- Bishop David Oyedepo on ENGAGING THE TURNAROUND POWER OF FAITH 2A at Covenant Day Of Business And Career Breakthrough Service || Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland || First Sunday Service|| 9th March 2025 ||

There is nothing your God cannot do but there is nothing He will do without your faith in place. Church Gist. Luke 1:45. Mark 9:23. God is saying my side is secure but your side is in your hand. This shall be a turnaround month for you.
Our teaching series for our Sunday services is captioned ENGAGING THE TURNAROUND POWER OF FAITH. That is the most proven turnaround trigger in the Kingdom. 40 years blind, never saw light; by obedience of faith the man called blind got his sight back. Church Gist. By a cry of faith, Bartimaeus got his sight back. Faith is the most proven trigger of turnaround in the Kingdom. When faith comes, victory comes. When faith comes alive, triumph comes along. When faith comes alive, turnaround accompanies it. In the precious name of Jesus, this month is declared a turnaround month for every one of us.
By way of introduction, when one’s strength fails on the day of battle, his strength is small. Proverbs 24:10. It is through faith that we wax valiant in fight. Hebrews 11:33-34. Faith strengthens the believer for conquest. It is by faith we encounter divine strength that empowers us to wax strong in fight and turn our enemies to flight. Church Gist. They come against you one way, they flee seven ways. Faith is key to winning the battles of life. Without faith, the battle will be lost. 1 John 5:4. So instead of begging around town, take responsibility to build your faith. It doesn’t drop on people. Matthew 9:29.
Only the fight of faith is a good fight because we are guaranteed victory. Fight the good fight of faith and you lay hold on what belongs to you in eternal life. 1 Timothy 6:12. What makes a fight good is when it is a fight of faith because it will always return triumphant. Good fight of faith. Church Gist. No soldier cries in the warfront because of hearing the sound of guns. No! He is already trained to enjoy the sound because that is the sound in the war front. It is not unscriptural to be challenged but it is anti-covenant to be defeated. Just take your strong position on what God says to do, to commit Him to do what you look forward to.
You cannot command victory with faith. Relax! Invest in building your faith. I once said it is wisdom to live ready because the battles of life have no time table. The time to get ready may not be there. Church Gist. Live ready, don’t start exercising yourself on the day of the match. You don’t prepare for the race on the day of the race. No! Jotham became great because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God. 2 Chronicles 27:6.
When the Son Of Man comes back shall He find faith on the earth? What a question. There are many faithless people sitting down in churches including here. The slightest thing, they are crying. You don’t whine to win the war in the front. You are on your toes. Not just fighting to defend yourself, fighting to win. Wake up, that you worship in Faith Tabernacle does not mean you have faith. It doesn’t mean you have faith. Church Gist. Faith comes by hearing and understanding the Word of God (Romans 10:17). I am a son of Papa is not faith. The just shall live by his faith because your worst battle will be with you alone. Nobody could have made Peter deny Jesus if the others were around. He looked around and said I will save my head, I am not there. From this time on, the things you used to fear will start fearing you. As your faith comes alive Satan will clear the way.
Please invest in building your faith, it is your greatest threat against your enemy. Jesus said to Peter “Satan wants to have you to sift you like wheat but I have prayed for you that your faith faileth not.” Church Gist. He is after your faith because he can’t have the victory over us with our faith in place. Jealously guard, jealously build your faith and don’t be tired of building your faith, you don’t know what the next battle will be like. Luke 22:31.
Ephesians 6:16. Above all, that is without this one, your victory is not guaranteed. Church Gist. Put on the strength of faith and you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the enemy.
Can I tell you this and it will help you. This is where people who think they have the answer will be humbled. No medical research centre under heaven has answers to generational curses. No acclaimed medical centre has answer to satanic oppressions. You better humble yourself. “I am going to Ghana. I am going to…” Be going. Your faith in His Word is what brings the answer. There is no answer to marital spell except with Jesus. Church Gist. Anything concerning the invisible battles of your life, Jesus only, Jesus forever and through His Word. Where do you get answers to nightmares? Any injection for it. Any supplement? It will aggravate it. The demons will just say “This one, he doesn’t know the game.” You have just seen ‘mare’, you will now be seeing ‘mares’. Nightmares. If you know how many of your battles have no scientific solution, you will settle with Jesus. They have no scientific solution, forget it.
