change rank by developing spiritual capacity. You have been under circumstances long enough, now come over it. You are not redeemed to be under, you are redeemed to be above only. That witch said when I asked her what about when people like us are coming? She said when we sense a higher power on the way we clear off. Take cover! A terrible one is coming. That is you from henceforth. Every devil will be clearly the way when you are on the way.

Today is our Enough Is Enough Service. Every item on your list shall return as testimonies. First, let’s recognize that every affliction of long continuance is a manifestation of the curse of the law. Deuteronomy 28:59. It is listed among the curses of the law. Any affliction of long continuance is a curse. Galatians 3:13. Church Gist. Therefore that curse has no more legal hold on your life. That curse was taken away when Jesus rose from the grave. That is why He took out all handwriting against us and nailed them to His cross. They never rose with Him. The curse of the law has lost its grip on your life. You are not permitted to suffer any affliction of long continuance. That long standing case is settled today. Numbers 23:8. So when the curse is lifted, it can’t survive. It can’t be there anymore.

Therefore suffering beyond a day, a moment, a while is contrary to our right in redemption. 2 Corinthians 6:2. Proverbs 3:27. If you are ready today, God says I am ready. Today is declared your day of salvation. Every issue on your list clears off today. 1 Peter 5:8-10. We are not permitted to suffer beyond a while. If you want to understand what that means, if you look at Paul at Miletus where he was bitten by a viper. Church Gist. They waited for a long while, that long while was not a day, they were not traveling for a day and yet it is a long while for him to fall down and die. He didn’t die. So a while is less than a day because a long while is less than a day. In the name of the Lord Jesus, everything that torments any area of your life ends here today. 2 Corinthians 4:17. So for all those issues of your life, you are returning with that exceeding far above weight of glory.

  • For every shame you have suffered, God is turning it into double glory.

Finally, in Psalm 30:5 we are told that joy comes in the morning.

  • Whatever has gone beyond a night must end here now. In any area of your life, it must end here now.

To take delivery of our enough is enough heritage in Christ, one thing! Enter into a covenant to serve God as your new way of life and He will give you rest round about. 2 Chronicles 15:12,15. That is enough is enough to all issues of your life and my life. Make it a lifestyle, not we are doing operation. Church Gist. Let it be your lifestyle operation. Constantly thinking God and the advancement of His Kingdom. Constantly proving you do in your actions. Don’t be that careless believer, “I know something will happen.” Nothing will happen until you do what He says. Job 36:11, 2 Chronicles 15:19. War free zone of life until Asa turned his back on that covenant, there was no war. War ended, vexation ended, adversity ended.

Today God is saying to all the forces of hell out to destroy any area of our life, “It is enough.” “Stay now thy hand.” 2 Samuel 24:16. Has God changed? Church Gist. Today the same God is saying to your issues, “it is enough.” He is saying to all the devils in hell, “Stay now thy hand.”

  • Your business comes back alive.
  • Your spiritual life is rejuvenated
  • Your family becomes peaceful.
  • Your marital destiny is secured.
  • Your miracle jobs delivered in the name of Jesus.

It is time to engage the violence of faith based on your new covenant repositioning. Church Gist. Enough is enough! I am out to serve God with all of my heart and with the whole of my desire, enough is enough.

I want you to hear this for the first time, the communion is a life infusing mystery. Like they give infusion in the hospital, the communion is a life infusing mystery. John 6:48. The communion is all about life. It is the living bread. John 6:51-52. It is life available to the entire world, it doesn’t matter where you live. That life is accessible, that life is available. John 6:53-54. Not just life, a new order of life. When we receive Christ, we have eternal life in us. It stirs that life for manifestation. Cancer get out, you are part of here. Kidney be back to order. Liver take shape. Eternal realm of life! Whatever does not belong to that order of life, He goes in to terminate it. He goes in to swallow it up. No wonder He said the Kingdom of God is within you. Church Gist. He brings you into the Kingdom realm. John 6:56. It stirs Christ to come alive in us. Christ in us will show that He is there. It stirs the Christ in me into manifestation. John 6:57. It engraces us to live like Christ. John 14:9. When we eat His flesh and drink His blood, we live like him. Is there sickness in Him? Oppression? Nightmares? Kidney failure? Cancer? Sickle Cell Anaemia? HIV/AIDS? John 6:48-49. What is He saying? This is superior to the manner you ate in the wilderness. Do you know how strong that was? 40 years no sickness. Even their legs that they were using to trek, did not swell. Deuteronomy 8:4. There was no feeble person among their tribes. Psalm 105:37. No weakling among them, no vegetable persons among them. This is superior to it. Expect new order of energy. Expect new order of health.

1 Corinthians 11:23-26. Its effect is ongoing till Jesus comes. 1 Corinthians 11:30. This is ordained to terminate sickness, weakness and untimely death. Weakness just be terminated today. Sickness must clear the way today. You heard the testimony of brain cancer today, you heard full blown bone marrow cancer. Church Gist. That took the communion all the way in India while we served it here and on Tuesday they couldn’t find bone marrow cancer again. It was gone and he returned home. One year after he testified. So what is your headache doing? What is your migraine doing? They will clear the way today.

Capacity is developed by use. Please make that covenant a reality. Make serving God your new lifestyle, authority, power follows those who serve Him. These signs shall follow, they don’t sit with people, they follow people who are on the go for Jesus. Imagine 50 per cent of church members think God and think the advancement of His Kingdom and put the same into action. Haba wa! You have heard enough and it is not a gift, it is a choice. Church Gist. Choose ye this day who you shall serve. It is not a gift, it is a choice. I was going after souls before I was baptized in the Holy Ghost, it is a choice. Serving Jesus is a choice. Don’t wait for things to happen, work at making them happen. Let this week be a demonstration of your new covenant with God. The covenant with all your heart and with the whole of your desire. Desire! Desiring the advancement of His Kingdom as your new lifestyle. That has lived with me since 1976, it hasn’t left me forever. I am a kingdom strategist. I keep thinking the way forward and it keeps making my brain sharper by the day. I keep thinking Kingdom advancement thought, drive strategists, day and night. No games, no gimmicks.

We didn’t have opportunity for honeymoon after our marriage. This service won’t let me. There was no church then. I have not regretted once. The things that others are dying to get are freely added to me without demanding for it. I even said to God, “Why won’t you be patient and let someone to ask before you answer?” He said “There is a company of people before they call me I will answer. While they are yet speaking, I will perform.” May you join that company of people today. Church Gist. How many will pray Kingdom advancement prayer this week? How many will reach out to someone with passion this week? Don’t say by His grace, by your choice. What is by His grace? The grace of God has appeared to all men. Will you pray by His grace? you pray by your choice. Do you eat by His grace? Don’t preach another message. I just said by choice, you said by His grace. I will reach out to souls this week, by my choice. I will pray Kingdom advancement prayer this week, by my choice.

My birthday gift that I want from you is a soul. Don’t give me card. I don’t need card because I don’t read it. Don’t buy me card. Don’t do cake. I don’t eat cake. Church Gist. Please go after souls, that is the heritage I am leaving for you. That is the only gift you can give to me that will make meaning. Pray His Kingdom forward. Take action to make it happen.








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