ENJOYING ALL-ROUND VICTORY Part 2 || Pastor David Ibiyeomie at Enjoying All-Round Victory Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 30th June 2024 || Second Service.

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-Pastor David Ibiyeomie on ENJOYING ALL-ROUND VICTORY – PART 2 || Enjoying All-Round Victory Service || Salvation Ministries – Home of Success || 30th June 2024 || Second Service.

-Father, we ask that You speak to us through Your Word. Let Your Word change our lives in Jesus’ mighty name!

ENJOYING ALL-ROUND VICTORY – PART 2. Now in every service, we will be taking three parts. In part one, we will be looking at (the) importance of fasting and prayer. 1 Kings 17:1. He (Elijah) said: “There will be no rain according to my word.” You don’t say such with pounded yam. It takes adequate spiritual preparation to declare such words. He said: “According to my word, there will be no rain and there was no rain.” Church Gist. Elijah, before he declared, was spiritually loaded. 1 Kings 18:41-46. The Man again came back and prayed, then rain fell. Are you hearing me? That before Ahab got to Jezreel, Elijah was at the gate of Jezreel. Supernatural speed in this Kingdom is a function of prayer and fasting. He prayed to a point that he said to the servant: “Look at the cloud!” And the cloud turned. He (The servant) said: “I saw like a little man’s hand!” He said: “Go again, 7 times.” Elijah was prayerful and he said: “The Heavens gave out rain.”

-Your own rain will fall.

You don’t sit in one place and say things will happen like this. No!! It doesn’t happen like that. James 5:17.

-God’s hand will come upon someone right now.

He said: “The hand of God was upon Elijah!” Was upon who? (Elijah). You don’t gain supernatural speed without fasting and prayer. When this Ministry started, for almost two years I was fasting, every day! I got used to it that till now, it’s now I started eating breakfast. I don’t eat breakfast before, not because I don’t want to; but my body was adjusted to not eating breakfast. I fasted every month and I did all night for almost two years. There was no night… So don’t think people gain speed with eating. “Haa! You know? God! That man is so lucky!” We are not lucky oo, luck is not of God. Church Gist. In the Kingdom, there is no luck, we are fortunate we are not lucky. Luck is a game of chance. In case they call you ‘Lucky’ change it. James 5:17. You can’t afford to be lukewarm even if your name is Lukeman. You can’t afford to be what? (Lukewarm) and expect things to just happen in the second half of the year. “I know this second half will be better!” No!!! Nobody wins a race that he didn’t prepare for. “On your marks!” You say it’s on your marks you are going to prepare. They will ‘Cantab’ you – You know in marathon! Sometimes, some people run, dem dey run; they say: “You, go out of the race. The man carrying first has come back to you again, so don’t confuse us.” They push you out. In this Kingdom, nobody gets to the top without adequate spiritual preparation.

Matthew 17:19-21. They came to Jesus: “A young boy was sent to the apostles to cast the devil out of the young boy and they could not cast him out.” Matthew 17:20. In Matthew 10:1, they cast out demons. If you notice, the things you were able to get when you became born again, some of them are not able, you are not able to get them now. Some of the things you used to get, all of a sudden they are not working. You know why? You are supposed to grow muscles. Matthew 17:20. That means, have faith! So there are some challenges in your life for this second half that will never go except you pray and fast. Say I hear! Refuse to be like Esau who sold his birthright because of food. There are people who have never (fasted). I met a man of God, a part-time pastor and he’s also a professional in his field, he’s a consultant in his own field. He came to me, his own father happens to be a pastor. He said: “Pastor, do you know in my life I have never fasted.” I looked at him. I said: “What did you say?” He said I’ve never fasted in my life!” And if you look at him you will know that he’s an embodiment of problem – He has health challenges, he has this challenge. He said: “I’ve not fasted! Pastor, you people are trying oo.” I said: “This is not trying, that’s why you have these problems, you can’t even move well, you…” He said: “Pastor, for the first time I want to fast!” When he saw the problems too much, nobody told him.” He said: “I’ve not fasted oo but I will fast now.” Do you want to wait until that time? Okay! Esau! You know? They have Acquired Immune Deficiency but there’s ‘Esautic Deficiency’ and it’s caused by the god of stomach. Look at this place (Illustrating). Say: “King stomach! I will dethrone you! You won’t destroy me!” Some people: “Me I won’t be able to fast oo, you know? I will eat in the morning if I don’t eat, I will die!” It’s a lie!

-You no go die.

Hebrews 12:16.

-You won’t sell your birthright!

Say: I will get serious with life! So as to have a glorious result!