No psychologist has answer to marital crisis. Otherwise they would have wiped them off. Even the man who is giving them the solution also has problem. The psychologist himself has just finished beating his wife when you came to him and said “How can we stop beating ourselves?” Church Gist. He says okay, sit down and propounds many theories for you that is not working for him. When Jesus steps into the boat, there will be calm. When you allow the Word of God to rule your life there will be calm.
2 Corinthians 10:3. Our battles are 99.9 percent spiritual. You’re not the only one that mosquito bit, where are you the only one that has yellow fever? Church Gist. Jesus spoke upon Peter’s mother in-law and rebuked the fever, it’s a spirit. There’s nothing wrong with taking care but you can’t have cure without Jesus. All sicknesses are defined as oppression of the devil. Acts 10:38. Church Gist. Sir, there’s no hospital in the world that has answer to oppression of the devil. You better settle in with Jesus.
He said, “they moved me to jealousy by their strange gods. Is there no Balm in Gilead? No physician there”. Church Gist. “We were waiting, we were not healed”. “Okay. Go and heal yourself”. Jesus has the answer to all satanic assaults against our lives.
- in the name of Jesus, if you came with any satanic mark on your life into this service, I command it rooted out!
- Your business under siege is liberated today!
- your career that’s struggling under a spell is released today in the name of Jesus!
What is faith? Because you need to know what you’re looking for. If you don’t know where you’re going, anywhere will look like it. Church Gist. What is faith? This ever winning thing, what is it? This ever conquering virtue, what is it? Let’s look at it again.

- Faith can be defined as a living force drawn from the living Word to produce living proofs. We use the woman with the issue of blood as our illustration. Church Gist. That woman said, “If I may but touch the helm of His garment, I will be made whole” and she did and Jesus said, “hey! Somebody touched me and virtue is drawn out of me”. A drawn virtue from Him. Jesus is the living Word. The Word was made flesh, He dwelt among us, His name is Jesus. So, she drew virtue through faith from Jesus and that resulted in a living proof – the flow of blood stopped. Church Gist. So, it’s a living force. So, when our faith comes alive on any truth of Scripture, we tap into virtue that makes it happen. When your faith and faith comes alive on any truth of Scripture, you tap into virtue that makes it happen.
In the late 70s, we had quite a number of prophetic things coming in and among others was, “I will stir up jealousy”. Church Gist. “The Church that looks like Church rat, today, I will through my people stir up jealousy among unbelievers”. Sir, I believed it. I believe that I’ll be one of those that God will stir jealousy through. When I see jealousy, I’m happy that prophecy is being fulfilled. Church Gist. Every anger against success is jealousy. Every gangup against exploit is jealousy. Get excited.
It is the truth you believe today that becomes a reality tomorrow. When I saw, I’ve been redeemed as a priest and a king, I received it. I believed it, a rare mentality engulfed my life, I’m not a slave today. Church Gist. It is through our faith that we draw virtue from the living Word to produce living proofs in our lives. “Yeah! I can never be poor”. I wasn’t doing that to impress nobody, faith came alive. “Is this what to do to prosper? Yeah, I got it! I can never be poor!” Am I poor today? But to sit down there and just be writing funny things doing nothing. Church Gist. It’s not knowing what He says, it’s doing what He says to bring what you know He will do to pass. Amen!
The charismatics are jumping around about what God said He will do, they didn’t find out what they should do to make God do it. “He came to save the whole world”. Church Gist. That’s okay, He won’t save you forever till you repent. “Himself took our infirmity”, that’s okay but without your faith, He won’t take your own. He won’t take it.
- In the precious name of Jesus, the faith required to secure your place in this turnaround prophetic season is coming your way!
So, get awake and take responsibility
- Nothing fails in your hand anymore!
- Faith is putting God’s Word to work believing. 2 Chronicles 20:17-22. So, they went to warfront singing. What a drama. You go to the warfront singing against an army stronger than you? Church Gist. And as they began to sing and to praise, 2 Chronicles 20:22, God stepped in. Faith is putting God’s Word to work believing.
