- Pastor Dr. Paul Enenche on “WISDOM FROM ABOVE ” || September 2024 Anointing Service || Dunamis International Gospel Centre || The Glory Dome, Abuja.
Hallelujah! I welcome everyone here this morning to this awesome presence of God. The Bible said, “in His presence is fullness of joy, at His right hand are pleasures for evermore”. Church Gist. I pray this morning, Father, that you’ll give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you. Attentiveness to instruction and let not one person leave here the same in Jesus’ name. Church Gist. Above Only, that is our place and this is by the wisdom of God in the month of September.

I am looking very quickly at “WISDOM FROM ABOVE – WISDOM OF GOD”. Our objective this morning is to understand Divine wisdom. Church Gist. What is divine wisdom? James 3:15,17. The Lord bless His Word in Jesus’ name. Wisdom from Above.
The subject of wisdom is a very perplexing subject for most people. It’s a subject that many struggle to understand and understanding wisdom is very important for these three reasons, among others.
- The Scripture said that wisdom is the principal thing. Proverbs 4:7. That means, wisdom is the most fundamental necessity of life. Life is meaningful only with wisdom. Church Gist. It’s the most fundamental necessity of life. Faith is excellent but wisdom is the most fundamental and we shall see shortly.
- Bible makes it clear that wisdom is superior to weapons of war. Ecclesiastes 9:18. That is wisdom will do for you what weapons won’t do. A person can die carrying weapons without wisdom. Church Gist. I’m sure the soldiers and military people can know that. A person can die holding weapons where he lacks wisdom. Wisdom is superior to weapons of war. Church Gist. That is, without wisdom, someone can be a cheap casualty in the battles of life.
- Wisdom is key to above only existence. Proverbs 8:15. If you’re going to reign, it is by wisdom. Church Gist. If you’re going to dominate, it is by wisdom. If you’re going to be dominated, it is by lack of wisdom.
If you look through Scriptures, you’ll see examples of people who became principal persons by wisdom. Church Gist. The principal thing is responsible for the making of principal people, people who ruled and reigned.
- Moses.
Deuteronomy 34:9. So, Moses has a wisdom that he could lay on Joshua. A man can only give what he has. He laid that wisdom on Joshua. Church Gist. Moses was a wise man, he was able with the wisdom of God to rehearse the history of creation that happened hundreds of years before he was born by the wisdom of God. - Joseph.
Joseph ruled in Egypt by wisdom. Genesis 41:38-40. Church Gist. Wisdom that could preserve food for 14 years without modern refrigeration techniques, without any record of food spoiling. That was Joseph in Egypt by the wisdom of God.
- there’s somebody seated here who is about to ascend in wisdom that will cause the nation to hear of you.
- if you’re the one, you would have shouted the loudest Amen.
- David.
We talk about the wisdom of Solomon but we never knew that David was a carrier of resident wisdom. 1 Samuel 18:14-15. The wisdom of God is a commander of the presence of God. Church Gist. The wisdom of God makes you a terror, it makes your world to fear. Saul feared him when he saw wisdom. There’s something about you that will just make you dreaded. 2 Samuel 14:20. They’re talking about David. No wonder he wrote the Psalms, he escaped the javelin of Saul. Church Gist. Everything the devil stole from him, he recovered them by the wisdom of God. We are going to see them shortly.
- I see another David that is emerging out of here.
- can I hear a louder Amen?
The question is, what is wisdom? What is the wisdom of God, the wisdom from above?
Now, before we say what wisdom is, I want to talk about what people think wisdom is that may or may not be.
- Some think that wisdom is common sense. It’s a department of wisdom, it’s a low level wisdom. Church Gist. But like God’s servant, Papa Oyedepo said, common sense will at best, produce common results.
- Some think that wisdom is smartness and fastness. “Ah, the man is smart. The man is fast”, no. Church Gist. There can be smartness or fastness that is still embedded in devilishness.
- Something that wisdom is, what I call, the wittiness of age. You know how an old man looks… You know in the village in those days, you see some old men dropping some proverbs, “oh, the man is a very wise man”. Church Gist. But you’ll see that that wisdom is inside drunkenness, in fact, he may be dropping the Proverbs from alcohol. “Oh, he’s a very wise man..” no, that’s no wisdom.
There are four classifications of wisdom in the Scripture and we read it just now. James 3:15. So, let’s look at four classes.
- Wisdom from above.
This is called divine wisdom. It’s the wisdom that we talked about that Moses, Joseph and David operated. Church Gist. Wisdom from above. The type that turned them into wonders in their generation - Earthly or natural wisdom.
