-Bishop David Oyedepo on UNVEILING THE POWER OF WISDOM FOR IMPACT IN LIFE AND MINISTRY || The Covenant Nations Celebrate 30 years || Day 5 Anniversary Celebration || 7th September 2024
Congratulations!!! There is nothing called best today. Best is tomorrow! Best is in quest, best is in the future. If you call it best today, what will it be tomorrow? “Bester?” It’s fun to say best practice. Good practice is okay! Better practice tomorrow and better yet next tomorrow. It’s been good, it shall be better. Last 30 years, it’s been good for this great ministry and for the Setman, his wife and the team – It shall be better! Church Gist. One of the things I caught early is that the path of the justified is as a shining light ordained to shine more and more and more. Then I said: “I’m not prepared for a better yesterday.” That was back in 1981. Not set for a better yesterday. That every year must be a plus on the previous, every day a plus on the previous. Every week a plus on the previous.
-That shall be your portion! For everyone joining us in this celebration, that shall be your portion! Church Gist. For every member of this great Church, that shall be your portion in the name of Jesus!
I’ll start with this. Proverbs 24:13-14. I’m speaking on the subject: UNVEILING THE POWER OF WISDOM FOR IMPACT IN LIFE AND MINISTRY. We’re redeemed to live a life of impact. We’re redeemed as the light of the World which connotes, we carry pacesetting grace on our life. Trailblazing grace on our life, pathfinding grace on our life as the salt of the Earth to preserve the World in which we live from decadence. Church Gist. To give taste to the tasteless world. Salt is a major preservative. We are the salt, things are not permitted to decay around us by the mystery of redemption. You say: “But why?” There are so many people living without anything adding to the environment where they live. They don’t know. “My people are going into captivity because they do not have knowledge. They don’t know.
I found out at 16, I’ve been redeemed as a priest and a king to reign on the Earth. I don’t know what a new convert was looking for in Revelation, but I travel around. I go Revelation, go Lamentation, go Jeremiah. Anywhere! And I said: “What?” On the spot, a royal mentality engulfed me. It was the month of March 1970. Church Gist. And when I will go out, I will say: “Will a king go out like this? No! David! Go and change!” Will a king shout in the road? No!!! Can a king wrestle? Now, unfortunately you know? In the charismatics we celebrate the things we hear, the things we read and the things we study but that’s not where it is. It’s what you find from what you hear that refines and defines your life. What we find. Proverbs 24:13-14. So it’s not what we study that makes us but what we find from our studies. So finding always results in rejoicing.
Joy is an authentic proof of finding. You can’t find a missing treasure and not tell people: “Rejoice with me, I’ve found my coin that’s missing.” So the acid test for finding is joy and rejoicing. So, wisdom is what we find from the Book. We have to search. “He that seeketh findeth.” Will find from the Book. Now, we have a clear reminder that we have been redeemed for a life of impact. That’s what Jesus said. “And who are you, sir?” I am the root and the offspring of David, the Bright and the Morning Star. What does that mean? It means there is a star in you if you are saved. But why are there not many stars in their respective endeavours in life? Church Gist. Many have left their field of play to be a fan: “Hey! A goal, a goal here.” They’ve left their field of play to become a chartered fan and gaze at others as they are doing it. Only children play in the marketplace. Adults do business in the marketplace. “And study to be quiet and do your own business.” What’s your problem with other people? No one’s success is the reason for another man’s failure. The sky is too wide for two birds to collide. Billions of birds in the air yet the Sun is not shielded, the Sun is still shining through and see, even the birds; they are still in the sky. There is a place for every child of God in space. All we need to do is to learn how to fly a spacecraft. That’s all we need. 🎶 I’m going above the shadows into the presence of God 🎶
40 years ago, the Lord said to me in that Scripture. He said: “My son, there’s a place for you on top if you’re interested.” I said: “Lord! I’m interested.” “Then, whatever I tell you to do, do it.” Not with confessing, “do it!” “Whatever I tell you to do, do it! That’s your flight into space.” “Whatever I tell you to do, do it!” My opinion is irrelevant. Truth is truth, take it or leave it. I was chatting with my sons back home before we left. Church Gist. I said: “Wait a minute! People need to become true to themselves. You are angry with a big Church, now! Do you want a small one?” Somebody’s son graduated or daughter and you say: “For what! Do you want your son to fail?” People are not sincere. Somebody prospered, you are very bothered. Do you want poverty? People are not sincere so they settle down on things that don’t concern them at all.
