BOOSTERS OF PRAISE || Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche at Power Communion (Midweek) Service|| Dunamis International Gospel Centre || The Glory Dome, Abuja.

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  • Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche on “BOOSTERS OF PRAISE” || Power Communion (Midweek) Service|| Dunamis International Gospel Centre || The Glory Dome, Abuja.

Hallelujah! You love the Lord, say Amen. Don’t say Amen if you don’t love the Lord. You love the Lord, say Amen! You believe this is the day the Lord has made whether the devil likes it or not, you’ll rejoice and be glad in it, shout the loudest Amen. Church Gist. You know there are many devices in the heart of men and in the heart of devils but the counsel of the Lord for your life is the only that shall stand, shout the loudest Amen! Hallelujah!

This evening, we are going to be looking, quickly, sharply on the subject of “PRAISE BOOSTERS” – the factors, the forces that will amplify our praise. Psalm 30:4. Church Gist. Our objective tonight is to understand those forces that enhance the flow of our praise. Why do we need to enhance the flow of our praise? Very important.

  1. Praise is critical to life and breath. Psalm 150:6. Anything fighting your praise, fights your life.
  2. Praise is critical to our health and strength. Proverbs 17:22. Nehemiah 8:10b.
  3. Praise is vital for divine direction and guidance. That is, you’re guided to the extent of your worship. Church Gist. 2 Kings 3:15. Isaiah 30:29-30. Praise is necessary, vital for divine direction and guidance.
  4. Praise is critical for supernatural supplies. Supplies flow at the frequency of our praise. Psalm 67:5-7.
  5. Praise is vital for deliverance and preservation of life. Psalm 32:7. Church Gist. Songs carry deliverance power. 1 Samuel 16:23. We can go on and on but praise is so vital, our worship is so critical for every department of our lives. Church Gist. So, whatever you need to do to boost your worship because we live in a very depressing world. Can somebody confirm that? Very very depressing world. You look at the news for a while, all you have is depression. Church Gist. You look at your environment, just depressing things. Some of you should be very shocked that some of us move about in very high spirits because I hear more bad news than anybody seated here. I can confirm that. Our phone is the recipient of all bad ‘newses’. “So and so and such a person has collapsed. He’s under oxygen. The doctors are wondering. Church Gist. Blood from the mouth, blood from the nose, he’s unconscious”. That one just sent his testimony here now. People you don’t know from anywhere. While you can recover from that one, so and so person, whatever. People you don’t know at all. ‘Whole family kidnapped’. Church Gist. I’m going to be sharing with you some of the things that can keep you upbeat despite living in a world that is depressed.
  • but I announce to you today, the depression of this world shall not suppress your joy! Shall not swallow up your joy!
  • if you’re a believer, shout the loudest Amen.

Boosters of praise:

  1. The remembrance of God’s character and goodness. Remembering his character and goodness, remembering who He is and what He has done. Psalm 30:4. Church Gist. Because, even though you’re weeping now or the devil is trying to make you weep, it endures for a moment but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5. Church Gist. If you’re to face your situation, you’ll sink in depression but if you will remember His character, His goodness, if you will remember what He did before, you’ll sing praise.
  • somebody say Amen.
    That was what Psalm 30:4 is saying. I don’t know what you’re passing through now but whatever you’re passing through may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. Church Gist. So, if you’re facing whatever is around you now, you won’t be able to praise. But at the remembrance of His holiness, His character and goodness, there’s something to praise Him for.

One way to charge up your joy and charge up your praise is: Just think about whatever God has done in your life or in the life of anybody you knew before. To charge up your praise and charge up your joy. Judges 5:11-12. If you are able to rehearse His acts, it will be easy to release His praise. When they rehearsed His acts, they released His praise. He said: “Deborah! Awake! Utter a song.” Why? “Because we have just rehearsed the righteous acts of the Lord.” Church Gist. The rehearsal of His righteous acts is the releasing of His praise. Somebody say Amen. Psalm 103:1-5. Somebody say Amen. Every single person here and every single person on earth, you have had a time in your life where you faced a situation that appeared like there was no way out. Am I communicating? A situation that was so desperate you don’t know how you will survive, how you will get out of it but most times people forget it. When the situation passes, the memory of it also passes and it is a terrible thing.

There are times you need to sit down and say: “Holy Spirit, remind me!” Our challenge is that we remember what we should forget and we forget what we should remember. That is a major challenge of mankind! The things they shouldn’t remember, the things they should forget: Who offended them, who they must pursue, who did this and that – they remember! Church Gist. The things they should remember: How they almost died except Jehovah stepped in, how they almost got rusticated out of the university, how they almost couldn’t finish school, how the marriage relationship almost scattered, how the devil almost ruined them; they forgot. If you think deep, you praise deep. The reason why some of our worship… You see? When you listen to some of the worship songs we write, I mean that we receive; you will know the depth of things. You know a person’s spirituality by their ‘songology’ (Laughing). Are you hearing what I’m saying here today?

