Bishop David Oyedepo at 2023 Crossover Night and Feet Washing Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota

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–    Bishop David Oyedepo at 2023 Crossover Night and Feet Washing Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota

Shall we one more time lift up our two hands to heaven and appreciate Him for these last moments of the year 2022?

The triumphs, the favours we enjoyed, the protection, the preservation…Lift up your two hands everyone and magnify the name of the Lord. Magnify the name of the Lord. All across the nations of the earth at this time, give Him glory and praise in Jesus Precious name we have given thanks.

Blessed be your name Jesus, we are here in these last moments of the year 2022 by Your grace. We won’t take it lightly, we return the glory to You. The former things have come to pass, so we are ready for the new things You want to do.

Grant everyone of us a hearing ear and a seeing eye. Let no one return from this crossover service without a definite encounter with You.

The year 2023 shall be a year of Opening of New Chapters to every area of everyone’s life. Church Gist. The God of new things will visit us. The God of new things will visit you in the name of Jesus Christ.

Thank You Father.

If God has done you well this year, give Him the biggest hand of praise.

Congratulate your neighbors on your right and on your left for seeing the closing moments of the year 2022.

Tonight the Holy Ghost will be treating us to a very interesting and very important subject captioned, ‘UNVEILING THE MYSTERY BEHIND SPEEDY FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECIES’.

We are going to start with Biblical prophecies which are settled in heaven forever. Every prophetic scripture is tried in fire seven times so that there is no impurity of any form in it. Psalms 12:6.

They are sanctified and purified agenda of God and I want to believe that tonight will mark a dramatic turn in everyone’s life.

The Bible refers to Biblical prophecies as the more sure word of prophecy. 2 Peter 1:19,20. So don’t harass any prophet, you are of a prophetic bank called the Bible. How much of that have you seen come to pass in your life?

The Bible says the Labour of the foolish wearies every one of them. Ecclesiastes 10:15.

Please settled down and hear me well: In these last days, Biblical prophecies shall be finding speedy and swift fulfillment for those who know on which platform to ensure that. If I’ve received prophecies from anointed men, I have. But it’s not up to 2 % of the prophecies I see from scriptures. Awesome!

So you are missing out if all you know is somebody prophesying to you! Church Gist.

My friend, not everybody in church is a member of the body of Christ. Some are just fans of their church. There is nothing spiritual traceable to many. And you can’t know the things of God without being spiritual, for they are spiritually discerned. 1 Corinthians 2:14.

Something must break forth in everyone’s life as we step into the year ahead. It will be a different you! It will be a new you! In the name of Jesus!

Please know that Biblical prophecies are eternal in nature. Matthew 24:35. Isaiah 34:16. Isaiah 43:18,19. Isaiah 55:10,11.

Biblical prophecies are eternally guaranteed, all we need is to learn the platform that guarantees its speedy fulfillment in our lives.

What is this covenant platform that guarantees speedy manifestation of these prophecies? Matthew 22:36-40. Acts 3:20,21.

The love of God at work in us is what guarantees fulfillment of prophecies in our lives. They come to pass on their own as we keep burning with genuine love for God and the interest of His kingdom, they keep coming to pass on their own. Romans 8:28. They keep working on their own.

Abraham, the friend of God simply means Abraham, the lover of God because love is the core of friendship. Church Gist. So, prophetic words came to pass of their own accord in his life. Genesis 12:4. Genesis 14:14.

The love of God at work in Abraham’s life was behind the fulfillment of prophecies in his life. 1 Corinthians 2:9. They are ordained as pace setters, path finders and trail blazers on the earth. They are God’s favorites!

David, a man after God’s own heart. He emerged a national hero as a teenager. Church Gist. You can’t tell the wonders that are embedded in the word of God!

Instead of them crying on the mountain, ‘Oh God remember me. Somebody has stolen my Favour…’

Nobody has succeeded in stealing anything from me. Just be in love, His Favour will cover every aspect of your life. Church Gist. Among others, it will bring to pass His word that you have believed without fail. Proverbs 23:26.

Leave me with the rest, I’ll take care of it. Church Gist. Give me your heart and leave the rest for me. Give me your love and observe my sayings and leave me with the rest!

That’s where my own destiny found rest the day I said, From henceforth it is saying eternal Yes to God and eternal No to self. He said to me, Matthew 6:33 settled my destiny. Church Gist. It has kept on adding color and value to my life without stress and without having to demand for it. Hebrews 6:12.

Nobody goes forward sitting down, you go forward taking steps.

Prophecy will continue to be delayed until your heart is in tune with God.