Which is common to all men, you can call this common sense. Earthly wisdom which is normal. When people don’t have this kind of normal earthly wisdom, either they’re insane or they’re mentally retarded. Church Gist. For example, somebody knows that if you’re pressed to go to toilet, you don’t do it in the bedroom. That is earthly and that’s normal. When the child is hungry, he doesn’t bring his hand, he opens his mouth. Church Gist. That is common, that is normal, that is earthly natural wisdom. - Sensual or intellectual wisdom.
That is wisdom of the senses, that is academic wisdom. Church Gist. That is the wisdom where you went to school to learn something. A Medical Doctor is wise in the medical field and so forth. - Devilish or occultic, diabolic wisdom.
That is the wisdom of magical arts. Where somebody was injected in the dream and it became an affliction in the day. Church Gist. I prayed for a man many years ago who talked about how his car started itself and started driving, talking of almost 30 years ago. Went somewhere and engine scattered. He was under demonic manipulations. Devilish wisdom, the wisdom of the occultic.
But our focus is the first one which is the wisdom from above – the wisdom of God. We are not talking common sense or intellectual wisdom and God forbid, we are not talking diabolic wisdom. Church Gist. We are talking wisdom from above. Why is that so? Because whatever is from above is above all. John 3:31. Anything that has its origin from above is above. We are talking about the wisdom that is superior to common sense and intellectual wisdom and higher than occultic, devilish and witchcraft wisdom. We are talking about that wisdom.
- and somebody is stepping into that wisdom realm today.
- If you’re the one, say a loud Amen.
- If you’re about to connect to a wisdom that is taking you higher, shout the loudmost Amen.
So, what is wisdom from Above?
- Access to the mind and thought of God.
Isaiah 55:8-10. 1 Corinthians 2:16. The mind and the thought of God on particular issues. “On this issue, what is the mind of God? What is the thought of God? What is God thinking?” It’s called the wisdom of God. Church Gist. “In my marital area, what is God thinking?” When David was attacked by the Amalekites, 1 Samuel 30:8. Connecting to the mind and thought of God on particular issues is called the wisdom of God. Failure to do that is walking in foolishness that may lead to disaster.
Can you see that it is possible to have faith and fail because you believe all things are possible but you’re working out a possibility that is not the mind of God. Church Gist. You’re trying to embark on a possibility that God has no hand in. God wanted you to be a lawyer and you wanted to be a doctor by all means and you’re working out by faith, “I must be”, no. It’s the mind and thought of God.
- Insight into the ways and doings of God.
“How does God do things? What is the way of God? What is the procedure of God on this issue?” Isaiah 55:8-10. Psalm 103:7. Church Gist. So, what are the ways of God? What is God’s way of doing a particular thing? That is called wisdom.
- somebody say a loud Amen.

Let me give you a practical example. According to the laid down ways or rules of God, when the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord is to be carried, it is to be carried by Levites on their shoulders. Church Gist. That is God’s prescription, “Levites carry the Ark”. But one day, the Ark was captured by the Philistines and when Israel went to bring back the Ark from the land of the Philistines, anybody knows what they did? They built brand new ox cart, that is cattle driven cart and they were driving the Ark of the land and carrying it back to the land of Israel, God was angry. Church Gist. While they were moving, the cart stumbled and there was a man by the name, Uzzah, who stretched his hand to hold the Ark and God smote him that he died because he was not permitted to touch the Ark. And they moved the Ark away to the House of Obed-Edom the Hittite, why? There was an order, the glory of God was not meant to be carried by animals, it was meant to be borne by men. Church Gist. And then, Ark was about to fall, no man can support God. Uzzah was trying to help God from falling, as it were and God said, “you made a first mistake and you’re making a second mistake? You’re a dead man”. When David was talking about it, look at what He said; 1 Chronicles 15:12-13. There was an order, a due order for Levites to carry the Ark. That due order is the wisdom of God. Church Gist. That is what God has prescribed how it is be done. If you do it any other way, you’re outside the wisdom of God and what you see is what you get. Am I communicating?
For everything, there’s a due order. For example, you want to get married, God said, ” don’t sleep with each other first. Marriage is honourable in all, the bed undefiled”. Church Gist. You don’t put the cat before the horse. And once you follow that due order, you step into the dignity of a home. So, there’s a process, a procedure, when you understand this procedure and follow it, you’re confirmed a wise person. That is, on all matters of life, how will God want it done? How will God do it? That is called wisdom. Church Gist. There are many people today who are victims, not of the devil but victims of lack of wisdom. Doing their own things the way they want it, not the way God wants it and they’re wondering why things are not working the way they should.
- but somebody is getting freedom today!
- Access to divine inspiration and ideas.
I call it mental fertilization with divine inspiration and ideas. Job 32:18,8. 1 Kings 4:32. That was a man following the frequency of divine inspiration, mental fertilization, waves of Heavenly ideas. Church Gist. That was the kind of inspiration that made Jacob big. After Laban cheated him for a while, ideas flashed in his mind on how he can begin to multiply the animals. Genesis 30:37-38. That’s divine inspiration that frustrates perspiration. Your sweating is handled by his ideas.
