ENGAGING THE WONDERS OF PRAISE Part 3 ||Bishop David Oyedepo at Covenant Day of Open Doors Service || First Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota.

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on “ENGAGING THE WONDERS OF PRAISE (PART 3)” || Covenant Day of Open Doors Service || First Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota.

Lord Jesus, we’re all looking up to you this morning for an encounter with your Word. Let no one return disappointed. Speak up the destiny of each one here today. Church Gist. Let every door called impossible be open to your people today. Let no one leave here without a key in his hand. You don’t struggle with a door when you have the key in your hand. Church Gist. I decree that today will mark the end of all kinds of struggles in anyone’s life in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Thank you Father, in Jesus’ name.

This month will not pass without your definite life long encounter with the power that is embedded in praise. Church Gist. No door shall be shut against you anymore in Jesus’ precious name.

  • Give the Lord a big hand of praise.

We are on part 3 of our teaching series, “ENGAGING THE WONDERS OF PRAISE”. Exodus 15:11. So, praise is an atmosphere that brings about the manifestations, wonders of God. Church Gist. You can’t be kept in bondage with access to the wonders of God. God showered great signs and wonders in Egypt, all the gods of Egypt could not hold them back anymore.

  • you’ll see the wonders of God this month.
  • you have seen some, you’ll see more in the name of Jesus!

By way of introduction, we serve a God of secrets. Deuteronomy 29:29. God is a custodian of all secrets but He reveals His secrets to us through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:10. John 16:12-14. Church Gist. So, we’re limited in access without the Holy Spirit. Believers are limited in access to the secrets of God without the Holy Spirit. It’s not a Church doctrine, it’s the doctrine of Christ. Church Gist. We’re limited in access to divine secrets without the help of the Holy Spirit.

Also, we note that God’s Word is made up of stories and secrets. While the stories only inform, only the secrets transform. Many are running around with the stories of Scriptures without access to the secrets of Scriptures. Church Gist. So, they have volumes of Scriptures but it’s not changing anything in their lives. Psalm 119:18. We all need an eye opening miracle to access the wondrous things in the Word of God. God’s Word is full of wonders. Most people only have access to the letters. Letters kill but the Spirit gives life. John 6:63. Mark 4:11. So, until one is saved, he has no access to the secrets of the Kingdom. Mark 4:11. Church Gist. So, salvation is not something you appropriate, it’s an experience. Salvation is an experience today,” I’m saved, I’m born again” have become the vogue but not the experience of many. They have not really experienced the new creature realities of salvation and that’s important. Church Gist. And for parents here, don’t ever assume that your salvation is transferable to your children, don’t assume. That’s unscriptural. Even set of twins are born one after the other. So, we are born again individually.

You have a son that is misbehaving, you send him abroad to go and complicate his behaviour, you haven’t done your job. Church Gist. All our children were speaking in tongues fluently before they entered secondary school. You better do your job and not bring problem for yourself in future. New birth is not transferable, it can’t be appropriated, it has to be experienced. Ezekiel 2:2. Church Gist. So, when you access the secrets of the Kingdom, it sets you on your feet, steadfast, immovable, unshakable. That’s what happens.

How then do I access the secrets in the Word?

  1. Be born again with evidence of the fruits of the spirit in your life. Be born again. Mark 4:11. Galatians 5:19-22.
  2. Walk in the fear of God as a lifestyle because the secret is with them that fear Him. Psalm 25:14. Joseph said, “but I fear God”, he has access to the secrets of God which gave him his place in space. Church Gist. They couldn’t find anything wrong in Daniel for he was a faithful man in public office. But he had unusual access to the secrets of God. Daniel 2:19. So, the fear of God is a requirement for accessing the secrets in the Word of God. There’s no intellectual access to it. Church Gist. There’s no intellectual access to the secrets of the Kingdom, there’s none. You can have a PhD in New Testament and not be saved.
  3. Continue to grow in your love for God, you’ll never lack access to His secrets. John 15:15. And love is the god of friendship. 1 Corinthians 2:9-10. Church Gist. Very strong friendship gives you access to the confidentialities of your friend. True friendship. Some fellows here have friends that live in far away countries like Australia. He knows your detailed movement, your neighbour next door has no idea, even of where you work because there’s no relationship. Church Gist. But Abraham, the friend of God, “can I do this thing and not tell Abraham? Abraham, come jare. See the way Sodom and Gomorrah are behaving, my plan is to destroy them”. Abraham said, “wait a minute Lord, if you find 50 people, will you (spare them)?” Church Gist. There’s a deep relationship. So, when you’re in love, you gain access to Heaven’s confidentialities.
  4. Walk With Meekness Of Spirit

