Day 6, Evening Session
7 Days of Glory 2021, Empowerment Day of Health and Wholeness
*There are two things that you are involved in that the enemy hates: Marriage and Church.
*Fight for them, contend for them because that is God’s design.
“You, who delivered me from the power of death that I may proclaim your goodness in the gates of the daughters of Zion.” David brags on Zion, He said, “God, praise awaits You in Zion.”
Please I want you to stand where you are, nobody should move. We should learn honour, if you don’t know that God is here, then I know you don’t know anything. Hallelujah. You don’t move, stay where you are, let’s honour the Lord. 2 minutes won’t change your life.
I want you in one minute to lift your hands to the Lord and thank Him for the past 6 days and appreciate Him for unusual visitation; unusual, phenomenal visitation; things do not happen everywhere.
For this kind of atmosphere.
For His kindness to us.
For His love for us.
We give You the praise O God. We bless You O our King. We worship You Lord, we return the glory to You. We bless the beauty of your holiness. Thank You for the glory of Your Presence.
For those testimonies, for the healings, life changing impact: we thank You Jesus. Thank You Jesus. In Jesus precious name we’ve prayed.
Let’s celebrate the grace upon Bishop Adelakun. I was thinking him for coming, he said, “No, I am stakeholder in COZA. Don’t thank me.”
I didn’t know him yesterday ooo. It’s just that you are just meeting him. He is one of the people that God used to bring us here and I just want you to celebrate the Lord.
Sir, there are places you go to, you preach, things happen, that is the end. COZA is a fertile ground, by the time you come back, you will tell yourself, “I didn’t waste my time.”
We appreciate you Sir, we love you Sir.
The grace that brought them out of Egypt, could save them from bondage, put money in their pockets and made sure no sickness was in their bodies, but He did it by a Prophet.
Tonight is thicker than you thought. Church Gist. There are a lot of Christians that have been damaged and I really feel for you, because you had not known the truth when the enemies pumped lies into you. Now, there are people who know the truth because scriptural truths are slippery, it slipped from their hands.
Tonight, God has shown you that the enemy went for a particular dimension to rob you.
Do you know that when you strike the Shepherd, the Shepherd does not scatter, it is the sheep that does? I want you to know that God is still using your Pastor, using your Church. This is the dispensation of the Holy Spirit and when He showed up, He said, “since I am invisible, He set up Churches.”
I had friends when I gave my life to Christ that said, “I don’t believe in Church.” They saw Kenneth Hagin’s books, “the Spirit that wrote Kenneth Hagin’s books is in inside of me.” If I mention their names now, you don’t know them.
You don’t break God’s order. He said, “until we all come to the unity of faith. Until the fulness of the stature.” Until that happens, God is…it’s such and such person’s Church may disappoint God, but the Body of Christ is the strategy of the Holy Ghost. That is why nothing has been attacked.
There are two things that you are involved in that the enemy hates: Marriage and Church. Fight for them, contend for them because that is God’s design. You can’t be wiser than the Only Wise God. That is what He has done. Be smart because you are in Church, you are not in Church: some!
Be smart. Everything that works is connected.
Connect properly! So that a time of refreshing can come.
Now God has opened you up to a new dimension, make sure the enemy doesn’t steal it from you.