John 21:5-6. People won’t do what God says oh. “I’m believing in God”, you’re not believing anything. Church Gist. It is doing what He says to do for the breakthrough desired that makes it happen. Somebody would have asked a question, “what’s with the right side of the boat to the left, is it not the same water?” Be speaking grammar. If you don’t cast to the right side, you won’t catch forever. Church Gist. Some will say, “I even thought He’ll give us fish”, go and make him fish. People want to be smarter than God. If I ever played, we won’t be here. I suspended my smartness. You better do. Breakthrough is not a dash, breakthrough is a task. Church Gist. Breakthrough is not a dash, you have been waiting for the dash for too long, breakthrough is a task. It’s a task of taking responsibility in doing what He says to do. Church Gist. Can I have you say with me, Breakthrough is not a dash, it is a task.
Now, let me shock you and I want to say this to disabuse ignorant people that are on the streets. The day God told me about corporate tithing was the day that God brought this Church under financial fortune forever. This is one of the most relaxed Church institutions on the Earth, no begging, no stress, no strain, yet amazing things happen. No games. No secret contacts. There is no human person on this Earth today that will say: “I’m backing this Ministry.” (Speaking in tongues). Church Gist. I believe and by grace that the Ark is the greatest Kingdom Project on the Earth today in terms of physical facility. Why is it so relaxed? Why are we so refreshed? Because He said what He said on 4th September 1987 and we did what He said and He has kept confirming that He said so. He will never need your ten kobo. No! You and your 10 kobo He gave you. You don’t think that God is playing on anybody’s intelligence. Some business people will never take that. “Una well done.” Your breakthrough is not what determines the breakthrough of this Ministry, our breakthrough is determined by covenant walk. A commitment to a quality covenant walk without looking back. 44 years have come and gone, we are still here.
-You will be there.
No games! No private visit to nobody for any aid in this Work. Today, now you find “Come And See” flier next Sunday. You know? What is it again? Breaking Invisible Barriers Service since 1984. Church Gist. 40 years! We would be doing it forever until He says something else. So, next Sunday there will be another flier. The one coming, there will be another flier. Amen! Because you have a thirst to stop the tears of mankind.
-The good news is: You have entered a new phase of your life. As you allow God’s Word to have preeminence in your life, your dominion will be unchallengeable.
Putting God’s Word to work believing. James 2:18-22. Faith is made perfect by putting God’s Word to Work. Abraham returned with a sworn generational blessing by putting God’s Word to work at a terrific cost. Church Gist. “Your only son whom thou lovest.” God described him to avoid any mistake. So, there are things you do that bring you under a sworn blessing.
-May you locate such things this time.
There are things God said at a terrific cost to you perhaps and you choose to do it believing. It brings you under a sworn blessing. I remember the day God said to me we are planting our first phase of Church planting. I said: “ God! Why is fund not coming in for this?” And He pointed me to something and said: “Give me that Thing.” I said: “Oh! Praise God!” I told my wife, I said: “Praise the Lord!” On my way home, hear what God said: “My son David, even if you don’t want to be rich it’s too late.” Church Gist. And you know the way I do my thing, I will always say whatever God tells me openly and I’m not ashamed. I said: “God told me, I didn’t tell them what I did.” But I obeyed what He commanded and he said to me, “My son, if you don’t want to be rich it’s too late.” So when they say I’m rich, they are saying what God said. Amen! They are not lying, they are saying exactly what God said. “Even if you don’t want to be rich, it’s too late!” There are things you do in response to God that brings you under a sworn blessing.
-May you hit that realm this month that God will show you something in your house, in your room, in your study, in your prayer, in your meditation that will open up the next phase of your life supernaturally. Thank You Jesus!
Faith is not quoting Scriptures, faith is not preaching the Word of Faith. Faith is putting God’s Word to work. Church Gist. Faith does not answer to experience. No! It answers to putting the Word to work on any subject matter that is of interest to you. Thank You Jesus!