Psalm 25:9. The proud has no access to God’s secrets because he already knows all things. He knows everything, he even challenges God: “God what have you said that I have not done?” How much of what He said have you discovered at all? Matthew 11:28-29. A proud student cannot survive in the classroom of a meek teacher. No! You will get out. It takes meekness. Church Gist. Paul said “I am the least of all saints.” So he had unusual access to the mysteries of the Kingdom. 1 Corinthians 15:9. God resists access to the proud but He gives all grace to the humble. 1 Corinthians 8:2. You know some things but it is one thing missing that you are yet to know which is why you are where you are. Lord, show me the one thing that I need to know to get out of this situation. You can’t gain access to the secrets in the Word with pride. You can’t!

  1. Rejoice In The Lord Always

Psalm 34:1. David spoke about the death and resurrection of Christ with clarity. Psalm 16:11. We need access to His presence to gain access to the secrets of life. Get tired of the stories, reach out of the secrets in the Kingdom. You have heard enough stories, you are not in Children’s Church. Wake up and get there. When the Lord called me into full time ministry, I said to Jesus “Who pays me? Church Gist. Because to beg I am ashamed. That is not the way I was brought up. Who pays me” I even asked God, “Do you have enough job for me to do?” There is no question you ask in this world that has no answer in the Bible. Luke 10:1-7. He said to me “You are in my employment. I am responsible for your pay. Just stay on duty.”

They look like ordinary stories but that is where I draw my pay from till Jesus comes. “Go your way. Carry no purse or script. Greet no man on the way.” He said “I mean lobby around no man’s resources.” I have not knocked on the door of any man till tomorrow, “Can I borrow some cube of sugar from you?” I got my employment letter from that scripture. Church Gist. I got on His payroll from that scripture and it pays. This God pays. I earned my last pay in this ministry in December 1987. Nobody heard it from my mouth until 1996, when I had enough by divine supplies and to spare. I started giving scholarships in 1992. There are wonders in the Bible, you have been running around with the letters, reach out for the wonders.

Why Engage In Praise?

Praise happens to be one of the covenant secrets for supernatural breakthroughs. It is not for entertainment. I am bothered when I hear people singing and shouting and you can’t hear what they are saying. No! Speaking to yourselves in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Any song that does not speak is wasteful. It has no value. Church Gist. That is what they do in the world, nobody knows what they are saying but they are shouting and there is nothing going on. Ephesians 5:19. Those days we had no musical equipment, but you sing to a point that God’s presence descends and you are in tears in His presence. Today people jump, shout and go back home depressed.

Among the wonders in praise is supernatural breakthrough. Isaiah 54:1. What a prescription, the barren to sing? If you don’t sing, you remain barren. Isaiah 54:2-3. Among the wonders in praise is supernatural breakthroughs. Church Gist. Somebody got promoted in March, another promotion came in April and he said my name must be there. He got into praise and he got his name there. Supernatural Breakthrough! The devil wants you to be cast down, so you remain down. Supernatural breakthroughs are embedded in praise, don’t stagnate your life.

  • In the precious name of Jesus, the days of stagnation are over in your life.

Psalm 67:5-7. Fearful order of breakthroughs is embedded in praise. It is time to get personal in your praise life and secure His presence that will always make a difference. Somebody asked me years ago, “Brother David do you ever have any problems?” Church Gist. I said maybe it came and I didn’t know. 🎶 I am singing unto the Lord. Singing Hallelujah! I am dancing onto the Lord. Dancing Hallelujah. I am clapping onto the Lord. Clapping Hallelujah 🎶

  • Your days of breakthroughs are finally here.
    A major key is being put into your hand today.

