UNLOCKING THE SUPERNATURAL 5 || Bishop David Oyedepo at Midweek Communion Service || LFC Canaanland || 18th September 2024

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on UNLOCKING THE SUPERNATURAL 5 at Midweek Communion Service || LFC Canaanland || 18th September 2024

I was in a meeting many years ago and the minister was delving into 2 Corinthians 3. “If that which is glorious has passed away, how much will that be glorious which remains”. Church Gist. He was pointing to the fact that we in the New Testament are far above those great saints in the Old Testament. It was one day I will never forget, I began to experience sparks in my system. May tonight be one night you will live to remember.

The gateway to your life is your heart. Without opening your heart, He can’t enter. The seed will only grow in your heart. So with a closed heart, a religious heart, a heart of ‘I already know’, you don’t get anything. May you open your heart tonight and may the seed be received in your heart and may it bring forth supernaturally in the name of Jesus. Church Gist. Every seed that gains access to your heart remains an asset. The one in your head is by the wayside, birds of the air will chop it off. Pursuit after things that don’t matter when compared with the things that matter will choke it up. Please open your heart, God has no access to your heart and my heart without us opening it by choice. May each one’s heart be opened tonight. The supernatural guarantees the answer to all human problems. Super connotes above natural limitations. Above all natural limitations. In the name of Jesus, you are changing levels tonight.


We have been examining all along the question ‘Who am I?’ Because knowing who you are is what determines what you can dare. You can’t see yourself as a grasshopper and dare giants. You can’t see yourself as a giant and be scared of grasshoppers. If you see yourself that whatever is coming against you is coming against the God in you, you will be strong. You will be bold. Church Gist. You come to a point where you know whoever touches you, touches the apple of His eye, you will dare any devil. It is knowing first who we are that determines what we can dare, what we can resist and what we can command.

The Word says we are redeemed as heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus. So we are God’s own heir apparent. Princes in the natural world share the immunity of the king because it will soon be his turn and the world gives them their space so that when it becomes his turn, you will not be a victim. We are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus. Romans 8:17. Joint means we share the same heritage with Jesus. Being joint heirs means we have authority over all issues that are on the earth. Church Gist. We must come to terms that the supernatural is our natural estate in the realm of the Spirit. John 3:8. So is every one that is born again, not those with some special calling. We are redeemed to operate in the supernatural as our natural estate. We are not struggling to be. That last born of a family will not struggle to be a man or a human being, he is born a human being.

Isaiah 7:14. If we are born again, we are born a sign to our world. A sign! What is going on there! We are born as exclamation marks. “What am I seeing there? Am I seeing double?” Isaiah 8:18. So all these scriptures show that we are not born again to struggle with the world. We are born again as peculiar people, special species of human beings operating in a new realm and that realm is a higher realm, it is not a lower realm. To the world the supernatural appears as foolishness but the end result proves them wrong and humbles them. In one of my books, I was trying to talk about the manifestation of the sons of God and when I asked for men and brethren, women and men who have raised others from the hand of God in this Church, I am not sure history has that volume. Church Gist. Why? Their hands have been trained to war and their fingers to fight. You find a woman whose husband was confirmed dead. You sat down there among the dead and you are anointing the leg. “Honey you can’t go, Honey you can’t go” and Honey jerked up. They went back home the same night. We are in the days of the manifestation of the sons of God. So take your position on time. Be trained, be taught, be equipped. It is a new day.

Somebody’s child died and they couldn’t get anybody around, so he carried the child to the Zonal Centre. You know the Lord spoke to me. A great house came down from heaven, landed on the earth and broke into splinter houses and the same fire on the altar of the main house was burning on the altar of the splinter houses. Don’t play with your Zonal Centres, same authority. So he put the child in front of the place, there was no access and he said God! God showed up, the child came alive. These are all live testimonies from the altar. They were documented because people move from place to place, they travel a lot. Some were here before, they are now in Ibadan. Church Gist. Others were here before and they are now in Canada. There is no fabricated testimony in this place, as spoken and documented is how it is presented. You cannot be battling with headache when your fellow believers are commanding the dead to come back.