We are in a race oo whether you understand it or not we are in a race and one receives the prize. “So run!” Not “So comment!” So run that you may obtain. Now friends! Can I tell you this? I’ve not taken my first leave so I’m a runner, I know what it means to run. “Is it wrong?” No! I’m busy running. “Do you rest?” Oh! Yes! If I don’t rest would you find me here? I rest, I have my strategy for doing it. It is knowing who we are that determines what we dare. Knowing who we are is what determines what we dare. There is a star in you but I would say again, I’ve said it severally there is no star without a scar and the scar of every star is sacrifice. People hate that word – Sacrifice? No! We are here to enjoy! Church Gist. There are people who don’t die, a hundred years after their death they are still living, they are still speaking. “Though you are dead yet he speaketh.” They paid a price to enter that realm. Somebody said to me: “If everybody is on top, who will be below? Those who don’t know how to get to the top. If all of us are now on high, who will be below?” Those who don’t know that they belong there can go anywhere. So, finding from the Wisdom Book of Life – the Bible is what makes wise. Finding what belongs to you and how to actualize it is what makes wise. The wisdom comes through discovery. The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. The commandment of the Lord is pure, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7. So knowing what He commands and going for it makes wise. I’ve come here this morning not as a teacher but to prophesy into your life the truth of Heaven’s agenda so you can connect.
-You are going places.
THE POWER OF WISDOM FOR IMPACT IN LIFE AND MINISTRY. What you celebrate, you attract; what you despise, you distract. Those who despise success, they don’t see it. Those who celebrate the success of others, they attract it because every testimony is a pointer to your heritage. Psalm 119:111. You do it in one person and believe it for another. So you rejoice at the testimonies of others to attract them. You attract your testimonies by rejoicing at the testimonies of others. Church Gist. 10 years before the Lord gave us the vision of the University, I’m very close to the ORU (Oral Roberts University) system and so I would sit down on the field in the evening time and say: “This is God! But it can happen anywhere else. This is God!” We had no vision of a university at all. I wasn’t planning one but I saw God in it, I didn’t see the devil. I saw God in it. When God was asking us to start a university, I took the team there, the pioneer team. We spent one week walking from department to department and making enquiries as already programmed; had good time with each other. Rejoice at good things, it will then be your turn. Rejoice!!
When the first Christian university started in Benin, I was pulled – a labour boy. I loved the place. I want to see it stand, there was no idea of a university. Rejoice at good things. We need to come to that in our business, in our everything. Church Gist. You have a shop customer say: “I’m going to the other one” and you start eyeing the person, you start looking down on him. “He must be using charm” even though you are in the same Church.
-Somebody’s story is changing!
Can I hear you say with me: No one’s success is enough reason for another man’s failure. As I rejoice with success, I attract my own success.
The Lord spoke to me and said: “Anytime I send you somewhere, speak the Word in season as I give them to you.” I have my note, I know your time, I’m working with it.
-But somebody is just bailed out now from trouble!
1 John 3:15. So hatred of good things disconnects you from it. Church Gist. Enjoy good things, rejoice with them and then your turn is there. Can I hear your Amen? We are in for the best of time!
What Is Impact?
Impact is all about making outstanding contributions in one’s field of endeavour. It’s not all about making a name! Making outstanding contributions! Not about carrying a title, it’s making outstanding contributions in one’s field of endeavour. Making the most of one’s field of play and it is a product of commitment, tireless commitment. You cannot be committed and not be creative, you cannot be creative and not be productive. Church Gist. You cannot be productive and not be successful. You can’t grow your success and not be impactful! It begins with commitment. Do I know where I belong? How committed am I to that course? That’s where it begins! Creativity stems out of commitment – Quality commitment. If you are committed, you will be creative. If you are creative you will be productive. If you are productive, you will be successful. If you keep growing your success, you end up impactful! It’s a journey! So, impact is not a destination; it’s an adventure. You are found faithful, you are over 5 cities. Found more faithful? Over 10 cities, found more faithful? Over a hundred cities. Found more faithful? Over a nation, found more faithful? You just keep going!