When you come across a Red Sea, bring God’s presence down. Psalm 114:3. When the sea saw God in their midst, it parted way. Church Gist. God inhabits the praise of His people. Every time you come to a crossroad, dance your way into the highway. It is the way out.

I can’t remember if I expressed any concern to my wife since inception till date. Concern for what? It will be stupid to be concerned with an “A” in an exam. Church Gist. They say why? You say, “I only got A.” What do you want to get? Is there anything outside A? That’ll be quite some problem.

Now interestingly please note: praise is a covenant secret for the rise of giants in the Kingdom. You’re not redeemed a mediocre. You’re a seed of Abraham and out of the loins of Abraham shall come kings and nations. Genesis 17. Kings and nations shall be born of thee. Church Gist. So you are redeemed a giant but you can only praise your way there. “Although the fig tree may not blossom right now, there may not be fruits in the vine…” – Habakkuk 3:17-19. Bishop Aremu was sharing his testimony last Tuesday, he said, “I was among the first 8 members of this Church.” You know number 8? That’s a huge number but the praise that gets into moving from that to another one is a mystery. Celebrating God for one, he multiplies it by two. You celebrate him for 2, he remultiplies it. Then you stop celebrating God, you stop going forward. Please be awake, be awake, be awake.

Last Sunday we had 1,300 plus give their life to Christ in this Service. It took us years to get 1,000 but praising God and praising Him, becomes 1500. Praising Him the more – 2,000, praise Him again 3,000. Praise Him again – 10,000. Church Gist. You stop praising God you start going down. Don’t you see the word, “PRAISE P R A I S E” praise me and I will raise you. Praise me and I will raise you. My response to those who praise me is to raise them. It’s your turn to begin to enjoy God’s raising!

David, a giant among giants – “I will bless the Lord at all times, his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” “Jesus, Thou son of David have mercy on me!” What!? And now today Jesus holds the key in Heaven called, “the Key of David.” Was really a giant! For the Messiah to be called Son of David and he responded, that means that’s my name. Church Gist. The secret of David was: I will bless the Lord at all times and His praise shall continually be in my mouth. – Psalm 34:1. “7 times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgment.” – Psalm 119:164. “Three times a day will I pray.” – Psalm 55:17. Can you see the balance? Pray 3 times, praise God 7 times. He was an addict of a praise life.

  • May that become everyone’s new addiction right now!

You see, God is not man so he does not relate with us as a man relates with another. When you complain you secure man’s sympathy; when you complain you secure God’s wrath. Church Gist. The people complained and God’s wrath was kindled. No, that’s not normal. Can’t I complain about what’s wrong with me? No, you don’t complain to God. They murmured and they were destroyed. Haba! Somebody has just escaped now!

If you know how much damage you are doing to your life by murmuring, you will run! You will run from it no matter the temptation. Church Gist. If you know how much damage you are doing to your destiny by complains you will flee. You will flee with speed from any temptation to complain.

During the construction here, one of those camp houses, the floor just came down and one of the labour just moved out of the place when the thing came down. So they called me and I said, “I hope nobody is hurt?” They said nobody. “Praise the Lord!” If one person is hurt, “oh only one person praise the Lord.” Church Gist. If two people, two people out of so many thousands? “Thank you Jesus.” You don’t know how to respond with Thanksgiving then you have problems. One finger is not working, thank God the others are working – One out of 5, thank you Lord. Then you find the other one just returned.

  • Somebody’s story is changing!

We have had enough prayer warriors, let’s now have praise warriors. Habakkuk 3:19. There’s a high place for you in Christ because we are seated with Christ in heavenly places far above. Ephesians 1:21. Church Gist. You belong to a high place in Christ; what are you doing in the Valley? Sing your way out of the valley, you have a place in space.

  • In the name of Jesus, your days of stagnation are finally over!