- I want somebody here to be supernaturally alert this month because ideas, inspiration that will make you a wonder to yourself is going to be released on this altar.
- When men say they’re cast down, you shall say, there’s a lifting up.
You heard the young man in our Church here who produced electricity from salt and water – the water lamp. That is wavelength of divine… I’ll come to that in the second service. Church Gist. He’s looking at other things right now as we speak. You know, 99 percent of inventions in the world came out of the Christian minds? I’ll like you to get set, God can never be stranded no matter the economy and the people of God can never be stranded, all you need is one light, one revelation, one idea that will not just sort you out but sort a generation out.
- I speak to somebody here today, in this month of divine wisdom, divine ideas and inspiration shall land on you that shall change the whole of your story!
- if you believe that, shout the loudest Amen.
- Supernatural answers or solutions to challenging questions or problems of life.
It’s called the wisdom of God. Church Gist. Whether it is personal problems or generational. “This is a challenging matter or problem, what is the answer?” It is located in the wisdom of God. You know, the wisdom of God unravels things. I’ll talk about that in the next service.
In Genesis 41, we saw how Pharaoh dreamt a dream, that dream was a prediction of a national problem that was coming – how seven years of plenty will be swallowed up by seven years of famine. Genesis 41:33-39. Church Gist. That was a national problem solved by the wisdom of God. It was a high frequency operation that prescribed solution on the spot. Joseph did not need to go and pray and come, he was standing in front of Pharaoh, Pharaoh told him the dream, he told Pharaoh the interpretation, standing right there, he gave Pharaoh the solution. Church Gist. What high frequency mentality? And the answer was accurate and the solution was a bang!
- place your right hand in your head, say, “Father, I receive high frequency mentality, supernatural mentality to receive answers and solutions to my problems and the issues of my generation at the frequency of light. I receive now!”
- Very soon, will you receive this prophecy? States, the nation and nations will look for somebody here. The way the Nation of Egypt looked for Joseph, nations will look for somebody. Church Gist. They’ll send to you from the states, neighbouring states and distant states, you believe that, shout the loudest Amen.
- get ready for it!
John 6:6. There was a crowd of people to be fed and Jesus asked them, “where will we get bread to feed these people?” It was a problem on ground, people have been with him and He wanted to feed them, not enough bread to buy but He knew what to do. Church Gist. Knowing what to do and doing what you know in the face of problems is called wisdom. Hallelujah!
- Applied light, insight or revelation from the Word.
You got revelation from the Word, applying it is called wisdom. Matthew 7:24. Insight alone is not wisdom. “Oh, I got a very powerful revelation from the Word”, that’s not wisdom. Church Gist. Light alone is not wisdom. It is the application of light and insight, that is what constitutes wisdom and guarantees results.
- somebody say Amen!
I’m sure you know that it is possible to have the light and not walk in the light? Have you ever come across any passage that, “be careful of whorish woman. By means of a whorish man, the man is brought to a piece of bread”. Who said? Solomon. How many concubines e marry? (Laughs). 1000, 700 plus 300. Church Gist. Solomon came to the point where after building the Temple, he was building shrines for everyone of the foreign wives. Haba! How you combine light and darkness like this? Proverbs 6:26. So, it is not just light, it’s not just insight, that gives you knowledge. Luke 5:4-5.
- somebody say a loud Amen.
So, we don’t know a wise man by what they say, we don’t even know a wise man by what they know, we know a wise man by what they do. Can I ask you a question? How many of us here know that speaking negatively is not good. Church Gist. Death and life is in the power of the tongue. How many of us know that? You know for sure that speaking negatively is not good, how many of us know that? How many of us walk practically in it? Not many. You say, “how are you doing?” “The situation of this country today, who can survive? Anybody who says he’s surviving is lying”. Church Gist. He has heard in the Church, inside him, he knows that to talk negatively is not correct but he can’t walk in the practicality of it. For over 20-something years in my house, you can’t say food finished. That is consciously done. Things can need replacement. Church Gist. The soap needs replacement, toiletry things need replacement but not that they (finished), we don’t want to finish it without our mouth. I mean, so conscious.
I was in the lift many years ago in the Hilton, somebody is about to enter the lift, he said, “excuse me, is this lift going down?” I said, “No. But if you’re going to the reception, you can follow us”. Church Gist. You, are you going down? Do you want to go down? Down is different from reception.
Archbishop Idahosa, his own, somebody met him in the lift and said, “is this lift going down?” He said, “no. I am going up this way (pointing)”. Hallelujah. This is what practical wisdom of God. A man that should have friends would make himself friendly. Church Gist. You can’t be hostile and have friends. You take the things and say, “how do I apply these to my life? What this Scripture is saying now, how do I walk in it practically? That is called wisdom. A merry heart doeth good like medicine. You’re sad all the time and you want to be well? And you said they should pray for you? Church Gist. They have prayed all the prayer, yet the devil is still visiting in the night. Do you understand what I’m saying? Applied light, insight or revelation, that is wisdom.