- What is Faith? Faith can be defined as sharing responsibility with God in the Light of Scriptures so as to have our desire delivered. “I’ve done My part? Go for your part. When your part is fulfilled, you have committed My integrity to deliver.” Church Gist. What if they believe not? He abides faithful, He cannot deny Himself. All we need is to mind our part of every deal that God enacts with us. Matthew 6:33. Sharing responsibilities with God in the Light of Scriptures so as to commit Him to deliver our desire. Matthew 6:32. Sharing responsibility with God in the Light of Scriptures.
The Lord said to me 40 years ago in the month of April, He said: “My son, there is a place for you on top if you are interested.” How many have heard me say that before? You know? Encounters are not things you cram, they are inside your genes. I said: “Lord! I’m interested!” He said: “Then, whatever I tell you to do, do it.” We are going to do it together, I have a place for you on top. The place is secured but there are things you must do. Sir, I saw me above all nations of the Earth from that Scripture. Deuteronomy 28:1. Church Gist. I will not be counted in ministry then, we have no identity but I saw Him taking me above all nations of the World and telling me what to do to get there. “Whatever I tell you to do, do it!” “Arise! Get down to Damascus!” Thank You Lord! “Arise! Go down to Lagos.” Thank You! “Now! Get out from here, loose your mind, come to this Forest!” Yes Sir. There is a place for every child of God on top. We are redeemed as a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. We are children of the Most High God, we belong to the most high places but we can’t get there without delightsome response to His instructions. Obedience of faith! So faith is not making God responsible, faith is sharing responsibility with God.
Now, let me shock you and I want to say this to disabuse ignorant people that are on the streets. The day God told me about corporate tithing was the day that God brought this Church under financial fortune forever. This is one of the most relaxed Church institutions on the Earth, no begging, no stress, no strain, yet amazing things happen. No games. No secret contacts. There is no human person on this Earth today that will say: “I’m backing this Ministry.” (Speaking in tongues). Church Gist. I believe and by grace that the Ark is the greatest Kingdom Project on the Earth today in terms of physical facility. Why is it so relaxed? Why are we so refreshed? Because He said what He said on 4th September 1987 and we did what He said and He has kept confirming that He said so. He will never need your ten kobo. No! You and your 10 kobo He gave you. You don’t think that God is playing on anybody’s intelligence. Some business people will never take that. “Una well done.” Your breakthrough is not what determines the breakthrough of this Ministry, our breakthrough is determined by covenant walk. A commitment to a quality covenant walk without looking back. 44 years have come and gone, we are still here.
-You will be there.
No games! No private visit to nobody for any aid in this Work. Today, now you find “Come And See” flier next Sunday. You know? What is it again? Breaking Invisible Barriers Service since 1984. Church Gist. 40 years! We would be doing it forever until He says something else. So, next Sunday there will be another flier. The one coming, there will be another flier. Amen! Because you have a thirst to stop the tears of mankind.

-The good news is: You have entered a new phase of your life. As you allow God’s Word to have preeminence in your life, your dominion will be unchallengeable.
Putting God’s Word to work believing. James 2:18-22. Faith is made perfect by putting God’s Word to Work. Abraham returned with a sworn generational blessing by putting God’s Word to work at a terrific cost. Church Gist. “Your only son whom thou lovest.” God described him to avoid any mistake. So, there are things you do that bring you under a sworn blessing.
-May you locate such things this time.
There are things God said at a terrific cost to you perhaps and you choose to do it believing. It brings you under a sworn blessing. I remember the day God said to me we are planting our first phase of Church planting. I said: “ God! Why is fund not coming in for this?” And He pointed me to something and said: “Give me that Thing.” I said: “Oh! Praise God!” I told my wife, I said: “Praise the Lord!” On my way home, hear what God said: “My son David, even if you don’t want to be rich it’s too late.” Church Gist. And you know the way I do my thing, I will always say whatever God tells me openly and I’m not ashamed. I said: “God told me, I didn’t tell them what I did.” But I obeyed what He commanded and he said to me, “My son, if you don’t want to be rich it’s too late.” So when they say I’m rich, they are saying what God said. Amen! They are not lying, they are saying exactly what God said. “Even if you don’t want to be rich, it’s too late!” There are things you do in response to God that brings you under a sworn blessing.
