CARING FOR PEOPLE PART 2 || -Pastor David Ibiyeomie at Succeeding God’s Way Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 18th August 2024 || Second Service.

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-Pastor David Ibiyeomie on CARING FOR PEOPLE – PART 2 || Succeeding God’s Way Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 18th August 2024 || Second Service.

We are still in the month of “The Emergence Of Kingdom Stars.” And the message today is CARING FOR PEOPLE – PART 2. I’m sure you’re surprised. Are you surprised? I’m equally surprised.

-Surprises will never cease in your life.


God does not want you to live like a pauper. He doesn’t want you to live like a beggar. Psalm 37:25. Those who will come to repentance are those who are called ‘the righteous’. Psalm 35:27. Church Gist. God will never bless you and withdraw his blessings. He’s not a wicked God. Our God is a good God. Everyone He blessed in the Old Testament; till today, He blesses them till they passed on.

-You will also be blessed.

As a child of God, it’s very possible for your life to be very colourful till your time on earth is over. God wants life to be comfortable, He doesn’t like discomfort. Everything Jesus used was the best. He rode on an ass that nobody ever used. That means, ass at that time was like the best car today or the best aircraft today. But before God can make you to get to that position, He will first of all prove you before he can approve you. Love must be proved in everyone’s life. People want to be successful but they don’t want to do what will make them to be successful. Church Gist. They want the bread but they don’t want to go through the oven as flour. When we talk about success, many people will think that it’s about just having money. You can have money and not be successful. Is an armed robber a successful person? But they have money. Is a killer a successful person? Renowned killer, is he a successful person? Is a militant a successful person? No! But they have money. So success has nothing to do with only money. Money is part of it but that’s not all. Say I hear. God wants you and I to be super successful. Success simply means succeeding in succession. It is becoming a plus on a daily basis. Success simply means making satisfactory progress towards your goals and dreams.

We’ll be looking at the keys to this success we are talking about. What are the keys to this success? They are:

  1. I said in the First Service, if you want to be successful; you will be willing to distribute. Be a distributor. And we took the text from 1 Timothy 6:17-19. I said, in addition to your tithe and Kingdom investment you must be a giver to the poor. Church Gist. My emphasis was on giving to the poor. And we looked at Scriptures in Proverbs 19:17. I’m just trying to summarize what I said in the First Service. That means every time you give to the poor, it’s like an investment which returns back from God. Say I hear. And I quoted so many Scriptures to back up what I said. It is those who are distributors that end up as Kingdom stars.
  2. Do it once and again.
    Lasting wealth in the Kingdom is a function of giving and receiving. When your giving stops, your receiving also stops. Philippians 4:15,16 and 19. Church Gist. ‘Once and again’ not ‘once and for all’. So you have to do it over and over. Do you eat once and for all?

-May God supply all your needs. Shout hallelujah!

Genesis 8:22. Until there’s a seed, there can never be a harvest. So to enjoy lasting riches in the Kingdom of God, you have to be on the ‘giving and receiving platform’ on once and again frequency. Church Gist. Kingdom wealth does not come by once and for all but once and what? Again. That’s why some people stumble into wealth once and after they taste it, that’s the end. When you give once you receive once. When you give once and again, your receiving becomes endless. But for today, we are going to dwell on ‘The Poor’.

  1. Utilize your God-given covenant advantage.
    Yes, we pay tithe which is very important. We invest into the Kingdom of God but the poor and needy around you are covenant opportunities for your supernatural prosperity as giving to them opens you up for divine blessings. Church Gist. When you become a wealthy distributor and willing communicator, you are laying for yourself a good foundation against the time to come.

-And I pray no matter the hardship in the land, you will never be a victim of it.

1 Timothy 6:17-19. Don’t be arrogant because you have small ‘change’. Listen! Wealth is for enjoyment. Let nobody deceive you God wants you to enjoy. Say: “God wants me to enjoy.” God does not want you to suffer, I don’t care who is teaching you that thing. God does not want you to suffer. If you want to suffer, it’s your choice. You know? Bible, if you don’t understand it you can interpret it upside down. Church Gist. Are you getting what I’m saying now? Somebody can now read one part of the Bible and misquote the Bible. He says: “It’s easy for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man…” So therefore, you say that every rich man will go to hell. You just saw one part of the Bible and misinterpreted it. You didn’t see the content. Are you hearing what I’m saying now?