What is love in this context? It is about giving one’s heart to God. It is about loving what God loves. God’s greatest love on the earth is salvation of souls. Church Gist. The reason He sent His only begotten son, a demonstration of His ultimate love. Do you love me? Go after my sheep, go after my lamb, go after my sheep. John 21:16.

It’s the capital proof of our love for God.

A genuine passion to see souls saved will always endear a believer to God.

A God-first life style! God first, God first. Others line up behind. God first. Church Gist. Loving God above all else.

I love my wife, she knows. I love our children, they know! But they also know that I love Jesus more than I love them, they know, they know, they know! Yet we have not lost out on anything!

Until you give God His place, your place is not secured.

Endeavour to enter a covenant to give God the first place of your life! You’re on your way to emerging a first-class citizen on the earth.

My wife was under the attack of death and I was on the go for Jesus to 27 nations in the same year! Gasping today, de-gasping tomorrow, on wheelchair today, off wheelchair tomorrow.

Jesus that I followed, stepped in and loosed her!

You can never lose your place giving God His place! Church Gist.

Some people are struggling with countless number of days fasting, what is the matter? All these things are tormenting me. So what God says!

When you are filled with love, you are full of God. Can the enemy be tormenting God? When you know the length and breadth and depth of God, you are filled with all the fullness of God.

Don’t try Him!

Somebody’s story is changing, if that’s you let me hear your loudest amen!

What is love in our context?

A kingdom priority lifestyle. Gods purpose ruling your life, make it a priority! Matthew 6:33.

It is placing God above all else including yourself! The I love you, I love you, I love you we are talking about is placing God above all else including yourself! You may look mad but that’s the only way to be made!

Luke 14:26.

Let’s look at some end-time biblical prophetic scriptures. God has ordained the end-time Church as an overflowing Church with multitudes. Micah 4:1-2. The Church is moving from growth to flow. The end time Church shall be turned into the global solution centre of the world. The law will be coming forth from Zion. The word of the Lord will be guiding human life. People shall flow into it. Isaiah 2:2-3. Church Gist.  So this depicts the flow of multitudes into the end time Church. So it is not an ambition of any mission, it is in pursuit of a prophetic agenda. Proverbs 14:28. That is why in the growth of the church lies the glory of the saints. So it is not our ambition, it is in pursuit of God’s prophetic agenda for the end time.

We also have here, the rise of an army of giants from the Church. Joel 2:1-11. He is the one executing that agenda. The emergence of giants in the end time Church is God’s agenda and to be executed by God. Everybody in the Body of Christ is a candidate, just to position ourselves according to the dictates of the scriptures. Church Gist. Every believer is a candidate in this generational record-breaking army. You are one of them. There shall be a wave of restoration of the dignity of the saints. Joel 2:21-26. A wave of restoration. That’s God’s agenda. Zephaniah 3:20. That is God’s end-time agenda, to restore the dignity of the redeemed. So an end has come to every siege of shame and reproach in your life.

 We are in the golden age of the Church. Zechariah 4:1-6. Seven candles with bowls on them, all of gold. We are now in the golden age of the Church where God shall become the envy of the world around them. Where their way shall be past finding out, they are just decked with favour from on high but not by power, not by might, by the Spirit of God. Gold does not appear as gold when excavated. It is after the process that its real worth emerges. So it is all a process. So do not despise the days of small things, it always starts as ordinary dust. Inside the dust is the gold. We have a generation of men that are in a hurry so they end up in horror. Job 23:10. Proverbs 27:21. So we have to pass trials of faith for the golden nature in us to emerge. Following Jesus in all His temptations. “Ye are they which have followed me in my temptations, I will appoint to you a kingdom” – Luke 22:30. The Lord said to me, “the harder you follow me, the higher you fly”. Psalm 63:8. Biblical prophecies are eternally guaranteed for delivery. Church Gist. All we need is to engage Matthew 22:37 and engage from that platform as a lifestyle, loving God with all your heart, all your mind and all your strength. You are emotionally connected, you are soulically connected. You are inseparable from Him. Romans 8;35-39. My prayer is that the year 2023 shall be a year of new beginnings. It shall be a year of new beginnings for every one of us in the name of Jesus Christ.

Let me share with you a bit of some biblical prophecies that have helped to shape my life.

First is of course Matthew 6:33, It secured my destiny and eternity, the way I saw it 46 years ago it is still there today. God never lies.