Everything global begins local. Even Jesus, the Saviour of the World arrived in a manger. Began His journey as a babe, grew to become an adolescent before He became “My beloved Son whom I’m well pleased.” There was no impact as a babe. No! A babe is a burden in terms of responsibility that we have to give, adolescents need to be watched so he doesn’t go off. You can’t put a key in his hand, a car key; you want him to die? So it’s a journey! Impact is a journey. It answers little by little. Church Gist. Our Church began with 4 people in Kaduna, grew to 6 with plenty of prayers; grew to 10. Then, got to 21 then I said: “Jesus! This Church can’t be growing like this!” When I’m 100 years old, it will only be 1000 without the Ministry’s returns dimension or factor. I did not just say that and we now went into prayer and fasting. Why is the Church not growing? Impact does not just answer in the bedroom, it doesn’t answer on your bed. You don’t win the war in the bedroom, it’s in the battlefront. Somebody said God said he should come and collect my mantle. I said: “Collect it!” You know how they collect something? It’s a journey but one step after another, the longest journey is made!
-You are going forward! It will be clear that God has touched you in this Convention. Church Gist. One of the things we’ve heard since this event began, will answer in your life.
But the wisdom of God is in the deep. You can’t find a shark in a stream, it’s in the deep sea. The treasures of life are in the deep. So it’s a diligent search that gets you there. If you watch the film of divers and all that, who study those sea creatures – a lot of tasks. Romans 11:33. Wise believers are dedicated seekers. If only they can become great finders. When you lose a thing, the Bible says: “You lit a candle and you thoroughly sweep.” You sweep through Scriptures until you find it. Luke 15:8. Luke 5:4. In the deep! You can only find some tadpoles in the stream, a draught is fully available in the sea. Church Gist. But it requires the deep to connect with the deep. So it requires our spirit, our inner deep to connect with the Spirit of God through which we take delivery of wisdom. Isaiah 26:9. There’s a desperation! You engage your spirit man. We have no choice but to get truly committed to the demand of finding the solution to issues of interest to us. It’s amazing! They are my findings from my diaries that are published in case somebody else may need it. I’ve written pages this morning from my finding table. I’m just out of a meeting like you know, this morning. Light is sweet! It’s a beautiful thing for the eyes to behold the Sun. You can’t stumble walking in the Light! No!
When I started teaching hitch-free marriage, they almost stoned me just that they don’t have stones here. Let’s see what will happen when he gets married, they were winking their nose. I found what they’ve not known; I committed myself to my findings. And 42 years after – zero stress, zero strain. Please check out! Be true to yourself, commit to making finding; there’s an answer to the Book no matter the question. It’s only when the Book is closed that weeping continues. Church Gist. There’s an answer in the Book to every question that relates to you in redemption. It relates to me in redemption! There’s an answer in the Book! “Joseph! Take over!” We are in the takeover era of the Church by the manifold wisdom of God in action. It’s the takeover era of the Church! The takeover will come through the operation of the manifold wisdom of the Church in all its infinite varieties in every aspect. It’s coming. Ephesians 3:8-11 (AMP). That’s God’s eternal purpose to sweep across the Earth with the manifold wisdom of God that will humble the pride of the World. “Come now! Please tell us, how are you doing it?”
-That’s what will become of your business, your ministries, your various endeavours as you choose to walk in the Wisdom of God.
It’s not abracadabra wisdom. The wisdom drawn from facts of Scriptures and from your fellowship in the Holy Ghost! So real!! But it requires engaging beyond our intellect, we engage our spirit. Romans 8:16. So it relates with our spirit. That Spirit of God is the Spirit of Wisdom. You check Isaiah 11:1-2; there are 7 spirits mentioned there, which we call the Spirit of Christ. Now, if you leave the Spirit of God, the anointing, you leave might which connotes physical mental strength you have 5 remaining that has to do with wisdom. No wonder they said Jesus carried it – It’s the wisdom and the power of God. Wisdom is the principal content of the Spirit of Christ. Wisdom, knowledge, understanding, counsel and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. That’s how to enlist, that’s how to register. Amen. Proverbs 9:10. So if you put that together, you have 5 over 7. No wonder the Bible said: Wisdom is the principal thing. Proverbs 4:7. Sir, I prayed for wisdom like never before in my life. After I was called to ministry, I didn’t know ministry so I needed to find out by asking God for wisdom. So He directed me to biographies of great ministries. I soaked myself in them. I borrowed the brain of many others. So no guesswork!
