By Daniel Breakforth
It is with thanksgiving that this review of the year 2023 is written.2023 has been a most significant year in the scheme of things this end time. The Death of Pope (Emeritus) Benedict XIII on 31 Dec 2022 at the age of 94 ushered in the Year 2023. Usually and based on Roman Catholic and Vatican tradition, it would have been a year of ‘Extra Omnes’ (Outside, all of you’ and ‘Habemus Papam’ (We have a Pope). In essence, we should have had a new Pope at the beginning of 2023 and that person would almost likely not have been Pope Francis simply because Francis clocked 87 in the same 2023. All cardinals are usually eligible to become Pope until they reach age 80.
By the resignation of late Pope Emeritus Benedict XIII in 2013, about 10 years before his death, the road to Papacy was paved for Jorge Mario Bergoglio (now Pope Francis), at that time 77. Unfortunately, a few days ago and precisely on the 18th of December 2023, Holy Father, Pope Francis performed an action which many catholics in Africa and especially in Nigeria do not think an exactly holy act when he approved the blessing of same sex marriages. An action which led to tons of explanations by Priests to Parishioners almost immediately with one priest stating that any document that required that level of explanation was not good for the Roman Catholic Church.The action was also contrasted by Pastor Kumuyi of Deeper Life Bible Church who insisted that same-sex marriages contradict the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately the Church of England which had started moving in this direction for a few years set a precedence for the Pope’s action when its Synod on 15 November 2023 voted for special services of prayer and dedication for same sex couple on a ‘trial’ basis. Significantly or not, this event was about 6 months after the coronation of His Majesty, King Charles III, Sovereign and Head of the Church of England
These actions have only signified the strength of the move of the centre of christendom from the West to the global south with Nigeria presently at the centre. The Ark of Revival is now in our shores.

The Year 2023 began in earnest with several churches holding their annual prayer and fasting sessions. The wave has caught up so much that unlike before, churches who do not hold it are now the exception. We pray and believe that our prayer and fasting seasons will determine the pace of the year more than ever with relevant proofs to show.
Church Planting Churches began running with their visions at the end of the fasting season and one of the interesting news was that Family Worship-which had for over 2 decades held back on the idea of opening up branches and expanding finally decided to open up. In 2023 alone, they announced the opening of 41 churches. Generally, many churches were planted while others were announced. Such was the case of Apostle Iren of Celebration Church International (CCI) who announced the decision to plant 50 churches in the near future.
So many programs held during the year. Very early was Salvation Ministries’ Glory Reign, the first in its series after 5 Nights of Glory was phased out. The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria’s (PFN) 17th National Biennial Conference in Bayelsa State was next. Fathers Present at the venue including National President of PFN – Bishop Francis Wale Oke, National Vice President- Bishop John Praise, Pastor E.A. Adeboye, Bishop David Oyedepo, Pastor David Ibiyeomie, Bishop Mike Okonkwo, Apostle Zilly Aggrey, Rev. Mercy Ezekiel, Dr Pastor Paul Enenche and many others. A presidential aspirant for the presidential elections which was anticipated then,. Mr Peter Obi was also in attendance.
While the 17th Biennial Conference of PFN held from 7th-10th February, the 17th February held another significance as a son of one of the fathers organised the first edition of IGNITE meetings at Covenant University Chapel, Canaanland. .According to him, the IGNITE meetings are revival meetings held majorly on University Campuses across Nigeria and the Nations of Africa. It was a sign of what to expect later in the year. A commentator on Church Gist once humorously stated “I knew he carried too much fire to be announcing testimonies”. One of the next major events was Apostle Joshua Selman and Nathaniel Bassey shutting down the AO Arena, a 21,000-capacity Arena in Manchester United Kingdom, for a 2 days Apostolic Conference themed Sound of Revival on 10th and 11th May, 2023. The Arena is described as UK’s largest indoor Arena. It was with joy that we experienced a major sign of a significant generational and apostolic shift.
Shortly after was the Destiny Recovery Convention of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC). On Sunday, 21st May, 2023 at the Pre-Convention Combined Service, an estimated 120,000 people filled the 100,000 capacity Glory Dome and overflow facilities leaving multitudes without a seat. Pastor Jerry Eze of Streams of Joy and convener of New Season Prophetic Prayers and Declarations (NSPPD) followed suit from 1`17th – 18th June 2023 with NSPPD United Kingdom Conference at London Excel Arena. About 70,000 worshippers were in attendance for the 2-day program and several healings and deliverances were recorded.
Again on 2nd September, 2023, Pastor Jerry Eze hosted over 20,000 people at George P. Brown Convention Center, Houston at the NSPPD America Prayer Conference. During the Conference, he was accorded a special recognition by the State of Georgia, USA. By 21st September 2023: The Light Up New York 2023 Crusade with Pastor E. A. Adeboye themed, “LET THERE BE LIGHT” held at the UBS Arena, New York, USA. DIGC had several Healing and Deliverance Crusades all year from Otukpo and Orokam in Benue State and Minna in Niger State to crusades in the United States, United Kingdom, Zambia, Cote D’Ivoire, South Africa, Zimbabwe. Other crusades held were Imo, Benue, Akwa Ibom, Plateau, Niger and Kano States in Nigeria. Most notably was the 6 hours (turned 7 hours) session that occured at the last Conference in New York, United States in September, 2023.