Many of us are never serious with life. I’ve come to notice that nobody at the top is neutral. Did you hear me at all? No not one! Many are occultic to the core, then Christians will not prepare – No prayer, no fasting; they just say: “I know God is going to help me!” Jesus who fasted, God did not help Him? Matthew 17:21. Listen! There are demons, listen! You better know oo! These people you are seeing, they don’t operate normal oo. Some of them kill human beings to be in power, some of them kill human beings to get contracts. Church Gist. Some of them kill human beings to do anything, then you, you won’t fast, you won’t pray. You say: “I’m going to compete with that man for that contract, I know God is going to help me now!” God will say: “Nonsense! You are going to compete with a man who his name is “ekwensu”, he’s satan’s brother, you are going to compete with him in a contract?” He puts (charms) on his tongue, he puts one on his eyes, he puts one on his ears, he puts one on his waist everywhere he is going (Illustrating). He is satan’s brother! Then you (Laughing) even when you go for the contract they say: “Sign paper.” You are sleeping. They say by 4 o’clock you are coming to sign paper. By 3:30 you’ll start sleeping, then you now wake up 5:00. You say: “Hei! 4 o’clock has passed.” The man was the one who made you to sleep because (you had) no spiritual strength, you did not pray, you did not fast. You say: “I don’t know any time I want to go for something I go dey sleep up and down.” Are you getting me?

In this world of demons, my friend! Fast oo! Even some in Church who you see (that) don’t fast, they are not very clean oo. Those of them in Church: “I no dey fast!” It’s a lie oo. They put one hand for free medicine, put one hand for Church. Nobody in this Kingdom whose hands are totally with God that will not fast. Anyone in Church and say: “I no dey fast,” it’s a lie! What is Christianity? He has two places he is… but to be totally with God, you must fast and pray to subdue those forces. Church Gist. Are you hearing me? Life story! When we got married, we married in Lagos (State) and they said before they would give us our certificate; we first did court wedding before we did the Church wedding. (For) the court wedding, you must bring schnapp in Ikeja whatever, whatever. They said: “You must bring schnapp,” they gave us the list. I said: “Me, give you schnapp?” They said: “If you don’t bring the schnapp, you bring the money.” I fasted and I said: “Now, as I appear, keep him busy and give me my certificate.” I just subdued the man because you must give, there’s no two ways.

When I got there people crowded him as I prayed, they crowded him, I said: “I want my certificate.” They were shouting at him. He said: “You people are worrying me.” You, what did you say you want? I said: “I want my certificate.” He said: “Go!!! These people are troubling me” He dragged my bag, gave me my certificate and said: Go!!! I don’t want your wahala.” I said: “Nonsense! Me give you schnapp!” (Laughing). It’s after I left I’m sure they remembered that: “Ah! This one he didn’t give you schnapp!” (Laughing). But if I went there just normal, you will give schnapp. Most of you compromise because (of) no spiritual strength. Church Gist. You mean with all humility, I’m competing with anybody in politics, the person will beat me? It’s a lie! Let everybody support you, on the day of voting they will sleep. Just imagine me competing with you as Governor or President which I will not do, forget it! Nothing will make me be the President even if you give me one million dollars per day. I won’t be the President, that’s not my area. You know everybody has a flare for something. I will never be a president, so forget it, don’t pray about it. That’s not my? (Area). You, go and contest. I will make you… In fact if a man compete with me, you will not know when you go to vote, you vote me (Laughing). I will pray it to the point, I will say: “Now, the glory of God is upon me that even you, vote me.” So he will go there instead of voting himself, he will vote my own. He will say: “Haa! Na my opponent I vote.” (Laughing).

Now, we are starting prayer and fasting for 7 (days) beginning from tomorrow. Some of you, you will not pray oo, you will not fast. You say: “But I want things to go fine, I know the Governor, I know the President you say: “Whether I pray or not!” Thank you! (Laughing). That’s why they give you form to fill because no spiritual strength. “Fill this form! John Ogboni. Fill it, fill it.” “Ogboni!? Oga! Na ogboni form you dey give me?” “Fill it!” But if you pray and fast, he will never ask you to fill a form. Did Pharaoh tell Joseph to fill a form? No! But yet he was a child of God. Church Gist. They are telling you to fill form because nothing in you. Why didn’t Pharaoh tell Joseph to join him? No sign of Christianity in your life! My friend, calm down! You are going to pray: Lord! I receive the Spirit of Grace and Supplication to fast for these 7 days. How many of you will receive that Grace? Zachariah 12:10. Grace and Supplication is prayer. The Spirit of Grace and Supplication. Rise to your feet! You are going to pray that these 7 days beginning from tomorrow you are going to receive grace to fast for this second half. Are you ready? Lord! Give me strength because by strength shall no man prevail! Lord, I need supernatural what? Strength to be able to fast for 7 days.


