4 March 1990: Frederick K.C Price Hall, the first completed church building of the Living Faith Church Worldwide is dedicated. The 400 seater auditorium was built in 1990 at the Garden of Faith, Barnawa, Kaduna in exactly 14 days. It was named after Bishop David Oyedepo’s mentor, Apostle Frederick K.C. Price because the instruction from God to lay the foundation of the structure came during his visit to Kaduna. Today this small structure is still standing and has birthed thousands of Living Faith Churches all over the continents of the world.

4th March 1955: Archbishop Leslie Gordon Vining passed on to glory. He was the first Archbishop of the Church of the Province of West Africa (1951 to 1955).

4th March 1866: Alexander Campbell passes on to glory. He was the Founder of the Disciples of Christ and the Church of Christ. He also wrote the popular hymns titled ‘Upon The Banks Of Jordan Stood’, ‘Jesus Is Gone Above The Skies’ and ‘Tis Darkness Here, But Jesus Smiles’ amongst others.

4th March 2015: Kings University, Odeomu, Osun State is granted a provisional license by the National Universities Commission. Kings University is owned by Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo led Kingsway International Christian Centre.