The usual flurry of Ember month christian programs kicked off as usual through September-December.
From 27th – 29th October 2023, as a precursor to the International Pastors and Partners Conference (IPPC), the ninth edition of Healing Stream Live Healing Service held with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome. IPPC held and climaxed with the Loveworld International Music and Arts Awards with many new gospel music ministers coming to limelight. The annual Kingdom, Power, Glory World Conference of DIGC was also held in November with over 40 different nations represented at the Glory Dome. In December, Sinach and others featured in ‘WAYMAKER’, the 18th edition of The Experience. Indeed despite the controversy about God being our Waymaker or not, God is really making way for Sinach. That same week, Living Faith Church held the annual Shiloh with the theme, Redeemed to Flourish in Hard Times; over 2.5 million people were present in Canaanland and across viewing centres all over the world while over 9 million connected via the Church platforms only.The Redeemed Christian Church of God held its annual Holy Ghost congress having over 2 million people in attendance at the Redemption City.
To close programs for the year was Pastor Kumuyi as the Deeper Life retreat who emphasized the need while building structures to also remember to feed the brethren. A number of Christians believed that he was only beginning to key into what was already ongoing.

Some notable events that took place during the year include the dedication of the upgraded Defence Headquarters Military Church at the Armed Forces Complex, Abuja, Nigeria. Interestingly, the Church invited Pastor Paul Enenche but the Federal Government objected and eventually settled for Bishop John Praise who is also based in Abuja. Another event that took place and would be treated extensively later is the departure by Pastor Isaac from Canaanland to Ota to begin a new ministry but for the first time, Church Gist especially appreciates Pastors Ibiyeomie and Enenche for the excellent roles they played during that period.
There were all kinds of rumours about Bishop David Abioye leaving Winners’ Chapel but this was doused personally by Bishop Oyedepo at Shiloh 2023. The Mandate is not supposed to be amended till 2062, however since the Founder is still very much alive, it is believed that certain minor amendments such as inclusion of Covenant Hour of Prayer as a service, The Ark as the new headquarter Church, some grammatical errors as well as other necessary amendments which we would not discuss here would be made in the ‘Red Book’. They are of utmost necessity.! However, we saw Bishop David Abioye take more roles and participate in more ministration roles especially outside the Liberation Commission. Interestingly, after a very busy schedule at Shiloh 2023 culminating in the Shiloh Impartation Service, Bishop Abioye was in Petra Christian Centre, Abuja by 5pm to minister and back to Canaanland same night for ministration at the Shiloh Thanksgiving Service next morning.
Signs of apostasy are upon us; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 was explicit about this…let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a FALLING AWAY…As earlier, some orthodox churches have embraced same sex marriages. Here in Nigeria, a pastor who was known to have been involved in some shady behaviour some 3 decades ago now claims many things from scripture including that Prophet Elijah was not operating by the Spirit of God when he called fire upon the prophets of baal. The same man probably did not read-Hebrews 12:29-For our God is a consuming FIRE! A white garment church was also cautioned by the Church’s internal organs for bringing a local and very rough looking musician to a church program to ‘win souls’.
Pastor Mrs Folu Adeboye, Mummy GO of the RCCG celebrated her 75th birthday at the Redemption City. The event was preceded by 75 hours of Marathon Praise and a Prayer Walk for Fertility, Growth and Grace to Succeed. The Celebration and Thanksgiving proper held on the 13th of July. Pastor E.A. Adeboye said, “The greatest gift God gave me after my salvation and the Holy Spirit is my wife”. In July, Church of God Mission International (CGMI) held her annual MEGACON and this year’s edition ended with the 80th birthday celebration of Archbishop Margaret Benson Idahosa. Bishop Oyedepo was on hand to pledge a lifetime commitment to the family and also acted as husband to Mama Idahosa by leading her to the reception venue. Bishop Oyedepo clocked 69 in September and for the first time since 2014, the Nigerian Government, now under a new leadership, decided to wish him happy birthday.
Pastor Chris Oyakhilome topped it up with a most elaborate and royal 60th birthday at the Loveworld Convocation Arena. Foreigners were brought in just for the decoration of the hall that witnessed the presence of some notable pastors including Bolaji Idowu and Emmanuel Iren among others we are not obliged to mention.
On 3rd June 2023: Minister Sunmisola (Née Agbebi) and Minister Yinka Okeleye got married.
Shortly afterwards, Praise Amenkhienan, daughter of Rev Tom Amenkhienan of Christ Embassy Ministry Centre, Abuja, Nigeria and right hand man of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome got married to Pastor Enoch Boamah of Christ Embassy Youth Church, Airport Road, Accra, Ghana. Many only got to know that day that Pastor Tom was a younger brother to Pastor Peter Amenkhienan, a member of the General Council of RCCG. What a family of faithful stewards!
