DIVINE WISDOM IS THE CUSTODIAN OF AN EVER WINNING LIFE || Bishop David Oyedepo at SHILOH 2024 Day Two Hour Of Visitation || EVER WINNING WISDOM || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || 11th December 2024 || Fourth Word Session ||

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on DIVINE WISDOM IS THE CUSTODIAN OF AN EVER WINNING LIFE at SHILOH 2024 Day Two Hour Of Visitation || EVER WINNING WISDOM || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || 11th December 2024 || Fourth Word Session ||

Thanksgiving is a mystery. When you subscribe to it, your life becomes a mystery. A mystery that can raise the dead must be a mystery indeed. Not just the dead, four days in the grave. That can multiply bread for 5000 men minus women and children to eat, that must be a great mystery. Church Gist. Great is the mystery of thanksgiving. I therefore decree a lifestyle of thanksgiving upon every worshipper at Shiloh this year. Wherever you may be around the world, may the days of murmuring and complaining come to an end in your life. May this mystery of thanksgiving become one vital takeaway from this mountain in everyone’s life.

I am speaking to this subject captioned DIVINE WISDOM IS THE CUSTODIAN OF AN EVER WINNING LIFE. Proverbs 3:35. The outcome of wisdom is inheritance of glory. Divine wisdom is the custodian of an ever winning life. Ecclesiastes 7:11. Wisdom secures delivery of an inheritance. We have a sevenfold inheritance in Christ summarised in Revelation 5:12. Christ obtained for us at His resurrection, power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessings. Church Gist. All you will ever need in this world is packaged in that. Wisdom is our access to taking delivery of those redemptive packages. So the wiser we get, the heavier the glory we experience. This verse is running through all the sessions, Proverbs 9:9, 1:5. So wisdom and learning are put together. 2 Corinthians 4:17. So glory is quantified in weights. The wiser one is, the heavier the glory he bears. Proverbs 4:7. Wisdom is the principal thing, it is the custodian of an ever winning life.

Again we have the example of Joseph and Daniel. With all the troubles that Joseph faced. Hated by his brethren, trap set for him by Potiphar’s wife, landed in the prison, he won over his brothers when they attempted to kill him. They said let’s sell him, we need money. Potiphar never shot him, he had the power to shoot him because he was a slave. Instead of being tormented in the prison, he was made an official in the prison as an inmate. Church Gist. Whatever was done in the prison, Joseph was the doer of it. He obtained favour in the prison, He obtained favour in Potiphar’s house and favour on a flight to the palace. Wisdom is the custodian of an ever winning life. No matter where you may find yourself today, wisdom is the way out to what God has ordained for you. It is the custodian of an ever winning life.

A number of instructions have gone out today in the various teachings. If you be wise, you be wise unto yourself. If you scorn, only you will bear it. 20 children don’t play for 20 years. You don’t pass exams in groups, you pass exams as individuals. Church Gist. You don’t sit for interviews in groups, you sit as individuals. In the precious name of Jesus, your ever winning destiny in Christ shall become your new identity.

Remember, ever winning life is our heritage in redemption. 2 Corinthians 2:14. Triumphing always and in every place. An ever winning life. 1 John 5:4. Whatever may have overcome anyone before coming down here, I decree your victory from every one of them. Among the package for us in the Abrahamic covenant is that you shall be above only and not beneath. You are only permitted to be above and not beneath. Deuteronomy 28:13. You will be the head and not the tail not for a season, forever. Is that possible? Everything God says is the truth and nothing but the truth. Your opinion and my opinion are irrelevant. Church Gist. There is what to do to be above only. Walking in the wisdom of heaven by putting the Word of God to work puts you above only and not beneath. Somebody is breaking forth to another level. This is how divine wisdom is a custodian of an ever winning life.