In conclusion, beloved, in the Pentecostal world today, faith is highly celebrated and it is very important. But, let me tell you, without wisdom, the Christian adventure can be miserable. Without wisdom, it may look like you’re lying against God. Church Gist. Without wisdom, without accessing the mind of God on issues. There are many people who went on journeys that God did not ask them to go, relocated all the way from a whole county to another country out of opportunity. “Oh, they said, there’s Canada permanent residency. There is so and so and so”. When have we started being led by opportunities? The Bible didn’t say, “as many as are led by open doors are the children of God” and not every open is a door opened by God, some are traps to take you out of your destiny. Church Gist. So, a lot of lives are so miserable because they walk by random motion, they do things by chance, all manner. The Christian life and journey can be very miserable without the wisdom of God. Beloved, whatever you do, we have emphasized on faith for a long time, in addition, let’s begin to emphasize on wisdom, accessing the mind of God, the ways of God, accessing supernatural ideas and inspiration and not just doing things because they look good or doing things because many are doing it or doing things because they’re convenient. Church Gist. It may be convenient but if it is not commanded, God will not be committed.
- I see a change of story for somebody.
Now, what is the way of wisdom? I’m going to do this quickly and we have the whole month to deal on this matter. Just ensure you’re in all the services as much as you can.
- The fear of the Lord.
Job 28:28. Psalm 111:10. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. You want to walk the way of wisdom, you must walk the way of the fear of the Lord. Church Gist. What is the fear of the Lord? Proverbs 8:13. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil. You can’t be a liar and get wisdom from God. You can’t be a dupe, a fraudster and get wisdom from God. You can’t be a wife beater and he expecting God to give you wisdom. You can’t be hooked on to pornography and be looking for wisdom from God. Church Gist. The fear of the Lord opens you up to the wavelength of inspiration, the frequency of direction and guidance. - The heart of humility.
1 Kings 3:7,9. Solomon was saying to the Lord, “I’m a baby, I’m a child”.
🎵Lord, I remain your baby for I was formed in your hands, no one knows me like you do. No one knows what I’ve been through. No one knows the way I feel. That is why you touch my life..🎵
“Lord, I remain your baby”. The assumption of ignorance is the foundation for insight. That is, you assume the position of ‘I don’t know’ and then you’ll be made to know. Church Gist. When God asked Ezekiel, “can these bones live?” Ezekiel said, “Lord, thou knowest”. If it some of us, we’ll say, “yes. It depends on what you want Sir. Are you not God, anything is possible with you”. “Lord, thou knowest”.
Let me say this, anything you claim to know that has not produced results, you don’t know it yet. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”. So, there must be results from insight. Church Gist. Either you don’t know if yet or there’s something you need to do about it that you haven’t done. Hosea 6:3. So, you keep on pressing until what you claim to know translates into results. Somebody came to me one time, I’ve told the story before, “can you tell me the secret of Church growth?” The same person that discouraged us when we came to town. I told you the story before. Church Gist. When we were about to come, he said, “oh. Abuja town is saturated. There are many Churches, there are this and that”. Until somebody told him, “is he talking to you?” After we came, under 1-2 years, Church has exploded. He came and he said, “praise the Lord. Thank God for how God is helping you. Can you let me know what is the secret of Church growth? I know somebody needs to pray very well. You need to study the Bible very well. You need to do this, do that..” he started answering the question himself asked. Church Gist. So, I told him, I said, “you already know everything. You know it. Lord, please help him with what he knows in Jesus’ name”. I didn’t say one word to him because he won’t value. The Bible said, “don’t cast holy things, don’t throw your pearls”. I won’t say the balance, even though it’s in Scripture. Do you understand what I’m talking about? Church Gist. That was how that guy left without receiving one answer because he came with the mentality of “I know”.
Papa Oyedepo said he had read the book of Kenneth Copeland and Gloria Copeland on financial supplies almost three times, he didn’t understand it. Church Gist. He went, it was the third time, he locked himself up that light came. Anything you claim to know that has not translated into proofs, try and know it again.

- stand up on your feet. Hallelujah!
Take your seat because I’m suspecting some people. Are you angry? Are you excited with what you heard? Are you seeing change ahead of you? Church Gist. Let me tell you, without any shadow of a doubt, this month, the Heaven must open over your life! Everyone who has been spiritually deaf and dumb and blind, your eyes are opening, your ears are opening, your understanding is opening! - if you’re saying Amen, shout the loudest Amen!
- if you’re saying Amen, shout the loudest Amen!