ENGAGING THE WONDERS OF PRAISE 2A || Bishop at Breaking Invisible Barriers Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 13th October 2024 || First Sunday Service.

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on ENGAGING THE WONDERS OF PRAISE 2A at Breaking Invisible Barriers Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland|| 13th October 2024 || First Sunday Service.

Nothing transforms life like a sent Word, a Word in season. Lord Jesus, breathe on your Word today. Church Gist. Let the Spirit of your Word find entrance into every one of us and let your name be glorified in Jesus name.

Our prophetic focus for the month is GOD STILL WORKS WONDERS THROUGH PRAISE. His Word lives and abides forever. What He did yesterday, He will do today and will do tomorrow. Church Gist. God still works wonders through praise. It happened yesterday, it is happening today and will continue to happen tomorrow. God still works wonders through praise.

Our teaching series began last Sunday, ENGAGING THE WONDERS OF PRAISE. Exodus 15:11. Fearful wonders happen through praise. We all agree that God inhabits the praise of His people according to scriptures (Psalm 22:3). God was in the midst of Israel, they were celebrating God for their liberty after 430 years. God was in their midst, the sea saw them, it fled. Church Gist. God still does fearful things through praise today. The mountains skipped like rams, what is going on? Tremble thou at the presence of God. It is important for us to know that praise is a salient but powerful weapon of war. It has been grossly reduced to mere religious entertainment. Praise is a veritable weapon of war. Praise never returns defeated from battle. It is a weapon of war not an interlude in our services, not an item on Church programs. It is part of the whole armour of God that we must put on that we may withstand the evil day. Having done all to stand. Praise is a powerful weapon of war.

Three cases came against Judah and they said they knew not what to do because they were stronger than them. God said “Don’t worry, engage the weapon of praise and I will deal with the issues.” As they began to sing and to praise, God stepped in because He inhabits the praise of His people and turned the enemies against themselves. They were all smitten and no one escaped. Church Gist. Judah never shot an arrow. That is how powerful the weapon of praise is. It is not a conjunction in prayer while you are going to get to the next prayer point, it is a powerful weapon of war that transfers your battle and my battle to God. Whatever can’t beat God, can’t beat a praising believer. Why? He transfers his battles to God through the mystery of praise.

Isaiah 54:1-3. You want to become fruitful? Sing. You can sing your way out of barrenness. Sing your way into supernatural fruitfulness. You can sing your way out of breakdowns into breakthroughs. Please understand this. What the enemy does is to want to corrupt the weapons that you carry. To despise it and for lack of knowledge we agree. Habbakuk 3:17-19. You can sing your way from the valley to the mountain top. This is so important. You can sing your way from the valley to the mountain top. Praise is a powerful weapon of war mostly neglected by believers for ignorance. Church Gist. They just don’t know what is in it. It is so important for us to understand the weaponry dimension of praise and never get casual about it. Isaiah 38:20. That is I am praising the integrity of His Word to see it performed in my life. So every revelation you access, you praise your way into its performance in your life and so it happened. Praise is a powerful weapon of war any time any day.

  • Therefore today, I curse every anti-praise vices in your life and release you into your glorious destiny.

There are many that sow seeds: they give to the needy, they give to advance the Kingdom of God but they are not seeing returns. Why? Psalm 67:5-6. A giver that is a murmurer won’t see increase. A giver that is a complainer will not see increase. Joel 1:12. So your giving will be fruitless without a merry heart and a songful mouth. Church Gist. So we sing our way to harvest. The harvest of your labour in stewardship comes through as you keep celebrating him for the privilege of stewardship. You’re not complaining in your service unit, you’re not creating crisis there, you’re just serving God for the privilege of stewardship.