Some just export one part of the Bible and turn it upside down and say the reason why they will be poor is that no rich man will go to Heaven. Then, where is Abraham? Then where is God Himself who is very rich? Riches don’t make people go to hell, it’s trusting in riches that makes people go to hell. When they don’t trust in God they begin to make money their god. Are you getting the difference? Money does not make people go to hell, it’s when you make money what? Your god. Say I hear. That means you can do anything for money. He said: “If you want to enjoy life.” This is the secret. Church Gist. They should be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate. If you want God to make you comfortable, be willing to what? Be a distributor. Let your hand be free. That’s the meaning. Stingy people don’t go far in this Kingdom. Did you hear me at all? “I no get” is the first language of a stingy person. “God see me say I no get.” In the midst of the little you get, you want to share with somebody else. Giving is not how much you have; it is a nature. It’s not how much you have. I have seen people who have little but want to give and I’ve seen people who have much and are not ready to give. Until you’re a covenant distributor you don’t have a future in the Kingdom. 1 Timothy 6:19. By giving to the poor and needy, you’re not merely blessing them but taking advantage of God to bless you in return.

-May God bless anyone that will give to the poor in the name of Jesus.

As you lend your hand to the poor you secure God’s divine hand upon your life. Church Gist. A man in the Bible called Job, he took advantage of this secret. It says there’s a secret that made Job the greatest man.

-The greatest people shall come out of this meeting in the name of Jesus.

Now, listen! Have you ever bothered, before now; Church people were the richest but how come they’re not the richest? Because we are beginning to do things like the world. We want to follow worldly principles. Church Gist. How come Abraham was the wealthiest, Isaac was the wealthiest, Jacob was the wealthiest, Rockefeller was the wealthiest? But today Church people are not the wealthiest because we are following worldly what? Principle. We are even following worldly teachings. “Don’t pay tithe.” That’s not in the Kingdom, in the Kingdom we pay tithe. I don’t care who teaches you. That’s a worldly principle.

In the world, it is power and might! In the Kingdom, you pay tithe so that God Himself will be involved in your business. Are you hearing what I’m saying now? People think that wealth is just how much you have in the account. Prosperity is simply when you’re comfortable not begging from anybody, that’s my definition. Church Gist. You’re a prosperous person when life is comfortable; you’re not depending on any mortal man for assistance. You are rich when God has blessed you and there’s no sorrow. You are not rich because you’re the man who has all the money. In this Church, all of you are rich. There’s no poor person in this Church. That you don’t have money now physically in your pocket does not mean you are poor. It’s only a temporary situation. You are not poor! Are you poor? No! You’re not poor. Poverty is a mentality.

Now look at Job 29, let me show you something so that you can understand how Job exploded. Look at Job. Job 29:3-17. That is, anywhere he went people were flabbergasted. Permit me to use my elder brother’s language. Everywhere Job appeared, they gave him attention. True? Are you hearing me? Why? Job 29:12. This was the reason. He said the reason why God made me so is because I delivered the poor. I did things that when (I saw) the poor, I couldn’t watch them remaining as poor people. Church Gist. Are you getting me, sir? When you read Bible, you see the secret of what made people. Job 29:13. He saw widows and he helped them, that’s the meaning. That they looked at him they said: “Whatever killed our husband won’t kill you.” He said: “I made them rejoice.” That’s what made Job, Job. Job 29:14. You know what’s the meaning? He’s not talking about physical blindness. “People who cannot see, I made them to see.” In the modern language “Those who are uneducated, I gave them scholarship.” Are you hearing me? Those who can’t travel, I made them to travel.

Job 29:16. That is, orphans? I became a father to them. This was the secret of Job. Job 29:17. I took the challenge of people and stood in the gap. I’ve shared a testimony with you of a widow whose husband passed on in this Church and they were harassing her. How many of you have heard that story before? It’s from this Scripture. They came that they would take the house. The husband was with us here and this woman with her children can’t even feed. And I said: “What’s the problem?” She said: “Sir, for 5 million, they said they will take a whole building.” The man borrowed 5 million! All these Shylock lenders! And they came, I said: “Send for them.” Church Gist. They came. And I said: “Please, this woman, beat her from now till tomorrow she can’t bring fifty thousand. Can I pay 15 million? Leave the house. They said: “No!” I saw the arrogance on the man’s face. I said: “What?” You’re seeing a helpless person. I said: “5 million? Take 15 (million), I will pay you. Leave that house. They said: “No! Except 30 million.” I said: “Are you crazy?” I said: “Please take (15 million). From now, I saw the young man, he did as if he does not even know me. I said: “There’s no way you will be in Port Harcourt without knowing me, with all humility.” I saw the arrogance in him that “do anything, we will take that house.” The house, sell it; it’s far more than the whole money. I said: “So you will take a whole house for 5 million borrowed – 15 (million)?”