Praise is also the covenant secret for the rise of new generation Abrahams. You know something? Everything that God ever said since the beginning of time shall be fulfilled before Jesus returns. That’s the Word – all, before Jesus returns. And among them he said, Isaiah 51:1-3. So God has an agenda to raise new generation Abrahams. Men like emperors, men that command such dignity as nations will come out of Abraham. Church Gist. Romans 4:20; John 8:39. Abram was a friend of God – befriend God too. He never staggered at the promise of God, remain steadfast. Singing: God said it, I believe it that settles it. No matter what you see around me today, God said it and I believe it that settles it and giving glory to God no matter the condition. That was Abraham.

We can’t walk in the blessing of Abraham without walking the steps of Abraham. Abraham was a tither. You can’t walk in the blessings of Abraham without walking in the steps of Abraham. Don’t react against the truth, you can’t change it. You can do nothing against the truth but for the truth. Stop reacting, just ask yourself, “Where am I missing it?” Church Gist. No matter your calling, if you are not a giver you’ll be a pauper. There are some apostles who think they should give them so they keep looking for who will give them. But when you give, you receive from him good measure pressed down, shaken together. There’s no commandment of Scripture that exempts anybody. You can even write books on what is not working in your life because it’s something you read, you understood and then you write it down. No preaching in this world will be a substitute for giving. Jesus the Word, not a preacher he is the Word himself that we preach, was always giving out. When he told Judas, “what thou doest do it quickly,” they said that could mean only two things: to go and buy what we need – he wasn’t a beggar – or to go and give something to the poor. Jesus was a giver; he gave and gave and gave his life. Church Gist. So what calling do you have? To be calling people that, “I’ve not heard from you for some time” – as how? I’m an unrepentant tither. I’m not a beggar. I’ve not kept the money of this ministry once in my life 43 years – once!
You better wake up. If you’re Abraham’s seed, do the works of Abraham. Stop knocking your head in prayers. No prayer can break Scriptures, no fasting can break Scriptures. Romans 4:20. So, build your faith to retain the position of strength. Church Gist. Strength of faith, giving glory to God at all times because you know you’re coming out of it. You’re not permitted to be overcome by anything on Earth with faith at work in you. 1 John 5:4.

  • How many new generation Abrahams are in the House this morning? Receive grace to walk in the steps of Abraham. (x2)

Interestingly, we can praise our way into fresh anointing, fresh oil. Psalm 92:1,2,10. Verses 1 and 2 is what gave birth to verses 10-15, the first of it being fresh oil. Sir, praising believers don’t lack fresh oil. Church Gist. Ever rejoicing believers don’t lack fresh oil. Don’t let the oil on your head run dry. No, no, don’t let it. You find any man, any woman that is ever fresh, check, among the secrets of their lives would be an ever praiseful, thankful, rejoicing life.

  • It’s your turn!
  • The enemy shall not prevail against you anymore!

Psalm 89:20-24. With fresh oil, you are unafflictable. Can I hear your Amen? When you see a man that is freshly anointed, steer clear. God said “I will plague them that hate him. I will plague them”. So, they also know, so they stay off you. The people in the other world knows. Unfortunately, some people in the Church don’t know. Church Gist. So, for that reason, just honour every child of God you see. You can’t tell how fresh the oil on his head is. You come against him, you come into trouble. That’s what praise does. It facilitates access to fresh oil that disarms our enemies.

  • The enemy shall not exact upon your life anymore!

Lift up your right hand and ask God for grace that will make praise your new spiritual addiction.
Receive it now in Jesus name! Give the Lord a big hand of praise.

Today is our Covenant Day of Open Doors. When Jesus opens a door, no devil can shut it. When He shuts the door against the enemy, no demon can open it. So, we have that security in redemption. If Jesus opens a door to you, no devil can shut it. If He shuts the door against the enemy from accessing your life, no devil in hell can open it. Church Gist. What a God we have. What a security in redemption. From Scriptures, we understand that God’s presence is the master key to a world of open doors and praise is what facilitate His presence. Psalm 22:3. Psalm 24:7. No iron gate can stop the way against God. So, when you carry His presence, no door can be shut against you and praise is what secures that presence. Psalm 22:3.