Back in 1997, the Lord opened me to this very interesting Scripture, Deuteronomy 28:47-48. So not every service is profitable. It has to be done with joyfulness and gladness of heart. You and I are not indispensable we are only privileged. No one is indispensable in the kingdom. Everyone is simply privileged to do whatever he is asked to do. You heard me say during my 70th birthday, “I have no story but his story. Church Gist. The story of Jesus at work in my life is all the story I have.” No skill that I acquired or expertise through any means is responsible for where grace has brought me today but all of grace. The Lord told me after he called me, he said, “My son, I’ve not called you because you’re better or smarter than others. I’ve only given you a privilege, should you abuse it there are better hundreds at the door.” Stop posing where you are serving. You’re only privileged. You leave, nobody will know. That’s how God works. “I won’t serve in that unit again” – nobody will know. “We used to have a brother here, what’s his name again?” – it’s Lost identity – that’s how God works. May you never back out on God!

Somebody is a giver here, the question is: where did you get the seed you’re giving? From what he gave you. I was sharing with one of my sons and said, “you gave – that’s okay. Where did you get the giving from? When you met Jesus what did you come with?” What you’re giving is out of what he gave you. You have nothing to brag about. I came to ministry without a dime because I’m a believer in every statement of Scriptures – Luke 10:4. Church Gist. So one of my senior brothers in the faith said, “how much saving have you?” I said if I have anything I will finish it because he said, carry no purse nor scrip. He said eeeeehhhh. So I have nothing to brag about. If I have a dime in my pocket, it’s from what he gave me. If I give anything to the needy, it’s from what he gave me. So, “I gave I gave” should not be your mentality. As God has blessed every man even so let him give. So it’s not from what you got, as God has blessed every man even so let him give. That’s why we need to praise him when we are privileged to give so we don’t lose our harvest that will keep us on the giving line.

You see, almost everything is out of order when praise is missing. Malachi 2:2. So we owe God praise. Psalm 34:1…because I’m nothing but what grace has made me. We stand to lose any battle without praise because without God, we can do nothing. Church Gist. John 15:5; Luke 1:37, so the barriers on your path must clear today! But as you praise him, he steps in. As he steps in, he destroys those barriers on your path. The Red Sea will give way, the mountains will clear the way, the valley shall be filled. You get back on the high way of life in the name of Jesus!

So when we engage in praise warfare, God takes over our battles and we emerge more than conquerors. We are not fighting, he just took over the battle, we just watch him on the screen – that will be your lifestyle from now. It’s also important for us to know that no prayer without thanksgiving qualifies for answers. Philippians 4:6. Church Gist. So God doesn’t know your request, no matter the taste of your supplication and intercession without thanksgiving. That is the will of God that gives you access to the throne of God for answers. 1 Thessalonians 5:18; 1 John 5:14.

It’s vital to understand that any prayer without thanksgiving has no connectivity with Heaven. Cannot deliver answers on the earth. So, consciously after every prayer, “Father, I thank you for you have heard me in accordance to your Word. I celebrate your faithfulness and I thank you for the answers”. Church Gist. Consciously. Get off that religious line you have been using that is not working, get back to the truth.

When Jesus taught us how to pray, He said at the end of it, you’ll say, “for thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever”. Church Gist. So, he thought us to celebrate God in concluding every of our prayers. So, it tallies. So, with a revelation of thanksgiving and praise, we are limited in almost all areas. Jesus got to where Lazarus was laid in the tomb, “Father, I thank you for you have heard me. God has heard me, therefore, Lazarus, come forth!” And he that was dead came forth. Church Gist. Every prayer that will deliver must conclude with intense thanksgiving.

It takes fearful praise, call it violent praise to provoke the fearful intervention of God. Paul and Silas, they prayed and they sang aloud because the prisoners heard them and had a field day mocking them and then God came down to the prison, the foundation was shaken and their chains amd bounds were loosed and they turned to become celebrities. Church Gist. The Jailer said, “Sirs, what shall I do to be saved?” They became stars right there. Not secret place oh. Not you’re praising God and a friend comes in and you keep quiet, “what are your doing?” “Well, I was just..” praise that makes your.. people that are acquainted with you, they fear your praise.