Psalm 34:10. I had a visitation, “my son you have two eyes, can you make one to look up and another to look down? Anytime you look unto men, never claim to be looking unto me. If you fix your eyes on me, you will never be ashamed”. The knowledge of men lost value to me forever, including myself. Church Gist. When God speaks a word I don’t look at what I am worth but what He is worth. I don’t think of one man or one woman somewhere that will help make it happen. September 9th 1983.

3.    Lord, who pays me? And he took me to Luke 10:1 after 2 weeks of searching. “You are in my employment, I am responsible for your going, just stay on duty”. Church Gist. I have never asked Him to pay me once. I have not spent a dime of your church money in my life. I became a blessing to those I was looking up to in no time. Wake up, my friend.

I heard him say to me from Deuteronomy 28:1, “Son there is a place for you on top if you are interested”. I said Yes, I am interested. Then He said, “whatever I tell you to do, do it”. I have not done anything but whatever He tells me to do and I find Him just taking me from the zero level where He found me. He found me in a desert, in the wilderness. He showed me what to do to change level and I committed myself to it and the level kept changing year in, year out and it won’t stop because I won’t stop. Biblical prophecies are the most solid of all prophecies. I saw hitch-free marriage, live in November 1983 and now what are we having? Hitch-free marriage. Many people in this church are on that frequency. Church Gist. Something must break loose in your life. I saw the validity of God’s covenant of prosperity in 1982, it is now 40 years. I have never begged, I have never borrowed, I have never played games. Even the devil knows that I am prosperous. All his agents know. Many are angry, some may have died from being angry. Please place value, biblical content are not stories. They are essentially prophetic. Revelation 22:18-19. They are prophetic and they are settled in heaven forever.

Haven said that. God also has His prophets through whom He passes unto us His agenda. Amos 3:7. Zechariah 3:17. These prophets are God’s mouthpiece. But wait a minute, there is no currency of any nation that there is no fake. Church Gist.  The fact that there are fake currencies is proof that there are genuine ones. Because what the fakes are doing is to fake the genuine. In the same vein, there are fake prophets, income generating prophets, money prone prophets, that is a proof that there are genuine prophets who hear from God. And by the grace of God, the grace of election, one of such prophets that hear from God is standing before you. I will never say that this building will be up in one year, under no condition even if I never went to school. God said it for me to say it to you. Some perhaps got mad when they heard it. How can this thing be done in one year? God said it to me to say it to you. And God said to me, this is the place. He didn’t say it to you, He said it to me to say it to you and here we are by grace. We had amazing prophetic pillars unveiled in those days in the Power House. on April 10th 1982. They began coming to pass one after the other at His own time without pressing or praying to see them happen. Nobody prayed once on this building before God said it is time to build it. I have the resources, I have the speed, and He did.

Most of the time, prophetic words are laughable. You see the Red Sea, you say go forward. Go forward to where? But they did and the Red Sea gave way. The child is dead, you said the child is not dead, he is asleep. So you mean we are mad? They laughed him to scorn. Most of the time prophetic words are laughable. This time tomorrow there shall be a surplus of food. How? (2 Kings 7:2). One intelligentsia said stop that nonsense, you think we are spiritual dummies. You can’t be saying that in the synagogue, food will come from where. We are still negotiating, there is no meeting yet on where to get the food from. They are most of the time laughable. Caution! Let’s be spiritually disciplined. God is up to anything He says. Without knowing any name of an aircraft, God came to me that morning and said it is time to get an aircraft. In six months, the aircraft landed. We will never take an offering for aircraft forever in this ministry, we have left that realm forever. It happened only 14 years after He said so. This Tabernacle came to be 17 years after He declared it on April 10th 1982. By just focusing on God and the interests of His kingdom, He kept bringing those words to pass one after another. Church Gist. A number of people left the powerhouse because there were too many laughable things. I will be speaking from one spot, the Lord told me it will be seen on the screen around the world at the same time. They are all there now. Since 1986 there are all there, around the world. In Australia, they are there. In Malaysia, they are there. They are everywhere. There was no internet technology when He said it. God still has His prophets who hear from Him. It was me God told about Wonder Double visitation. I told you and we saw it. I will never say we will plant 5,000 churches in my life even if I were drunk. Did He do it or not? Now we are not planting any churches, let’s work at establishing these ones. “you are planting 10,000 churches this year”. Church Gist.  Did He do it or not? He topped it with 400, 10,400 and 1,350 on the foreign fields just to show He is up to anything He says. The good news is, you have a prophet in your midst. It is not by experience, it is by the grace of election. He called me to the prophetic office in 1981. I knew when He did, I knew what He said through me and I knew what things have followed. Every word spoken in your direction as we cross into the New Year shall come to pass with speed. Deuteronomy 18:21. If you come across one that speaks from the Lord and the thing comes to pass then watch. The good news is, it is your turn at last. It is your turn at last to start experiencing raw fulfilment of prophecies in your life. It is your turn at last.