Someone was going to work and she heard people crying. They are not members of her family, she doesn’t know them. She branched there, brought her oil out of her bag and said give way and commanded death to leave. The child came back to life. This is in the place where you are. You can’t afford to be behind. Church Gist. It humbles me because I know God has no special favourites. It is our disposition that determines our placement. How much reverence we have for His Word that determines what works in our lives. I see your level of command go forward. I see you enter new levels.

This may not be taken by many. We are redeemed to have dominion over death. Death does not kill, it is the fear of death that kills. Don’t let the word death scare you, you are redeemed to have dominion over death. Romans 8:11. Hebrews 2:14-15. The devil used to have the power of death but he lost it when Jesus rose from the dead. Church Gist. Revelation 1:18. Death has no power over your life. In that document we have an array of people that were rescued from cancer, at any stage of it. People walked out of stroke as if it was a joke and are still standing on their feet. The supernatural is more real than the day. What makes me happy is that it is not working in the hands of a few, it is working in the hands of many. John 14:12.

Tonight we look at unlocking the supernatural by the power of the Holy Ghost. Don’t joke with it. The Holy Ghost is the one that secures our redemptive dignity otherwise you will mess up. Luke 10:19. Acts 1:8. Church Gist. The Holy Ghost is the custodian of the power of God that secures our redemptive dignity in our walk with God. Don’t assume Holy Ghost baptism, don’t appropriate Him. Receive Him with biblical evidence of speaking in tongues not syllables. It is never late to be right.

A young man was asked, “when were you born again?” He said, “from birth. In our family, all of us are believers.” Are you here? On this Campus – he was born again from birth. He didn’t understand anything we were saying. I was born inside the Church building, yet I wasn’t born again. The first place I knew in my life was Church. It’s important to be born again with the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit which validates our place as new creatures. Church Gist. By their fruit we shall know whether they are born again or not. Matthew 7:20. By their fruit, not by their saying it. If you don’t understand what the fruit of the Spirit is, go to what the work of the flesh is and you will see how being born again rescues us from the works of the flesh. Galatians 5:19. Use that as a barometer to appraise your status per time. Being born again is not a fancy, it’s not an identity, it’s a new life. Why am I saying that? Until one repents and is converted, he cannot access the Holy Spirit, he cannot receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:37-38. There are many people in Church who don’t think water baptism is important. You better wake up! It might be the only barrier between you now and being baptised or filled with the Holy Spirit – just one thing thou lackest.
“At my status? Drop me into water, bring me out? Is it Papa that will do it?”
They say, “no, Papa doesn’t do water baptism.”
So who qualifies in this place to baptise me at my level?
Paul said, I baptised no one except one or two. I stopped water baptism in 1985; you’re waiting for me? Not this time when you can even pull me inside the water. I don’t have such energy.

The Holy Ghost is the grand commander of the supernatural – very clearly stated in Joel 2 in prophecies and then in Acts 2 in reality. Acts 2:17 quoting directly from Joel 2:28-29. Acts 2:17-19; Isaiah 8:18. These wonders are facilitated from Heaven. Yes, there are false folks who claim miracles happened when nothing happened, when they are organised – yes, because you can’t have counterfeit currency without a genuine one in place. Church Gist. No one will take it. You have to print it like Nigerian currency. It’s only those people who know how to catch them that they put it under the screen and say, “catch that man,” because it looks exactly like it. Either it’s longer or it is darker.
They say, where did you get this?
Emm emm emm,
Lock him up!
It has to look like it. That’s why you need to get to a point where you can prove these things yourself. 2 Corinthians 13:5. You have to be able to prove it beyond what anybody can deceive you of. Acts 2:19. So, these are all machinated from Heaven. Mark 16:20. It originates from Heaven – it’s not mechanical. Church Gist. Sir, it’s not from Papa o – no. It’s not from sons of the Prophet. Acts 2:19; Acts 14:3. So whatever Heaven can afford is available on the Earth when you know what it takes to take delivery of it. …and he does notable miracles – Acts 4:16.