Please know that the Holy Ghost is far beyond speaking in tongues. Far beyond! Knowing what to do is far more valuable than crying for help. That’s why only men of the Spirit, women of the Spirit can access this deep wisdom of God. 1 Corinthians 2:10. Now hear this, and this is where what we’re talking about is far beyond intellectual things. Mark 6:2. Not mighty words, mighty works. The wisdom from above is the wisdom of mighty works, not mighty grammar, not applause-winning statements. Church Gist. Mighty works! It’s the core validation of divine wisdom. Psalm 104:24. Mighty works is the biblical validation of this wisdom. Matthew 13:54. Mark 6:2. So it’s the wisdom of mighty works. That’s what’s happening all around now you are seeing in the Church, God’s wisdom is coming on display and mighty works are coming forth! Men and women in the Church are operating in that realm of mighty work. It may look ordinary now, but it’s growing up!!! So don’t lag behind, join this chariot. Start craving for an enduement of the Spirit of Wisdom. We are told God founded the Earth by His wisdom. Jeremiah 10:12. That is humbling expansion and impact.
You find the little company here, before you wake up to know it, it’s in 5 continents employing labour heavily. You find some individuals here today that have only about 5 people or 10 in their setup and you wake up; suddenly 500,000 that are feeding fine and working well and adding value. The Big thing here is this: The Bible! It’s the principal resource! The Bible is the principal resource for access to these deep things of God. It’s one book that answers all questions. Inside that Book is contained all the words of this life. Acts 5:20. And His ways are higher than our ways. That’s why they call us heretics. When we believe what God says, he says: “Eh!!!” You don’t look normal. You can’t believe all things and not be called heretic. Acts 24:14. They said to Jesus: “You’re a blasphemer. Church Gist. You have a devil! In fact not only a devil, a place of devils.” He was out of this World, they couldn’t see it. John 10:37. Like I will always say: “Only fools doubt proofs.” Does God heal? People said they were healed, you say it’s not true: Are you in their body? Somebody said he caught a word in Church and his business just blossomed. “Ahaah!” What’s your problem? It’s beyond this sphere, sir. There is no intellectual juggernaut that qualifies to appraise the truth. No! It’s beyond them. It’s like a baby being asked to appraise the thesis of a PhD individual. He can’t! It’s a burden to him! He doesn’t know what to do with it. So don’t mind when they don’t understand you, they cannot. 1 Corinthians 2:14. But when you make your personal findings, you become unshakable! Can I say, as if you’re blind, you can’t pick it!
-It’s your turn!
The good thing is: This is the heritage of all children of God. Matthew 11:19. And isn’t that simple! Every sheep has the wisdom of a sheep, he bleats without going to school. It’s inside them! Every cock crows, it’s inside them! So the wisdom of every offspring is the wisdom of his source. Church Gist. So if God is your father and they call Him: “God, only wise!” Come on now! Your father is called: “God, only wise!” Wiser than the wisest. God, only wise, in His own class and you are His child. Then you have His wisdom. All we need to know is how to turn it loose and that’s where we close on this morning.
How do I Manifest This Wisdom?
By redemption you have accessed it, but how do I manifest His wisdom?
- Being born again with the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit.
“But by their fruits, we shall know them.” Not by their proclamation, by their fruits. Being born again! Because you have become in that fashion today. Church Gist. Be born again with the evidence of the fruits of the Spirit as listed in Galatians 5:22. Matthew 7:20. A lot is going on, someday we are going to arrive there. And we shall enter there one by one.
-No one here will miss it! In the name of Jesus.
Being born again with the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit is the barometer for measuring whether we are in the faith or not. 2 Corinthians 13:5. Church Gist. That’s why He said: “Work out your own Salvation, don’t sleep with it, don’t let it slip off your hand.” Philippians 2:12.