Well, it is important to sound this warning as we move on. Beware of pride. We are in the greatest days of the church and Satan has also launched his own arsenals to see how many he can bring down. As grace continues to multiply, beware of pride. As levels begin to change beware of pride, for it goes before destruction. It despises scriptural instructions, beware of pride. It changes glory to shame, beware of pride. We are in the greatest days of the Church and the devil has put up his own agenda to see how many he can bring down, he will not succeed to bring you down. What do we do at this time? Embrace the engracement mentality, not an achievers mentality. We are what we are by the grace of God, we cannot be any more than what God’s grace makes us to be. An accomplishment mentality is a breeding ground for pride. Daniel 4:30. Nebuchadnezzar said see this kingdom I have built by the might of my power. He said okay, we will see how mighty you are. I transfer you to the animal kingdom on sabbatical. Church Gist. He had no place to stay among men. There is nobody who will give him a room in a hotel. He was an animal, walking on his four feet with hair grown all over Him. Accomplishment mentality is a breeding ground for pride. God wants to keep changing our levels but do we possess the capacity required to sustain it. Our first pictorial publication of our covenant is SEE WHAT GOD HAS DONE. When God concluded this building, I told our pastors that if anybody goes around saying we built it, God will kill him. We had no resources, we had no skill, He just stepped in and put the things together by Himself. Many are down and many are out today because of accomplishments mentality.

Somebody asked me “how do you feel when you drive on this campus?” I feel God. See God oh! It never took a meal from my life. That God is doing this so I won’t eat this afternoon except I am fasting. Not one meal from our table, so who did? God. I saw the sick healed and I was just laughing, going my way. So who healed them? Church Gist. God. I have seen the dead raised without seeing me, just speaking the word. Who raised them? God. I have never lost any virtue in my life ministering. Who is at work? God! Beware of accomplishment mentality, it is a breeding ground for pride. No one shall be destroyed.

Express your faith in prophetic scriptures. It is God’s eternal covenant with man. Express your faith in the prophet sent to you.

These are some of the prophetic lines set before us for the year 2023.

1. The year 2023 shall be a year of wildfire spiritual awakening in our midst, where every Winner shall be walking in the fear of God as a new way of life, thereby attracting multitudes to Christ and this church. Church Gist. Our lifestyle will become a spiritual aroma. People will know something has turned and it is starting from the first day.

2. The year 2023 shall be a year of the outbreak of light that will lead to a supernatural change of story for us as individuals. Church Gist. Arise, shine for your light is come. Your shining year has finally come.

3. There shall be a new dimension of explosive church growth in the year 2023 above all that we ever heard or experienced as a commission till date.

4. There shall be the rise of an army of giants, the kind the world has never known in our midst in 2023, the darkness and gloominess of the world notwithstanding. Church Gist. Don’t be carried away by what is happening with them, you are not part of it. He will make a difference between you and the world around you.

5. There shall be a rise of global solution providers among us in the year 2023. It shall be a Winners World Year. Church Gist. People will seek you out wherever you are.

6. There shall be a rise of globally ranked financiers from this commission from the year 2023 onwards. Big time financiers will rise in our midst. Church Gist. Nations will look out for them. They will appeal to them to help them in the name of Jesus.

7. God shall be turning men and women, boys and girls in this commission into signs and wonders;  individuals that shall be operating on the frequency of the supernatural in their various fields of endeavours. Church Gist. Signs and wonders will become your new identity.

Lift your two hands and plug yourself into this wave.

Ezekiel 33:32:33. May you not take this as a lovely song. Prophetic words are not predictions, they are definitions of the future. He that knows the end from the beginning is the one speaking. God Himself. Don’t let them look like motivational statements. Church Gist. See them as the word of the Lord towards you. What will happen in our Church this coming year will be more than all that happened since Wonder Double visitation. It shall be more than all we saw in the last eight years. Watch, it is your turn.


Welcome to 2023 in the name of Jesus.

–    As the Lord lives, what eyes have not seen or ears heard shall become the order of the day in your life this year.

–    No breakdowns, no spiritual breakdowns, no emotional breakdowns.

–    You shall be enlisted among the rising giants.

–    Where you are today notwithstanding, God will change your story dramatically.

Isaiah 38:20.

–    Your singing today will turn to testimony tomorrow.







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