At that point, the Holy Ghost said to me: “Stand up! And defend this woman.” I called out a sound lawyer and I said: “Lawyer! Take up this case.” I said: “Take it up!” He sent for the woman. The woman gave him the brief, he called me back; he said: “Papa, that’s a very good case.” I said: “Why?” He said: “He doesn’t have license. That to borrow somebody it must be licensed. So this is a very good case. He will do it! I said: “Thank you!” (Laughing). So when the woman saw that the case had been taken over. They came, she said: “If you get man! Come here!” (Laughing). Too many factors make me rich, many don’t know. Too many factors! Don’t think it’s just one factor. Job said: “I was eyes to the blind. I was leg to the lame.” And then those who are oppressed, he came for them.

-May your lifestyle move you to another level.

Job 29:18. Job took advantage of this secret. By meeting the needs of the poor, he became the greatest man in all East. Job 1:3.

-The greatest people will emerge from here.

You are blessed to be a blessing and not just to be a consumer of such wealth upon yourself alone. Our problem is (that) when God blesses us we don’t want to be a blessing. Now listen! I’m going to tell you, whether you are a giver; you will know now. Have you ever given something you love so much to anybody? It’s a lie! Many have not. You love shoes. That’s how you will know you’re a giver. You love houses, you love bags, you love hair. Church Gist. Have you ever given one of such to anybody who cannot afford it? That’s how you know you’re a giver. Not (giving) the one you don’t want to use. You have shoes, you line up shoes, you love shoes enough, you love watches a lot. You love bags a lot, you love hair a lot. You love suits a lot. Now, have you ever given those things you love to somebody who cannot afford it? That’s when you know whether you’re a giver. It’s not: “Yes!!” Can you pick one of those things you love so much and look for somebody who you know in this world that can never afford it? And say: “I give you!” As you’re led. Then, you have entered this club. It’s easy to say: “Yes.”

Look! Man is so selfish in his nature. You must be dead to material things to give out something you love. When you get to that level, poverty has left you. Say I hear. I’m standing before God, there’s nothing in this World I can’t give. Nothing! My wife is here, one day she said: ‘The way you give, hope you won’t give me’? Nothing! There’s nothing! As far as… I have no value for material things. Ask God in your secret, you’re a child of God. Kneel down and say: “This man, is he talking the truth or not?” If God tells you anything in the contrary, say it in the open. I have no value for material things, there’s no material thing I can’t give out. Church Gist. A young man was with me, one of my domestic staff. I saw a very fine watch on his hand. I said: “Ah! Where is that your fine watch?” He said: “I gave it out!” He said: “I learned from you. I noticed that you give us anything no matter how expensive it is, so I gave it to one of your police officers. He didn’t beg me, I just gave him because I learned it from you.” If you’re in this Church (and) you’re not a giver, something is wrong with you. That’s why you can listen to those who preach against giving. You can’t be in this Church and somebody tells you not to give. In fact, your body will be pinching you. You say: “Me no go give? No go give? Me?”

Giving is part of Salvation Ministries. One of the greatest men of God on earth today, made a statement in his office. He said: “My son has a giving ministry.” He said: “He can give!” People should know you for something. Why will they call your name and they say: “E dey stingy oo. Hey! That Man is stingy.” Have you not heard people before? They say: “The man na aka chii.” ‘Aka chii’ is Igbo Language in Nigeria, a person whose hand is Araldite. Church Gist. There was a man in the Bible called: “The Rich Fool.” This was his problem. Luke 12:16-20. Say I hear. It’s poor people whose phone rings in Church. If your phone rings in Church, it’s a sign of poverty. Ask me why? No wealthy man will want anybody to disturb him while he’s hearing a good message. Poor people turn on their phones so that they can get messages from somebody who would give them money. It’s a mentality issue. Off your phone when you come to Church, turn it off. You’re in the presence of God. Are you hearing me?