-We shall all make it!
There’s no shareholder in Heaven, so there’s no way to get in through another means than through Jesus, the way. Church Gist. And Jesus is the Living Word of God.
-We shall get there!
- Make walking in the fear of God your lifestyle.
Let nothing that God says in His Word look (foolish): “That’s not my view.” What view? Let God be true and all men liars. Romans 3:4. The fear of God is not jittering, running around with phobia, it’s about giving God His reverence by reverencing His Word. There are people in Church, they open certain Scriptures in their study, in their own room and it speaks against them; they flip it up. He is speaking to fix you and me to make us ready for His agenda. Church Gist. To make us fulfill His purpose in our lives. His Word carries 4 major factors: The ways of God are known in His Word – Doctrines. And then reproofs which connotes warnings. 2 Timothy 3:16. So, anytime you open a Scripture that is speaking to you directly, it’s a warning! “I’m warning you!” You say: “No! I don’t want! Close it!” “Be angry and sin not.” “Anger is in my nature, my forefathers have it, my father has it.” I mean, justifying himself against the truth. 2 Corinthians 13:8. Letting God be God at all times. Let His Word be final in our lives. - One of the greatest beneficiaries of wisdom in Scriptures is Solomon, he asked for it.
“What do you want Me to do for you?” “Lord! Give me wisdom!” People hardly ask! “If any man lacks wisdom.” That means; it doesn’t mean he is not wise. It means for this issue, he doesn’t know what to do. James 1:5. He will give it to him liberally without calling him ‘fool’ but let him ask in faith. ‘Asking’ as the only source of the way out. The only source! Most of the time, we engage fasting along with the prayer; for among the place of fasting is outbreak of light. Wisdom and light and understanding like the wisdom of the gods, they require fasting to find it. Church Gist. I read Dr Copeland’s book 4 times, I didn’t see it. I was helping to preach it for him but had not found it. So I went on a 3-day fast with my Bible and two of those books. Third day, I found it! When I found it I knew. I spun: “Heii!! I can never be poor!” 42 years ago! I’ve made a few findings, while some I believe, through prayer and fasting, the way out, the way forward, the way upward. Isaiah 58:5. Mark 2:20. We are in the fasting era of the Church. It’s one of the platforms for accessing the manifold wisdom of God. So “chuchuchuchu” 24 hours a day won’t help you. We are in the fasting era of the Church and among the things we look for is outbreak of light. Here we are at one stage we must move to the next. “And how do we get to the next Jesus?” That’s so important! - Crave for the enduement of the Spirit of Wisdom.
It goes to enlarge one’s capacity to find and to apply appropriately. Make demand for it! The Spirit of God is the Spirit of power and wisdom. You saw that explosive wisdom on the day of Pentecost? Church Gist. That’s the Holy Spirit for you. Whatever you have learned, you have learned it so that He can remind you! He can’t remind you what you have not learned. This is so crucial, it’s so vital that we engage these platforms all of the time.
And now the big one!
- The study of the Word.
Because the Bible is God’s wisdom in print. Luke 11:49. So we keep exploring to get wiser. Proverbs 9:9. There is a wiser level. You are wise, you get wiser and wiser and wiser. Growing in the wisdom of God. So important! Watch! There are two major characters that went through to the end with strength: Daniel and Paul. Daniel was endowed with wisdom, that’s okay! He got the enduement of the Spirit of Wisdom. Daniel 9:2. Church Gist. The enduement of that Spirit is so unique that he could capture a dream that somebody else dreamt on his bed; in detail and give interpretation. That’s no mere gift! So it’s a gift. Daniel 2:30. It was so profound that the King bowed down and worshipped Daniel. Daniel 2:46. Right? So Daniel took over. That’s how the Church will take over! Daniel took over by the display of this wisdom from above. Daniel took over! He was also endowed, gifted, endued with the Spirit of Wisdom. Two, he was a man of prayer and fasting. Prayed 3 times a day like we were told in Daniel 6:5. Right? Fasting to find. Daniel 10:1-5. And yet reading to understand. It’s not one thing that we run around with. Yes! You are endowed, praise God! Yes! When you get to any crossroad, pray! It’s not showing up, fast! And then get down to search to know the appropriate steps to find your way to the next level.