By 21st October 2023: Minister Praise Kukeurim (Yadah) and Mr Okafor Chinonso also got married. MARRIAGES
The 12th February 2023 welcomed the first child of Abimbola And Joys Abodunrin(nee Oyedepo) and Bishop Oyedepo was on hand in Abuja to celebrate 10th Grandchild.
On 12th June 2023: Pastors Lawrence and Darasimi Oyor welcomed their second baby John Lawrence Oyor. To top it all, a sister gave birth to a child for her brother on 27th October 2023: Pastor Blessed Uzochikwa and ‘She’s like a Sister to Me’ his wife, Minister Mercy Chinwo Blessed had their first child, Charis Nduka Blessed.
On 12th February, the Pastor E.A. Adeboye dedicated the iconic and first of its kind 14-floor Trinity Towers of the City of David Parish of the RCCG in Victoria Island, Lagos. The RCCG Trinity Towers in Nigeria has features such as an auditorium seating 4500 which can also be hired as a concert hall, a multi-storey Car Park that can take in 673 cars, rooftop terrace, helipad, automated and integrated lighting, sound and video system, electric car chargers and smart access control. Indeed the glory of the latter house is greater than of the former.
Dr Pastor Dr Paul Enenche of DIGC dedicated several church buildings all through the year. These include dedication of the DIGC Bauchi Central in July, DIGC at Rayfield as well as Rukuba, Jos, DIGC Alheri and DIGC Bassa Church Buildings on 3rd and 4th September 2023 in Plateau State. Furthermore, Owukpa, Benue State was dedicated in August, DIGC Uyo 5000 capacity Sanctuary was dedicated on 22nd September 2023 in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. Also, DIGC Warri Central Church Building as well as DIGC Ughelli Church building both in Delta State were dedicated on 23rd September, 2023 in Delta State. Others were Mararaba, Abuja Church in October as well as Idu and Karmo, Abuja in April and Kua City, Makurdi early on in February by Dr Mrs Becky Paul-Enenche;
A major dedication that ocurred was that of the 10,000 capacity Gospel Pillars International Church led by Prophet Isaiah Wealth. Named the The Ark of Light for All Nations, the Auditorium at Kudirat Abiola Way, Alausa, Lagos was dedicated on November 11th 2023. Since Bishop Oyedepo pulled out of the dedication at the last minute, the Auditorium was dedicated by the Presiding Bishop of March of Faith International Fellowship (USA), Wesley Arije as well as the General Overseer of Conquerors Chapel International Ghana, Isaac Anto. We hope to find out in future why Bishop Oyedepo pulled out. At best we have speculations and that is not for the public.

It was with joy that we all watched as Deeper Life Christian Ministry celebrated her 50th Church Anniversary in August 2023. What a landmark! Shortly before then, Deeper Life High School produced the top scorer of the 2023 Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board Examinations, Miss Kamsiyochukwu Nkechinyere Precious Umeh who scored 360 while over 130 students of Deeper Life High School scored above 300. Congratulations to Deeper Life Bible Church at 50 as well as to the excellent students.
Some brethren departed in 2023. First on our list was Mama Hilda Victoria Adefarasin, the biological mother of Pastor Wale Adefarasin of Guiding Light Assembly and Pastor Paul Adefarasin who went to be with the Lord on the 5th of February 2023 at 98. Her life was celebrated by all of Christendom in a Funeral Service held on the 17th of March 2023. General Yakubu Gowon was noticeably present with the Governor of Lagos State, Babajide Sanwoolu. Bishop Oyedepo who ministered the word was accompanied to the venue by Pastor Beecroft. Pastor Tunde Bakare was also present. On 18th April 2023: Reverend Charles Frazier Stanley departed. He was the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Atlanta, United States of America and the Founder of In Touch Ministries.
Soon we got news of the passing of Pastor Mrs Joy Muoka, wife of Pastor Lazarus Muoka of The Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Ministries which took place on the 9th July 2023. All these did not prepare us for the passing of Pastor Taiwo Odukoya, Founder and Senior Pastor of Fountain of Life Church, Ilupeju, Lagos on 7 August, 2023. In October, a DIGC Church building in Markurdi collapsed in the early hours of 3rd October 2023 and led to the passing of the Resident Pastor, Sunny Ezekiel Ahmed. Dr Paul Enenche and Dr Mrs Becky Enenche visited the following day to commiserate with the family and the Church.
3. Jimmy Odukoya was announced as the new Senior Pastor and Chairman of Board of Trustees of Fountain of Life Church on 17th September, 2023 and was installed on 30th September 2023. Immediately he was installed, he announced his elder Sister, Tolu Odukoya-Ijogun as Associate Pastor. There were lots of reactions on social media especially as Nigeria was dealing for the first time with the pastor of a genuine church using ear rings with tattoos all over and braiding hair. Pastor Jimmy’s response-Whether they like it or not, out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living water. Bishop Oyedepo, a very good friend of Pastor Taiwo Odukoya and who had never missed any burials hosted Pastor Odukoya sent a representative, Bishop Abioye this time. He is known for his fierce position on some of these matters. Bishop Abioye addressed the issue of earrings, tattoos etc during Shiloh.