-Lift your right hand and say: Father! Help me not to remember what I should forget and help me not to forget what I should remember.

Even to take a pen and paper! “Lord! Okay! All those times I almost died that you helped me not to die Lord! Remind me!” Look at this child that swallowed that nail, I’m telling you, if that thing had entered the trachea into the tracheobronchial tree and just went to the breathing place, that would have been; I mean almost like a forgone conclusion. What if it went down this way with the pointed edge going down (Dr. Becky Enenche)? Even if it is in the abdomen, in the intestine and it went down the pointed edge and then all of a sudden just becomes transverse like this (Illustrating). Church Gist. And every time the peristaltic movement of the intestine happens – perforations (Dr. Becky Enenche). The only thing will be punctured intestines in plenty places, fecal peritonitis. The outcome is… God forbid! In a little child! Hallelujah! If we can rehearse His acts, we will release His praise. I want you to do that exercise tonight. When you go back home just take a pen and paper: Desperate moments of your life. I’m telling you if there were 20 of such, I can assure you, you have forgotten 10. But once God can just remind you, times where you thought that you were at the end of the road; that is in life! The remembrance of God’s character and goodness is a booster of our praise.

  1. Availability in the congregation of the saints.
    Many times you arrive in the House of the Lord and you forget what problem you had before. Psalm 107:32. It is easy to exalt God, praise is easy when it is done in company. Psalm 111:1. The best place to go when you are getting dry of praise is in the midst of the people of God. Psalm 35:18. Psalm 149:1. See! Association affects attitude. Church Gist. Show me your company, I will show you your character. Association affects attitude, association affects action, association brings assimilation. An atmosphere is critical for worship. Atmosphere! So, anything that drives you away from the assembly of the saints attacks your praise. And let me tell you those watching online, it’s not the same. Once it comes to praise and the climate of God’s presence, it’s not the same with you sitting by yourself on television. It’s not the same!

There is something about the House (of God) and all of us connected, where everyone is gathered – the same climate. There is something about (it). He said they go from strength to strength every one of them in Zion appeareth before the Lord, they move from strength to strength! This is very, very important. Don’t let television destroy your spirituality. The online thing is only critical and helpful for those who cannot access the physical Church or those who are located where they cannot access the assembly. But you can’t stay in River Park here and you’re unable to come into the Service, watching online. I’m talking to somebody directly right there. Church Gist. The person knows. Lugbe Mopol Junction, Airport Road. There are people here from Gwarinpa. There are people here from Maitama. There are people here from Mararaba Axis, here now. Even if there are locations around there, but they felt that they should be here and I’m not in any way despising the locations all over there. I am just giving an example that if people can move from diverse… Kubwa and then somebody is seated by the side there and he’s sitting by television. All of us can watch television including the Preacher. Praise the Lord! Don’t let your spiritual life be destroyed by technology, let technology enhance your spirituality not destroy it. This is very important. Availability in the congregation of the saints.

3: The avoidance of the wrong association. If you want your praise life to be healthy, there are people that you must not give allowance in your life. You don’t hate them, just that they can’t get your attention. 1 Corinthians 10:10. This was talking about the Children of Israel in the Wilderness. Church Gist. In the Wilderness, instead of praising, they were murmuring and what was it that brought the murmuring? A tiny group of people, they call them the mixed multitude. Numbers 11:4-6,10. A handful of disgruntled, rebellious, insincere people, who don’t see anything good in God and in Church. “Only this manna” When was the last time you produced the manna yourself? and in every Church, every Assembly of God’s people, you will see the mixed multitude, people who are neither here nor there. People who have something to complain about permanently. Church Gist. If the service time exceeded a bit, they say the service was too long. If you have 7 services, they say service time is too short, how can you do 7 services on Sunday morning? Are you following what I’m saying here tonight?

Listen to me, there are some people, all you have to do is listen to them for a few minutes, any joy you have will disappear, any excitement you have, any faith you have will die. Any enthusiasm you have will evaporate, just listen to them small. Church Gist. When you identify such people in your life, “I mean, praising is nothing at all. Who is praising at this time? Just relax” When you listen to such people and you give your ears to them, they don’t have joy, so the one you have they take it. Am I communicating?

It’s like those who went to the wedding in Canaan of Galilee, of all the multitude in that wedding, there were 2 groups. Those who brought something to give and those who came to take and those who had what to offer were few. Church Gist. Jesus, Mary the Mother of Jesus and the servants. 99 percent came and drank the wine and they were the first to complain, “There is no wine” If Mary wasn’t there, if Jesus wasn’t there, if the servants were not there, it would have been disaster. That is how life is.

There are people in your life, the only thing they are there for is what they can take out. If you have joy, they dry it out. If you are excited, they dry it up. If you are at peace, they dry up your peace. When you notice such people, they hang around you adding nothing, their presence is a depressing factor. Church Gist. Excuse them and excuse yourself in a hurry. “You sent me a text message and I called you. I’m the one who called you but you’re talking endlessly, loquaciously” Before you can know ‘Praise the Lord’ phone has ended. “Alright, so I’ll speak with you later” (ends call) There are people who want to run your life, that was the mixed multitude, they ran the camp until mature adults were crying. Some of them didn’t even know why they were crying.