Remember our path is ordained to shine more and more until the day Jesus comes. When the perfect comes, the imperfect will go away. Jesus is the perfect one, He is coming on the perfect day. Until Jesus comes, Proverbs 4:18 remains in force. I caught that 43 years ago. 1981. God said I have not designed life for ups and downs but for ups and ups. I came up with a verdict as inspired by the Holy Spirit. Church Gist. I have not had a better last year all my days. For I have discovered the plan to shine more and more, not more and less. What you believe determines what you become.
I therefore decree an end to ups and downs in anyone’s life under the sound of my voice.
Those days are over forever.
As you step out of Shiloh 2024, it shall be forward ever for you and backward never. Spiritually, it shall be forward ever for you and backward never. Socially, it shall be forward ever for you. In your health, it shall be forward ever for you in the name of Jesus.

2 Corinthians 3:18. From glory to glory, not from glory to shame and then glory. No! Ever advancing, ever breaking forth. As we behold Him. And the Lord was with Joseph and he prospered as a slave. The Lord was with him in the prison, he prospered in the prison. As we retain His presence, He keeps changing our stories from glory to glory. Church Gist. In the name of Jesus, you never see shame anymore in your life. Among our redemptive package in Christ is glory. So shame is not part of God’s package for you and I. Every issue of shame ends here today. Whatever makes people ask “where is your God” is turned into a testimony in your life today.

We saw how Daniel won on the way. He was a captive. The enemy came to slay them, God’s wisdom bailed him and other wise men out. They still set a trap for him for death. God stood for him, he came out of the den of lions and prospered all his days. Daniel 6:28. Church Gist. He prospered all his days. Bible historians said he was relevant to the government of Babylon for 65 years. While in school, he excelled above all of them. The team was 10 times better than their colleagues and Daniel was specially endowed. It is the custodian of an ever winning life.

Proverbs 21:22. Wisdom can overrun any city, no matter how complicated. Deuteronomy 2:36. We are not where we are because of where we live, we are where we are because of where we stand with God. Church Gist. Where we stand with God is what defines our destiny at any time. No destiny here shall be shattered.

So let us beware of the Laodicean Syndrome. We are rich, we have need for nothing. Not knowing you are blind and poor and naked when compared with God has in plan for you. Church Gist. Beware of the Laodicean Syndrome that will build tabernacles in the first chapter of your life. A 30 chapter life, you build a tent or tabernacle in chapter one, you have sold off 29 chapters to a morsel of meat. I must have it my way. You have overcome this morning in the name of Jesus.

Ecclesiastes 7:16. We saw another syndrome here. In the school of wisdom, there is nothing called graduation. You only move from one class to another. Romans 11:33. Beware of overwise syndrome. God says something and you say you don’t think so. Who are you to think so? Would that change God? Wait, a minute. The Word advised all widows to get married. For it is better to marry than to burn. There are some who have bewidowed themselves. Husband in Jamaica, Wife in Australia. Trouble without end. They two shall be one flesh. You say you don’t believe that. When you pay the price you will know. The price is heavier than you can pay. You say that’s the in thing today. It is off thing. Anything contrary to the truth is off thing. It is off thing Sir! Before you know it, you have married a second wife. You are wasting your life forever. When God speaks, never say in your life forever. I don’t believe that. Would that change it?

Now, you are very quiet. This is the truth. You can do nothing against the truth but for the truth. The two shall become one flesh. Train up a child in the way that he should go, when he grows up he will not depart from it. A child in primary school, you sent him abroad to do what? Teacher will help you do parenting? No! People just waste their entire life. They start biting their fingers tomorrow. Don’t invest in what does not work. Follow them who have taught you the Word of God considering the results that they get. That’s wisdom.

It is never late to be right. I caught that in 1985. It is never late to be right. You have paid so much to bring in the King of Israel to help you fight. You have paid a hundred talents of silver. He said: “Throw that off, get right!” It’s never late to be right. Modern things with modern crises. Crises without end. A child is misbehaving at home, you say he should go abroad; to go and multiply and graduate. Church Gist. No! You can’t train him here so the teacher will help you train there. What concerns the teacher? You don’t pass, they throw you out, go to another place. Bible wisdom is not theoretical, it’s practical. Bible wisdom is what? Practical. There are things we are to do, they are not things we are to ponder, they are things we are to do. “Observe and do! Then I’ll set you on high above all nations of the earth.”

