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-Bishop David Oyedepo

  1. No matter the evil that hits the world, it will be minus you.
  2. Everyone of you shall enjoy a good old age. No devil from hell shall succeed to cut short your life.
  3. In the name of Jesus, every impossible case shall be dissolved here this morning.
  4. Whatever is dead in anyone’s system is jerking back to life in this prophetic service.
  5. Every grace at work in this Prophet and in this Commission is being transmitted to that handkerchief now and by the time you take it from the floor, it has been turned to a prophetic mantle (Jeremiah 22:29).
  6. Whatever works in the hand of this Prophet begins to work through your hands without sweat.
  7. Every brain challenge, memory loss, academic fatigue, whatever represents a challenge in anyone’s intellect, it is turned to a testimony today.
  8. Every form of hallucination clears off the life of anyone today.
  9. Every plague that is dehumanizing you and making your redemption lose colour gets off you finally today.
  10. By this prophetic mantle, you shall no more suffer reproach.
  11. All your mockers will come bowing themselves to the ground.
  12. Begin to operate from now in the realm of visions and revelations. You will be operating freely in the realm of visions and revelations. You will be changing levels by revelations. You will be changing levels by visions. In the name of Jesus, I decree the transference of the grace to keep walking in the realm of visions and revelations for you.
  13. Receive the grace for delightsome obedience: smiling, dancing obedience.
  14. Receive the grace for tireless labour: tireless, productive labour, in the name of Jesus.
  15. Receive grace to access the voice of God behind His Word. When the Word of God enters you, something positive turns in your life (Isaiah 9:8)
  16. From now, no one’s life shall be stagnant anymore.
  17. From now, the voice of God behind His Word will become your natural experience.
  18. Receive grace to love God unreservedly, unconditionally; what He does or does not do, notwithstanding. May the spirit of love come upon you afresh today.
  19. From today, every day shall be Christmas for you (Psalm 23:6).
  20. From now, daily benefits will start speaking in your life (Psalm 68:19).
  21. Ups and downs end in your life; in your health; spiritual life; business and career today. From now, your paths shall continue to shine more and more (Proverbs 4:18).
  22. In spite of COVID-19 noisesome pestilence: See God! From now, no excuse will be tenable for your stagnation. No excuse will be tenable for your setback.
  23. I know we took offering called Mission Adoption Scheme last year (5,000 Churches only). (This year) 10,000 Churches: no offering. RELAX.
  24. Every negative circumstance will not be able to stop the hand of God upon your life.
  25. Your life will be jumping levels in the name of Jesus Christ.
  26. Generational record breakers will be rising from this place today (Joel 2:2).
  27. There will be a clean demarcation between the Redeemed of the Lord and others in the world (Joel 2:3)
  28. The Church will become the breadwinner of the world before Jesus returns. No policy under heaven can change it. Everybody will acknowledge, “this is the seed that the Lord has blessed.”
  29. God is painting your picture (from Joel 2:1-11); that is what lies ahead of you in future and the future begins after this service!
  30. You shall be commanding strange order of exploits that is not thought possible among men.
  31. Somebody’s weakness is converted to strength. Everything devouring your strength is devoured here today.
  32. Receive supernatural strength today. Awake, put on strength. Don’t let any devil hold you captive.
  33. You are eternally secured in your calling (Joel 2:7-8). Receive grace to stay within the dictates of Heaven for you at all times.
  34. You won’t miss your steps in the journey of life anymore.
  35. You may look like a prisoner today, God is taking you to the palace tomorrow.
  36. You may look like a captive today, God is making you a champion in the name of Jesus.
  37. No sickness follows you out of this impartation service. Wherever you may be in the world today, no disease follows you out of this impartation service today.
  38. Whatever is not part of the characteristic of the end time army shall never be traceable to you anymore.
  39. You will never suffer a blackout anymore in your life, in the name of Jesus Christ!
  40. Your expectations are turned to thanksgiving.
  41. As you leave this service, the testimonies are dropping, in torrents in the name of Jesus.
  42. Whatever has entered this Ark, has been turned to testimonies. As the Lord liveth, no request here is permitted to remain a request.
  43. Yours is returning with you as a testimony: Your Miracle Marriage is now a Testimony.
  44. The arrival of your miracle children is now a Testimony.Church Gist.
  45. Your next level breakthrough in business is now a Testimony.
  46. Peace and serenity in your home is now a Testimony.
  47. Next levels in your spiritual life is now a Testimony.
  48. Restoration of your health is now a Testimony.
  49. The end of ups and downs in your life is now a Testimony.
  50. Whatever has entered this Ark of Testimony is turned to a Testimony in your life.
  51. Whatever you have thanked God for in this Ark will remain a subject of Thanksgiving forever.
  52. In the name of Jesus, it shall be a Turnaround Anointing Oil in your life.
  53. As this Oil comes on your head, it turns you to a Turnaround entity on the earth.
  54. Turnaround becomes the order of the day wherever you step into.
  55. Your steps shall be turned to Turnaround steps. Your appearance anywhere: a Turnaround appearance.
  56. In the name of Jesus, stagnation will never survive around you.
  57. After this anointing today, you shall be turned into another man, another woman.
  58. From now, you are ONLY going FORWARD. You are going forward and nowhere else from now: in your life, family, calling, business, career (1 Samuel 10:1-10). From now: FORWARD EVER, backward never
  59. From now, by reason of this anointing, continue to have it the way you want it.
  60. By this anointing, you will be guided stage by stage in your life.
  61. This Turnaround is leading to your high places in life.
  62. Pick this Word from the Lord, “the Lord shall give you another heart and thou shall be turned into another man” (1 Samuel 10:6).