Romans 4:20. God’s Word had a hold of him (Abraham) and God had no choice but to perform in the Word. High praises provoke divine interventions that silences our enemies. Psalm 8:2. It silences our enemies. Church Gist. Matthew 21:9,14. So, when you keep shooting Hosanna, He enters into the temple of your life and began to chase away everything that buy and sell in you, setting you free from every siege of the wicked one. Matthew 21:9-13. Matthew 21:16. That became the reference. Church Gist. Psalm 8:2. Praise has power to silence your enemies, to silence the avengers.

  • every uprising against your destiny will be sent to silence as you choose to praise Him as a lifestyle.
    We are going to do that here today, you’re going to praise your enemies to silence.

Psalm. 92:1-2,10-11. So, praise brings you into contact with fresh oil which silences your enemy in judgment. Church Gist. Today, as we praise Him, every agent of the wicked one holding down your destiny in one way or the other shall be judged. They shall be judged!

Not casual praise. David danced before the Lord with all his might and his mocker was judged with irrecoverable barrenness. Michal was barren till the day of her death. Church Gist. That’s how God silences your enemies when you engage in high praises. Every of your mocker comes under judgement. Can I hear your Amen?

We have this beautiful light here. Psalm 149:1-4. Your beauty will come forth! Psalm 149:5-6. In case your body is weak, sing aloud upon your bed. Psalm 149:7-8. As you celebrate God, you bind your enemies in chains. Psalm 149:8-9. Church Gist. So, every praising believer is there in that passage. You can praise down judgment on your enemies and they will go down forever. That’s what it takes. Psalm 149:5.

  • That’s happening today!

Today is our Covenant Day of Breaking Invisible Barriers. Please note, invisible barriers are real. Someone is talking normal right now and a moment, upside down; yet you can’t see anything flying. Invisible barriers are real. You sit down in your home – husband and wife having a good talk and suddenly, the eyes of one changes: “Remember what you told me in 1992. You called me a fool, I will show you tonight.” You say: “Where is it coming from?” Invisible barriers. Nobody knew what happened except Jesus. Luke 22:3. They are real! Peter just came out of a fresh revelation, commended by Christ and then he began to rebuke Jesus. Church Gist. Jesus told him and said: “Get thee behind me satan!” At that time satan had gained access to Peter. Invisible barriers are real. Please, those who don’t believe they are real, they become victims with time. We are told in Psalm 91, arrows are flying by day. Have you ever seen them? Pestilence at noonday. Have you ever seen them? But they are there. “I give to you power to trample upon serpents and scorpions.” Where are they? They are there! They are invisible forces out to trap you and me if allowed. So, invisible barriers are real, they are real. They’ve blocked the way against many people without knowing. They struggle and struggle and nothing is happening.

-Today, God is clearing the barriers on your path.

Matthew 13:24-28. In that Parable, Jesus sowed good seed into His field and while men slept; His enemies came and sowed tares. While men slept, the enemy was all around.

-We’re in harvest time, we are in our harvest time! God will clear the barriers on your path.

We have the redemptive right to clear these barriers off our paths of destiny. 1 John 5:4. Isaiah 52:1-3. You know? We have the Garment of Praise, we have the Robe of Righteousness. Church Gist. So when you see ‘garment’, it’s either talking about your Salvation and your praise life. So we have the redemptive right to shake off that venomous viper that wants to destroy our lives into the fire by putting on our garment of praise.

-Today is your day! There shall be amazing testimonies this week!

