ENGAGING THE TURNAROUND POWER OF FAITH 1A || Bishop David Oyedepo at Covenant Day Of Marital Breakthrough Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || First Sunday Service || 2nd March 2025 ||

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  • Bishop David Oyedepo on ENGAGING THE TURNAROUND POWER OF FAITH 1A at Covenant Day Of Marital Breakthrough Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || First Sunday Service || 2nd March 2025 ||
  • It shall be a month of months to you.
  • Everything that has refused you before will bow to you now.
  • Every dying faith will come alive.
  • The last battle you lost is the last you will ever lose.

You don’t lose any battle with faith, it has capacity to quench all the fiery darts of the devil.

  • Your days of losses are finally over in the name of Jesus.

The prophetic focus for the month is WHATEVER GOD CAN DO, FAITH CAN MAKE HAPPEN. Mark 9:23. There is no irreversible case with faith. Faith can bring out a 4 day dead from the tomb. Whatever God can do, your faith and my faith can make it happen. Many are busy hanging on the faith of others, no! Church Gist. It is to every man according to his faith. Even Christ could not get them healed in Nazareth and He marvelled at their unbelief. Their own unbelief. So it is time to come awake. Even when you are being prayed for, it takes your faith for the prayer to be answered.

Our teaching series for our Sunday services is captioned ENGAGING THE TURNAROUND POWER OF FAITH. The Bible is full of diverse turnaround testimonies triggered by faith. A man was born blind, he had never seen. “Go to the pool called Siloam and wash.” Obedience of faith got him back his sight. He never had one, he never saw light in his life. Church Gist. Jesus told them, “If thou will believe, thou shall see the glory of God.” They said he is already stinking. He said stop that. There is a turnaround power embedded in faith and Lazarus came forth. Anything dying or dead in anyone’s life will come back.

Faith is fake if it lacks proofs. The only biblical validation of faith is good reports. For by it, the elders obtained a good report. Faith is a factory of good reports. That is why through out this year, no evil report will come your way. Hebrews 6:12. Whenever faith comes alive, victory comes along. 1 John 5:4. Not past tense faith, present tense faith. Church Gist. Hebrews 10:38. Faith is either now faith or it is dead faith. Now, faith is not faith was or faith shall be. Faith is! You believe God for healing, He healed you. If your faith goes down, you get sick again. Whenever faith comes alive, victory comes along. Ephesians 6:16. It is a present tense force that delivers good reports under all circumstances.

The question then is why faith is so powerful and yet many of us Christians are so powerless. One reason among many is that many of us Christians have refused to take responsibility to build their faith. Building up yourself upon your most holy faith. Jude 20. It is a personal responsibility that we must take. Faith comes by hearing and understanding the Word of God. Romans 10:17. The deeper our understanding of truth, the stronger our faith becomes. Church Gist. So an undying quest for spiritual understanding of the Word is vital in building our faith. We pray in the Holy Ghost for light to break forth. He is our master helper into the truth. When He comes, He will guide you into all truth and show you things to come (John 16:13). Faith does not grow by wishing, faith does not grow by just praying, faith grows by insight in the Word. The deeper our insight, the stronger our faith.

You just hear Books Of The Month, “They have come again”. How long will you be going round in circles? I read virtually all that Hagin wrote. I came out of the womb of faith. Faith came alive in me. There is nothing God says to me or about me or says in His Word that I have a problem receiving. My system has been fertilized by faith but you are not reading, you are not searching, you are not seeking, you can’t find. I went into prayers in a fast. Church Gist. Lord show me the secret of Kingdom prosperity and light broke forth from the Word. You know when you get into fasting, your light shall break forth like the morning. You can’t grow faith by just attending service, one hour teaching, four times in a month. You starve your faith to death.

Stop wishing your faith to grow, stop hanging on the faith of your pastor. Without your faith, the faith of your pastor will not deliver. No games here, no gimmicks. Hagin laid hands on many of us. Many! You don’t grow faith by laying on of hands. You grow your faith by engaging in an undying quest for light. Church Gist. Laying of hands will facilitate your access but it is not the substance. Please take it easy. Make sure you read one of the books of the month. Make sure you read to the point of understanding. There is a three days fasting coming on, engage the season to build your faith to next levels. You are struggling too much.