Now, this Commission is a wonder from above and a sign on the Earth with no pressure from leadership down the line. With no games, no fabrications. That’s how my life and your life is ordained to be. Acts 19:11-12; Isaiah 66:1. Church Gist. The God factor is the principal facilitator of signs and wonders not preaching and shaking your head and sweating and pushing people.

But our level of empowerment is what determines our level of command of the supernatural. This is where the responsibility lies. John 3:34. Measureless unction was on Christ. Matthew 11:3-6 – unlimited unction culminating in unlimited supernatural manifestations. So we understand that empowerment is in levels. If you see the picture of Ezekiel 47:1-5, we saw here how he was brought to the threshold of the house eastward and Jesus is on the right side of the Majesty on High. Church Gist. “When I go, I will send him to you and when he comes, he comes as rivers of water.” Ezekiel 47:4-5. It’s a picture of increasing levels of empowerment. Christ was operating in that river that could not be passed over. But we are just in the first – perhaps a thousand cubits with the water barely reaching the ankle and some say, “we got it already, we got it already – the power of the Holy Ghost. I got Holy Ghost 30 years ago.” We must keep craving for increasing empowerment so as to keep experiencing greater command of the supernatural. So we saw in the story of the Apostles, there was the state of power and there was the state of great power.
Power – Acts 1:8
Great power – Acts 4:33. So power has graduated to great power.
In the ministry of Jesus we saw power in Luke 4:14. In Luke 9:43, the people saw the mighty power of God. So power had moved to mighty power. It’s time to move. We don’t change the oil in our car because it’s finished, we change it because it has lost the viscosity – if you don’t change it, your engine will knock. No matter the cost of the car, the engine will lock down. Church Gist. So it’s important to keep craving for the new wine. Luke 5:39 – new unction, new level of supernatural manifestations. Next level unction, next level command of the supernatural. You know the Laodicean syndrome, “we are rich, we have need for nothing.” Not knowing that you are poor and blind and naked – Revelation 3:17-18. There is a Laodicean syndrome in the Church today. So it’s a thing that has held many down, “oh yes I got it, I’m okay, I’m there already.” Many more rivers to cross. Matthew 17:20-21. He said, “I know your faith is intact, but you need to be empowered for your faith to deliver in this kind of circumstance.”

Next, it’s important to know that we command the supernatural by the words we speak because our words are creative because we are created in the image of God and His very likeness and God’s words are creative. Church Gist. When one is anointed, his tongue is anointed to command the supernatural.

The supernatural has two sides to it. It has the blessings side (and) it has the judgemental side. “If I be a man of God, let fire come down from Heaven and consume these folks” and it happened. There are many people who are killing themselves on a daily basis. Not knowing that what they say is created. Every idle word that a man will speak, he will give account of it; he will pay for it. Church Gist. So to be anointed means to have your tongue guarded, speaking life otherwise, you will kill yourself without any devil involved because life and death are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21.

We are in these challenging times, what defines your escape are the commands of your tongue. “Can I tell you the truth? (They say to themselves) Except someone is a liar, everybody is under pressure in this Country. Abi? What did I say?” (The person nods his head) – you have agreed that you have joined the list of those under pressure. Then, it keeps pressing you down. “That project I am doing, there is no way it can continue. Never! There is no way. Church Gist. Tell me. If it’s the will of God that we don’t have a house till I go to Heaven, no problem.” You just stop the project straight. A tither is telling you, “I have nothing both in Heaven and on Earth.” What a blind man? And yet, He is to bless you out of His riches in glory. You say, you have nothing there. Angel says, “Sir, he said, he has nothing here. Let’s go to somebody else.” God says, but look at him, he is suffering. He says, “Sir, you know we are angels and you are the One who empowered us to deliver anything they say. We have delivered no food for him. He said, “nobody can eat. Okro is now one naira, 1 piece – one thousand naira. I’m not taking soup again.” You will just kill yourself quietly – spiritual suicide. You don’t need to take medication, take poison – just (the words you say). Ecclesiastes 5:6.