In Jesus’ mighty name! Take time to study the Book of Isaiah 58, you will know the process of fasting. Fasting time is not when to talk too much, you learn to talk less. You learn not to shout. Church Gist. Are you getting what I’m saying now? Control yourself. That’s not the time to make ‘gbagbagba’!!! Calm down! Don’t be talking, that’s not the time to feast about, that’s the time to calm down. Just read the procedure of what fasting is. But many people don’t know what fasting is.

Part two, the prayer of vengeance. 1 John 5:19. We live in a wicked world. There are people who even as you woke up this morning they don’t like your face. Psalm 24:20. There are people just that you are born again, they are angry. They are even your relations oo. Church Gist. One day, somebody said: “My hands are clean.” I said: “The cleaner your hands, permit me, the more the haters.” He said: “I didn’t do anybody anything.” I said: “What did Abel do to Cain?” You don’t have to do bad things to people to hate you. That you are born again is enough for them to get infuriated. But hear this: In as much as the world likes to do wickedness, he said God is angry with the wicked every day. Psalm 7:11.

-Today, God’s anger will rest on the wicked.

Exodus 22:18. That is how much God hates the wicked. Are you holier than God? Who wants a witch to live? 2 Thessalonians 1:6. That is, he will give multiplied troubles to those who trouble you. Say: From today! So it is unrighteous for you not to trouble your troubler, so the more we trouble our troublers the more holier we become. Church Gist. Are you getting what I’m saying? Now hear this now and hear me well. He said: I will bless them that blessed you and curse him that curseth thee. Genesis 12:3. Talking about Abraham! He said anyone that curses me God will do what? Curse. Is that in your Bible? Galatians 3:29. So whatever God says to Abraham, He says to who? To me. Say with me: Whoever curses me is already cursed. Anyone in any place pouring drinks on my behalf to curse me is cursed.

-Every force tormenting your life, tormenting your children, career, business, health and family. Church Gist. God’s anger will come upon them today in the name of Jesus!

Psalm 7:9-10, Psalm 7:11b-13. God is angry with the wicked everyday! Lift your right hands with holy anger and say: Let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end. Church Gist. Let the wickedness of the wicked against my life, come to an end. When? Now. Psalm 7:12-13. Get up! “Lord! Every wickedness against me must end today and any arrow they want to shoot against me they die by it.”


Jeremiah 20:10-12. Oh! Lord! As long as You live, let vengeance strike in the camp of my enemies. Let those who want to persecute me go down. Let instruments of death become their portion. Look my friend, you are not negotiating, you are not praying like a gentleman. You get angry before you pray such prayers. Somebody came on social media and talked I didn’t follow him I said: “Now! This is the end of all the things backing you!” And that was the end of the person. I said: “Those forces backing you that made you to be arrogant, I command them to crash!” And from that time, one calamity to another. Are you getting what I’m talking about? There are things I no longer come open to shout. I just say: “You make nonsense, I deal with your nonsense.” Are you getting me? It’s not how you make noise, we know where your power lies. Look! If you pray this kind of prayer: “Father!!” My friend, Father is not your problem. God is not your problem. Don’t call Father here!” Say in the name of Jesus, every persecutor goes down. Every wickedness against my life: ‘Go down’! Let the instrument of death fall on those who want to kill me. Go ahead in the name of Jesus!


In Jesus’ mighty name! You may be seated! The Holy Ghost has the ministry of fire. He is the Spirit of Judgment and Vengeance. Many don’t know that the Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of Judgment. John 16:7-11. Many know that He reproves the world of sin but don’t know He also judges. John 16:11. Church Gist. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of what? Judgment. Say I hear! He comes as fire – Two-fold fire. Listen! He is the refiner’s fire. Malachi 3:3-5. He refines the destinies of the saints that means He will remove the debris the things that affect you as a saint but He is also a consuming fire. Listen carefully, the Holy Ghost is a refiner’s fire for the saints, He is also a consuming fire. Say, I hear. Hebrews 12:29. That means He comes as fire.

-Today, every wickedness will be consumed.

Zachariah 2:5. Holy Spirit is the wall of fire around us. He said: “You are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.” He seals you.

-No evil shall touch us!

How to invoke the Holy Ghost fire?
You are going to pray with holy anger like Elijah. Elijah did not call fire down laughing oo. Church Gist. He said: “We are men like Elijah.” James 5:17. Elijah prayed for fire to fall. 2 Kings 1:9-12.

Lift your right hand towards Heaven and say: If I be truly a son of God today the same fire of the Holy Spirit! God, You are a consuming fire. Church Gist. Let that fire fall! Consume everyone that is asking me: “Where is my God!”


Thank You, Lord! In Jesus’ mighty name. Acts 13:8-12. Listen! You will be specific about what you want. He didn’t say: “Thou shall just punish him.” He said: “Thou shall be blind.” He was very specific. I’m sure why Paul said ‘blind’ is because he was blind for three days. Church Gist. So he knows what it takes when somebody does not see. He knows it that, that is the worst thing. He said: “Thou shall be blind not seeing the Sun for a season.” A season can be a lifetime – A time to be born and a time to die. That’s a season! You will be blind forever. That’s the end!