One of our daughters went out there after service on a Sunday and read the book Turnaround Power Of The Word and got a job on Tuesday. She said I will not go home, there is answer in this book. She read and things just turned, favour came down. Someone read Towards Mental Exploits and climbed up to First Class. First Class straight by the power of insight that repositioned her thinking and brought her into next level. Church Gist. One of our young graduates from Covenant University in Civil Engineering read the book The Path Of The Eagle. He has challenges in 200Level but he ended up First Class. He testified. Light is the master builder of faith. Insight is the master builder of faith. Let’s stop guessing. The truth is plain.

  • The good news is your turnaround season will speak. Your faith will trigger it’s realization.

Remember, faith is in categories. There’s the measure of faith which we engage to get saved. Romans 12:3. There’s little faith which cannot stand the storms of life. Matthew 8:26. Church Gist. There’s great faith which can deliver from any oppression of the devil. Matthew 15:28. That is so great faith, that is very great faith which empowers believers to do exploits. Matthew 8:10. Hebrews 11:33. Great faith, very great faith empowers believers to do exploits. And there’s the spirit of faith which is supernatural faith, it empowers believers for dominion. Church Gist. But all these categories of faith feed on insight to deliver. They feed on the Word to deliver. The spirit of faith will die without the Word. The food of the spirit of faith is the Word. Church Gist. Thank God for impartations. Why is it not delivering? Because it’s starved, there’s spiritual starvation of the Word.

  • Thank you Jesus.

Now, for those of us who have had the time to check through Treasures of Life, Volume 1-4, those were my insights gleaned by the help of the Holy Spirit in my feeding of the Word. Church Gist. They’re not things taught, they are things to feed on, most of them. I was still learning down this morning on the place of excellence in the pursuit of Jesus. There’s no end to it. People stop so soon, they get stuck. You do nothing about your faith, it becomes no faith, zero faith. “How’s it that you have no faith?” So, your measure of faith can go down to no faith. Church Gist. You do little about it, it becomes little faith. You do much about it, it becomes great faith. You do very much about it, it becomes very great faith. So, it won’t deliver, it won’t change level to change your position. Church Gist. The triumph of believers is not on luck, it’s on light. “Arise, shine, for your light..”, not your luck, “..your light has come”.

  • this is your month!
  • The light that stirs faith is coming your way and you’re breaking forth to next levels!

That’s what we said in that epistle, faith is an asset of inestimable value. Church Gist. Whatever God can do, faith can make happen.

  • you’re breaking forth!

So, you can’t move from one level of faith to another without access to brighter light. It is brighter light that moves our level from one level of faith to another.

Please know that faith is a personal asset. It was told repeatedly in Scripture, the Just shall live by his faith. Church Gist. Habakkuk 2:4. Romans 1:17. Galatians 3:11. Hebrews 10:38. Romans 14:22.

  • in the precious name of Jesus, no one’s life here will lack proofs anymore!

Now, what is faith? Because most times, we don’t know what it is. We can’t tell when it is in place or out of place. What is faith?

  1. Faith is obeying God to prove that you believe Him so as to have God confirm His Word in your life. Faith is not confessing God, faith is obeying God. James 2:18-22. Even the devils tremble. Church Gist. They believe God has power to do anything, He’s almighty. So, your believing God that He’s Almighty is not faith. James 2:21-22. So, it’s obedience that perfects faith for delivery. Our obedience is what perfects faith for delivery. It’s not activity, activism, running up and down. Church Gist. The stronghold of faith is obedience. “Whatever He tells you to do, do it”, then your life will be turned to surplus. Your sickness turned to health. Your struggles turned to miracles.
  2. Faith is reasoning with God in the light of His Word in order to discover what to do for His promises to be actualized in our lives. 1 Timothy 4:13,15. Church Gist. Faith is reasoning with God in the light of His Word in order to discover what to do for His promises to be actualized in our lives. Hebrews 4:2.
  3. Faith is not waiting for God, it is putting God’s Word to work so as to commit God to make good His promise. Faith is not waiting on God. It’s time to come alive.