-Somebody’s story is changing!

If you are not ready for reproof, for correction, for instruction, you are not a candidate in the School of Wisdom. The Wisdom of God reproofs, corrects and instructs. Church Gist. If you’re only just about the principles, you don’t believe in the reproof. You just go off, you goose. I’ve been corrected too many times, too many times!!

-Somebody’s story is changing!

So endeavour to clear with God on every major step you plan to take. Church Gist. For there is a way that seemeth right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death.

-No one will take that way!

Among the blessings of this ever-winning wisdom is direction. Wisdom is profitable to direct and when God leads the way to the battle, the victory is won. When God is the one directing you, He backs you up. Faithful is He that calleth thee, who also will do it. Stay within what He calls you to do. Church Gist. You can be eternally sure of His backing. His backing will always make you a frontliner, you are always a winning man following the leading of the Lord because of His backing. He said: “It’s the Lord’s doing and it’s marvelous in our eyes.” When the Lord is the one leading, marvels result. Marvels become the outcome. When you are following His leadings, marvels become what? The outcome.

-Somebody is breaking forth here. In the precious name of Jesus, no one will suffer pity anymore in his life. Church Gist. You will not suffer regrets anymore in your life.

The Lord led them through a long journey but He decorated them supernaturally. When they came out of Egypt, He didn’t lead them through the Wilderness, although that was short; He led them by the Red Sea. Exodus 13:17-18. And wonders began with the opening of the Red Sea for them to pass. A flyover was thrown over the Red Sea, there was no undulation, they were all moving. He closed the Water against their enemies and silenced them forever. Church Gist. If they went through the Wilderness, they would be fighting forever, they would kill them. All of them! And then wonders began. Supplies them two meals per day. When God leads no matter how long it may look like, sir, there is a future in it. You are always on the winning side when God is the one leading you. He brought them water out of the rock and water was flowing like a river in the desert. The Rock was following them!! Wonders never cease when God is the one leading. Thank You Jesus!! That is why the manifold wisdom of God is the master key to an ever-winning life. And this Wisdom deals with both natural and spiritual barriers. That makes it unique!

Daniel had wisdom and light and understanding like the wisdom of the gods and he became master of all magicians, all astrologers, all soothsayers. Daniel 5:11. Has authority over all spiritual barriers, spiritual opposition and has power to establish breakthroughs on every side in our lives. Isaiah 33:6. Just keep walking in the fear of God that wisdom will keep flowing and establishing every step of your life and my life. Welcome to your ever-living realm of life! Welcome to your ever-winning realm of your life. Church Gist. Acts 5:20. “Go to the Temple and speak to them all the words of this life.” What that means is that this Book contains all the wisdom that life will ever require in any department of our lives. This Book contains all the wisdom we would require to address any issue of our life. This Book! Because the manifold wisdom of God. The many-sided wisdom of God (Amplified Bible) in all its innumerable aspects and infinite varieties. So you are not supposed to be winning on one side but winning on all sides.

-Therefore in the name of Jesus, every side that does not reflect winning in anyone’s life, changes today. If you believe that let me hear your loudest Amen!

Joshua 1:8. It’s auto, it flows. Walking in the wisdom of Scriptures makes one’s ways prosperous and commanding good success all the way. Deuteronomy 28:1-13. Everything you will ever require, everything that I’ll ever require is contained there. Like we are told, skillful application of the Word. Hebrews 5:13. Church Gist. So, Word engagement requires skill. That’s where wisdom comes in. Using Scriptures to interpret Scriptures to deliver a wisdom product. That shows you: “This is now the way to go.” Amen. Hebrews 5:14. So we need skill. Christianity is a profession, it’s a Kingdom profession. Hebrews 3:1. Every profession requires skill. That’s where wisdom comes in. You have found the Word, how best do I engage with this Word. It’s wisdom. If you lack wisdom, ask. James 1:5.