Among others, the following keys are required to clear off the invisible barriers on our path:

  1. Be born again.
    Darkness can’t overcome darkness. Until one is saved, he’s not a child of light. Be born again and remain so. Ephesians 2:26. So when you are saved, you are above those things. You have divine authority over those things. Church Gist. Don’t assume Salvation, experience it! Don’t ever assume Salvation, experience it! Going to Church is not equal to Salvation, experience the reality of Salvation in your life. That is the number one step to crushing invisible barriers on your path.
  2. Build your faith and keep walking by faith.
    2 Corinthians 5:7. Ephesians 6:16. Build your faith and keep walking by faith.
  3. Keep walking in the light of His Word.
    Be armed with: “It is written” at all times. Before any obstacle befall your face, “it is written” is in your heart and comes out of your mouth. Jesus flushed out the devil by the Word: “It is written” – one; “It is written” – two; “It is written” – three. satan departed! To clear the barriers on your path, keep walking in the light or the Word. Church Gist. We are children of light by Salvation, we have the responsibility to keep walking in the light to clear off the barricades of darkness on our path. 1 Thessalonians 5:5. Ephesians 5:8. Let the light of God’s Word be what dictates your steps in life and your response to barriers on your path and you’ll keep triumphing.
  4. Keep serving God and the interest of His Kingdom and when that happens, God is committed to giving you rest round about. Rest round about, that means triumph all the way, victory all the way through. Church Gist. Enter into a Covenant to keep serving God as your new way of life. 2 Chronicles 15:12-15,19. The barriers were subdued as long as they were in that Covenant. The barriers were subdued permanently.
  • So, I see barriers on your path subdued permanently! Thank you Jesus.

Keep following His leading. Isaiah 48:21. Allow God to lead your steps so you don’t keep meeting brick walls, because when God leads, barriers clear off on their own. Psalm 24:7. The gates lifts up their heads on their own accord. You’re not fighting, you’re not struggling with them. When the Angel brought Peter out of the prison, the iron gate opened up on its own accord. Church Gist. You’re not struggling, barriers can’t wait because God is leading. When God leads, He goes before the led to make the crooked paths straight. He goes before the led to clear off all the iron gate and the bars of brass. Isaiah 45:2. Allow God to lead you. Don’t just pack your luggage and run somewhere. Don’t just enter into any business because somebody says it’s good. Allow God to lead you.

  • You’ll never be stranded! Can I hear your loudest Amen?

October 1, 1983, the Lord spoke to me this powerful Word, “I’m committed to leading you if you’re committed to following me”. So, God doesn’t lead the Jack and Harry, He leads those who are committed to following Him. Isaiah 48:17, that’s where He spoke to me from and the Lord said to me, “My son, I’m committed to leading you, if you are committed to following me”. Church Gist. Many are not committed to following Him. They are only informing Him of where they’re going. They’re not asking Him. “Lord, I’m on my way to Ghana, thank you for going before me”. He says, “Now, well done. Go ahead. You are the one to command me to go before you”. “Lord, I’m going into this business. Church Gist. I just found out it’s the most profitable thing to do”. “Now, well done. When you return, let me know”. Ask the Lord, in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Lean not unto thine own understanding, allow Him to lead you, barriers will clear off on their own accord.

As we begin to round up, keep speaking boldly against all forms of barriers on your path. Luke 21:15. Keep speaking boldly. You have heard me say several times, “One billion w1tches can’t stand on my path”. God said “you got it right. How can they stand? I’m there with you”. “No w1tch from hell can take my life”. God said, “you are right my son”. Declare boldly, God will confirm openly. Church Gist. What you can’t declare boldly, God cannot confirm openly. “I can’t say that oh, I’m not Papa”. That’s why you are where you are. I challenged all the w1tches in Ota, they bowed. They bowed out and fled. Canaanland became a non flight zone. You fly here, you clip your wings, you fall down. That’s how you clear the barriers on your path. Psalm 81:10. “But my people are too civilized for me”. “How can I open my mouth wide? What if it didn’t happen?” That’s why nothing happens.