-May you hit that realm this month that God will show you something in your house, in your room, in your study, in your prayer, in your meditation that will open up the next phase of your life supernaturally. Thank You Jesus!
Faith is not quoting Scriptures, faith is not preaching the Word of Faith. Faith is putting God’s Word to work. Church Gist. Faith does not answer to experience. No! It answers to putting the Word to work on any subject matter that is of interest to you. Thank You Jesus!
- What is Faith? Faith can be defined as sharing responsibility with God in the Light of Scriptures so as to have our desire delivered. “I’ve done My part? Go for your part. When your part is fulfilled, you have committed My integrity to deliver.” Church Gist. What if they believe not? He abides faithful, He cannot deny Himself. All we need is to mind our part of every deal that God enacts with us. Matthew 6:33. Sharing responsibilities with God in the Light of Scriptures so as to commit Him to deliver our desire. Matthew 6:32. Sharing responsibility with God in the Light of Scriptures.
The Lord said to me 40 years ago in the month of April, He said: “My son, there is a place for you on top if you are interested.” How many have heard me say that before? You know? Encounters are not things you cram, they are inside your genes. I said: “Lord! I’m interested!” He said: “Then, whatever I tell you to do, do it.” We are going to do it together, I have a place for you on top. The place is secured but there are things you must do. Sir, I saw me above all nations of the Earth from that Scripture. Deuteronomy 28:1. Church Gist. I will not be counted in ministry then, we have no identity but I saw Him taking me above all nations of the World and telling me what to do to get there. “Whatever I tell you to do, do it!” “Arise! Get down to Damascus!” Thank You Lord! “Arise! Go down to Lagos.” Thank You! “Now! Get out from here, loose your mind, come to this Forest!” Yes Sir. There is a place for every child of God on top. We are redeemed as a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. We are children of the Most High God, we belong to the most high places but we can’t get there without delightsome response to His instructions. Obedience of faith! So faith is not making God responsible, faith is sharing responsibility with God.
I said the other time, whatever faith seeks to make God absolute responsible for the outcome of our lives is an irresponsible faith. “Oh God, you must prosper me.” He says “I won’t. This is what you must do for me to prosper you.” “Oh God, make me whole.” He says “Be fruit bearing, you have committed…” It’s a deal. We serve a Covenant keeping God. Church Gist. As free as salvation is, if you won’t repent, you can’t be saved. You can’t be saved with your father’s salvation, no. So parent, please beware. Beware of packaging salvation. Beware of packaging salvation for your children. You don’t know how to lead them to Christ, tell somebody to lead them to Christ for you and don’t be satisfied until they speak in tongues. Not practicing syllabus, speaking raw tongues. Don’t package it oh! There are so many packaged children today, packaged sons and daughters. “Is your son a believer?” “Oh yes, he’s a believer.” You know inside yourself he’s not. Church Gist. Everything he does shows that he’s not and you can’t confront it. Adonijah announced himself as king and David never corrected him. See what horror it would have been. So, it’s a deal. We are sharing responsibility with God.
Can I say this? It will also help you because this is a very prosperous Church. Your child is misbehaving at home, you send them to another country on his own. Are you hearing what I’m saying? You have created another derelict. What’s happening? You mean school will deal with him, in a lose environment? Even in Covenant, we know what problem we have. Church Gist. Don’t transfer your problem, solve them. Stop transferring your problem, solve them. It doesn’t mean you have money, you just need more sense. I can tell you this because I’m your father. They won’t tell you outside oh, they want your offering. I can tell you this raw truth. Don’t toy with the lives of your children in the name of education, don’t. Do you see how faith is going now? Faith is not sitting down and be quoting Scriptures, “I bind you, you bind me.” Thank you, Jesus.
- I refuse to be an irresponsible believer. I choose to take responsibility as a proof of my faith in my God.
How Powerful Is Faith?