-No one here will open his eyes and walk into trouble again. Church Gist. Can I hear your loudest Amen? You will not open your eyes and walk into trouble anymore! In Jesus’ name!

Now, the many-sided wisdom of God here implies:

  1. Spiritual well-being.
    It carries what secures our spiritual wellbeing. This Book. Romans 8:6. Psalm 119:9-11. Ephesians 5:26. So, it carries what it takes to secure our spiritual well-being.
  2. The Word is the Balm in Gilead that secures our healing health and wholeness when we are challenged.
    Psalm 107:20. Now, hear this: “The Prophetic Word says: “I am the Lord that healeth thee.” That’s God’s personal commitment to your health. Exodus 15:26. “I AM”. “I am the Lord, I change not!” I’m still committed to your healing, health and wholeness. “I AM.” What does it take to secure that? You walk in the light, darkness will leave you alone. Church Gist. Look out for what secures man’s health in Scriptures and commit to it and the darkness of sickness will leave such individuals alone. Access to light is knowledge, walking in the light is wisdom. Access to light is knowledge but walking in that light is wisdom and what transforms is not just the light but walking in the light. The light we don’t walk in holds no value for us. There are few people in the Body of Christ today that they don’t know Deuteronomy 8:18. But now ask me: “How many are walking in it?” Not even those who are preaching it, many are preaching but are not walking in it. It doesn’t work for you because you are preaching it, it works for you because you are doing it. Everything about this Book works as you put them to work. They will never work on their own. Never! Never work on their own.

-Again! Welcome to the ever winning realm of your life. The song of victory and triumph will never dry off from your mouth. It’s going to be triumph always and in every place. Church Gist. Your triumph will be always and in every place! The savour of applying knowledge will keep speaking in your life. Thank You Jesus!

This many-sided wisdom also grants us access to divine plan. Because God’s plan for us is as contained in His Book. An access to the content of the Book concerning one’s life is what delivers God’s plan for us. When we walk in it, we begin to triumph. You can’t walk in His plan and miss His backing. Church Gist. You can’t have His backing and not triumph. If God be for us who can be against us? Romans 8:31. We were in a particular place here in this Ministry for 6 years labouring night and day without anything to show. I said: “Jesus! Why is nothing happening there?” He said: “I am not there.” So it’s not the anointing sir, it’s backing. What makes things work is His backing, not the power, not the strength!

-May we ever be found within God’s plan.

We embarked on what we called Satellite Chapels in Kaduna years ago and then there were crises. And I said: “Lord! What is happening?” He said: “Did I send you?” So I asked them to go and remove the pulpit immediately. Church Gist. “Did I send you?” There are things you are labouring on sir instead of asking God: “What’s going on here?” We keep investing energy, strength, resources in the wrong direction. “Did I send you?” You know? He did that later but we went ahead of time.

-May you not miss God’s timing! May no one here miss God’s timing!

So, it takes the meekness of heart to hear from God. “So much has been invested, so what’s going on?” “I’m not there!” “You are not there?” Over!! Okay! What about the money paid? Over!! We were set to open some outlets here in Lagos in 2001. We were three people, we had acquired facilities. I said: “God! We are waiting for a matching order.” It wasn’t forthcoming. “Lord, we are waiting!” It wasn’t forthcoming. Then, He came down one day and said: “Did I tell you I cannot buy buses?” Buses were our problem. We didn’t have enough to hire. Sir, we dedicated 87 buses in one day. 87 buses! I just told the people in Church, I said: “God has led you to make a bus available, meet us in that place. We got enough.

-Sir, may you never follow your plan against His plans. It can be very costly. Somebody is breaking forth here!

