This Present House Church is a place of worship which welcomes all. It is a multi-cultural and intergenerational Pentecostal Church where you feel welcome as it receives people of different denominations or no church background.
The vision of the church is to advance God’s purposes here on earth and living as catalysts for godly change in the society.
Founded by Pastor Tony Rapu in the late 90s, 20 years ago, and co-pastored by his wife, Mrs Nkoyo Rapu, the church is well known for its social outreach which reaches out to bring about developmental change to lives and communities by reaching out to different demographics through strategic interventions, developing innovative methods and solutions in tackling issues such as drug addiction, urban poverty, and community development.

Situated at the Dome, Lekki, Lagos State, it also has a city church known as “House of Freedom” whose call is to transform people, communities and society through radical evangelism, has expressions including This Present House, (the flagship church), Lekki, The Water brook Church (church for young adults), Victoria Island, The God Bless Nigeria Church (church reaching out to the poor indigent communities), Holy Trinity Church (for an orthodox yet vibrant expression of faith) and The Potters House, (a community church in Costain), and Mount Zion (a church reaching out in areas like Alpha Beach and Jakande).
The Present House Church operates through several service departments such as “Synergy”, which is the ushering department made up of community of young, smart, dynamic, vibrant, like-minded, Holy Spirit-filled youths who are devoted to promoting order, professionalism and the smooth conduct of church services and programs, “the Junior Church”, which engages children from 0 – 12 years, teaching them biblical truths and showing them practical ways to live them out. The atmosphere offers security and guidance, allowing each child to thrive and grow in Christ, “Double Digits”, a community of pre-teens who have a passionate and authentic relationship with Christ, “Tug”, which is a special group made up of a community of teenagers aged between 13 and 17 who are equipped with spiritual strength to enable stand against the pressures of the 21st-century teenager and are constantly encouraged to stand for what they believe, impact their environment and take responsibility, “Be at One” which is their home fellowship movement of energized people called & empowered by the Holy Spirit to take territory for God. They have monthly home cell meetings all across Lagos, building a strong community and ensuring everyone has a sense of belonging, “House of Prayer”, the intercessory group, “New Guests”, a department which integrates first-timers to the church, “Protocol/Hospitality” and many more.
Through the Lead Pastor, Dr. Tony Rapu, the church operates a Non Governmental Organization known as Freedom Foundation; the faith based organization is committed to addressing the ever-mounting and staggering challenges in the society. Under the Freedom Foundation is Genesis House, which is a residential rehabilitation center that provides reformation for young women who have been victims of sexual abuse and exploitation, “House of Refuge” provides a home for the forgotten by equipping them with the life skills necessary to assume responsibility for their future and “Bethesda” which creates an enabling environment for the development of underprivileged and disadvantaged children, for when they are nurtured and encouraged.

The church continues to grow in leaps and bounds since its incepton and has gained global recognition for its ability to cater for every individual group whether you are a child, teenager, youth, adult or aged. It holds two services on Sundays and it is always full to the brim.
The church of God keeps marching on and the gates of hell cannot prevail over it.