-Somebody is blessed! You are the one!
Never mind the world! When they say it cannot be logically explained then it’s not proven. How can you explain three able-bodied men cast into the furnace and they didn’t burn neither was any smell of fire on them. How do you explain that? Is there any biology for that? Any psychology for that? But there’s an evidence that it happened. Church Gist. What can you use to stop the lions who are hungry from eating you up? This wisdom works! That’s the conclusion! This wisdom works! So get down to start working it. Don’t wait for things to happen, start working at making them happen. Don’t wait for wisdom to jump on your head, start working to get wiser. Start seeking to find, keep engaging what you find, you will get wiser by the day. That’s the way it works!!!
We made some findings in the Covenant University platforms, the world did (Illustrating). You know it’s not the same as before. Why? It’s from above. People called our system: “Come and tell us how you are doing it” including global settings. Church Gist. There is nothing from above that can never be superior to the things here – Your business can be translated. You can be translated in your career, it depends on what you find in your search. What you find by engaging the demands of finding.
-It’s your turn!!
People have heard me say: “I’m not surprised that we are where we are, I would have been surprised we are not there.” Why? The things I found have painted a picture of where we are going. Can I conclude with this. Now, when we wanted our cell system to grow. Church Gist. I thought we have stayed around some spot for so long, I didn’t just wish it or pray it, I bought 400 copies of “Building Successful Home Cells” by Yonggi Cho; gave to our 400 pastors to study to make the following findings: “What are we doing that we should not be doing? What are we doing that we are not doing well enough? And what are we not doing that we should be doing?” So they came back and we did a review of the findings. The cell systems jumped up to almost twice by findings. When I thought that we had exhausted what we found there, I charted more research materials on cell ministry and we jumped again.
Then, we are set for the next time and God gave an order to double the number of cells that we have. So I said: “No! Let’s do this, let’s mark out those who have grown cells successfully; replicated cells successfully; let’s find out what they did.” So we sampled 160 through our record – 160 individuals. So they made summations of what they did. Now we ran a seminar one Saturday morning, the cells growth: 21,000 in one year. Cells! Not people! By findings! It’s interesting sir. Testimonies are packed to reproduce itself. Church Gist. So let’s harvest what those folks did by inspiration, let’s now see if we can translate it to others to engage with and it went on. Our Church didn’t grow by chance, I was an apron student of Yonggi Cho since 1985. Zero stress in pastoring! Zero! But heavy preparation for services. Nobody can eat raw food, you have to cook it. That’s why nothing of value is free. Everything of value carries a cost. I’m speaking to my co-labourers, ministers of the Gospel. Let’s get down to work. Businessmen! Stay focused, Jack of all trades; master of none. Get committed in what you’re doing and never leave God out of your equation. You will never find a solution (outside Him)! Let God remain at the center of your heart, the center of your affairs. Romans 8:28. You belong to a Church? Belong! Serve Jesus! You are not serving Church, serve Jesus not with eyeservice as servants of God, doing the will of God from the heart. Don’t leave God out of the equation, you will never find a solution. I heard that 48 years ago. Matthew 6:33 is my intoxication. I know you need these things but seek ye first His righteousness and all these things that others are dying to get shall be added to you. Be blessed!
-Give the Lord Jesus a big hand of praise! The glory belongs to Him, come on give it to Him. For showing us the way to go, come on give Him the glory. For opening the door to the next phase of your life, come on give Him the glory. For showing us how to get wiser by the day, give Him the glory!
-No one amongst us today and those who will hear this message tomorrow shall ever be stagnated again!
-Everyone’s path shall be shining more and more till the perfect day!
-And for this Church, we are celebrating the 30th year anniversary. Church Gist. You are going forward!
-This Church will never know a set back! The Setman over this Church will never see a setback
-I pray that today will add extra colour to this Ministry. Of every co-ministers available here today, may this Service add extra colour to your ministry.
-Together we are there! We shall make it! Triumphantly on this Earth and gloriously in eternity.
-I therefore proclaim God’s blessings upon this Commission. I pray for grace to keep multiplying. I pray for the fire of the Holy Ghost to keep coming from this altar in the name of Jesus! So shall it be in Jesus’ name! Thank you!