Acts 16:25. They (Paul and Silas) were not singing inside. They were singing aloud and God’s presence walked in. Church Gist. How do I know? Psalm 99:1. The foundation of the prison was shaken. Why? God stepped in.

  • God is stepping to everyone’s prison house today!

Acts 16:26. Overnight, they became dignitaries in the prison. Acts 16:30. Church Gist. So, from Acts 16, you know God’s presence is what secures an open door no matter the wickedness of the wicked that may have shut you in there.

  • The doors are declared open today! Can I hear your loudest Amen?

So, the devil wants to keep you depressed so he can keep you imprisoned and caged. Tell him you’re smarter. Like I said, whatever door Jesus opens, no devil can shut. Church Gist. Revelation 3:7-8. His name is who? Jesus and He’s the living Word of God. So, when you operate by the Word, you become unstoppable, because darkness can’t stop the way against light. No barricade of darkness can stand the authority of light.

  • It’s your turn!
  • Every closed door against anyone’s life is declared open today!
  • Every door the enemy has shut against your progress in life is destroyed today!

What then must we do to continue to enjoy open doors in the journey of life?

  1. Be born again. John 3:8. 1 John 5:4. So, you can’t be stopped. We are redeemed as overcomer, not strugglers and Heaven is the home of overcomers and that’s where you are going. Church Gist. So, you are redeemed to overcome. Not to be overcome. You are redeemed to overcome the challenges of life. So, your victory is determined before the battle. Therefore, rejoice!
  • As a child of God, today marks the end of every form of defeat in your life!

To enjoy open doors in the journey of life, stay in love with God. Romans 8:28. You say: “I love God!” Okay, grow in your love for God because as we grow in our love for God we are filled with His fullness and can any door be shut against the fullness of God? Ephesians 3:17-19. Now, people love God but are they growing in their love for God? Are you growing in your love for God? Or it’s God you used to love and now you’re older, your love is colder and so the doors are locked. Abraham remained in love with God till the end of his journey – waited for a son for 25 years and the Lord said: “Bring the Son and sacrifice him to Me.” And he did. Church Gist. How? His love for God. Love is a motivation for giving. John 3:16. So, Abraham so loved God, he gave Him his only begotten son. Love! Many have cast away their first love, they’re only posing to have them. They have cast it away. Can I tell you what the love of God is all about? John 14:21. So love is actively engaging with commandment of Scriptures as a way of life. That’s love. John 14:21. The laws of nature are abiding as long as we live. Eating is a must as long as we live, breathing is a must as long as we live. So, God’s commandments are as binding as long as you live. So when you start playing down on His Word, you are going cold in your love. You go cold in your love, you can be stopped by any devil.

-May each one’s love here for God keeps growing hotter and hotter.

You can’t talk about faith without talking about growing in faith because little faith cannot accomplish great things because like begets like. Little faith cannot accomplish great things. Church Gist. So it takes great faith to accomplish great things. “I’ve not found such great faith in Israel.” So there’s great faith! So everything about God grows. Everything about our life in the Kingdom grows. When you stop growing, you start groaning. It’s time to grow! All these collecting prayers all around town is not the way to grow. Praise God!