Now, life story! A man (in) 1997. I burnt some occultic books of a man. This man appeared like a hawk in the Spirit to attack me. An occultic man, a known wealthy man. And I stood up at midnight and I said: “Now! In the name of Jesus! Be struck with stroke, be paralyzed now and die with the paralysis. The following week, his two legs he could not move. Church Gist. He died stooling on the bed and struggling till he passed on. You don’t pray this kind of prayer: “Oh! God!” You mention the punishment. Acts 13:12. So vengeance is a good doctrine of God. For those of you who are very religious please be real for the first time. Refuse to be religious! So vengeance is a good doctrine of God. The man said: “Yea, this is good.” There are things that will make sinners believe God.

Now even if the person is a demon from Omoku, he will say: “God is real.” For Don Waney, Don Waney who could… When a governor went there, Don Waney came and they said: “General Don Waney.” That is, before a governor they were calling him, ‘General’. He came out of the car, the said: “General Don Waney!” By the time they saw him dead, they believed the Gospel! Osisikankwu was a terror that even uniformed men were afraid of him. When they saw him dead, people believed God. There are some things that will happen that people will believe that you serve the true God. Look if you pray nonsense prayer, don’t come to this Church oo. You will be specific! How can you be in one spot? One wizard who is your uncle will be sitting on you. Ogboni man will be sitting on your destiny. “In 7 days, with your ogboni, I ‘deogboni’ you! I give you 7 days since you want my children dead! Your own children, they will die one after the other. You can’t be donating my children to ogboni, now I donate you. You, I donate you! In 3 days be donated!” He said: “Now! Darkness comes upon you, be blind!” He said: “Immediately, he became blind!” If you are not angry, leave this Church. Vengeance is a good doctrine of the Lord! Are you going to pray? Decree! Go ahead in the name of Jesus!


Psalm 89:21. Say with me: No wicked person will trouble me anymore. Psalm 89:23. Anyone that says: “I hate you will be plagued now!” Whoever says he hates me, hates you will be plagued now in the name of Jesus. Psalm 89:24. Church Gist. Everyone that hates me, God plagues them now! Whoever that has vowed to trouble me today, destroy them!


Psalm 94:1. He can’t show Himself if you don’t call on Him. You call on the God of vengeance to show up in your favour. Church Gist. Show Yourself in my favour now! Go ahead in the name of Jesus!


Say with me: Thank You Father, for giving me vengeance in the name of Jesus!

Part three! The anointing session!
Ephesians 1:13. May the Holy Spirit of God put a seal over everyone. Say Amen to that. Psalm 105:14-15. From this day, there shall be no evil that shall befall any of us! Everyone online, physically connected to the reach of my voice, evil will be far from us. Church Gist. Ezekiel 9:6. Now, anyone who has the mark of the oil of the Holy Spirit upon you, evil will never come near us, accidents will never come near us, armed robbers, assassins, witches and wizards will never come near us in the precious name of Jesus!

By the leading of the Holy Ghost while preparing for this Message I’m going to go prophetic, please follow up with me. Isaiah 45:1-3.
-By the anointing today, nations would be subdued before Salvation Ministries and before you and I.
-Every door that was shut, as the anointing comes down, they will be opened in the name of Jesus. Every crooked ground shall be made straight in the name of Jesus.
-Anything that has held any of us in, shall be broken this hour! The Holy Ghost Himself that brought Jesus out of the grave will bring you out of that pit in the name of Jesus!
-Whatever has caged you in, that you can’t break through in business, you can’t break through in career. Today! Those doors and chains are broken!
-Whatever good thing that has eluded you from January to June, today, shall be released now! Every good thing that did not come to you since you were born shall be released now!
-Every blessing that the enemy held down is loosed now in the name of Jesus!

Take a little on your finger and say: By the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus! As the anointing comes upon me, every word declared must be fulfilled in my favour. It shall be to me oil of protection, vengeance against my enemies, deliverance for me, healing for my body in the name of Jesus! And all that belongs to me in redemption must be released to me right now in the name of Jesus!


Matthew 3:11-12.

-Now, the same anointing sweeps your system! Whatever tree God has not planted – Cancer, diabetes, name them. Anything God did not plant on your inside shall be burnt off now! He will gather your strength back! Everyone shall be made perfectly whole. Sound health! Not any of us will remain with sickle cell. Nobody will remain with high blood pressure, nobody will remain with any sickness, your brain shall be sound, your body shall be sound. Now if you believe in the efficacy of the power of the Holy Ghost, then take a shot and live in sound health! Go ahead and speak over your life!









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