We have been on flight with clear potential crash. “Jesus is here” Amen! “Can Jesus ever crash? Forget it. Peace, be still!” The storms calmed. Open your mouth wide. You are too closed mouth. No matter how anointed, with closed mouth, you’ll end up a victim. You remember Jesus? He openeth not His mouth. They took Him from prison, He openeth not His mouth, because He was paying the price of redemption. Church Gist. You are not paying any price for anybody, your blood can’t save nobody. So you don’t need to close your mouth. Open your mouth wide. Isaiah 53:7. But if you check in John 18, when Jesus asked them, “whom seek ye?” They said Jesus and they all fell backwards. He opened His mouth once, they all fell backwards, they fell down in stupor. If He were not going to pay that price, nobody, no devil, can get Him on the Cross.

You have authority in your tongue; if you don’t engage it, you will be taken from prison to prison; you will be slaughtered by the wicked. Church Gist. “Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.” It’s one way out.

  • The barriers on your path are declared cleared!

Can you say to those barriers whatever they may be? Barriers on the path of your health, barriers on the path of your family, barriers on the path of your business – today is your end. Church Gist. I have authority in my tongue and I command you to clear off now in the name of Jesus!

Luke 21:15. So open your mouth wide against those barriers and they have no choice but to clear off. Psalm 18:45…I see them fading away!

Now finally, engage in a lifestyle of praise to secure God’s presence which makes you live above all barriers. Psalm 22:3. When God is with you, barriers clear the way on their own accord. Church Gist. Let praise become your new lifestyle and let’s see which barrier can stand on your path. Whatever cannot say no way to God can’t say no way to a praising believer. There is always a way out.

  • It’s your turn!
  • Therefore expect from this day that all the invisible barriers on your path shall be cleared off!
  • Receive grace to take responsibility to keep them off your path of destiny for life in the name of Jesus Christ!

Now as we all know, the Communion is ordained to empower us to live like Christ and because no barrier can stand in the way of Christ, as we partake of this Communion today, no barrier shall be able to stand in your path anymore in the name of Jesus Christ!

There was this demoniac – nobody could pass the way, he was so violent. But when he saw Jesus, he came down. “I can’t be a barrier when you are coming. I know who you are. You are the Son of the Most High God. Have you come to destroy us?” His presence destroys demons; destroys barriers. Church Gist. His presence destroys barriers. Luke 4:34…that’s Jesus for you. He shows up, barriers bow out. John 6:57. So taking the Communion makes us live like Jesus.

  • Whatever clears the way for Christ must clear the way for you!

Now watch, December 25th 1983, one of my cousins was hit with insanity (the spirit of insanity). At that point, he knew nobody else. As I entered the room, he stood up and prostrated to greet me (mad person). They said, do you know who that is? (He said) “That’s my brother.” I was the only one he knew. Church Gist. I said get him to my car. Let me see the devil that will enter my car with me.” That was the end of insanity forever. Living like Jesus! That’s one of the mysteries of the Communion, it empowers you and I to live like Jesus. Whatever clears the way for Jesus clears the way for you. So everything today is geared towards your freedom from the barriers of life so you can scale the utmost height and fulfill God’s purpose for your life.

  • Everything militating against God’s purpose for your life must go down today!
  • Everything stopping your way forward must go down today!

As you may have heard in the announcement, Covenant University by grace emerged in the last World Ranking of Universities – Number one in Nigeria, Number one in West Africa and Number 6 in Africa. Now, take note: the first African University began 550 years ago. Church Gist. Covenant is just 22. Isn’t God awesome? And what more? The first Nigerian University ever that will emerge among the first 1,000 leading Universities in the World. Why am I saying this? Everything works here.

  • Therefore I decree that every good thing keeps working in your life!

Do you want to hear the ‘gooder’ news? Landmark University followed Covenant (University). Everything works here and the things we teach are the things that make them work. Church Gist. So go and ensure everything in your hand keeps working. Keep applying the Word of God to everything you do and it will keep ever working.

So please, add China to your prayers that God’s agenda of revival will sweep across China and the fruits of revival will never stop bringing forth in Nigeria in the name of Jesus Christ!

  • Be blessed of the Lord!
  • It’s your turn for a change of story!
  • So shall it be!








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