  1. Lay hold on the Word concerning the doors you desire to see open.
    Go search for the Word concerning the doors you desire to see open. Somebody is due for marriage, search the Word that entitles you to early, peaceful, fruitful and harmonious marriage. Search it! You have problem with your business? Search the way out of that problem from the Word. There are anointed books that tell you what to do about such things, look out for those books. There was a minister that shared his testimony with us in 1996, he was playing with 3 diseases: High blood pressure, hypertension and dizziness and he had a prayer group that was praying 17 years and no change. Church Gist. One day, he now woke up and went to a Christian bookstore and bought 3 books: “Keys To Divine Healing By Kenneth E. Hagin,” How Faith Works By Frederick K.C. Price and “Keys To Divine Health,” the one I wrote. He sat down with the books, light broke out. He said: “And following the prescription in your book, I declared a 3-day war against the devil and on the third day of that fast, I took communion and immediately, the 17 years old bondage on me was broken.” Hallelujah! Seek for the right Word. Job 6:25. Don’t sit down there and be thinking that this 45 minutes teaching of Sunday is all you need. No! There is no question in this World that has no answer in the Book, the Bible is the answer book of life. Matthew 11:28. It covers all areas of life. God’s Word covers all areas of life. One of our daughters here after a Sunday Service sat under the tent and read the little book: “Turnaround Power Of The Word .” She was looking for a job. On Tuesday, she got the job. Tuesday! She sat down after Sunday service, the bus had left but she doesn’t want her blessings to leave so she sat down and read that book and finished it. By Tuesday, she got a neat job – Tuesday that followed it. God’s Word is the key to any seemingly impossible door. Luke 11:52. So, the knowledge of the truth is the key to any door. When the Church was not growing as expected. I said: “Jesus! Why is this Church not growing and within 3 days, on the third day, He showed me from the Word how to keep the Church growing.” March 1984. You can’t stop this Church from growing, the truth gave me the key. Amen! You can’t stop! This Local Assembly is a fraction of the Congregation of this Church. Those my Chinese sons and daughters were imparted by the Word here. So, they don’t have ‘Papas’ in their country but I’m their Papa and they travelled down to come and say: “Happy birthday” to their father. What they came for! Pastors around the World are listening to this message now. Many of them will preach it in their service. You better wake up! The answer is in the Book but you’re not out to search. You say: “I don’t know what’s happening.”You should know!” My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. They’re stagnated for lack of knowledge. There is no shortcut to open doors without having the truth that relates to that particular door.

-Grace to take responsibility in your search for the right Word concerning your issues. Receive it right now!

When our cell system was not growing and I said: “Jesus what’s happening here?” And He directed me to go for this Book: “Building Successful Homecells By Yonggi Cho.” So we bought 400 of those copies, gave to our pastors to study. Church Gist. What are we doing that we should not be doing? What are we doing that we should be doing? What are we doing that we should be doing but we’re not doing well enough? Sir, the Cells grew to 10,000 within the year. Come on, give the Lord the praise. So it’s not weakness to ask for the way forward by those who have gone that way. It’s not weakness, it’s wisdom.

  1. To enjoy open doors in the journey of life, remain committed to following His leadings.
    He said: “I will hold your hand and I will make crooked paths straight.” Look! You are anointed but allow me to lead you. When I lead you, no door can be shut against you. Isaiah 45:1. Be committed to following His leading, don’t jump into a business without cross checking from God. Don’t inform God, ask God: “Am I okay? Is this Your plan for me?” Don’t carry your baggage and just run to Turkey. No! Ask the Lord! “Are You the one leading me or I’m going on my own.” I can’t afford to go on my own because I’ll be resisted, I’ll have challenges.” It’s so important! When God leads sir, no door can be shut against you. When God leads!

God led us to this Forest against all odds. They were more than willing to sell sir. In fact, some wanted to sell their house along. They were over willing. You know why? God led us here. In no time, we got 530 acres of land. What? Church Gist. In a jungle of devils before the eyes of the devil. When God leads, no devil can stop the way. Be committed to His leading as a way of life. Proverbs 3:5-6.

You want to enjoy open doors as a way of life? Keep following what He says. Church Gist. God never leads backward, He always leads forward. Psalm 23:1-6, Isaiah 48:21.

  • Your days of dry seasons are over!

Some fellows, they are just about hitting one major breakthrough in their business, they switch over to another one to start all over again. Church Gist. And without God, gasping, gasping and gasping. That will not be you anymore!

Keep craving for fresh unction which is also facilitated by praise. Fresh oil will keep you going against all odds. For the yoke on your path shall be destroyed because of the anointing. The fresher the oil, the stronger the impact. Church Gist. So stay committed to a lifestyle of praise and your head will never lack fresh oil and no barrier can stand on your path. That’s how to keep enjoying open doors in the journey of life.

Finally, be committed to serving God and the interest of His Kingdom as a lifestyle. Why? When you get into that, He said, “lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 8:31. When you are on the go with God, He goes with you. When you are after His business, you will become His business. That’s what He does. Church Gist. “And as they entered into that covenant, He gave them rest round about.” So no door was able to be shut against them. It’s your turn! Matthew 6:33.