- Faith has capacity to quench all the fiery darts of the devil, whether they come from witches or wizards or occultic powers or the devil himself. Faith has inbuilt capacity to quench all the fiery darts of the devil. Ephesians 6:16. Church Gist. We saw through faith, they quenched the furnace of fire. Hebrews 11:34. Fire had no power on them because they trusted in their God. (Faith) has power to quench all the gang-ups of hell against your life. It was envy and jealousy that made them gang up to cast these 3 boys into the furnace. Faith bailed them out in grand style and the King made a rule, “You speak anything against the God of Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego, you’ll be burnt into ashes, you and your household.” Church Gist. They took over the entire land. Through faith, they subdued kingdoms. So, whatever gang up against your life is immaterial, come forth with the shield of faith and you’ll quench them up.
- Nothing will stop your way forward again! (x3).
- Faith is a virtue that engrafts the redeemed into divinity, thereby empowering him to command the impossible. Romans 11:17-23. Keep your faith alive to remain grafted. So, you become a partaker of the root and the fatness of the olive as a lifestyle. Church Gist. You’re not looking for, you’re just grafted, it’s flowing into you. So, faith is a spiritual engrafter. It engrafts the believer into divinity, so he keeps commanding things after divine order, he begins to operate beyond the natural limits of man, because he’s grafted by faith into God. Faith is a spiritual engrafter that empowers believer to operate with the flow of divine virtues, thereby commanding the impossible. Church Gist. That’s how powerful faith is. So, when faith comes alive, you are grafted into God. So, only what can stop God can stop you.
Only God could have built this place in one year. You should know that. All construction engineers here should know it that only God can build this thing within one year without a premonition, without a preplan that we’re going to build this thing and you gave the order today and we set out tomorrow. Church Gist. ‘Haba’ No material on ground, no material sourcing, no budget. So, when faith comes alive on what God says, you are engrafted to God. Please, have that engraftment mentality. It would push your confidence. “When faith comes alive, I’m engrafted into the Vine and so the root and the fatness of the Vine begins to flow.”

- No more molestation.
- On your life, on your family, no more molestation.
- On your health, no more molestation.
- On your business and career, no more molestation.
- Faith triggers fulfilment of prophecies. Luke 1:45. Amos 3:7. They are from the Word, He brings them out “This is the thing for the hour” and those who believe it have committed God to fulfill it in their lives. Church Gist. Whatever God says, only the hand of God has power to bring it to pass and we invoke His hand by faith. Isaiah 53:1. So, faith brings His hand to bear on a man’s life. Thank you, Jesus.
- Faith is an ever proof producing force. Hebrews 11:1,2. Faith will always culminate in good reports.
- Throughout this year and the years after, good reports only shall be your experience.
Faith is an ever proof producing force. Because God never returns defeated from battle, when faith comes alive, God gets on the line and victory must come along. That shall be your experience!
To keep our faith alive, engage the Altar of Prayer and Fasting for outbreak of light which is the womb that birth faith. Faith comes by hearing and understanding the Word of God. What prayer and fasting does is to clear the blindfold of the wicked off your eyes. Isaiah 58:8. There is a breaking forth of light that comes in fasting. Church Gist. There are many people here who have experienced that. You go out before the Lord on certain issues and light breaks out in response to your enquiries on the way to go.
“Lord, show me the secret of Kingdom prosperity” – 3 days of prayer and fasting. I have read the books before. I didn’t see certain things there and I didn’t think I had gotten it. I know I have not gotten it. Light broke out on the third day and here we are today. Church Gist. “Why is this Church not growing?” 3 days of prayer and fasting, light broke out. Same scripture I’ve been reading before came alive. Faith came along with it and here we are today.
Sir, prayer and fasting provides access to outbreak of light that stirs faith. That’s the purpose, not crying to God to come and help you. “Lord, open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of the law. Church Gist. I settle on this today, Jesus, open my eyes that I may I behold wondrous things out of the law concerning this matter.
- To keep one’s faith growing, one must keep his hope alive. You must keep your hope alive. What faith does is to turn our hope into proofs. Hebrews 11:1. So when hope is lost, faith becomes impotent. Church Gist. Now, faith is the husband of hope. No matter how strong a man, he cannot produce a child without a woman. So no matter how strong your faith, when hope is dead, faith is dead also.
“I think it’s over. I have done my best.” You haven’t done the right thing. You have done your best. You have done all you know. You need to know the right thing to do. I need to know the right thing to do. When hope is dead, faith is dead also. Church Gist. Even if you are a world wrestling champion, you can’t deliver a child without a womb. You have muscles, that’s okay. You don’t have a womb. It’s so vital. Some people’s hope have been buried yet they want their faith to produce. How?