It’s not about confession. It’s a profession of faith. A lifestyle of faith not confession. Hebrews 10:23, 1 Thessalonians 5:24. Confession is a lower realm, it’s a salvation realm in the school of faith. Church Gist. Profession is what changes your level of authority – a lifestyle of faith. Somebody needs to repent tonight of the damages you have caused your life with your tongue.

Matthew 12:36…you don’t mean it – but angels don’t know what you mean and what you don’t mean. They are at your service and they are roundabout you. Every child of God has an angel who transacts between Heaven and Earth on his behalf. When Peter came out of the prison, they said it was his angel. Psalm 34:7. Church Gist. So it’s important to mind what we say in the natural. Mind what you say. Mind it. It is what you say that Heaven confirms. “You shall have whatsoever you say” – negative or positive.

One of those elders in the Ministry heard me talking about hitch free marriage, he was so upset. So he was teaching one day, he said, “for any family to say that they don’t have issues, one of them must be a dummy. Church Gist. It is impossible to be married without things to settle.” Sir, when he died, neither his wife nor his children were there at his burial. What you say is what you have.

We had a service here one time and I asked all the people that were on the line for miracle children, “if anybody ask you how far?” Say, God has done it. So there was this monitoring spirit (a woman) that would normally call this lady and say, how far na my daughter? So that morning she said, “God has done it.” The woman said, “my chest, my chest, my chest” and she passed. What you say is what you have. “I don’t think I can make it.” Then you have unmade it. Church Gist. “From what I see, I think my time is here” – your time has come. “I have done all I can do. If this is the end, so let it be” – then, let it be. Angels go to arrange to make it be. He says, when do you want to go? I don’t think I can make more than 2 days more – 2 days exactly, I will organize it. Is somebody training up? Are you training up?

  • May you cease from causing your life damages from now!

“How can somebody like me get married?” Time is over – I have agreed. It’s over.” And then, they mark it over. Church Gist. Maybe one day for the right person to come, they say over. Don’t go there. Go somewhere else. He said, “it’s over.”

But the effect of our words is a function of the level of empowerment in which we operate. Luke 4:14,32. We all know that it’s easier to destroy than to build. Careless words destroy but the words that build are powered words because great doors, great adversaries. Luke 21:15. So we need to be empowered for our words to be with power. Church Gist. Careless words will deliver because it doesn’t take time to destroy. But the words that build must be powered words because authority of the believer lies in the tongue. Luke 4:36. The authority of the believer is domiciled in his tongue.

Therefore, we must continue to desire an increase in the level of the anointing so as to stay in command of the supernatural. Isaiah 41:17-18, John 7:38. It requires a thirst and a panting to grow in power. Matthew 7:11, Isaiah 44:3-4. So we have a duty. Church Gist. Do you want to stay in command? Then stay empowered. You want to increase in command, increase in empowerment? By a desperate quest. Psalm 66:1-3. You can’t see His power (when) you pray, you sleep. You say in Jesus, (you doze off). Please, come awake!

  • It’s your turn to take command!
  • Stay awake! It’s your turn to take command!

They called me one time, we were having one of our children, they said, “the child is at breech.” I said, “okay, I’m coming.” I said, child, turn! And I also turned because I’m not the one to turn the child. Church Gist. I’m the one to declare the turning of the child. It’s time to take responsibility so as to gain command and stay in command.

The journey to the supernatural begins with new birth. It can never be overemphasized. You have to gain admission first before you can start changing levels. You can go to 100 level and 200 level until you gain admission first. Church Gist. Admission to the school of power requires salvation as your document (your JAMB, your GCE or whatever is called). You have to pass that first before you can enter the school so before you start changing class.







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