  • It’s your turn!

Being the third Sunday of the month, it’s our Special Monthly Anointing Service and I want you to please recognize this: Among the blessedness of the anointing is supernatural joy. Isaiah 61:1,3.

  • By the anointing of this morning, depression shall be destroyed from any life!
  • All tendencies for dépréssion shall be destroyed!

Note that, you cannot be oppressed until you are first depressed. Dépréssion is an environment for the devil to work while joy and rejoicing is an environment for God to intervene. So when you subscribe or subject yourself to dépréssion, you are creating an avenue for the devil to work against you. Church Gist. Dèpréssion is a spirit. So the anointing gives us the garment of praise in the place of the spirit of heaviness (the spirit of dépréssion).

Watch, the oil of joy for mourning. So where people mourn, you are rejoicing. Isaiah 61:3. So we must put on joy and rejoicing and the garment of praise to secure that new name that gives glory to God.

  • Therefore expect today by this anointing that the spirit of dépréssion shall be destroyed from the root!
  • That your head will no longer be cast down!
  • That your hands will ever be lifted up in praise of God!

If you are in a ditch and they throw a lifeline to you, you have to raise your hand because they can’t put that rope on your neck, you will die. Church Gist. So when your head is cast down, your hand cannot be raised up. So you are left in the valley to see how much you can survive.

  • But you are going out!
  • You are coming out today!
  • I curse the root of the spirit of heaviness in any life in the name of Jesus!

Jesus was given the Holy Spirit without measure and the Bible said, “and Jesus rejoiced in Spirit.” John 3:34, Luke 10:21…that was His lifestyle – joy that emanates from the spirit man. Proverbs 18:14.

  • By this anointing today, there shall be no further breaking of your heart in the name of Jesus Christ!

1 Corinthians 14:18, Philippians 1:15-18, Philippians 4:4, 1 Thessalonians 5:16. He (Paul) has an experience with it. And the anointing is one vital source of unimpeded joy, ever growing joy. Church Gist. In Psalm 45, the Bible calls it, the oil of gladness. The anointing is the oil of gladness and one way to facilitate that oil is through praise as a lifestyle.

  • So as the anointing comes on your life today, in the precious name of Jesus, from today forward, your head will not be bowed down!
  • In the precious name of Jesus, from today forward, your hands will ever be lifted praising God!

The way out of the valley is to praise your way out. You can’t come out of the valley without praises that emanate from the heart honouring Jesus because He has committed Himself to bail you out. Church Gist. Like He did for Paul and Silas, you are coming out in the name of Jesus!

So reach out today for one thing. “Lord, I desire that the anointing today will be to me the oil of joy, the oil of gladness and the garment of praise and let it destroy every trace of dépréssion around my life. Church Gist. Because I know that you are committed to my rescue, you are committed to my freedom and I thank you for it.” When that becomes your way of life, forget about the devil.

  • The truth here this morning is this, by this anointing, you are entering a new phase of your life!
  • You are entering into a new phase of your life!
  • A phase of joy and rejoicing!
  • A phase of blessing the Lord at all times and His praise continually in your mouth!
  • That is the new phase you are entering into!

What a joy? When that happens, you gain continuous access to the secret of the Word. Jeremiah 15:16. So when you are saved, you have the fruit of joy. Church Gist. When you are baptized in the Holy Ghost, you have the oil of joy and you gain access to the Word of God, you gain access to joy and rejoicing. So you are a bundle of joy by redemption.

Can I have you say with me? “I am a bundle of joy by redemption. I refuse to sell off my birthright. From this day forward, joy and rejoicing becomes my new way of life.” In case you are in any valley today, you say to yourself before God; “I’m coming out of this valley as I keep celebrating my God and His faithfulness. Church Gist. My time to be out has finally come. My prison doors are opened. My chains are falling off. The fetters are broken up. I’m free at last. I’m free forever.” You start celebrating God like that, that is what makes it happen.








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