That’s why we call it, many-sided wisdom. The part that is hidden there is that people are not open to His reproofs, they want to carry on. “Just back me up. I can’t say no. I’ve said yes to everybody.” Who is everybody? When you fail they will laugh you to scorn. Who is everybody? They will laugh you to scorn. “Yeah! We know you will fail before, the way he was going. We know he will fail.” Church Gist. People you were trying to protect yourself against or whatever, they are the ones who will laugh at you and say: “You know that young man, he never heard from God. Yet they were the reason why you were trying to dodge and adjust God’s instructions. Everybody here knows, no matter how stunned your face is, it doesn’t change what God tells me to do. Amen! I can’t sell God’s plan for your look. You can’t back me up. If you’re here today you might not be here tomorrow but God is always here. God is always there!

-You are going places oo!

There are some businesses you are in now, if you don’t shut it down, they will shut you down. Church Gist. You are in some businesses now if you don’t shut that business down because it’s your own making, they will shut you down. You will be spending money from the other business to sponsor it and it won’t work. You will finish the two businesses. It’s never late to be right!!

-No one here will end his journey in shame.

Say with me: God’s plan will never lack God’s backing! Help me Jesus to stay with your plan all the days of my life. Church Gist. Help me Jesus not to go ahead of your plan all the days of my life. Help me Jesus to settle with your plan without any feeling of shame.

This many-sided wisdom also secures supernatural breakthroughs. Isaiah 60:1. Wisdom is described as light in scriptures, like you find in the case of Daniel. Daniel 5:11. Isaiah 60:1-3,8,15,22. Dramatic change of story by walking in the wisdom of scriptures is what secures an ever winning life. Light has no respect for darkness, no matter how gross. When light comes, darkness bows. When light steps in, darkness steps out. Church Gist. You can’t be working in light and be captured by darkness. You can’t be walking in light and be jailed by darkness. You can’t be walking in the light and be stopped by darkness. Walking in scriptures is walking in the light. Walking in the light dispels darkness automatically. That is why there is no poor nation without rich people inside who are not thieves and there are no rich nations without poor people inside. So it is not the nation.

Supernatural breakthroughs are packaged for us in scriptures. The many sided wisdom of God guarantees supernatural breakthrough. I can remember how God spoke to me one morning, 1st of March 1992 from Luke 6:26. He said Persecution is coming, develop yourself to enjoy it. It is the lot of all front liners. You don’t want to be a backbitten stay at the back.” It was one early morning, it was so robust. I was in heaven. As soon as I came out of it, somebody walked in to come and confess how much harm he had done to me. I said you are forgiven. I didn’t ask the name, I didn’t ask anything. Church Gist. Same morning. It shows the way forward to keep you going. You never hear me responding to any nonsense on the media. My media is here. Come on Sunday you will hear the news. Come on Wednesday, you will hear the news. I don’t hold press conference, the one I hold every week is enough. There is media going on right now. I don’t have that time. The energy I will use to react, I will use it to make progress. Same energy. We are in the era of energy conservation, I have to conserve my energy on what is profitable. What adds value.

Many of you after all these things will go and sit down with social media and break your joy again. Who sent you? What are you doing there? You load your life with so much junk that your joy is robbed completely. People are not disciplined, they are not selective. They just read everything. “Wife Kills Husband.” “My God! In this country” do you know them? It might be false news after all. Church Gist. It has dampened your joy. It has robbed you of your joy, you are now disconnected. The good news is the breakthrough package of God for your life, you will not sell off. Inside this book lies everything you will ever need in moving you forward in terms of breakthrough. You never miss it again.

As we begin to round up, this book carries intellectual prowess. It enlarges and fertilizes your intellect to acquire, to diagnose and to dissect. It makes you brighter than your natural self. We saw that in Daniel. God gave them wisdom and skill in all learning. When they were tested, they were 10 times better than their colleagues in all areas. Church Gist. We have high level intellectual virtues in the Word. He that works with the wise shall be wise. God is the only wise God. The Bible calls Him “God, only wise”. So walking through scripture gets you and me wiser by the day. They were 10 times better than their colleagues. It is called an excellent Spirit. It was in Daniel. The king made him head over all the other.