One morning, 33 years ago, 1st March 1992. God was speaking to me early in the morning from Luke 6:26. And as He was talking to me, He said: “Look! Persecution is coming from very close people, but develop yourself to enjoy persecution – It is the lot of frontliners. You don’t frontbite anybody, you backbite them. It’s a proof of your strong position, so keep pressing for what He has called you to do.” Simple! Church Gist. That was over and a woman walked in. How they allowed her through the gate, I don’t know. She said: “I have done so much against you, I have spoken so bad about you; please forgive me!” I said: “You don’t have to say any more than that, you are forgiven. God has just spoken to me about you.” Develop yourself to enjoy persecution, you won’t have me utter a word. I have been told to develop myself to enjoy it. Hundredfold of blessings equals a hundredfold of persecution. It doesn’t take a thing from you.

So when there was a media a$$ault on us for 7 solid years, no comment, no grinning behind the door. No ‘What is all these’? No! I’ve been told: ‘There is ‘all these’! That’s faith! Obedience of faith will keep you flying. If I had wasted my energy replying those things, we would never be here today. When persecution was going hotter, we were growing stronger and growing stronger and growing stronger; until it becomes a global phenomenon. Church Gist. Please, mind the Word! The Word you don’t put to work will never deliver. Will never deliver! Attack began when we were just about 3000 plus, in the midst of the attack we grew to be 50,000; while the attack was getting stronger we were growing larger. What a blessing! The same energy you need to go forward is one you need to be fighting, so make your choice! So I chose to invest my energy in advancing my course in life while they are also doing their own thing. Awesome God!

When Covenant (University) started, “It will never work.” All those noisemakers have their children here today. Covenant (University) did not only work, it has outshine all the others. (Kenneth) Hagin said: “Don’t waste your time answering your critics, face your mission.” Don’t waste your energy answering your critics. Church Gist. Those are the things we glean from the things we read of men and women of faith – How they responded, how they reacted, how they maintained their walk with God. Oswald J. Smith said: “No defence, no attack; keep going.” In those days in Kaduna, people were standing on the way to our Church stopping people from coming: “Go back! It’s the devil, God is not here, go back.” They are Ministers, we left them behind longest time. Just keep going! Thank You Jesus!

Everything about the Church was a subject of mockery in their mouth and everything God said He would do we have seen Him doing them and He is still doing them and He is not stopping them. Over to You God! Until you stop yourself, no enemy can stop you. Refuse to stop yourself, you have a great future. Church Gist. There’s no way they won’t call you an heretic by believing all things that God says. Acts 24:14. You can’t believe all things and they won’t think that you are an heretic, they will think you are. You are gonna build this Place in one year, are you sick? No! We are well. Was it done? (Yes). Why! It came from the mouth of God. Believing all things will make you look like an heretic.

-Somebody’s story is changing and that’s you.

It’s about putting God’s Word to work not waiting for God to work. Philippians 2:12. 2 Corinthians 6:2. Let your faith come alive! You have waited enough, your solution has come.

-Your solution has come.

How Powerful Is Faith?

  1. Faith secures the hand of God at will. Isaiah 53:1. When faith comes alive, the hand of God is stretched forth and when He stretches forth His hand, who can turn it back. So when faith comes alive, your victory is made manifest. Church Gist. Why? By the hand of God. Faith provokes the stretching forth of the hand of God that brings hand of God that brings home our desired victory, our desired turnaround, our desired healing.

-Today, many are coming out of every form of marital siege. Today! By the hand of God.

Isaiah 14:24. So when faith comes alive, God’s hand is stretched out and no force from hëll can turn it back.

-Today, God’s hand is coming up upon your life.

So what faith does is to bring God’s hand to bear on a believer’s life for the victory, the triumph, the breakthrough, turnaround desires.

-And that’s you!