If you want to give (an) offering then at that time… And most of you now, you’re even lying. I learned that there are people, they don’t give offering oo but when we say: “Give online.” They just do their phone like this as if they’re giving offering. (Laughing). They are not giving any offering. No offering! (Laughing). They put it back. Nothing! They’re not giving any offering, they just ‘on’ it. How can you ‘on’ phone now, now and then offering don go ‘fiaa’. (Laughing). They just carry (the) phone before the phone will finish booting, they’ve off it. Church Gist. Somebody who wants to transfer online, he will already have it (turned on). He will even do it even before. As you’re saying: “Offering.” He has already done it. Are you getting what I’m saying now? Don’t play all those pranks, they won’t help you oo. You now do phone like this. That’s the new style oo. When offering bucket is coming, they will now (Illustrating and laughing). They will say: “I’ve transferred it.” It’s a lie! What did you transfer? We used to take offering outside the country then. Somebody I know: “You see? I would have given but no PayPal.” At that time, we had no PayPal. She said: “No PayPal.” I said: “Now that we have PayPal, how much have you given?” (Laughing). You know? When banks were not giving money. They said: “You know? The banks are closed.” When banks open, nobody talks again.

Abeg! Come back, let’s go to Luke 12:16. You see this man? Everything he said was: “I, I, I.” Even his own wife, he did not remember. Does it mean he was not married? There are some people who are so selfish that all they think is themselves. It’s this man! Nobody! “I, I, I, I, I.” If you hear them share testimony: “Somebody gave me…” You will never hear them say I gave to somebody. “They gave me something oo.” (Laughing). Church Gist. You, give small nah at your level. Don’t you have something to give? There’s no where as a child of God you will tell me you don’t have even food to give to somebody else who you are better of. Senior collector! That way they don’t prosper. The giving head, they will always be up. America is the most blessed nation on earth today because they are the highest giving nation.

This Church whether anybody gets angry or not, we are blessed because we are givers. Oh! Let anybody get angry, this Church is blessed. In case you too, you’re hearing me on social media. Take it, I said: “We are blessed. You can die, it doesn’t matter. You can hug transformer according to… and die! It doesn’t change anything. We were in London, a pastor told me that… One pastor, so I was preaching (about) tithe. He said: “Na lie!” I said: “I don’t know.” Church Gist. He said: “The man when I preach he said ‘na lie’.” I said: “I don’t know!” He was shocked. I said: “I don’t know. I’m not aware.” It’s not important, if it’s important I will know. Since it’s not important, there’s no point in me knowing it. Backbiters stay at the back. He was shocked, I said: “I’m not aware. I don’t know who is saying that.” Have you seen where you are winning in football and somebody then says: “Stupid! Stop playing.” On your marks! Get set! Go! You’re running, you’re carrying first, they said: “Big head! Stupid!” Do you stand to answer the person? There’s no point answering a critic.

Jesus never wasted His time with Pharisees and Sadducees. I answered somebody because of a brother in Christ, for me I don’t have time. If you like, say: “I be thief!” Na your opinion! “I be rogue!” Na your opinion! “See em head!” Na your opinion! “No mind am!” Na your opinion! And I will not live with your opinion, I will live with God’s opinion. If you like get angry, I’m rich. Get angry! Church Gist. This Church is rich. Let the person get angry. You’re rich. Let them say anything, you are rich! Please don’t be like this man oo. This man was a useless man. Everything was: “I, I, I, I.” God called him in verse 20 and said: “You are a fool.” God called him what? (Fool). God said: “Call no man a fool.” He said: “This man, you’re a fool.” When you are selfish, you enter this group.

Selfishness is the greatest enemy of giving. Luke 12:20. You are busy preparing things, keeping them, if God takes you. Who will be there? People are so attached to material things. People even want to worship material things. There are some people, if you touch their car, they will die. “Do you know my wife, she took that my car?” Your wife took your car? “Do you know she drove that car?” You say: “Oga! Wetin happen?” “My car! My wife drove it!” The man has problem. His own wife driving his car. He said: “That car, do you know how much I bought it? I bought it with my money and my wife was not afraid and carried the key to drive that car. “Oh! God!” God says: “Useless man!!” It’s not only men oo, women too do it oo. “Do you know my husband carried the motor that they gave me as a retirement benefit to enter road.” (Laughing). You are answering ‘Mrs. His name’. So you value car pass your name? My friend, be dead to material things. We came with nothing and we go with nothing. In this Church, if you belong to this Church, be a distributor. Learn to give to the poor.