I heard that there was a race people were running, I think somewhere in America, Houston or something. People were running, just running. People just started running. So, they ran until somebody said “Excuse me please, why are we running?” Somebody said “Myself, I’m not aware. I just saw people running, I started running” “Why are you running?” “I’m not aware” Your joy is your strength, protect your joy. Church Gist. Your praise is your life, protect your life. Anything you do to shield your life is not rudeness. In case you are appearing rude, “We were talking just now, why did you stop abruptly?” You are saving your life and saving your head. Don’t respect anybody enough to surrender your life, your strength, your health and your destiny. I don’t care who you are.

In 200-level Medical School, I stopped going home to collect school fees and pocket money for reasons best known to me, to guard many things. Do you understand what I’m talking about? Church Gist. Some of the things I’m talking to you about, that we share with you, there are details that can’t be shared. Don’t love anybody enough or respect anybody enough to allow them determine your joy, determine your praise or determine your spirituality, no.

  • Today, I prophesy, anybody in your life that is not meant to be there, that is running your life in the negative direction, I decree a disconnection now!
  • If you are saying Amen, shout the loudest Amen!
    Look at your neighbour, say “Watch your company, watch your association. Church Gist. If you are interested in your praise, watch your association”
  1. Joy flow from Word study.
    The Word of God is a tonic for joy. Jeremiah 15:16. Light from the Word is a tonic for joy and joy is foundation for praise. Psalm 100:1-2. Church Gist. Joy is foundation for praise and the Word is fuel for joy. Psalm 119:162. The Word is fuel for praise because it fuels your joy. James 5:13. The flow of the Word will lead to joy and joy will lead to praise. Anything that disconnects you from the Word, disconnects you from your praise. Church Gist. Reading the Word, studying the Word, listening to tape messages, it just keeps your spirit alive and vibrant.
  2. Faith in God’s Word.
    Faith in God’s Word will lead to the flow of praise. Belief gives birth to praise. Psalm 106:12. Romans 4:20. When your faith is strong, your praise is sure. 1 Peter 1:8. Church Gist. When your faith begins to die, your praise begins to dry. The drying up of faith is the drying up of praise. This is the meaning, to charge your praise, you must charge your faith. Everytime you want your praise to be charged, your faith must be charged and faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word. Church Gist. You charge your praise by charging your faith. Men of faith are men of praise. You may see God’s servant, the Apostle of faith, Bishop David Oyedepo, if you hang around Him for 20 minutes, “He is alive, praise God”. Church Gist. You’ll hear that maybe 20 times. “Amen. He’s faithful. He’s Alive. Praise God. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus”.

One day Mike Murdock was in the car with him and they drove I think from within Canaanland or from town to Canaanland or something and Mike Murdock told him, he said: “You know what? Between when I sat in the car and when we arrived where we were going I counted I think 90 times where you said: ‘Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! He’s alive’!” You know Mike Murdock is a meticulous person! He counted it one by one. Church Gist. Hallelujah! Men of faith are men of praise! The Apostle of Faith, Smith Wigglesworth; they said he was immaculately dressed all the time. Anytime you catch him day or night and in those days they wore hats and carried a cane so he was permanently like that and then he was smiling all the time and just excited. That was the man that God used to raise so many dead people; (he was) born on 8 June. He was always excited! Hallelujah! He was always excited!

-I prophesy today, anything depressing your faith I declare it arrested in the name of Jesus.

Men of faith are men of praise!

  1. Flowing in the Holy Spirit
    Flowing in the Holy Spirit is a tonic for praise. Romans 14:17. That is, the Holy Ghost is the headquarters of joy. The Holy Ghost is a depot of joy. Ephesians 5:18-20. So the fullness of the Spirit will bubble over into the fullness of singing and praising. When you are dry in the Spirit you will be dry of praise (Speaking in tongues). When you pray abundantly in the Spirit, you fellowship abundantly in the Spirit, praise is very, very natural. Somebody, say a loud Amen!

What we have said is that praise is critical, at least in 5 areas of our lives; in our life and our breath, critical in our health and strength, for our divine direction and guidance, for supernatural supplies, for preservation and deliverance.

If we’re going to make sure that our praise is there; we must remember God’s character and His goodness, you even ask God to remind you of things you must remember; and then we talked about being available in the congregation of the saints, don’t sit at home. Church Gist. Ensure that as the Church doors are open, you are there; and then we talked about the avoidance of the wrong association, there are people, all you need to give them is a few minutes and you lose all joy you had before they met you, avoidance of the wrong association; and joy flow from Word study; then we have faith in God’s Word. Every time doubts begin to grow, your praise begins to die; and of course, we talked about flowing in the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! He is alive!

Anybody blessed tonight, say Amen!









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