  1. Faith provokes divine intervention whenever required.
    Matthew 9:27-29. Faith provokes divine intervention whenever required. Church Gist. A man called the Paralytic Man was on the bed, they couldn’t find a way inside, he said: “Tear the roof, we’ll repair later. I must get it today!” Jesus saw their faith, not their effort. Mark 2:5. Jesus saw their faith. Faith provokes divine intervention whenever required.

-On your issues today, divine intervention shall answer. On that concern of your life, divine intervention will answer. Church Gist. On that bugging issue in your home, divine intervention will answer. On that cage of marital delay, divine intervention will answer for you.

  1. Faith draws on the power of God to accomplish the impossible. That Woman has spent all her living on her disease and was not any better. But she touched Jesus and said in her heart: “If I may but touch Him, I shall be made whole” and Jesus said: “Virtue is gone out of me because someone touched me.” So faith draws on the power of God to deal with impossible situations in our lives. Church Gist. Nothing in the world can stand the power of God, nothing in hëll can stand the power of God. “All power is given unto Me in Heaven and on earth.” All power! So faith allows you and I to tap into that “all power realm” that will get anything accomplished. Luke 8:40-48. God delivered Daniel because he believed in his God. Daniel 6:23. Impossible, first man to sound alive from a lion’s den and he answered oh, so the lions knew that he was a human being. Church Gist. He answered, “Live long the King. God has kept me alive, He has not allowed the lions to devour me” and he came out without a hurt because he believed in his God.
  • No matter the hurt on the Earth today, it shall be minus you.
  • Nothing will go down in your life. Nothing will go down in your home in the name of Jesus.
  1. Faith commits God’s integrity to confirm His Word. Titus 1:2. Hebrews 6:18. 2 Timothy 2:13. Church Gist. So, what faith does is to commit God’s integrity to confirm His Word in our lives. Numbers 23:19.

How do we keep our faith growing?
Faith grows by hearing and understanding the Word of God. No short cut. What does it take to keep your faith growing? Faith does not grow by wishing, it doesn’t grow by waiting, it doesn’t grow by crying. Faith grows by hearing and understanding God’s Word. Church Gist. Acts 8:23-26. We have the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch who was reading from Isaiah 53 and the Holy Spirit said to Philip, “Join yourself to this chariot” and he did and he asked him a question, “Understandeth thou what thou readest?” He said “How can I except someone should guide me” and Philip took him from the same Scripture. His eyes got opened and as they went, he said “Here is water, can’t I get baptized right now?” He said “if you believe, thou mayest” He said “I believe” As his understanding got opened, his faith came alive. Church Gist. His understanding opened and his faith came alive. There are Philips on your path who are to help your understanding of the Truth. Connect with them!

As we sang the hymn this morning, “Not a shadow, not a sigh” and I remembered what T.L Osborn said from Psalm 121, “Those who look to the sun don’t see the shadows.” You can’t lift your eyes unto the hills and see shadows here below. Church Gist. Just keep trusting and obeying, things will keep going on. So they help enlarge our understanding of the truth. Thank you, Jesus. How much the Man, Yonggi Cho did in enlarging my little understanding of Church Growth. I mean, amazing materials and testimonies of God’s faithfulness and here we are today by grace. Church Gist. Can I hear your loudest Amen? You can’t buy experience in the market, but when you understand the steps that those that have gone before you have taken, you take the same steps, you have an experience.

  • You are going places!

Faith does not come by wishing. Faith comes by hearing and understanding the Word of God. 2 Timothy 2:15.

  1. Faith grows by meditating on the Word because meditation boosts spiritual understanding. Meditation boosts spiritual understanding. Psalm 119:97,98. God’s Word makes us wiser than our enemies. Church Gist. Psalm 119:99. It’s a faith booster. Meditation boosts our understanding to boost our faith subsequently. Psalm 119:100. So, keep what you understand, keep working on it, that’s the only way it works. 1 Timothy 4:15.
  • It’s your month!

