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22nd September 2022: The Methodist Church Nigeria concludes The Anniversary Crusade held at Teslim Balogun Stadium, Surulere, Lagos State Nigeria to mark 180 years of the Church and her 60 years of Autonomy.

22nd September 2017: Most Reverend Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba is elected as the Archbishop of The Anglican Ecclesiastical Province of Jos. He is currently the Primate of the Anglican Communion in Nigeria.

22nd September 2019: Banham Memorial Primary School marks the Centenary Anniversary Celebration of Old Pupils at Banham Memorial Methodist Church, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria with Pastor David Ibiyeomie as Guest Speaker. The School was established in 1919 by The Methodist Church Nigeria; it is the alma mater of Pastor David Ibiyeomie.

22nd September 2000: Bakht Singh is laid to rest in Hyderabad, India. Over 250,000 Christians had a procession to pay their final respects, they held Bibles and Scripture banners over their heads, singing and praising God. Brother Bakht Singh was a Christian Evangelist in India and other parts of South Asia.



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