This is our Victory Night. May we rise and proclaim the victory we have in Jesus.
Say Father in the name of Jesus,
Thank you Lord, for your goodness, faithfulness, mercy and loving kindnesses, you have bestowed upon me. I am here in the 7 Days of Glory, with a heart of gratitude to worship at your feet, declaring that you are a good God and no other God compares to you. Thank you for bringing me this far, and I have returned to say thank you. I give you praise for every victory I have enjoyed this year. I give you post-dated praise for every victory I’m yet to walk into.
By reason of your power, I therefore decree and declare that from this day onwards, victory shall continuously be the emblem of my life. In every place I have been stuck, God intervenes for me, and I move forward victoriously, in the name of Jesus. The grace that makes things easy and causes men to be victorious, rests heavily upon me. I am numbered among those who go conquering and to conquer. I always emerge victorious in the name of Jesus.
As I engage my praise tonight, I enter into a new level, and old things come to pass. Never again will I know defeat, I go from victory to victory in the name of Jesus. Thanks be to God, who gives me the victory thorough our Lord Jesus Christ. These are my declarations, and so shall be my experiences.