So, we have these materials that will help you, before we conclude, The Law Of Faith was my first book, 1985 and thank God for it’s impact around the World today. Little book, it will do you a lot of good. Now, Exploits Of Faith is a faith building material and Understanding The Power Of Faith, one of our latest ones and then, The Unlimited Power Of Faith. Church Gist. These will help build your faith to the point of triumph. Winning Faith, it’s a little material, but it will go a long way to keep your faith on fire. Thank you, Jesus. You don’t lack good report with faith at work.

  • Therefore, from henceforth, your life will be full of good reports only.
  • Throughout this year and beyond, no evil report is permitted in your environment.


Today is our Covenant Day of Marital Breakthrough and every breakdown will be converted to breakthrough. Every breakdown in homes shall be converted to breakthroughs. Church Gist. Every breakdown of marital destiny shall be turned to marital breakthroughs. Every siege of marital delay shall be shattered today!

So, we’re looking at Keys To Commanding Marital Breakthroughs.
Please, understand that marriage is God’s own ordination from the beginning. Church Gist. Genesis 2:18. That was where the Marriage Institution began. It’s to make life fulfilling, to make life enriching and empowering. “I want to get help for him.”

  • Help is coming down for someone.
  • I said your help is coming down today.

Every challenged marital destiny such as marital delay, marital crises, are mostly raw oppressions of the devil. Church Gist. Matthew 13:28.
-Whatever the enemy may have done against your marital destiny, Jesus will undo it today.

Ephesians 6:12. Though we walk in the flesh, we do not walk after the flesh. Wherever the battle is raging from, today, Jesus will stretch forth His hand and bring each one here the victory. Church Gist. Jesus is stretching forth His hand and bringing you the victory you desire in the name of Jesus.

But every child of God that so desires has the God given right to be settled in marriage. For it is our God that sets people in families. Psalm 68:6. Church Gist. God specializes in setting the solitary in families. It is His agenda, it is His will; it is His purpose.

  • Therefore, everyone called solitary, everyone that desires to be settled in marriage, today is declared your day!

Marriage is a good thing and every good thing is our entitlement in Christ including a timely, peaceful, joyful, fruitful and settled married life. Marriage is a good thing. Genesis 2:17-18, Proverbs 18:22. Church Gist. It’s a good thing and every good thing is our entitlement in Christ. Matthew 7:11…how much more? So every good thing is the entitlement of every believer.

  • Therefore in the name of Jesus, that good thing you desire today will be delivered to you!

Psalm 34:10…those that serve the Lord the way you do, shall not want any good thing. So you find marriages that had separated for 9 years and by seeking after God, by serving the interest of God, everything turned. Church Gist. Every good thing is the right of everyone serving God. So it’s your right!

God does not only see you settled, He already said, “you will not be barren nor cast your young in the land and the number of your days, I will fulfill.” Church Gist. So God already sees you settled, sees you married; sees you with children.

  • Your case is settled!

But To Actualize Our Glorious Marital Destiny;

  1. One must be saved and remain in love with God. “Except a man be born again, he cannot connect with the inheritance of the redeemed. He cannot see, he cannot experience the wonders of the Kingdom.” Church Gist. John 3:3, Romans 8:28…All things including marital things!

One must be saved and remain in love with God. So you have this opportunity in this season that we are in to ensure your strong connectivity to Jesus that it becomes your new lifestyle and then He begins to settle everything about your life in the name of Jesus! John 14:21.

  • Jesus will manifest Himself to you!
  • Many will get their good news this week!
  • Many runaway wives will locate their way back!
  • Runaway husbands will pack their way back!
  • Everyone desirous of marriage this year, it’s declared settled!
  • This week, calls of favour will locate you!
  1. We must remain committed to Kingdom advancement endeavours. “Seek ye first and all these things that others are groaning and crying and wailing to get shall be added to you including a blissful married life.” Church Gist. That’s your portion today!
  2. Beware of pride. It has cut short many great destinies. It has destroyed many great destinies. Beware of pride. Before honour is humility and marriage is God’s honour made manifest in a man’s life. Beware of pride. Proverbs 15:33. Beware of pride. The way some carry themselves, they can’t settle in a home. They can’t. ‘No one is fit to be somebody’s wife – he’s too high.’ No one is qualified to be somebody’s husband – no, all these men are too low. God resists the way forward for the proud but He gives more grace to the humble.