“If this is the way God has planned my life, so let it be” – (una well-done). John 10:10. Just keep doing what He says. Job 14:7, Ecclesiastes 9:4. Your case never becomes hopeless. The faith of a believer never becomes hopeless because he’s joined to the living God. Church Gist. We have been begotten to a living hope. We are not here trying to hope. No! We were begotten to a living hope. 1 Peter 1:3. We are redeemed to operate in a living hope.
We have done most of the things we needed to do on Covenant Day of Business and Career Breakthrough. Without faith, breakthrough is not in view. Hebrews 11:33. Church Gist. Men and women, young and old are here in this house today that God will subdue kingdoms through them but it will come through their faith. Highly developed faith muscles – it will come through their faith. Again, let me say this: without faith, breakthrough is not in view.
We know that we serve a covenant keeping God. Psalm 89:34, Jeremiah 33:20-21…who are the priests? “We have been redeemed to reign as priests and kings to reign on the Earth.” What is He saying? My covenant remains binding for the redeemed as long as the covenant of the day and night remains in place. Church Gist. All we need to do is to line up with what does it takes to command breakthroughs in life, in business and career? His covenant is binding on Him for life. “My covenant will I not break” not your covenant – “my covenant.”
So, a revelation of His covenant terms regarding any subject matter will empower the believer to command exploits. Daniel 11:32. Those who ignore the covenant, those who scorn ‘nonsense, they are just lucky’ – they will end up as mockeries. Church Gist. But those who do know the covenant of their God and keep to the terms thereof, they shall be strong and they shall do exploits. That’s where the key is.
Don’t forget I said, without faith in place, breakthrough is not in view. That’s the capital term of the covenant of breakthrough. Without faith in place, breakthrough is not in place. God’s people will continue to struggle without a revelation of the covenant that secures the change they desired. Church Gist. They will continue to struggle. Isaiah 5:13…“their business is held down, their career is held down because they have no knowledge of what I said they should do.” They have no knowledge of it.
So it is access to the light of His Word that spurs faith and faith delivers the victory, faith delivers the breakthrough, faith delivers the exploits. Isaiah 60:1. Church Gist. Nobody doubts what he can see. When light comes, faith comes alive. Isaiah 60:1-3,8,15,22.
- Let me say this again, prophetically, men like nations will keep rising in this Church!
- A time is coming as the Lord lives where the highest concentration of global giants will be listed here!
- The highest concentration in governance, in commerce, in education, in manufacturing, in inventions; all kinds!
Through faith, they subdued kingdoms, they wrought righteousness, that is, there is no game. I see you listed! That’s why every breakthrough in the Kingdom is traceable to man’s obedience of faith to whatever God commands to do in His Word. Don’t wish for it from somewhere else. “Lord, show me what I need to do.” He said, I’m showing you already. Church Gist. What He showed before, did you do it? So get back on reflections. Deuteronomy 28:2. So eternal breakthrough (is) coming by doing what God commands to do in His Word. You are there already!
For instance, one cannot give Christ the first place in his life and not experience supernatural breakthrough in return as in the case of Peter. “Can I have your boat?” Yes Sir. “Pull a little to the water” Yes Sir. Church Gist. After that long everlasting Gospel that Jesus preached. Peter are you there? Launch out your net into the deep for a draught.” Ah Sir, we don’t fish during the day. Stop that. Launch your net into the deep and after he did that, he got multitudes of fishes. Depart from me for I am a sinful man.
Supernatural breakthrough. Network breaking, boat sinking water breakthrough by giving Jesus His rightful place in spite of his frustration. Toiled all night and caught nothing. Not caught some few, they caught nothing. In the midst of this, Jesus said, Can I have your boat? He should go home and rest and remain a failure but he responded, giving Christ the first place in spite of our circumstances. We all need supernatural breakthrough in our lives. Can I hear your Amen.
For every born again child of God, the good news is breakthrough is your birthright. For we have been redeemed as the salt of the earth. We are to be sought after. People should look for us, our presence should be a blessing. Laban said I know my experience God has blessed me for your sake. They will see God’s hand on you and be looking for you.
