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9th October 1928: Apostle Joseph Ayodele Babalola has the first encounter of his call to ministry. While driving a construction truck along Akure – llesha road, he heard a loud voice call his name thrice saying ” Leave this job you are doing; if not, this year you are going to be cut off from the earth.” Ayo Babalola was the first General Evangelist and one of the pioneers of Christ Apostolic Church (C.A.C.).

9th October 1890: Aimee Semple McPherson is born. She is the founder of the Foursquare Gospel Church.

9th October 1996: Bishop Godwin Imuetinyan Elomobor was sh0t by the “Operation Sweep Squad.” A special arm of the police set up in Lagos, Nigeria to reduce cr1me. On his way from service, Elomobor had stopped to get food along with some ministers. Afterwards,, the Operation Sweep Squad dressed in mufti confronted his car asking him to stop. Suspecting they were armed robbers, Bishop Elomobor tried to escape and was sh0t in the process. The tabloids later announced his death. Fortunately, he was alive and had been flown to England for treatment. Archbishop Idahosa however stood in his defence and insisted that pastors should be allowed to carry arms. Elomobor survived and went to be with the Lord only on the 9th of January 2022.

9th October 1747: David Brainerd goes to be with the Lord. David Brainerd was an American Presbyterian minister and missionary to the Native Americans among the Delaware Indians of New Jersey.


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