It is grace that makes the journey great. Don’t stop the flow of grace in your life. Let go (of) that pride. “I know my father’s house” – stay there. Growing together makes living most fulfilling. Church Gist. The honour of marriage belongs only to the humble, not the arrogant, not the proud.

  1. Engage the power of faith because our victory in life is defined by our faith. 1 John 5:4. Keep your faith alive that what God says He would do, He will do. Church Gist. Whatever can’t stop the way against God can’t stop the way against your faith because faith is bringing God’s hand to bear on your life and no enemy can stop that. Ephesians 6:16.
  2. We must make God our only source of expectation. James 1:6-8, Psalm 62:5. The Lord once said to me, “you have two eyes, can you make one to look up and one to look down?” I tried it, it didn’t work. Church Gist. “Anytime you are looking unto man, never claim to be looking unto me. But if you will fix your eyes on me, you will never be ashamed.” Psalm 34:5.

You are in a faith family here. What we trade here is faith. What we trade here is not fake. We trade faith here. It’s an endowment on this Commission. Church Gist. We have the winning faith here. We have the faith that never loses a battle here.

  • You have won this battle!
  • No matter where the battle is raging from, you have won this battle!

“For the sorrow of them that hasten after another god shall be multiplied.” Stop! “There is one man somewhere there, he can see vision.” Are you blind? Church Gist. Psalm 16:4.

  • You won’t see multiplied sorrow!
  • You won’t see multiplied sorrow in your life!

Here is my stand, whatever God cannot do, let it remain undone. Whatever God cannot give me, may I never have it. Wherever God cannot take me to, may I never get there. That is when God steps in to keep doing what you can never do. Church Gist. May you come to the point of trust in Him. God will do what His word says He will do if you believe Him with all your heart. If you will not have a double mind in your pursuit of God. The good news is, your long awaited solution is finally here in the Name of Jesus.

As the Lord lives, every scattered home will be supernaturally restored. Every held down marital destiny by any force of evil from wherever they may be, they are set free today. Church Gist. For all those who are set to be married this year, the year is declared your new era year. Your settlement is this year. No devil from hell will scatter it. It is done.

Believe in the Lord your God that you shall be established, believe also his prophet and you shall prosper. By a prophet, the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt. Church Gist. By a prophet was he preserved. I speak you as your God sent prophet, your day of rescue is here.

Many will testify this week. It will start from our Midweek Service, all through Spiritual week of emphasis and on Sunday shall be commotion of testimony. Church Gist. Impossible situation will be sorted out and the Name of the Lord Jesus shall be glorified and so shall it be. Say with me, my case is settled.

In the same vain, whatever the enemy has scattered in anyone’s life, I command divine intervention today. Every gang up of hell against your life, your family, your marital destiny be shattered today in Jesus Name. For your sake, they are declared fallen.

But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible shall be set free. For I will contend with them that contend with thee and I will save your children. Isaiah 49:2. Church Gist. God is taking over your battle. Everyone that won’t let you go will face the wrath of God in the Name of Jesus.

Because God will settle you, start singing your song. It says because the Lord will heal me, I will start singing my song. God has come down to settle you, start singing your song of victory. God has come to settle you, stop singing your song of triumph. So shall it be, in the Name of Jesus. Give the Lord a big hand of praise.

—Altar Call—

Marriage is ordained for better and better, not for better and worse. In the Name of Jesus, 2 are better than one. Not that you are better for one moment and worse for another moment. In the Name of Jesus, every family where the wine is exhausted, I decree the wine restored in the mighty Name of Jesus. Every barrier on the part of harmony in every family, I command it broken now and every one help cative by the devil against access to their marital destiny.

The captivity is broken. God has come down in this awesome month of faith. Church Gist. Whatever God can do, faith can make happen. Can God settle you this month? And so He has. You will hear good news. Stand to you feet. Thank you Jesus. Can you say with me, whatever God can do, my faith can make happen. My marital destiny is established today. Peace is established in my home today. Marital delay is over forever. New wine in my family, new wine in my marriage.








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