We are the light of the world, that means we are redeemed as pace setters, path finders and trail blazers. Understand your root and connect with your faith to realize it. I, Jesus have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright and morning star. Church Gist. My Father has sent me, so send I you.

So there is a star in every believer. There is a star in you. I’ve often said, there is no star without a scar. A scar of every star is sacrifice. Going full length, going full blast into what God says to do without looking back. No star emerges in the field of sports without sacrifice. No star emerges in academics without sacrifices. Jesus never became a star without sacrifices
I lay down my life by myself, no one took it away from me. Church Gist. To go full blast after Jesus sacrificially. will cause the star in you to come alive. Stop waiting for your start to rise, start engaging sacrificially to whatever God says to you. There is a star in you, so I see your business breaking forth into next levels of breakthrough. I see you breaking forth in your career into next levels of breakthrough in the Name of Jesus. So shall it be. Brand new day for you.
I am going to do this again, please, your faith won’t grow on it’s own, you don’t develop your muscles snoring on your bed at 7am. You are up at 5 for your work out. Church Gist. Stop waiting for your faith to grow on it’s own, you may wait for life without saying. I read virtually all that Hagin write. Not once, not twice. As many times as I needed to. Faith does not drop on people’s laps, faith grows by your commitment to seek for light from the word of faith.
So, I am again introducing this to you. If you like, go ahead. The day of exam will show it. There is this little piece, The Law Of Faith. They were photocopying this one in the U.S. in 1987. This book came out in 1985. The journey didn’t start yesterday. Church Gist. Winning Faith came out of one teaching I did in the U.S in one of those great ministries. And then, Understanding The Power Of Faith. Don’t be scared to settle down. If it is not written in the Bible, throw it away. Take your Bible along with you and check it and develop your faith muscles for the triumph that belongs to you. It belongs to you.
When you hear me say, one billion witches can’t stand in my way, I know what I am talking about. If they could, they would have done it. How can you be talking about us and I say it again, what council of witches can stand on my way. Hallelujah. I have in my hand and it is ever growing and fresh, the shield of faith. I acquaint you. I have the authority of heaven to silence you.
We got to a country, one notorious witch. As we landed, he disappeared. How dare you. Do you know him? No. But he knows you. Church Gist. It comes to a point in your life were every devil threatening your life will be scared of you. Am I a book seller? No. I have never drawn a dime from book in my life, 85 till date. When I give you a book, I pay for it. I have not taken a dime from books, they are not my products. The Lord gave a word.
There is a coming up there, I publish here. I am sweating to see you come and awake. Coming awake is first for your benefit. Church Gist. First and foremost and lastly, you are the Alpha and the Omega. The benefit of your coming alive is absolutely yours. God will not be any bigger when you come awake, no smaller when you go to sleep. So, it is you. So, get the book Satan Get Lost, you lose your fear of him. Get the book Born to Win, you see the calculated approach to winning the battles of life. Get Exploits of Faith, the you see a future. Get the Original Power of Faith and then you have your confidence to go through the race of life.
Can I tell you this, no author on out platform gets royalty. My wife has never drawn a dime. All the authors you find coming from that platform. His books have never drawn a dine. Our ministry is not book sales. We are not book sellers. We are light disseminators in the Name of Jesus. The light of this will not elude you. So if you like, keep them and be talking about it. I have this, I have this, I have all of Papa’s books. The one he has not written, I also have it. Give the Lord a big hand of praise.
As you partake of the communion today, the faith nature of Christ will find a way into your life. Doing His will will become a delight of your soul. Church Gist. Taking responsibility in the light of scriptures will become your way of life. Everything that makes the nature of Christ that is not in you and me, by this communion, it will flow through. The head, healing and wholeness virtue in Christ will flow through you today. He said, I am the light of the world and I am unstoppable by the powers of darkness. He said to us, you are the light of the world and so you should be unstoppable. Now, that virtue of light that embodies Christ breaks forth into your life and my life today. You will see God’s hand. There shall be commotion of breakthrough testimonies this week because God’s work never returns to Him void. Thank you Jesus.