  63. By this anointing today, the Spirit of the Lord that triggers a Turnaround comes upon you and He will turn you to another man (1 Samuel 10:6, 1 Samuel 16:13).Church Gist.
  64. The Turnaround anointing is upon you right now and I DECLARE YOU TURNED INTO ANOTHER MAN.
  65. I decree Turnaround in your health, spiritual life, businesses, careers, in your zeal for the Lord, in your homes in the name of Jesus Christ. Turnaround miracles are taking place now.
  66. Before the end of tomorrow’s night, God is delivering surprise packages to you.
  67. Anoint your houses with this Turnaround Oil, your business places, your Ministry places.
  68. Everything around you bears a Turnaround identity from now in the name of Jesus Christ.
  69. Everything around your life bears a Turnaround identity from now.
  70. No more struggles!!!
  71. I’ll like you to take a shot of this Turnaround Oil and expect Turnaround in your entire system. All your organs picking up at their optimum. Everything turning to its original state.
  72. If there is any area of your life that is a concern, any part of your body: take that little Oil and place it on it; IT TURNS NOW.
  73. If there is any wound that will not be healed, it turns NOW.
  74. If there is any deformity anywhere in your system, it turns NOW. You are too young for your eyes to be dim; you are too young to be hearing partially; something is turning. Your eyes are opened, your ears are opened, your legs are functioning, that lump in your breast is gone forever in the name of Jesus.
  75. Everything that is out of order in your system comes back to order right NOW. That migraine ceases forever, you will never see it again. That running nose runs no more!!!
  76. As you pick up these mantles today, impossible doors will start opening to you.
  77. With this prophetic mantle in your hand, no trap of the enemy will succeed to trap you.
  78. Every door shut against you will begin to open up on their own accord.Church Gist.
  79. Whatever is messing up your redemptive destiny clears off your life today.
  80. Everything that opened up to Elijah opened up to Elisha: May you be counted worthy to bear this prophetic mantle. May you remain worthy to bear this prophetic mantle in the name of Jesus.
  81. Nothing dies in your hand anymore. Nothing is permitted to die in your system.
  82. Any baby in the womb that has stopped kicking, as you place this mantle on your belly when you are asked to, the baby kicks back to life.
  83. Whatever can’t refuse God, can’t refuse you. May the God of your father (Bishop David Oyedepo) continue show up whenever you are challenged. The One that shows up in his life (Bishop David Oyedepo) will show up in your life.
  84. Through this prophetic mantle, you will begin to see special miracles in the name of Jesus.
  85. Everyone under any torment of evil spirits, by the God of your father (Bishop David Oyedepo), that spirit gets out of you NOW.
  86. May the God of your father (Bishop David Oyedepo) continue to manifest Himself to you in all circumstances.Church Gist.
  87. From now, begin to PREVAIL where others travail!!!
  88. Between Now and Shiloh 2021 (7th to 12th December 2021), your Turnaround identity is established in the name of Jesus Christ.
  89. Everyone alive today will be alive then (Shiloh 2021).
  90. Everyone breathing today shall be breathing better then (Shiloh 2021).
  91. Everyone laughing today will be laughing broader then (Shiloh 2021).
  92. Anyone mourning today will be dancing then (Shiloh 2021) in the name of Jesus.
  93. Between now and then (crossover night service, 31st December 2020), the BALANCE of your ‘BREAKING LIMITS’ TESTIMONIES WILL BE DELIVERED IN YOUR HAND and there shall be NO CARRYOVER!!
  94. All the children that Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life brought back to life in the womb today, they shall be alive for long. They shall be delivered safely. They shall fulfil destiny. The mother and the baby shall be safe in the name of Jesus.
  95. Everybody here, within the next 7 days, you’ll have something SPECTACULAR to testify about in the name of Jesus.
  96. ALL that you have seen in me of grace shall begin to be seen in you from NOW.
  97. The same God that has kept me jumping over these last 40 years, will keep you jumping all the days of your life.
  98. Not one of us shall be hospitalized between Now and next Shiloh.
  99. Not one shall bury any member of their family between Now and next Shiloh.
  100. No Ministry represented across the Nations of the world today will go down.
  101. Every work of the Lord will keep changing levels.
  102. Revival shall break out across all the Nations of the earth and everyone shall see it in the name of Jesus.
  103. The devil has lost the battle over your life, it shall be testimony galore from henceforth in Jesus precious name.
  104. All the service unit officials: be blessed for your stewardship. Everybody will have something to show for their service. You are not serving God at a loss, it will be clear. God will show up in your matter.
  105. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Have the best of the day, the encounter continues. Hallelujah.
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