I close with Acts 11:28-29. Shout a big hallelujah! They were determined to send relief. That’s why last Sunday we said everybody should bring something for our brothers. Do you hear that? In case you were not here last Sunday. You know when we say: “Giving” some people will say: “I no hear.” We said everybody should bring clothes, food so that we can give to the poor. We can give to the what? (The poor). Amongst us not everybody has, there are some people that cannot afford school bags, there are some people that cannot afford food. Church Gist. We say bring anything you have, give to those who don’t have. How many of you were able to give? In your little way! Even if it’s a pack of indomie, give! Even if it’s your clothes! Give! To somebody else who does not have. Are you getting me? Don’t say: “I don’t have!” And don’t always want to collect, it is a sign of poverty. Some people now, even the one they gave; they are thinking of how they will collect all. No! please, all leaders of different Home Fellowships, give to those who don’t have. We didn’t say distribute to everybody. Distribute to those who don’t have. There are some people they can afford those food, don’t give them. Those who cannot afford it are who we are giving it to. Some people now will say: “Thank God that I’m the host.” We didn’t say: “Host! Thou shall collect. Host! Thou shall give.” Give to the brethren. Give to the what? (Brethren). Relief material. So it’s scriptural, it’s what?

Anytime there’s hardship… We will be doing it oo don’t think it will end oo. Once in a while we will just come up, we will do it. Very soon we will have storehouses, maybe warehouses where we will just keep them and then you will be coming, we will be giving them – every state. Is that clear? If you want to be in this Church oo, you must be a giver. If you don’t want to be a giver, go to those places where they said you should not give. Church Gist. You can be doing like this (Clapping) 🎶 We no go give oo eh! We no go 🎶 (Clapping). No give nah! And when you go where dem no dey give, you go know. Everybody go dey go Church like say dem dey suffer. (Laughing). “Bro! E get as e bi ooo.” Not here! Here you can come poor but you are not permitted to remain poor. Rise to your feet! Shout Hallelujah!

Say with me: “I will be a giver, I will give to the poor. I will give to the poor.”

All leaders, make sure what is coming to your Home Fellowship is for the poor. Is for the what? (The poor). Not for you oo. In case you are a leader, you are not the one. They say leaders should lead by example. By (example). In fact, you, the leader lead by (example). In your little way, put your own because if you give, it will be difficult to waste it. Some in sharing ministry – they specialize in sharing ministry. Church Gist. They say: “Na who go share this thing? Na who go share am?” Their eyes will be open. “Na me go share am!!” He says: “Did you give anything?” No! They will put the things under their chairs. They say: “Indomie! We have two cartons.” They say: “Bring one carton.” They push under. No! that’s not! (Laughing). Groundnut oil! They say: “Give me the groundnut oil.” Give to those who don’t have and if you are a giver? Nothing will move you. You will say: “You people should take.” But I tell you: All of you who gave and I decree: Your life to turn!

-In the name of Jesus, poverty will never come near your habitation. Because you have made people to laugh, God will make you to laugh.
-You have clothed people, God will clothe you.
-You have given people food, you will never go hungry.
-Whatever you have done for the poor. Church Gist. He said: “You have done for Him.” Now, because you have given to the poor, you will never be amongst the poor in the name of Jesus!
-May what you have done for His Kingdom, return back hundredfold and beyond hundredfold! Manifold in the name of Jesus! Shout a better Amen!

I bought hundreds of bags of rice. Are you getting what I’m saying now? And I wish to do more because it will not stop, it’s a continuous thing. Are you getting what I’m saying? In your little way! In your own what? (Little way). Even if it’s one clean shirt, package the shirt and drop it. You can buy a bag and say: “Look! A child who cannot afford a bag to go to school let me drop this one.” Giving should be your lifestyle. God is a giver, Jesus is a giver. Me, I’m a giver. Who do you want to resemble? satan is a taker, he came to steal. Church Gist. Every time na only to collect! Five years in this Church, you have not given anybody anything. Hia! E get as e be ooo. You even get angry when we preach giving. Some of you are now angry: “E don come again. E dey say make we give to the poor. E don leave tithe now, e dey say ‘poor’.” “Wetin you wan make we give?” “Wetin you wan make I preach?” “Eh? Make we come give poor people again?” (Laughing). You go give oo if you no wan give, go another Church. This Church, you must be a giver. It’s our lifestyle because it’s biblical. If you don’t want to be a giver, go to the Churches where they will be telling you: “Don’t give.” (And see) whether una go prosper. (Laughing).

-Alright! God bless you! You hear?
-Because of your giving, God will open doors for you! Church Gist. He will remove shame in your life in Jesus’ mighty name!









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