I heard these three humbling testimonies. A young lady got hold of the book, ‘’Towards Mental Exploits’ in her frustrated academic state, she came out with a First Class. Another one got the book, ‘’The Path Of The Eagle’ just graduated from Covenant First Class Civil Engineering. Church Gist. He wasn’t sure where He was going, His life was down and out. He picked the book and read it. Inside that book lies unusual intellectual capability. It is inside it.
None of your children will fail anymore.
None will be sent out of school among them.
None will create concern for you in your life in the name of Jesus.

That book was titled Towards Mental Exploits, we changed it eventually to Towards Intellectual Prowess. Just the title, content the same. It is in the book.

Now, that Book also carries what the Bible calls witty inventions. Unusual insights to solving problems and making life better. Proverbs 8:12. One story became very close here – R.G LeTourneau. He was a roadside mechanic. God inspired him to invent that digger which was the largest earthmoving equipment in those days. He said He will appear to him and be telling him: “This is what to join.” Life! Church Gist. When this Man was going to die, he asked them to write on his tomb: “Matthew 6:33.” He was the Man that lived with Matthew 6:33 as a lifestyle. It fertilized his mental system. My God! Now, the Man Michael Faraday because he is a lab attendant and a pastoral assistant. He had plenty of pastoral care responsibilities, he was a preacher. The kind of insight that he had! He was named the Man of Science of the 20th century. There is intellectual life in the Word. Catch it! Thank You Jesus!

Shall we rise! Give the Lord a big hand of praise.

-For all that are in school under the sound of my voice. I decree a new dawn in your academics.
-All of you embarking on professional examinations here and there, I declare a new dawn in your intellect.
-Everyone learning some skill, acquiring some skills somewhere. Church Gist. I decree the Spirit of Excellence in your life. And so shall it be!

Now, take your Bible! Everything you ever need is in this Book. I wrote a creed for this Shiloh. Church Gist. Shiloh 2024: Ever Winning Wisdom Creed. I hope the studio is ready. There are 24 lines. Now, just say after me in case you are not there. Amen!

Say with me: I’m holding in my hand, the Holy Bible. This is the ever-living Word of God. The Bible is the answer book of life. It is the Wisdom Bank of Heaven whose currency never loses value. It contains the ever-living wisdom of God that secures an ever-winning life on earth. It is the wisdom from above that’s ahead of all civilizations. The Bible is the wisdom of God that still creates solutions today as it did in the beginning. The Bible is the wisdom from above that is far above all realms of human knowledge. Church Gist. It is the wisdom of God that turns mountains to plains. This Wisdom is the custodian of riches and honour. This Wisdom empowers believers for exploits. It stops the way against evil, engenders supernatural breakthroughs. Makes stars of believers, enthrones the Redeemed, cuts rivers among the rocks, stops the way against evil, engenders peace that passes all knowledge, stirs joy unspeakable; full of glory. The content of the wisdom of Scriptures is pure and explainable for those who care to know. Destruction and death are subject to this ever-winning wisdom. This Wisdom secures length of days. Interestingly, divine wisdom has unlimited capacity for growth and this is what makes the ever-growing wisdom, the ever-winning life.

Now, Lord Jesus! My crave on this Mountain is a fresh enduement with the Spirit of Wisdom that will enable me to gain unimpeded access to higher realms of the wisdom from above all through the days of my life, Amen. Church Gist. Now, that is on the website and is open for access to everyone both those appearing at Shiloh on ground around the World and any other believer who is interested. Every mystery of the Kingdom is an open mystery. Understand why the Bible calls it “the Principal Thing.” It holds the answer to every question of life.

Welcome to the ever-winning phase of your Christian life! A new day dawns on all aspects of your life. May anybody’s argument against the truth come to an end today! May anybody’s opinion against the truth come to an end today! Church Gist. For we can do nothing against the truth but for the truth. You are going forward! Things will never remain the same with you! In the precious name of Jesus! Lift up those two hands everyone and give God thanks and praise.








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